The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player Chapter 249

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Episode 249

249. Third mission

The undead who were walking like zombies were stabbed to death in vain.

Each time, the followers of the Four Gods Church had to be surprised by the message that they had passed.

Ryumin, who had already expected it, didn’t look that surprised.

‘As expected, if you kill an undead that was actually human, it is recognized as murder.’

Even though he killed the summoned beast, the system judged it as murder.

It was like that the other day when I killed the undead angels.

‘At that time, I was surprised to receive another reward.’

Like Ryumin back then, the Shinshinism believers also looked surprised.

He probably didn’t know that he would catch the undead and enter the passerby.

‘I didn’t know either. ‘I never thought it would be real.’

I just believed that since it applied to angels, it would work this time too.

So, this is the strategy I came up with.

‘Originally, we had planned to let each other die without even having a plan, but… … .’

I came up with this method because there is a card called Necromancer.

Wouldn’t it be better to kill the undead than to kill people?

Phew- Phew!



Hundreds of summons created by John Delgado disappeared in the attack of the Shinigami Church.

Ryumin was looking at this with satisfaction, but he didn’t know.

I had no idea that Christine was looking at me with strange eyes from behind.

‘Why are John Delgado’s summons dying?’

When Christine first saw the approaching group of summons, she was prepared for battle.

Because he thought John Delgado had come to kill him again.

However, the undead seemed to have no intention of attacking.

Even he, who had no fighting ability, was stabbed to death with a sword.

So I was even more surprised.

‘Why? Why do you come and die? It must have come because John Delgado ordered them to attack the Four Gods?’

Christine wasn’t the only one who had questions.

‘What are you doing, you idiot!’

It was none other than Berber.

‘You’re snaring precious summons, aren’t you?’

He couldn’t understand John Delgado’s actions.

They are also angry that the members of the Church of Despair have been completely wiped out, and the cult leader is raising the corpses and plowing them around senselessly.

‘Damn it, I can’t just sit still when this happens.’

Berber moved secretly.

‘I will use this opportunity to kill the cult leader and become the leader of the Church of Despair.’

Even though you may lose all your believers and have to start over, it’s okay.

Shindo, wouldn’t it be okay to collect it step by step?

Berber stealthily approached John, aiming for him, and raised his axe.


But before I could hit it, something fell.


It was his own arms holding the axe.

When I was so shocked that I forgot to scream, I saw an undead winged spirit holding a curved sword.

It was Sariel, a summoned beast that John Delgado was proud of as the strongest.


I didn’t know if he was surprised to see the archangel or if he screamed because of the pain, but it was good.

The most important thing for John Delgado was to punish traitors.

“Did you think I didn’t know that you were aiming for the position of leader?”

“Yes, you… … !”

John Delgado, who openly laughed, gave a stern command.

“Kill it. Sariel.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a curved sword passed through Berber’s throat.


John Delgado, who looked indifferently at the fallen face, once again felt grateful to his owner.

If it weren’t for the words of the black scythe, it would have been him, not Berber, who lost his head.

Ryumin, who watched from afar that John was safe, smiled slightly.

‘With this, the Church of Despair has been annihilated. I also blocked the variable.’

The remaining variable is the Archangel’s attack, but we don’t know when it will come, so we shouldn’t relax yet.


The last remaining summoner fell with the sound of a sword being struck.

After all the undead were destroyed, Ryumin asked the followers of the Four Gods Religion.

“Is there anyone among these who didn’t pass?”

The believers all shook their heads.

All 400 members of the Four Gods Church were included in the list of survivors.


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“You were lucky. “I never thought it would count even if I kill an undead.”

I even pretended like I didn’t know anything, so people wouldn’t know.

I had no idea that all of this was Ryu Min’s plan.

Just as the situation was slowly settling down, I heard someone shouting.

“Let’s stop fighting now! “We’re full!”

People’s eyes all turned to the progress window.

[Current number of survivors: 1,152]

[Current number of passers: 1,152/1,152]

Survivors and passers-by coincide.

