Talent-Swallowing Magician Chapter 157

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Episode 157

Weil family

Many people’s eyes were equally focused on that direction.

In particular, Tritan’s face was distorted hideously.

“I haven’t even posted His Majesty’s message yet… !”

“Has that message been officially approved by the Secretary General?”

The Secretary General was an institution directly subordinate to the emperor and could be said to be a type of secretarial organization. He was also responsible for managing internal expenses and informing the government and each department of the emperor’s intentions.

Of course, since all imperial decrees were to go through this secretary, formally, even the inspection bureau could not communicate directly with the emperor without going through this secretary.

At least in terms of form.

The problem was that Elric pointed this out.

Even though it was formal, it was a formal procedure clearly described in the law, and anything that did not pass this did not take effect.

“It looks like you didn’t receive it as expected.”

Elric burst into laughter when he saw Tritan’s expression, which was now glaring at him as if he were going to tear him to death.

“But His Majesty’s orders must be followed as His children and subjects…” !”

“That is correct. So, it would be right for the match between Hermann Weil and Paul Weil to stop here.”

“… ?”

“… ?”

You exercise your veto to not follow the imperial decree, and then you say you will follow it again?

People tilted their heads, not knowing Elric’s intentions, but couldn’t help but laugh at what he said next.

“But I don’t think that applies to me. Isn’t it?”

“… !”

Tritan gritted his teeth.

The Mervinger family existed even before the empire was established. It was a family that had been called the Master of Magic since time immemorial.

As such, the first emperor gave many advantages to the Mervinger family when establishing the empire in order to win them over to his side.

Autonomy that guarantees absolute non-interference, unless you commit a crime equivalent to rebellion.

An authority in an inviolable area that cannot force Mervinger unless it is an order using the Golden Edict.

Nowadays, it was a treaty that few people remember as Mervinger suffered a rapid decline after the Great Demon War.

The effect still remained strong.

As Elric became famous again, this was also the reason why the imperial family tried to keep it in check.

Therefore, Tridon could not impose any sanctions on Mervinger just because Elric mentioned part of the treaty.

“The match may end here, but the battle for Mervinger’s territory is not over. I will execute it here.”

Wasn’t it just a verbal warning? As people are no longer just curious, they are becoming more confused.

Elric’s gaze glanced from Tridon to Hermann.

“I will appoint Blue Lion Hermann Weil as the representative of this family.”

Herman noticed Elric’s trick and burst into laughter.

Doesn’t this mean that Mervinger will relieve the Weil family of all the political pressure and reap all the practical benefits?

There was no reason to reject this.

“I will agree.”

“Then Mervinger’s agent, Hermann Weil, please punish Paul Weil from now on.”

“I will.”

“sleep… !”

Tridon tried to shout something, but Hermann was already swinging his sword vigorously.

The Auror blade was rapidly drawing a diagonal line.

It was just a simple coincidence, so Tridon tried to stop it somehow.

‘what… ?’

Tridon had to step back without realizing it as the alarm bell rang out of his instincts.

Because he had lived in the dark all his life, he tended to rely on his instincts more than anything else.

Contrary to its appearance, it was clear that there was something eerie inside… !

Should we say that it is like the beak of a hawk snatching its prey?

The power contained in unity was incredible.

I felt like I would not be able to avoid injury if I attacked right away.

just as expected.


Paul Weil was easily blocking Hermann’s seemingly simple attack. But he said the results were never simple.

Hermann’s sword cut through Paul’s sword and cut deep into his right shoulder.



The arm holding the sword flew into the air. As fountains of blood poured down, Foul’s screams echoed loudly throughout the training hall.

The spot where Hermann’s sword passed by.

There, a faint white smoke was rising due to the frictional heat so great that it cut through space.

There was still black soot on the blade!

‘Hawk’s beak… !’

Of course, the Inspection Bureau had been investigating the Six Mangs of the Magic Tower and the Eight Lions of the Lion House for a long time, and had a detailed understanding of their individual strengths, goals, and personalities.

Therefore, Tridon was able to immediately recognize that it was a technology that Herman had been pursuing for a long time and had hoped to perfect.

‘Could it have been completed?’

However, because I knew very well that the secret technique was difficult enough to drive Hermann to the point where he was suffering from hyperventilation, I had been ignoring it for a while.

I never would have thought that I would have completed it while I was in the North… !

That wasn’t the only problem.



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From Tridon’s understanding, the ‘hawk’s beak’ was nothing more than a part of the sword technique that Hermann and his sworn brother acquired by chance in their youth and tried to perfect, <The Spirit of Boramae>.

Since the ‘hawk’s beak’ was completed, the remaining parts known as ‘claws’ and ‘wings’ would soon be able to be learned.

The lion is getting stronger. It was an incident that the inspection bureau could not afford to ignore.

So, for a moment, I thought about using force and tying up the Byle family in a rebellion like the Red Lion, but I couldn’t do that.

This was because even if there was only one Red Lion, the inspection bureau was already under considerable political burden, and it knew very well that it should not further provoke the Lion Gong family and the Golden Lion who would be behind it.

But above all.

