Swordmaster’s Youngest Son Chapter 686

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Chapter 686

Episode 175. Forbidden (2)

* * *

“Are you here, Zephyrin-nim!”

“You are here, Grand Duke, sister!”

At the new Kingelo Headquarters, Bubar and Ainas welcomed the three officers who had just returned with clear voices.

Zephyrin, Bianca and Ranke. The three escaped from the subspace while Jin and Veil were fighting, and of course, the planting was not very good.

In particular, Zephyrin was resentful of the fact that he was ‘played with’ by Jin again this time.

Even this time, Jin didn’t devise a scheme, he just chased and suffered losses, so he was even more annoyed.

“Anyway, if you get involved with Jin Runkandel, you will always get tired. Ha ha, what kind of situation is this?”

There were two main reasons why Kingelo chose to retreat instead of intervening in the battle.

The first is that Zephyrin cannot use the leader’s power, and the second is to reduce power loss.

It was Zephyrin’s judgment that since it was unlikely that Jin would die from the madman who kept shouting at Sara, there was no need to forcefully help that nasty human being.

“grandee… … still… … this time… … Gene Runcandel, we… … Help… … I did it. subspace… … tore it up.”

“They didn’t try to help us, they just ripped subspace in the aftermath of fighting that madman, Bianca. Ha, anyway, I’ll have to ask Jin-Kyung to share the information properly later. From the circumstances, it’s certain that we opened Temar’s tomb.”

[Collock… … Coke!]

When Orgal coughed and entered the conference room, everyone bowed in unison.

“Ah, why did our master bother to come with a dying body… … If you had stayed still, I would have gone to report on my own.”

[energy… … Happy… … Cool! Is it work?]

“Are you happy?”

As Zephyrin tilted her head, a smile spread across the captain’s hazy face.

[At Temar’s grave, kuck. awakened being. Seeing the veil, Kuhuk, didn’t you feel anything, Zephyrin.]

At Orgal’s question, Zephyrin’s eyes gradually widened. Soon she recognized what the master meant.

“no way… … Are you saying that madman is a sign of life?”

When the leader nodded, Zephyrin reflexively covered her mouth. It was an action that stemmed from his disrespect for daring to describe ‘the traces of life’ as a madman.

“oh my god. The moment has truly come when Gene Runkandel has come to our aid!”

One of the keys to the cause, and one of the beings that Kingelo had been looking for for so long, was the Veil, the Sign of Life.

Orgal was convinced of the veil even though he hadn’t seen it in person. From the moment the veil awakened and began to wield its authority, he felt its unique aura.

In addition, some of the history of Orgal was included in the history manipulation that Veil canceled at the same time as Runcandel’s awakening.

It was a story that the speed at which Orgal’s power returned would be faster.


“Speak, Master.”

[Jin, Coke! We don’t know how soon we’ll find out about Bale. Great, before he learns the contract and the ban, whoops, we have to play the game.]

“All right. But he tends to obsess over the character Sarah. What should I do?”

[I have to make something that can replace Sarah Runkandel… … . Hmm, it won’t be that difficult. It must be innocent by nature and even wounded.]

“Is there any possibility that you have already signed a contract with Jin-kyung? I did see Jin-kyung fight before returning. Lord Jin may have removed it.”

[If the contract has already been signed, we will be caught by Jin again. Kut! I can feel the energy of life, so there’s no way it was removed, curl curl. Besides, Gene Runkandel has a lot to tell him. Even if it is pushed back in the battle with Jin, it is not to the extent that Bale cannot escape.]

Also, at the point of being able to catch a weakness, Zephyrin became contemplative for a while.

“… … I will go to Tikan right away and figure out the situation.”

[If the veil is not in Tikan, release the search team, and if you are with Jin, bring it with all your heart.]

* * *

Unfortunately, Zephyrin, who visited Tikan, saw Veil, whose contract had already expired and who had banned himself.

Unlike when Veil first woke up, he looked like a normal human.

The glowing ring above his head and the two huge white wings disappeared, and his cross-eyed eyes were no different from those of ordinary people.

Only his golden hair gave off a soft, mystical light, indicating that he was an extraordinary being.

“Vale, bring some snacks over there and eat with me.”

“… … I get it.”

Sandra was loving that divine being as if she were dealing with a younger sister.

Bale brought the cookies from the table with a dark expression.

After realizing that Sandra wasn’t Sarah, Bale wanted to tear her to death right away, but there was no way.

Because contracts and prohibitions are absolute. The current state of the veil was a slave completely subordinated to Sandra.

“You just have to feed them one every five seconds. Understand? You eat yourself.”

“I get it.”

“It’s too stiff, can you give me a more intimate answer?”

“I’ll try.”

“Um, fine.”

Sandra’s treatment of Veil was a scene that was not yet familiar to Jin and Tikan’s colleagues.

So, the executives of Kingelo who came to see him couldn’t help but be astonished.

