Talent-Swallowing Magician Chapter 114

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Episode 114

Kkot spring cold

The way Elric moved was very simple.

From the outskirts of the city, check the direction of grain flow with your mind’s eye, identify the location of the monument, and teach it to the blue hawk.

Then the blue hawk would run around very excitedly, destroying the tombstone.


[Right here, right?]

[The more I do this, the more fun it is, right?]

[Is there nothing more to do? hey. Nephew-in-law, just tell me to do anything! Hehehe!]

Elric shook his head at the sound of the Blue Hawk’s laughter coming through the communication port he had provided.

Mephisto clicked his tongue in bewilderment.

『They are all just perverts.』

[Because things are going smoothly thanks to those perverts, well. Anyway, it’s all over now.]

Elric let out a chuckle as he looked at the city that was immediately thrown into chaos as General Dong stormed in.

『But this time, it seems like the resistance is formidable. From now on, it will be almost impossible.』

“If they weren’t stupid and had the ability to learn, they wouldn’t continue to suffer. “Anyway, I didn’t intend to keep breaking monuments.”

『Because all you wanted was to shake things up?』


『Anyway, Mervinger is more insidious than the demons.』

So far, Elric has crashed and hit five cities in total.

These were the places in Fury’s sphere of influence that most supported Fury and the King of Blood.

The reason why this strategy was planned was because of the current power structure that I heard about before.

-The Beast Union currently under the control of King Blood is actually a pavilion.

-Sasang Pavilion?

-yes. A castle built on sand. The Blood King is so strong that he cannot be overcome, so the cities are tied together, but in fact, there are not many places that support Fury.

-Then, if we can create a crack in their ruling system, there will be quite a few defectors.

-yes. According to the news that Irina found out, there were places where Antromorphs showed such activity after blocking their attack. The uprising… Even though it failed.

Elric interpreted the Blood King’s ruling system very simply.

‘It’s oppression.’

Thanks to this, planning the strategy was very easy.

‘Loyalty that is not voluntary will always be the same when the support base is shaken.’

It was precisely this support base that Elric wanted to stimulate.

The reason why the King of Blood and Fury seemed so strong was that they had strong military power and that they could protect the city from General Dong.

Even if I touched just one of them, I couldn’t help but shake violently.

So they also personally showed that they were not free from General Dong’s threat.

‘If we slowly attack the other one, the departure will accelerate even more.’

While Elric was smiling sinisterly(?).



As the barrier covering the city dispersed, General Dong was seen approaching.

It was the fifth city collapse.

Elric soon became confused and saw a large number of angry fighters running out of the castle. He put his mouth to the communication port and whispered.

[Everyone, please retreat.]

[Old story!]

[I’ll be leaving soon!]

[It’s my nephew-in-law’s order, so I have to leave. Ugh!]

Elric watched the blue hawk get out safely, and when he decided there was no longer any danger, he tried to get out as well.

At that time, I could see a large red haze rising from the place where the dome-shaped barrier had collapsed and then fading away.

“I see that again.”

The camellia god riding on Elric’s shoulder responded to Elric’s mutterings.

[The Blood King’s tail is like a symbol of Fury’s rule.]

Elric nodded quietly.

The Blood King’s tail, which appeared every time the city’s barrier was broken, was an important element that made up the barrier and also served as Fury’s communication network so that orders could be given at any moment.

I can’t tell you how surprised I was when I first heard that this was the basis of the Blood King’s power.

But that was kicked away. I guess Fury must have noticed the situation here by now.

[The King of Blood’s medicine is going to rise very quickly. He was an authoritarian personality who could never tolerate anyone not following his control. Hohohoho!]

Elric heard the laughter of the Camellia God and disappeared after the blue hawk before the fighters attacked.

Now, after slowly seeing the reaction, it was time to start the second operation.

* * *

[At all costs, be sure to remove the intruder.]

Neter, the tribal leader and vice-mayor of the Fury tribe, the royal family of Fury, narrowed his eyes when he saw the order issued in front of him.

As he did so, the four long tails extending from his buttocks became furry.

Because he knew very well that the anger of the one he treated as his lord and king was great.

‘If I fail like that Barassen guy, I’ll end up hanging in the same way.’

Neter had to stroke her cool neck several times with her hands.

Although the Blood King reigns and rules, he never rules directly. This was because, as a person from Hoseon, he had to complete the training he had not completed.

Instead, governance was left to subordinates.

Neter was mainly responsible for that.



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To an ordinary prisoner, it may seem like a second-in-command position.

But Neter knew.

The fact that you are nothing more than the life of a fly.

As a four-tailed fox that had to give up its tail whenever the Blood Tail King wanted to, he had to somehow achieve his orders.

“First of all, I think we need to stop the Antromorphs from being active anymore… “What are you aiming for?”

However, there was something that Neter could not understand.

The point was that the target number was unknown.

It certainly appears that they are simply trying to shake up Fury’s sphere of influence and shake up his rule.

However, Neter knew that only a few cities would be able to respond to Antromorph’s call.

‘No matter how much they oppose us, if the Tiger Family can’t immediately show positive signs that they can defeat the Blood King, then there is no reason to take the risk of standing over there.’

Therefore, it was clear that Anthromorph would aim for a very large ‘one hit’.