This means that further killings are meaningless.

The people who already had no intention of killing more than two people put away their weapons and retreated.

‘Now there’s only one thing left.’

All you have to do is hold on until the time limit runs out.

I couldn’t be at ease because I didn’t know if someone would suddenly attack me and threaten to kill me again.

Amid the tense silence, Christine still couldn’t shake her doubts.

‘What happened? I had no intention of attacking John Delgado’s summons. As if he was telling them to kill themselves and survive.’

Black Scythe said to watch the situation, and luckily, the summons came rolling in.

Those summoned beasts showed no intention of attacking.

Is this really a coincidence?

Christine shook her head as if to erase any doubts.

‘no. Probably not. It makes no sense that Black Scythe planned it. It would be more plausible to say that he predicted the future.’

Just when I erased the useless thoughts from my head, the time limit was up.

[Time limit has expired.]

[You have succeeded in the second mission.]

[Survivors are 1,152, deaths are 1,151.]

[congratulations! The third mission will begin shortly.]

Ryumin, who saw the message, looked for Christine first.

“You know, right? “Your role is important in this third one.”

“yes… … i know.”

Christine nodded, but Ryumin did not miss the worry that arose in a split second.

“do not worry. I will protect you. Just worry about not losing your skills. “A thousand lives depend on your skills.”

“Ah, okay. Black Scythe. “I won’t disappoint you.”

Only then did Christine show a determined look in her eyes.

The members of the Four Gods Church who heard the mission in advance also swallowed their saliva and changed their minds.

Because I heard so hard that the third mission was a dangerous and difficult mission.

Of course, people who were not members of the Shinigami Church were waiting for the message without much worry.

It was then.

“huh? “What is that?”

Numerous green lines suddenly appeared at the bottom of the cavity.

Short dotted lines about shoulder width are stretched horizontally.

At a time when people were wondering, the message they had been waiting for came to mind.

[Before revealing the third mission, please move to the green indicator line on the floor.]

[There are 1,152 marking lines, equal to the number of survivors.]

“Marking line?”

“I think you’re telling me to move there?”

People followed instructions without saying a word.

“Can we just stand here one at a time?”

“uh? “When I stepped on the line, it turned red.”

“It feels like some sort of parking guidance light.”

When a person stands on the marking line, it turns red.

The countless green lines on the floor are gradually turning red.

Some people even ran around trying to find a place to sit.

As I stood like that, people realized.

That they are standing horizontally.

When the last person stepped through the line, a message appeared as if it had been waiting.

[Let’s start the third mission.]

<Third mission>

└Holding the pain.

└If you do not die within the 30 minute time limit, you will pass.

[Every 2 seconds, a projectile that deals a certain amount of damage is fired from the front.]

[Projectiles are set to fly once per player.]

[The damage of the projectile gradually increases over time.]

[If successful, you can receive round rewards.]

[Current number of survivors: 1,152]

[Time remaining until round end: 00:29:59]

“what’s this? Withstand the pain?”

“To endure the pain for 30 minutes?”

I was confused for a moment.

Projectiles flew in from the front as if not giving time for questions.

Too Papa Papa Papa Papa!

It was fired like a bullet and hit people’s hearts.

Exactly, without leaving a single person out.

“Tsk, ba, what did you just do?”

“Black bullet?”


I looked to see where it was coming from and saw that it was being fired at regular intervals from the other side of the cavity.

As if firing a barrage of bullets every two seconds.


“Ugh, I have to keep taking this for 30 minutes?”

“It doesn’t hurt that much, but it feels dirty.”

A bullet flies every two seconds and hits the chest.

It felt like I was being lined up and shot to death.

I felt bad, but it wasn’t so bad that I couldn’t bear it.

A slight stinging level, like being hit by a BB?

Tanks with high defense didn’t feel anything at all.

“It’s no big deal.”

“I think this is worth it.”

“Don’t worry. And then I was hooked.”

“that’s right. Didn’t you hear the explanation? “As time passes, the damage increases.”