‘The blue lion has regained its original strength… !’

Herman, who knew that he had not yet fully recovered from the aftereffects of his mouth disease, now seemed to have completely recovered!

The blue sphere floating around Hermann’s sword shocked him.

Aura Sphere.

It was a symbol of the five chains of Superior, also called Geomhwan (劍丸).

An art that can only be completed by compressing the Auror Blade, which has begun to take the shape of a sword, to extremely high density. It is said that each one has as much destructive power as dozens of Auror Blades, so it is difficult to find someone who can stand against even if only one is taken out.

Tridon could only complete three Auror Spheres, but Hermann had already completed four!

Considering that he had previously completed three Auror Spheres, it meant that he had not only regained his original skill, but had even surpassed it… !

At this moment, Tridon had to drastically revise, no, upgrade Hermann’s power level in his mind.

From ‘Level 1 person of note’ ​​to ‘Level 1 person of note’.

Except for people like Guy and Augustine of the Neresta family, he has risen to the top of the list!


Hermann paid no attention to Tridon and continued to swing his sword rapidly to completely break Paul’s power.

Paul, who had already lost his sword, had no means of resisting this.

“not… !”


“… Okay… !”

Paul, trembling violently, saw Hermann’s sword flying towards him.

It looked like a hawk descending with its wings folded.

“… Almost got it… But… !”


A red blood line was drawn across Paul’s uvula, and then it rolled to the side.

Even until the end, Paul’s eyes were still stained with greed and anger.


The sound of a corpse falling echoed through the quiet training hall.

It wasn’t that loud, but it certainly felt too loud to the ears of those present.

This was because the meaning it had was absolutely enormous.

It also had the meaning of a splendid revival of the blue lion.

It also contained the meaning of Mervinger’s victory!

Hermann slammed the blood-soaked sword on the floor. Then, quickly wiping away tears from the corners of his eyes so that no one could see them, he majestically turned to where the knights were.

The fact that he had to cut his brother like this still weighed heavily on his heart, but he could never let it show now.

Every face of the people in the audience was captured in Hermann’s field of vision.

Cheongma and Cheongyang soaked in joy, Paul’s devastated people, reporters quickly writing down stories, Isabelle and her sworn brothers smiling, and even Elric.

Looking at them, Hermann shouted with a lot of magic in his voice.

“I will bury all the events and sins that occurred during the past turbulent times. However, we must never again doubt the authority of the lion or the spirit of the hawk like we do now. Do you understand?”

A voice full of majesty.

It contained a power that could never be resisted.

The knights of the Byle family stood up from their seats and raised their sheathed swords high.

It was a ritual unique to the Weil family to pledge loyalty to their lord.


* * *

After all the disturbances within the Weil family were resolved.

Trydon, who tried to mess with the Byle family without even being able to get his money’s worth, disappeared as quietly as when he appeared.

Of course, it didn’t just disappear.

[Elric Mervinger. I will continue to watch you. You will regret this today.]

He left a warning to Elric, who made the mistake.

Of course, Elric’s reaction was very simple.

『There are so many people everywhere who hate you.』

[Do whatever you want. In any case, the confrontation with the imperial family was already planned.]

Still, Elric thought that there were bound to be limits to the Inspectorate’s ability to interfere with Mervinger’s work.

‘There are more than one or two places that the Inspection Bureau has identified as potential enemies. It must be difficult to focus on just me.’

There won’t be that much manpower left over there either.

Still, while I was thinking that there would be no harm in coming up with a countermeasure, Hermann came over and smiled.

“It was all thanks to you. “Once again, on behalf of the family, I would like to say thank you.”

Elric shook his head.

“Herman, even if it weren’t for me, he would have stood up again someday.”

“No way. You directly saved my daughter from her crisis and cured her mouth sores, which would have been impossible without your help. And after that, thanks to the prescriptions he gave me while looking after my body from time to time, I was able to recover faster.”


The reporters paid close attention to not miss a single conversation between Elric and Herman.

This was because every word they exchanged was a major clue to the story behind the Weil family and Mervinger’s solidarity.

『This guy, he uses leftovers differently than usual.』

Mephisto shook his head, knowing that this was Herman’s plan to make this incident a bigger issue.

When I first saw it, I thought it was just a typical drone. I thought he was doing such a fox-like thing.

When Elric glanced sideways at Isabelle who was next to Herman, Isabelle just smiled silently. It seemed that all of this was her work.

“So I’d like to make a proposition to you.”


“Even though I have regained my position as a blue lion, I still don’t know when something similar will happen again and something similar to this will happen. The reason this tragedy occurred was because I did not have a successor. So, in order to prepare for this, I would like to ask you something.”

Elric felt anxious for a moment. She hurriedly turned her gaze in that direction, wondering if Isabel had initiated this, but she saw that Isabel also opened her eyes wide, showing that she had no idea.

It meant Hermann’s dogmatism.

“I… !”

So Elric tried to somehow stop Herman’s ‘favor’.

Hermann had already smiled mischievously and said ‘please’.

“Become the next Blue Lion.”

“… !”

Wizard who swallowed talent

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