Talent-Swallowing Magician Chapter 37

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Episode 37


“What kind of bullshit is this?”

Tasha screamed, throwing this morning’s newspaper on the table.

A front page article said that the excavation rights were suddenly transferred to the Academy overnight.

For her, who had been waiting for the excavation to begin, this news came as a shock.

If things continue like this, the dragon’s death certificate will fall into the hands of blind people.

“I just heard the news… .”

“How on earth do you work?”

From beginning to end, Hanabi had to bow her head.

Unlike Sean and Carol, who were close as friends, Tasha and Hanabi had a clear master-slave relationship. Because that was the family tradition of the Neresta family.

In that respect, Tasha was a very difficult boss.

If you make a mistake, you are rewarded, and if you make a mistake, you are punished. Punishment for personal injury is certain, and there is no end to ending a relationship.

The problem was that she was already a natural genius and had a shrewd personality, so she was never noticed.

This was the reason why her servants changed several times a year.

“No shame.”

“What if there isn’t one? Is that the end? “Don’t you need to bring a reason and a solution!”

“Measures are currently being considered by all parties. And we’re currently trying to figure out the reason, but there’s something a little strange.”

“What’s strange?”

Hanabi hesitated to answer for a moment.

It was because I wasn’t sure if I could say this.

But that attitude only fueled Tasha’s anger.

“What are you asking?”

In the end, Hanabi closed her eyes tightly and shouted.

“Ah, there are traces that Sean may have passed over the excavation rights on purpose… !”


Hanabi’s closed eyelids were filled with strength.

She was regretting it in her heart.

‘Even if you get scolded, just don’t tell me!’

When she first heard such a report, Hanabi yelled at her subordinate not to be crazy.

Are you just handing over the excavation rights for no reason?

It was something that didn’t work.

It boasts the largest scale among the dragon’s nests that have ever been excavated, and even the grave goods that have been roughly revealed remain intact, raising expectations in academia that it may have astronomical value.

In addition, after Professor Verlux made such a bold statement, the excavation ended in failure, and its value increased several times.

Giving up on a place like that was impossible without going crazy.

There may have been a possibility that Sean had a backroom deal with his advisor, Professor Verux, but that would have completely ruled him out of becoming the next head of the family, so he would never have done it if he had any intention of doing so.

So Hanabi thought Tasha would be angry again this time.

Perhaps not only himself, but also the retinue that had only just begun to take shape would be disbanded again.



Instead of getting angry, I heard a refreshing snort.

Hanabi cautiously opened one eye, wondering if this was the young lady’s new way of getting angry, and then ended up surprised.

This was because Tasha was smiling as if she had never been angry.

“Look at these. “It’s very desirable, isn’t it?”

Was he reading something he didn’t know?

Tasha was still deep in thought and then asked her.

“My father? “Aren’t you the kind of person who would just leave something like this alone?”

“house owner… Since you are not showing any particular reaction… .”

“It means that it has already been talked about. Anyway, how good would it be if you told me about this too? “Do you discriminate against me because I’m your daughter?”


Hanabi smiled bitterly.

‘If something like that happens, lightning will strike me right away.’

The Neresta family is conservative and class-oriented, but on the other hand, it is also a meritocratic family.

Isn’t this proof of fact that he, a former slave, was recognized for his talent and was able to rise to the position of servant, which could be called a secretary?

“Our dean was also bitten very badly. Although he liked politics, he was quite skilled. Oh, do you have any business rights connected to the academy?”

“There were four cases related to technological partnerships, but they were temporarily halted in this dispute… .”

“Get that thing ready to go again. No, we are also making investments in the form of scholarships. Isn’t there the housekeeping money that your father handed over to me last time? “Knock all of that away.”

Hanabi’s eyes widened slightly.

“yes? But then the elders will say something… !”

“joy! Old men, you just know how to make a fuss about everything. What do you say you know? Just do as I say. So that we can contact you immediately after the presidential election is over. Instead, change direction.”

“… “Where are you talking about?”

“Department of Elements.”

“… !”

The Department of Elemental Sciences was where Professor Verlux was the dean.

But investing there?

“You still don’t know? “The right to excavate this time does not belong to the Bon family or the Academy.”

Hanabi was so shocked that her mouth fell open. Because it was a series of shocks for her that she could not possibly understand.

Normally, she would have lashed out at me for being rude, but it didn’t enter Tasha’s eyes at all as she pictured a fun future ahead.



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“Originally, a colorful flower field grows where a storm passes by. Anything will be certain if you line up the winner first. So get ready… !”

Tasha stopped speaking, shook her head, and suddenly stood up.

“no. You should see the face of the person who prepared such a cute show in person. “It goes towards the election.”

Hanabi didn’t understand Tasha’s words at all, but she hurriedly followed her, thinking that she would be busier for a while.

As Tasha came out the door, she looked gaunt, like a cat that had found an interesting toy.

* * *

It is the day of the Academy President election.

The rules for the presidential election were rather strict.

In the presence of the Election Management Committee, election representatives with voting rights vote on 7 candidates in two rounds, and the person ultimately selected is appointed by the Board of Directors.

It was specified that the 55 members of the election committee would be elected evenly from all walks of life.