“Hey, if there’s this much damage from the beginning, there’s no need to worry, right?”

“I’m a tank anyway, so don’t worry.”

People who are worried, people who are relieved, people who are conceited, etc.

There were various reactions, but there was one thing they all had in common:

Withstanding pain is harder than you think.

‘Words are to endure pain, in other words, to endure torture.’

Right now, many people are confident because the damage is low, but their expressions will change in 10 minutes.

‘I probably won’t even be able to make a sound. After 20 minutes, you’ll be screaming for help.’

Imagine the pain of being stabbed every two seconds.

I can’t last more than 5 minutes.

‘Even after just 5 minutes, it’s like being stabbed 150 times. That’s why it’s almost completely destroyed in about 25 minutes.’

Of course, this only applies to people with ordinary armor.

If you’re a tank, you might be able to endure a little longer, but even so, it’s still difficult for up to 30 minutes.

‘Before that, there will be a lot of people leaving their seats because they are sick.’

It’s quiet now, but just stay for 10 minutes.

There will be people who hide behind other people’s backs.

Then, the person in front of you should get hit by one shot, but you have to get hit by two shots.

It’s like unintentionally becoming a human shield.

‘If that happens, trouble will naturally arise between the two, and they will end up fighting to kill each other while bullets rain down on them. In the meantime, there will be more and more people hiding because they want to survive.’

It truly becomes a crucible of chaos.

Just 10 minutes.

‘It’s not called the extreme 15 rounds for nothing. There’s a reason why less than 50 people survived.’

Heo Tae-seok, Russell, Cho Yong-ho. None of them lasted more than 15 rounds.

It was the same with Christine.

‘In the past, I accidentally saved him from John Delgado in the 11th round, but unfortunately he died while helping others here. If you use wide area dot heal, the caster will be defenseless.’

At this time, as soon as Christine, who was healing him, died, hundreds of people died without being able to endure.

It was as if a dam had collapsed.

Since then, the number of victims has increased as people use their colleagues as shields to survive.

Only Ma Gyeong-rok, Ahn Sang-cheol, other tanks, and the Grand Mage, who had defensive skills, held out.

‘I think it’s impossible to wake up without healing.’

That’s why Christine is important in this mission.

‘This time, the results will be different from last time. ‘Because I plan to save Christine somehow.’

Has it been about 5 minutes now?

When the damage was felt to be bothersome, people began using first aid on their own.

“Do you feel better after using first aid?”

“Let’s all endure together!”

“But can this be avoided?”

“I tried, but it’s so fast I can’t avoid it.”

It’s impossible to avoid because it’s faster than a bullet.

If you use someone else as a shield, you can stop it.


As 8 minutes passed, the damage became stronger once again.

People’s expressions become noticeably distorted.

Not even 10 minutes had passed, but I started to feel like I was having a hard time holding on.

At that time, Christine’s extensive heel began.


A green bud-like light wraps the entire body warmly.

[Sanctuary] was a large-scale wide-area dot heal skill that healed all players in a 500m radius.

“This, this… … .”

“The pain has gone away.”

“It’s a priest’s skill!”

Because the radius was wide, all 1,152 players were within Hill’s range.

The fact that Christine was intentionally placed in the center also played a role.

“Everyone, please stay still and don’t leave your seat! “I will heal you!”

Because it was a dot heel, it recovered every second.

The pain disappears as if washed away.

The amount of healing was natural, but it was incomparably higher than that of emergency treatment.

People became calm, but Christine, the caster, did not look good.

Because he was not included in the scope of the heal.

“Ugh, it hurts… … .”

“Don’t worry.”

A warm light enveloped Christine’s wounds.

“I will protect you.”

Ryu Min’s hand, who was next to her, touched Christine’s back.

The heal received as a temporary skill healed the wound quickly.

The pain was gone, but Christine had no time to worry about anything else.

‘Uh, what should I do… … .’

My heart was pounding so hard that it almost exploded.

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