Talent-Swallowing Magician Chapter 334

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Part 2 Episode 74

protestant alliance

Elric looked at Mephisto in surprise at the Pope’s words.

He, too, must have been quite surprised, so he couldn’t say anything and had a blank expression on his face.

“haha. Still, you are a very considerate person. “Thank you for your consideration in allowing me to talk comfortably with Elric.”

“… .”

『… How can this puffed-up steamed bun be the real king!』

[…] stop it.]

『Isn’t it true that it looks like a steamed bun?』

“Hehehe. “I tend to get people say that I look a bit old-fashioned.”

“it serves him right. Don’t you say that you are okay with this steamed bun?』

[…] So, stop.]

Elric clenched his teeth.

“I’m just thankful that the Demon King seems to be okay with me.”

『Still, for a Protestant, I feel like I’m a good person… !』

[Oh, kinda!]

Elric used a command to silence Mephisto, then quickly bowed and apologized.

“sorry. “I never meant to insult you.”


“Hehehehe. I am okay. No matter what you think of the other person, isn’t it his or her heart? What is important is whether or not the first impression is mixed with malice. “The devil didn’t do that, so that was it.”

『Eup-eup-eup! Eupeup!』

“You really have no shame… .”

“Even if it’s okay.”


Either Mephisto will cause a fuss next to you or not.

Elric was only able to sigh after the Pope warmly wrapped his hand.

And yet, how on earth can he see Mephisto?

I wonder if the Pope, who must hate the Demon King so much, doesn’t misunderstand Elric and treats him so warmly.

Those were the questions.

But the Pope’s afterword was even more shocking.

“If you still have a debt in your heart, can I ask you one thing? In fact, this is the biggest reason why I wanted to meet Elric today.”

“yes. “Please tell me anything.”

“It’s no different.”

“… ?”

“Is the Messenger of God’s Love in peace?”

“… !”

Elric’s eyes widened.

Apostle of God’s lovingkindness.

Because that was another name for Damir in Chapter 6 of Winter.

* * *

The Protestant Alliance was a religious organization that formed a community of 99 gods.

In other words, the Pope is like their leader.

So, naturally, it was a structure in which it was impossible to have great power.

He was chosen only because he has outstanding eyes and a generous personality.

For this reason, even though he was the leader of the four major powers, his presence was not conveyed to the continent.

Even Elric felt the same way when he first saw him.

It is true that the divine power it possesses is great, but that is all it has.

There were many people with that level of skill in the Magic Tower and the Lion House, so there was nothing to pay attention to.

But the moment he mentions Damir.

Elric could see his expression change in an instant.

‘I think you’re hiding something.’

It seemed like there was another face hidden beneath the generous mask.

Are you looking for an opportunity?

A chance for the Protestant Alliance to advance into the world? Or when he can step forward?

Whatever it was, it was clear that he had an ambitious side that was completely different from the public opinion.

‘no. Maybe it’s natural. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have been able to drag such a huge device around without causing much trouble.’

I felt very tense.

As a result, Elric was reluctant to reveal his secret.

Because you don’t know what the other person is thinking.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t have to be too guarded. “Because I can see everything.”

But the Pope was full of confidence.

He still had the same warm impression as when I first saw him.

It’s the same even if you don’t know.

『… Right. That’s why it appeared.』

Mephisto, who was free from the shackles of the ghost, frowned.


『This Pope, from what I can see, he exudes the qualities of <truth>. So that’s what I saw. No lie in the world can blind this man.』



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[ah… !]

The Pope nodded as if saying yes.

“It is exactly as the Demon King said. “The person I serve gave me very beautiful eyes.”

The Pope continued speaking while carefully stroking the area around his eyes with his hand.

“So you don’t have to worry. By the way, you don’t have to worry about other people here making a fuss. The trust regarding Damir has remained within our alliance for a long time. “As a priest who has sworn the truth, how could I carelessly transfer God’s word to another place?”

The God of Charity boasts the largest proportion in the Protestant alliance.

This means that there are many believers who follow the God of lovingkindness.

Therefore, it was not surprising that an oracle about him came down to the Protestant Alliance.

Still, Elric couldn’t open his mouth hastily.

Regardless of the circumstances of the Pope or the Protestant Alliance, it was impossible to know what Damir’s thoughts were.

-I’m fine. Rather, I would like to have a conversation with them too.

It was then that Damir’s voice was heard.

‘I guess I can’t help it.’

Since the person concerned said it was okay, there would be no choice.

In the end, Elric opened the door to the inner world and possessed Damir.


Then, three pairs of wings appeared behind his back with a mysterious light.

Damir’s divine power was scattered throughout the interior of the main building.

At the same time, his translucent spiritual body settled into Elric’s body.

“iced coffee!”

Then the Pope burst out in admiration, got down on one knee and began to shed tears.

The same goes for other cardinals and bishops.

They even had their hands folded neatly and were muttering thanks to the God they believed in.

“… Why are you like this all of a sudden?”

It was completely unexpected.

Although Elric was embarrassed, he lowered his posture to meet eye level with them and asked.

Then the Pope wiped the tears streaming down his face and said:

“You don’t know how much pain we’ve gone through.”

“why… ?”

