Talent-Swallowing Magician Chapter 220

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Episode 220

raise a flag

Time passed quickly.

* * *

Litmus front.

Imperial army headquarters.

A harsh roar erupted from the main barracks of the Neresta family camp.


“So you’re saying I’m going to go myself! Gility, with that human!”

Augustine was hitting the table hard.

All the while grinding my teeth. His eyes were shining evilly.

However, Guy, the matriarch of Neresta, who was across from him, was just sipping the black tea he had been drinking without a care in the world.

“It’s not possible.”

“so why!”

“That’s why it doesn’t work.”

“What on earth are you talking about!”


Guy narrowed his eyes as he set down his tea.

“You really don’t know?”

“… shit!”

Augustine, who had been running wild until now, had no choice but to take a step back.

The meaning of Augustine’s stepping forward was anything but simple.

The only being of his time who could be compared to the Golden Lion. The weight of a being who can aim for the title of ‘Best in the World’ is completely different from that of ordinary people.

His stepping forward meant that Neresta was moving.

No matter what Guy’s true opinion is, other nobles and the imperial family feel that way.

The inspection bureau will move tenaciously.

This is an opportunity to thoroughly investigate Augustine, who has been shrouded in mystery, and they will cling to him like leeches, and they will bite him like a flock of wildcats, wondering if they can find anything suspicious about Neresta.

In particular, what Augustine was requesting now was different from a light outing.

Rescue of Elric Mervinger, who was stranded behind enemy lines.

I have to wander around the enemy’s territory to find him, who I don’t even know where he is. He had no choice but to attract the attention of his enemies, and Augustine could have become a target.

Of course, I did not think that Augustine would be defeated easily.

However, one hand cannot withstand ten hands, and being isolated in the middle of enemy lines was bound to be dangerous even for Augustine.

Moreover, the biggest problem is.

‘If Little Grandpa moves, it means he’s not the only one moving.’

Currently, there were many people looking for an opportunity to save Elric.

Including his sworn brother, Giliti Lens, and other elders of the Senate. There was a high possibility that everything would happen.

There was no time for me to feel calm due to complaints from elderly people who came to my office several times a day and asked when I was going to go rescue Elric.

The Senate is moving?

What will the result be? How big will the wavelength be? Guy knew all too well.

Actually, the monsters in the Senate probably have no idea.

No, even if you knew, you wouldn’t care.

‘You’re really like that.’

In any case, as the head of the Neresta family, Guy could never fulfill Augustine’s request.

You can’t ignore his words and stop Augustine from moving on his own, but… Even so, Augustine will not move carelessly unless he gives permission.

As the head of the Senate and Grand Elder, it was always an iron rule that he had to protect and respect the weight of the family head.

It was also the reason why Guy was able to maintain a good relationship with Augustine.

‘anyway. not now.’

“Other than that, you don’t trust your disciple?”

“That can’t be possible.”

“Then please wait a moment.”


Guy drank the rest of his tea, intentionally ignoring Augustine’s glare at him in silence.



Sean, who had been quietly watching the conversation between the two, stood up.

“Call me matriarch.”

“yes. “Matriarch.”

“okay. what?”

Sean’s eyes were more serious than ever.

“Are you planning not to keep the agreement between the Bonn family and Mervinger?”

“No way.”

“Then why aren’t you moving yet?”

“I’m just looking for an opportunity.”

“If you say it’s an opportunity… ?”

“Judging by the enemy’s reaction so far, it is clear that Mervinger has not yet been discovered.”

“Couldn’t that be a deception by the enemies?”

“no. “They don’t know yet.”

“How can you be sure of that…” ?”



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A faint smile appeared on Guy’s lips.

“Do you know how many eyes and ears I have in this world?”

“… !”

This time Sean was also greatly shocked.

Because it meant that Guy had planted a secret deep inside the barbarian tribe, which is now causing trouble even in the inspection bureau.

Only then did I remember what people had said in passing, referring to my father.

Snake snake.

I wonder how many strategies are hidden in that face whose true intentions are unknown.

For a moment, Sean felt that his father was very unfamiliar and scary.

“Dragons never move easily. I always just wait quietly. Others may think they are lazy, but they persevere and persevere. “Then, when they build up their size, they create the biggest impact.”

Guy had never stepped forward despite requests from the imperial family and the inspection bureau. Even when Prince Zereitz pointedly pointed at Guy during a strategy meeting, he didn’t even blink an eye.

On the contrary, he strictly controlled Gasol, saying that he should not act recklessly, and just watched the situation quietly.

Each time, the imperial army was repeatedly defeated by the Red Lion Army and the barbarian army.

Now, with the enemy’s supply lines getting longer and the imperial army reorganizing its battle lines, a tense confrontation is beginning to take place.

“Even if others say we are cowards, I just wait and wait. When I, my family, wake up, when I can create the biggest impact. “A time when we can suffer as little damage as possible and achieve as much success as possible.”

Guy’s eyes shone brightly.

“The place for that is right here where I am sitting.”

“… .”

Sean couldn’t add anything more to those words.

Although they were born as direct blood relatives.

