The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player Chapter 243

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Episode 243

243. Variable

Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

As Ryu Min leaves the arrival hall, he sees a woman of unrivaled beauty.

It was Christine.

She waved her hand enthusiastically and welcomed me with a bright smile.

“Ryu Min. Welcome to our country. “Did you encounter any inconveniences while coming?”

“I arrived comfortably in first class.”

“Well, you became a billionaire by selling stocks… … . Oh, don’t get me wrong. “I’m definitely not being sarcastic.”

As a fiancé, I know very well that Ma Gyeong-rok’s company went bankrupt.

In the process, Ryu Min sold all of his stocks, but that didn’t mean Christine had a bad view of the prophet.

This was not a normal fiancé, but a fiancé who tried to kill her.

“Shall we go before the mood gets gloomy? I found a good restaurant. How about foie gras?”

“Goose liver is a bit… … .”

“Haha, just kidding!”

* * *

After finishing a meal at a nearby steakhouse, Christine headed to a c*cktail bar.

“How about here? “The seats are spacious and comfortable, right?”

“yes. “It’s a little noisy, but it’s actually nice to talk to.”

There were a lot of people and the music was loud.

My voice was almost buried, but maybe that was why I liked talking about secrets.

However, it was uncomfortable to have to put my face close to talk.

“Would you like a c*cktail? Or beer?”

“Let’s have a c*cktail.”

After choosing the menu and ordering, the bartender brings drinks.

“Do you drink often?”

“no. I hung up. But that doesn’t mean I won’t drink it.”

“You sound like someone who has had quite a bit of alcohol?”

‘Try regressing 99 times. Stay sane.’

It was quite mentally difficult when people died and I even lost my brother, my only family member.

Although I was addicted to alcohol, I was able to overcome my addiction every time I returned.

I’ve completely quit now.

“I didn’t know I would be drinking like this with the Prophet.”

“I didn’t know either.”

“I guess we can’t see this as the future?”

“It’s not that you can’t see it, it’s that you can’t see it. “The way I see the future is so arbitrary.”

“Well, then maybe… … .”

‘huh? ‘Are you drunk already?’

Christine, who had been hesitant with a blushing face, gathered courage.

“Well, haven’t you seen what the relationship between Black Scythe and I is like?”


“Well, so… … Something like the two becoming closer in the future… … .”

‘This was the purpose.’

I wondered why they brought it to a c*cktail bar when they could have had a conversation in a quiet synagogue… … .

‘I wanted to ask this question. ‘Because it’s hard to ask in your right mind.’

He may have gained courage by borrowing the power of alcohol, but there is no answer for Ryu Min.

Because I really don’t know what the future holds.

“I don’t know that either. “I don’t see that far into the future.”

“Before the 7th round, you saw a future where Black Scythe would save me. It was the future of 11 rounds… … .”

“You can even see the future four months from now. But like I said, what I see is so arbitrary.”

“So you didn’t see what happened to us?”

“yes. Even if I saw it, I can’t tell you. “The moment you speak, the future may change.”

Christine looked disappointed and sipped her c*cktail.

‘What did you expect?’

Ryumin inwardly clicked his tongue at that sight, but could not show his dissatisfaction.

Because she has to play an important role in this round.

“By the way, I will tell you about the 15th round.”

“yes… … .”

Ryu Min emphasized this while explaining the 15-round quest and strategy.

There is no round as important as this round.

“There will be numerous deaths. “This round is as difficult to survive as a camel going through the eye of a needle.”

“Then what should we do?”

“Take this first.”

Ryumin took out a bottle of potion from his inventory.

[Best invisibility potion]

– Category: Consumables

-Grade: Unique

-Effect: Invisibility for 30 minutes


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-Restrictions on use: Expert level or higher

-Description: Can hide itself. However, it is automatically released when you attack or are attacked.

Christine muttered while reading the information.

“Invisibility potion?”

“Use it as soon as the first mission begins. Then you will be able to attack it easily without getting hurt.”

“You gave me this… … thank you.”

“The second is just like I said before. However, in the third mission, Christine, your role is important. “You need to use a wide range of heals to prevent as many deaths as possible.”

“Can that alone save people?”

“That’s enough. “Can you keep it up for 30 minutes?”

“If you just focus your mind, you can maintain a wide range of heals. the problem is… … “The problem is that wide-area healing doesn’t work for me.”

Christine looked worried.

“What should I do? If it’s that much pain, I think I won’t be able to endure it and die before I can save people… … .”

“Don’t worry about that part. The black scythe will protect you.”

“Black Scythe?”

His eyes, which had been gloomy just a moment ago, sparkled like a child’s.

“You’re protecting me?”

“yes. I already told you about the strategy and that you must protect Christine. So I will definitely protect it.”

“Ah, you mentioned it.”

It bothered me that she wasn’t protecting it voluntarily, but Christine’s face was still bright.

Anyway, it felt good to get help from the Black Scythe.

“Drink as much as you want! “I’ll buy the alcohol.”

* * *

Players who destroy walls with their bare hands are ultimately humans, too.

It means that if you drink alcohol heavily, you will get as drunk as you want.

Christine here did that.

“Why did you drink so much… … .”

Ryumin muttered while carrying Christine on his back.

c*cktails are definitely alcoholic.

If you pour it on because it’s delicious, you’re bound to be hooked.

“I should have started looking into drinking high-alcohol c*cktails… … ha.”

He sighed openly, but Christine, who was on his back, was sleeping without the world knowing.

‘First, I have to take you to the synagogue. It’s okay to wake him up.’

It takes about 20 minutes to walk to the synagogue.