The Pope thanked Damir once again and then slowly began to open his mouth.

The Protestant Alliance has had a big problem recently.

After the Great War. While the power of all sects and denominations is expanding, the number of believers is also rapidly increasing.

This was because the number of people who could exercise divine power was rapidly decreasing.

Just as wizards have magical power and demons have magical energy, the Protestant Alliance had divine power.

The reason they can exist as a ‘force’ is because of their divine power.

“Some might ask. How can those who follow God need that much power? Why do those who must lead believers with faith need force? But that’s not all that divine power means to us.”

Divine power is proof that believers and priests believe in God that much.

But its decline meant that a lot of the pure feelings toward God had disappeared.

In other words, it could be interpreted to mean that God is disappointed in his believers and is withdrawing his favor.

‘Is this what Mephie was talking about?’

I remembered what Mephisto had first said: “The power has weakened a lot.”

That fact is not known to the outside world at all.

Mephisto saw through what even Guy could not figure out.

Is it because he is the devil?

Or was there something else to think about?

I turned my head to Mephisto and asked, ‘Did you see it?’ He was making a confident expression.

Elric didn’t want to see that face, so he focused his attention on the Pope’s words again.

“In the end, we found ourselves in quite a bit of trouble. “If things continued like this, the solidarity of the alliance would inevitably weaken.”

If time continued to pass like this, the balance of the four major powers might be disturbed.

“In the meantime, I saw such pure and neat divine power. How could I not shed tears?”

The Pope felt as if all his troubles had disappeared in an instant due to Damir’s divine power.

Because it seemed to say that there is a future in the alliance.

The Pope’s eyes were bloodshot before he knew it. He wiped the corners of his eyes and continued speaking.

“I, and the bishops and cardinals, all believe that this phenomenon is the result of worldly power becoming stronger and the sense of confrontation and competition becoming more prevalent.”

It was a statement that penetrated the situation of the continent.

The competition between the Inspection Bureau, the Sajagongga, and the Magic Tower was becoming more intense day by day to an unprecedented degree.

Now that their common enemy, the demon race, has disappeared, they have entered into a power struggle among themselves.

Even now, they were treating each other as if they were enemies.

‘As expected, everyone was watching.’

The Pope said, holding Elric’s hands tightly.

“Then the oracle came down once again.”

“Is this a different trust than before?”

“That’s right. No, it was something so big that it couldn’t even be compared to back then. “The same oracle was given to all 99 denominations.”

The content of the oracle the Pope spoke of was very simple.

-There is a person chosen by Changcheon and lovingkindness.

“… !”

Elric quickly understood what that meant.

The one chosen by Changcheon and Jaae.

Because it was referring to myself.

<Changcheon> is the deity worshiped by the eastern goddess Sarnai.

<Charity> is the god Damir worships.

All of them were deeply connected to Mervinger.

The Protestant Alliance saw right through this.

‘Is that why you welcomed me like this?’

Only then did everything make sense.

Why did you welcome me so much?

It was as if he was not a stranger to them.

“We wanted to see the results of the trust with our own eyes. And there’s something I’d like to ask Damir.”

To Damir?

“That opportunity… To me… And will you give it to us?”

The Pope cautiously met Elric’s eyes.

‘Are you okay?’

-Of course. Rather, didn’t I ask for it?

With those words, Elric handed over control of his body to Damir.


A stronger divine power than before spread throughout the main building, and Elric’s entire eyes turned golden.

And Damir’s voice flowed from his mouth.

[Say it.]

The Pope’s face turned red. he asked, adjusting his posture.

“As you may have heard just now, the Protestant faith is currently declining day by day. Please tell me what I need to do to make this stronger!”

His voice was much more serious than when he was attending mass. That’s probably because it’s so earnest.

But unlike him, Damir spoke without any change in expression.


“… ?”

Elric, who was sharing the line of sight with Damir, suddenly wondered what that meant.

Are you asking the pope and bishops to repent?

But, despite such doubts, they were hesitant as they looked at each other.

It seemed as if there was something Elric didn’t know about.

“Repentance, repentance… “What do you mean?”

The Pope stuttered and asked again.

It was as if he was hoping he had heard wrong.

But contrary to his expectations, Damir was resolute this time.


“Well, that’s… !”


“… !”

The Pope and bishops sighed and bowed their heads.

It looks like he’s going to cry at any moment.

“iced coffee… ! Apostle of charity! Is that really the only way left for us?”


At Damir’s almost shouting voice, some bishops burst into tears.



One of the bishops who was lying face down on the floor jumped up and shouted.

Then the others stood up one after another and shouted.


“I will repent!”


“penitence! penitence! penitence! penitence! penitence!”


The room was quickly filled with the enthusiasm they radiated. Elric and Mephisto were shocked and in a cold sweat, as if they were fanatics.

Either that or not.

Only then did Damir return to his calm expression and nod.

[That’s it.]

“penitence! Repent, repent, repent, repent, repent! penitence! Repent, repent, repent~♪”


“I will repent! penitence! penitence! “Repent!”

Now, he even composes strange hymns and sings them randomly.

Elric and Mephisto could only stare blankly at each other for a long time.

Wizard who swallowed talent

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