Thanks to that, he grew up receiving all kinds of benefits and support, but it felt like the place where his father was sitting was so far away.

The seat of the head of the family. What on earth does that place do?


It was at that time that Augustine was pressing his aching temple, saying he was having a headache.


Suddenly, the door to the main barracks opened and Gasol came in and bowed his head.

“I’m sorry for what I said.”

“What’s going on?”

“A messenger has arrived.”


Augustine and Sean’s eyes automatically turned towards that direction.

Gasol flinched under the senator’s burning gaze, but soon reported without showing it as much as possible.

“yes. “It is a report that the Red Lion Army’s flag was suddenly lowered at Akran Fortress.”

For a moment, Guy’s eyes lit up. Same goes for Sean and Augustine.

Akran Fortress was one of the three major fortresses in the Winds Frontier Province boasted by the Red Lion Army. Ketrain Fortress, which had been captured by Elric, also fell into this category.

Now, the front line has been pushed all the way to Imperial Litmus Castle, so the distance is far away.

The flag there suddenly went down?

This means one thing.

“And a new flag went up.”

“Whose flag is it?”

“It hasn’t been decided for sure yet.”

Gasol took a moment to catch his breath and spoke with strength.

“It appears to be Mervinger’s flag.”

“… !”

“… Hehehehe. After all, you are this old man’s disciple. Since he didn’t even show his nose, I wondered what he had been doing all this time. “He was preparing to do something very dirty.”

Augustine seemed to have forgotten that he had stamped his feet in front of Guy just a moment ago, and burst into laughter, saying he had expected that to happen.

A faint smile appeared on Guy’s lips.

And he looked back at his third son, who was not very happy and was only twitching his lips because he was in front of the head of the family and the senator.


“yes? yes! “Matriarch.”

Sean took up his posture again.

“Little grandpa, take care of yourself.”

There’s no way you don’t know what that means. Sean nodded loudly, wondering if Guy would change his mind.

“yes! All right!”

Doesn’t this mean that we must guide Augustine and the Senate well so that they don’t get sidetracked?

Sean was able to leave the main barracks with a very flushed face.

-Dragons do not naturally move easily. However, it creates the biggest impact when it grows in size.

The words my father said kept lingering in my mouth.

Now that the dragon has risen.

Soon a new wind will blow on the battlefield.

I felt that confident.

* * *


Mervinger’s flag flew over Akran Fortress in the south, a fortress symbolizing the Winds Frontier Province.

To the left and right, the seals of the Weil family and the Black Skull were also flying, but the biggest and most outstanding one was Mervinger.

“Well, when on earth did you guys get here…?” !”

“Everyone is flashing east and west, right? is not it?”

Fabian, who was guarding the Akran Fortress on behalf of the Red Lion Army that had left the border, had to grit his teeth.

‘If only I had doubted it a little more… !’

It was his own mistake to make Mervinger’s flag fly from the Ketrain Fortress to the Akran Fortress.

Just a few hours ago. More than a dozen carts arrived in front of the castle gate. They announced their affiliation as a supply team that had provided military support from headquarters, and Fabian had no doubts that this was the rear, far from the front line, and allowed them to pass without properly inspecting it.

And the result was the fall of the fortress.

More than a dozen soldiers jumped out of the cart.

Of course, there were about a hundred troops remaining within the Akran Fortress.

Although the staff was minimal, there was still no need to worry.

Because most of them were elite soldiers who had been hardened in numerous battles while protecting the border for a long time.

However, Mervinger’s soldiers were much smaller in number than them, but were overwhelmingly stronger.

Not only was his body extremely agile, as if he were a leopard, but his strength was strong enough to easily knock down most men.

Moreover, the armor and weapons he was wearing were amazing… .

‘Weapons that would make even nobles drool if they were put on the market right now. Where on earth did you get this… ?’

Fabian could not understand this situation.

It was clearly a fact that the Red Lion Army was aware of that the Star Wars army broke away from the main Imperial Army and moved east.

However, even after conducting a separate search, they were only able to find out that they had crossed over into barbarian territory, and could hardly find anything else.

So, the Red Lion Army just assumed that the star species itself had been swept away by the barbarians and evaporated on its own.

Even if that weren’t the case, I thought it would be difficult to survive on our own without support from the main army, so we wouldn’t be able to avoid major damage.

On the contrary, the newly appeared Star Wars army was much more disciplined and stronger than when it took over Ketrain Fortress.

This means that the Red Lion Army has completed complete eliteization in a place that was previously unknown to them.

Because of this, Akran Fortress fell without much resistance.


What scared Fabian the most was that he didn’t know what those who reappeared would do in the future.

What if the Star Wars army causes chaos in the rear while the imperial army is already in a standoff?

At that time, it was clear that it would be a great burden to Lord Andre Wins.

‘That’s the only thing that needs to be stopped… !’

But Fabian’s worries and concerns did not last long.


Because Elric lightly swung the spear blade and his head fell to the floor.

Damn it!

Damn it!

“Make it known to the whole world.”

Elric walked slowly along the path made by the soldiers and climbed to the top of the fortress.

“The fact that Mervinger is back.”

It was the first step toward resurrection.

Wizard who swallowed talent

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