The faculty council, employee labor union, alumni association, and student council each elected 10 people, and the remaining 15 seats were filled by the imperial family and magic tower, respectively.

The first round of voting took place for half a day starting at noon, and if the number of votes for first place did not reach the majority, a second round of voting was held with only the top two people.

In addition, even if the final person was selected, there were times when a re-vote would be held from the beginning if the board of directors announced a vote of no confidence.

Of course, such cases were extremely rare.

In any case, the reason it was so thorough was because the symbolism of Woosden Academy was so great.

“It’s so crowded.”

Elric slightly pulled back the robe covering his head and looked at the academy campus he had visited for the first time in a long time with strange eyes.

It’s a place I’ve been frequenting in and out of for the past few years, but it looks completely different today.

Is it because there are too many people?

There were reporters from all kinds of newspapers, magicians, citizens, and even articles that seemed to have been sent from the Lion House.

On one side, there were people protesting holding signs that said, ‘Dirty Dean Verex, step down!’ It seemed like they were people who had invested in an exploration team and then completely failed.

“That’s because you set it on fire that much, you asshole!”

Sean grumbled and pressed Elric’s robe with his hand, as if he didn’t like Elric like that.

Even if the face was slightly transformed with magic, it would be a big deal if someone recognized Elric.


“okay! If it were the same, it would just be a bit noisy within the academy. But what has happened these past few months? Due to the nest incident and the dean’s mistake… eww! “I’m sure there’s no one among the people of the empire who wouldn’t be interested in this matter, right?”

The newspapers had been making so much noise for the past two months that people couldn’t help but pay attention.


“Are you finally getting a sense of how big of a deal you’ve made?”

Sean’s stiff expression softened slightly as Elric let out a long sigh.

Even though the water has already been spilled and cannot be retrieved, now I can use this incident as an opportunity to reflect… .

“I like it.”


But for a moment, Sean was dumbfounded by the answer he received.

And it was cruelly distorted.

“The value of my name goes up that much, right? “The more audiences, the better.”

“This idiot… ! under! “I shouldn’t say anything.”

Sean covered his face with his hands.

What’s the point if you keep nagging me? Something I couldn’t even hear with my ears in the first place.

“The elections are starting! “If you would like to see it, please gather at the central hall!”

At that time, the words of the trustee who was controlling the people on one side caused the crowd to flock to the west.

“Let’s go.”

“okay. Let’s go, go. “I don’t know what will happen anymore.”

Sean shook his head and entered the main hall with Elric.

* * *

By the time I was able to sit comfortably in the empty auditorium.

The seven candidates came out one after another and were giving their final speeches to the election representatives.

“Don’t you want to go there?”

Sean gestured with his chin to one of the committee chairs that was empty.

-Mervinger seat.

Of the 15 seats originally assigned to the imperial family and the magic tower, one seat belongs to the magic clan.

Since it was given in honor of the first president, it could originally be said to be Elric’s seat.

However, due to controversy over his qualifications, Elric voluntarily maintained the vacant position, and the same is still true today.

“Um, really?”

However, it was different from the usual thirsty eyes.

Elric didn’t seem to think it was a big deal.

“There’s no need to be thirsty anymore, right?”


Willing to sit as long as necessary.

Sean chuckled at the thought of asking about everything.

Elric has now shaken off all the chains that had been binding his genius. Considering my confident and bold personality, it seemed strange to me to get caught up in such trivial matters.

Somehow, Sean felt relieved and was able to watch the election with more peace of mind.

‘okay. Since it’s just a show, you can just watch the exorcism and eat the rice cake. by the way… .’

Sean put his worries about Elric to one side and quickly scanned the remaining committee seats.

‘Didn’t you say that your sister would come instead of your father? Where are you… ! Wow? ‘Okay then.’

Mervinger’s wasn’t the only empty seat. All of the seats assigned to members of the imperial family were empty.

This was because voting had not yet begun in earnest, but their status was the highest among the committee members.

It was thought that it was not appropriate to take a seat early.

So, the election representatives all seemed to not consider it a big deal.

He showed his displeasure by deliberately noticing that one of the seats near the Magic Tower, which should have been occupied early, was empty.

Of course, 6 of the 7 stones in the Magic Tower belong to Yukmangseong. The empty seat was on the Neresta Street.

Fortunately, Tasha Neresta, who was to participate as the acting head of the house, was coming up to the podium at the moment.

But unlike the glares pouring in this direction, Tasha didn’t seem to care at all.

Rather, he walked leisurely across the middle of the podium, even humming a tune, and just nodded his head at the committee members he made eye contact with, before sitting down in his seat and crossing his legs.

Then, the skirt, which was open on the side, parted, revealing slender legs that stretched out like cat legs.


“Hum hum, hum!”

Instead of glaring at Tasha, most of the older committee members quickly turned their heads and were busy clearing their throats.

Some even openly glared at her.

“Do you think the Lady of the Neresta family has no particular impression of what kind of place this place is?”

Although it was rude to ask what this was doing.

“It can’t be. I know it well. No, much more than anyone else here.”

Tasha lifted her chin and answered haughtily, turning her head to one side.

“I’m sure you know it well, right?”

Where her eyes landed.

Sean and Elric were there.

Wizard who swallowed talent

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