Since it wasn’t far away, he seemed to drink it with peace of mind.

But I guess I was too relieved.

“Hwiik- hey, Chinese.”

Making these scoundrels follow suit.

“Stop when you say something nice?”

Ryumin stopped walking.

Three men leisurely walk behind me.

These are the white gangsters who followed me all the way from the bar.

‘We can’t make idiots like that follow us to the synagogue.’

This was the reason why Ryumin obediently stopped.

They thought they stopped because they were scared.

“Does the kid understand some English?”

“But you’re Chinese, right? Are you Japanese?”

“What does it matter? All I need is a woman anyway.”

“Hey, Asian monkey. Are you good at it? “Where do you find a woman like that?”

“It looks like they’re looking for a motel at night. Would you like us to help you?”

The grinning thugs didn’t even think about surrounding Ryu Min.

Just take the gun out of your pocket.

“If you don’t want your lungs to get punctured, put down the woman on your back and quietly disappear.”

“Don’t worry, we will take care of the girl and take her home safely.”

When I saw him pointing a gun, he was an ordinary person.

‘Well, if you were a player, you wouldn’t have carried a gun or anything like that.’

Even though he heard the threats, Ryu Min had no intention of giving up.

I just turn my head towards the back and read Christine’s thoughts.

‘Seeing as I can’t read your thoughts, I’m completely asleep.’

thank god.

It would be difficult if Christine found out what was going to happen next.

“Why isn’t this bastard answering?”

“I thought you understood English because you told me to stop, but I guess you didn’t?”

“Hey, wait a minute. Does that guy look a little young? “Aren’t you a player?”

“What if it’s a player? “What kind of steel are their bodies made of?”

“No one can beat a gun anyway.”

As men, we had no choice but to be confident.

There were as many as three people pointing guns at me, and I was in a situation where I couldn’t do anything because of the woman on my back.

Of course, it was a mistake made by ordinary people who had never met the player.

“Consider yourself lucky.”


“You’re lucky to die without pain.”

“What kind of thing… … .”

As soon as Ryumin finished speaking, the three heads fell to the floor.


A dagger of darkness flew at almost the same time and cut off the heads of the gangsters.

I was afraid that Christine would wake up when the gunshot sounded, so I deliberately aimed for her neck.

Fur flutter- Flutter flutter- Flutter flutter-

Even before the blood flowing from the collapsed body could form a puddle, the murder scene was erased by erasing traces.

‘Luckily I didn’t wake up.’

Ryumin soon confirmed that Christine’s thoughts could not be read and walked away with relief.

The scent of blood wafting from the quiet night street tickled the tip of Christine’s nose.

* * *

Ryumin, who laid Christine down in the chapel, made a phone call as he left the synagogue.

“Recruit Despair Church members immediately. “I’m going to find out if there are any variables.”

-But what do you say when you recruit them?

“What can I say… … .”

Ryumin even informed John in detail about what he should say in front of the congregation.

-I will do as instructed.

Afterwards, Ryu Min spread his wings and took flight and headed to Florida, the location of the secret meeting of the Church of Despair.

A distance of over 1,500 km.

‘It would be faster to run than to fly.’

I folded my wings and stepped into the air.

Using the boots of Thanatos, which can walk in the dark, I ran as if it were on the ground.


As it ran at full speed, a sonic boom erupted as if a fighter jet was passing by.

It couldn’t have been a nuisance in the middle of the night, but instead, we arrived in Florida in less than 30 minutes.

‘The believers are gathering at the moment.’

Ryumin, who saw people entering the warehouse, came down to the alley and put on the Hermes feather hat.


His appearance and pretense of popularity had completely disappeared.

Thanks to the stealth rune, it doesn’t even get detected by presence, so it’s perfect for surveillance.

As I enter the open warehouse door, I see the members of the Church of Despair gathered together.

‘I see that there are 22 people, including John Delgado.’

As previously instructed, John was giving his views to the congregation.

“The Four Gods have come to other countries and are stealing players. This is a clear violation of authority. From today, we define the Four Gods as our enemy and decide to target their spiritual entity, the Black Scythe. However, since there is no operation yet, please do not make any threats until the 15th round is over.”

“Wait a minute, cult leader.”

Cardinal Berber immediately objected.

“There is no operation? “Didn’t I say at the executive meeting that we wanted to kidnap the saint?”

“The operation has been decided to be put on hold. “It’s too dangerous.”

“You mean it’s dangerous? “Isn’t there a better way to suppress the Black Scythe?”

“The Black Scythe is not an idiot. Don’t you know that? There are probably hundreds of guards surrounding the saint. “It’s not enough for the 22 of us to deal with them.”

“Then what do you want to do?”

“It would be more realistic to wait until the 15th round is over and then aim. By then, half of the capital of the Church of the Four Gods will have been cut in half.”

“No, our numbers will be reduced by that much, so what… … .”

“Have you forgotten who has the final decision? “It’s already been decided, so don’t argue.”

“… … .”

While John Delgado was giving a speech, Ryumin peered into the hearts of the believers one by one.

‘Most of them are loyal to John. To the point where if you tell him to die, he will die. but… … .’

At least one person harbored antipathy towards the religious leader.

It is none other than Berber.

-f*ck you bastard. Do you think that Ji has become the real leader of a religious cult after trying to please him? The Church of Despair may be ruined because of that bastard. I should rather kill that bastard and become the next leader. That is the shortcut to saving the Church of Despair.

Ryumin, who had become invisible, raised the corner of his mouth as he looked at Berber, who had the heart to betray.

‘Found it, variable.’

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