“… … Jin-kyung, what the hell is this situation?”

“A headache situation. Can’t you see?”

“What a noble being he is, that mad biological golem.”

Sandra hummed while chewing on the cookies Veil had fed her. She makes sure that Zephyrin is polite as soon as he sees the veil, and she is being sarcastic on purpose.

Zephyrin let out a deep sigh and bowed her head to Veil once more.

“Veil-sama, I am Zephyrin, Grand Duke of Pandemonium. As I said before, my master told Vail to bring me something… … .”

“Bail, get rid of that Demon Dragon. It’s annoying.”

“You mean kill?”

“of course.”




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As soon as the order was issued, the veil began to transform into its original form, and Jin stopped Sandra.


“Sheesh. Stop, Bale.”

“I get it.”


“okay… … .”

“Damn it! Vale-sama, why did you sign a contract with such a living golem?”

“Hey, Demon Dragon. Are you with that attitude right now? Are you polite to Veil, but treat me like a very inferior person? Are you telling Bale to never cooperate with you guys? I mean, be polite.”

Eventually, Zephyrin dragged Jin outside.

“Jinkyung, that living golem listens to you very well. I can’t stand this insult any longer. As a temporary alliance, I will make a formal request to you. Please take action so that we can take care of Mr. Vail.”

“Sandra is not my subordinate, Zephyrin. And what nonsense do you guys know?”

“Have you forgotten how my master helped Sir when he saved Heister some time ago? It wouldn’t be such a difficult request. If you are concerned that we will play tricks, Lord Jin may accompany you.”

If Bale’s subordination to Sandra was absurd, it was interesting to see Kingelo come and obsess over Bale out of nowhere.

He had a hunch that if he did well, he could use Kingelo to keep Hedo and Sandra safe.

“Zephyrin, I honestly thought that if you guys came to me, you would ask for damage compensation or share information about the veil with us. But what is the reason for such an openly low profile? Answer honestly.”

“… … great. We already knew about Vale’s contract and the ban. So, without your knowledge, I tried to sign a contract first, but the biotic golem took the lead.”

“Ah, so that means you didn’t assume the case where Bale made a contract with Sandra, not me.”

“That’s right. As is true for you, Lord Vail is very important to us.”

“Is it because of what Orgal said about being the parent of life?”

Jin thought that he was the only object that Kingelo could be so openly obsessed with. From what we learned from her first meeting, Kingelo’s goal seemed to be deeply related to the parents of life.

‘I guess that’s why they leaked information about the Holy Land to me.’

-I have no intention of telling a lie, even if there is no contractor of truth, Gene Runcandel. The reason the world is now like this is because the parents of life have disappeared.

Perhaps the ‘cleansing’ that Kingelo is talking about includes the process of resurrecting the parents of life.

‘Kingelo is trying to resurrect the parents of life, and the Prophet is trying to resurrect Heluram… … .’

For instance, their goals seemed to lie on opposite sides. Those who purify the world and those who try to drive it into chaos.

Of course, in Jin’s eyes, all of them just look like madmen who keep harassing the normal world. Just like Zipline, who manipulates history to make the world go their own way.

Kingelo is purifying and speaks nice things, but in the end, he commits terrorism, murder, and various evil deeds, not to mention the prophet and jiple.

And Rosa is trying to completely destroy the world in the midst of it. Thinking that far, Jin suddenly had a headache.

“that’s right. We want to resurrect the parents of life, and Lord Vail is an important clue to that.”

“You make a very cool confession.”

“Even if it’s temporary, it’s an alliance. Vale is also related to my master’s recovery. Isn’t it necessary for you to recover as much as possible before the decisive battle with Rosa Runkandel?”

That’s right. That’s why Jin was concerned about Orgal’s recovery during the first meeting.

Anyway, I needed to meet Orgal once. I also need to let him know that Rosa’s powers seem to be growing faster than he expected.

“It has already been said by Orgal himself that even if it is not a veil, there is a means to accelerate recovery in the worst case.”

“So you mean you can’t cooperate?”

“No, let’s cooperate. Instead, I would like to place one condition.”

“Ha, the condition of that damn bastard. What is it?”

“Protection for Sandra and the Tower Keeper. As you may have noticed at Temar’s tomb, they will now be treated as traitors even if they return to Ziple.”

“Isn’t it okay if I don’t return it? Ziffle will be very offended, but like it or not, they can’t be extremely antagonistic with you ahead of the showdown with Rosa. Betrayal is also their fault for not managing people properly.”

“I am not going to return it. Until the decisive battle, even if you betrayed, it’s an important force, so there won’t be any problems, but just in case you don’t know, I’m asking for protection from you too. The more hands the better.”

Zephyrin surprisingly complied with Jin’s request.

“As long as Vail is here, we have no choice but to protect the living golem. Besides, protecting the Tower Keeper is a ridiculous man, so it’s a pretty conscientious condition for you. Let me accept it.”

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