The furrow between Neter’s eyebrows deepened.

‘There’s something else. ‘Something else.’

Instead of thinking about it, Neter suddenly had a thought that occurred to him, so he urgently called his subordinate who was waiting outside.

“Is there anyone outside?”

“yes? yes!”

“Bring the map of the Black Snowfield! right now! Hurry!”

The attendant nodded absently and hurriedly took the map and spread it out in front of Neter.

Neter picked up a pen and drew dots on each of the cities where the barrier had been destroyed, and connected them with lines.

And I had to frown even harder as I nervously put my pen down on the ground.

“How on earth do they know this… !”

In the grand scheme of things, interconnected cities corresponded to boundaries that protected one region.

The area where General Dong’s main body is located.

It was a place called ‘the night block’ in Fury.

“… “You must not be caught in this place.”

The fact that Fury is hiding General Dong’s true identity is known only to the highest-ranking executives within them.

If this became known to the outside world, there was a high possibility that even cities that had previously been loyal to Fury would rebel or defect.

That is why General Dong was an object of hatred among the beast people.

This was because they believed that because of General Dong, they could not expand the outer perimeter of the city or use the black snowy fields as their territory.

Fury has been using this fear mentality to further solidify his rule.

But what if Antromorph notices this and tries to mess with it?

It had to be stopped at all costs.

The fact that they might have already entered the night compartment made him nervous.

“I guess we need to move the army.”

Netro immediately ordered his subordinate to bring the first lord to his office.

* * *

“Oh, it’s moving.”

The place that Elric and others took out was actually a stone mountain located not far from Fury’s sphere of influence.

Hiding in the natural environment created by the black snow field, he was quietly observing the movements of Fury’s fighters.

Elric did not miss the fact that the direction in which the fighters were moving was toward the north, that is, toward 2,000.

As expected.

There was no doubt that they were trying to protect the area where General Dong would be.

『I wonder how you would react if you found out that those guys were playing out of the palm of your hand.』

Mephisto, who had always criticized everything Elric did, was watching the situation with an interested expression this time.

In fact, Elric only knew where General Dong’s ‘block of the night’ was located based on his memories from Arrangement, and that it was within Fury’s sphere of influence.

I didn’t know exactly where General Dong’s body was.

It had to be that way.

Bell and Irina didn’t even know that General Dong was over there.

at last.

Here, Elric had to use a trick.

-If you can’t find out General Dong’s location, wouldn’t it be possible to find out if you blend in and go very deep?

Of course, Fury was not an idiot, so he had no choice but to be on guard if someone whose identity he did not know suddenly came into their midst.

So, Elric decided that he should first make it so that they would not notice even if he mixed in.


When the water becomes cloudy, the fish naturally become entangled.

Moreover, if it was around the night zone, the confusion was bound to grow even more.

Just by simply touching it, Fury will be startled by Zepul and will try to protect the night section in any way possible.

Elric was planning to take advantage of that gap and infiltrate deep into the area.

And now.

I saw them moving around busily.

Elric could sense that now was the right time to step forward.

[Can you go alone? I will help you even now.]

At that time, Hermann expressed his intention to apply through the communication channel.

That’s probably why Elric is worried about moving alone.

However, Elric calmly shook his head and put his mouth to the communication port.

[no. This time, I feel much more comfortable moving on my own. As requested, Blue Lion, please wait ‘there’ with your sworn brothers. I will send you a signal within a few days.]

[…] If that is your opinion, I will follow it. But I hope you don’t overdo it.]

[Thank you for your concern. And I don’t want to do anything wrong in a place like this, so you don’t have to worry too much.]

[I understand.]

After Herman’s communication ended, Hayes’ voice was heard as if he had been waiting.

[be careful.]

[Sister, how old am I this year?]

[f*ck you.]

Hayes sighed lightly and turned off the communication.

Finally, from the sound of movement somewhere, it seemed like they were preparing to return to the Antromorph as Elric had asked.

‘While I’m rocking Fury, Horwanga has to rally support behind the scenes. Since my sister and Sean are by my side, I’m sure they will do well somehow.’

Hayes had educated Elric so that he could become self-reliant, and Sean had learned royal studies as a direct descendant of one of the most prestigious families in the empire.

If the two people assisted and guided Belle well, Belle would soon be able to realize what she needed as an emperor.

Because he was also a descendant of King Yulho.


Elric put his hand to his face and uttered a command. As the magic field settled over the entire face, the skeleton changed little by little.

Patter, patter!

It was on a different level from the transformation techniques I had tried before.

At that time, all I could do was make the cheekbones sit down and tear the corners of the eyes.

Even if it is just a little bit, the entire appearance has changed.


Although it may not be the fundamental change that only the legendary dragon species achieved, if you look at its appearance, it was closer to a beast than a human.

Pure white skin and matted hair like a mane. And glaring eyes.

The characteristics of the Sasa tribe, resembling the dead Barasen, were evident.

It was the magic of the 7th circle that I learned while successfully completing the arrangement and pioneering the territory.

Similar to Elric, but a change that makes it impossible to tell if they are the same person at first glance.

Even the implicit temperament was different.

“【Fly up】.”


Elric launched himself into the busy crowd of Furies.

Wizard who swallowed talent

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