Swordmaster’s Youngest Son Chapter 1067

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Chapter 1067

Episode 252 War begins (6)

Barclay Borough.

Even though it was night, the moon was not visible.

It wasn’t hidden by clouds. This was because the rays fired by the demon stone into the civilian residential area during the day formed a hot poisonous fog.

The boiling poisonous dance showed no signs of cooling down. Those who were lucky enough to survive were envious of those who died instantly.

All of the skin melts away, and the mushy bones fall to the floor like mud. There were thousands of people dying so horribly just near the aid station where Jin was standing now, but not even a scream could be heard. This was because no patient could scream.

Survivors were just wandering around the area of ​​the aid station like ghosts. I became unable to even read the sign right in front of me.

The war was truly a great victory, but too many innocent people died.

“Five hundred… … Just… … .”

Five million, the estimated number of civilians sacrificed by the final blow of the Demon God Stone.

Jin looked at the survivors with a blank face and thought about the number. It was a number that did not feel realistic at all.

The number of victims was bound to continue to increase in the future. The coalition is currently sending all available treatment personnel to the affected areas, but it has been impossible to care for all patients.

To put it bluntly, each person needed at least intensive treatment from the top healers of the Holy Kingdom to survive. However, even if he survived, it could not be the same as before. There will be at least hundreds of thousands, and possibly as many as a million, more deaths.

“Lord Jin.”

Saint King Rani came to Jin’s side. She flew here as soon as Kellieak escaped and has been helping her survivors without stopping ever since.

“… … rani.”

The two sat in silence for a while and watched the outside of the barracks. I saw people falling down every few seconds and not being able to get up again.

Even those who had been to hell themselves seemed to have never seen a more terrible scene.

However, in the midst of so much pain and death, an incongruous golden energy was illuminating the entire damaged area.

The power of regeneration.

The power Jin gained upon reaching Changseong shines on the ruined land.

Jin found that fact even more painful. This was the scene that unfolded even at the moment when the kingdom was almost destroyed by the Jinma world’s invasion, and even when the Jinma world collapsed under Jito’s tyranny.

“It’s not that you did anything. Keliak, that crazy monster did it.”

“… … I know. However, I cannot say that I am not responsible.”

A calm voice.

As Keliak said, Jin was having a hard time enduring his guilt.

Because it won’t work if you can’t endure it. If you collapse even once, you will either not be able to fight again or will fall into demonic fire.

“He said this was just the beginning of the nightmare I was going to experience, you bastard. I know exactly my weaknesses. No, you probably knew that from a long time ago. “It’s just that the roughness is gone now.”

Until now, Jeep has always placed importance on external prestige.

Although he had no hesitation in massacring minority groups such as the Colon indigenous people for profit, he was at least conscious of the eyes of ‘many’ people.

But not anymore. Now they no longer need the support of the vast majority of ordinary people.

“It probably means that the Demon God Stone has been completed to that extent. There are already completed demon stones in other dimensions. Even if I destroy this world and kill everyone. “Just recreating the world with demon stones is enough for them.”

Nod… … !

My teeth were ground. Fishy blood leaked out between my clenched lips. How on earth could a person do something like this to another? Such thoughts became mental demons and continued to infiltrate Jin’s inner self.

Jin stood up.

“Atonement comes after erasing all those bastards from this world. Let’s go back now… … I have to get ready to fight again. “If you need anything, please ask.”

“Lord Jin.”


“Ayula said that the power of the scriptures can bring back those who have died and turned into light like that. Although Numerus’ wings have not been added now, unlike during the time of our Holy Kingdom, eventually everything will return to its natural state.”

It’s natural.

Jin often thought this whenever he heard that word. There is probably no one who has gone against the natural order of this world more than the returnee himself. So he is paying such a heavy price.

But not anymore.

The atrocities committed by Jeep and the integrated Jeep were nothing compared to regression. Stopping them was my destiny as a returner from the beginning.

“… … Of course, these words won’t be of comfort. I and my colleagues believe in it. When all the fighting is over, Jin Kyung will eventually make the world shine brighter than before. So, anytime, if you need anything, just ask. Seongguk and I are always ready to do anything for you. “I guess I should go back to work, because saving the lives of innocent people is my mission.”

Jin and Rani left the barracks at the same time.

Outside, the union’s knights, wizards, and Ielo2 were in full swing. Anyone could fight for the world, even if they were not superhumans who could cut down mountains and split the sea with a single sword.

Jin climbed onto the Red Owl and went straight to Tikan.

“Are you here, sir… … .”

“Well, kid. “Are you here?”

Jet and his colleagues looked closely and greeted Jin. Until his brief conversation with Rani at the aid station, Jin hadn’t said a single word.

No, I would have to say I couldn’t do it. I had to put all my mind into overcoming the guilt, and I had to concentrate to the point where I couldn’t even say a word.

“What happened to Bligiette?”


After being betrayed by Zipple, he could no longer endure the joint attacks of the Changseongs and was captured. Although he held out against the three men for over an hour, he was unable to successfully escape like he did at the Sun Shinyo Temple.

“It is said that Ameris and Lord Lucy were successfully captured with the help of Daenauri… … ! “I heard that the separation of ancestor Nari’s body has been completed.”

“I get it. Now you need to check the supplies to be provided to the Holy Kingdom and contact Dino… … .”

“We contacted Dino Jaglan, little one. Hufester: All articles published by the media should consider the victims as the top priority.”

“By the way, don’t let a single line of unnecessary slander be thrown in just because they lived in Jeep land. “He threatened to behead anyone who wrote such an article.”

It was Brother Tona. Among them, Daytona came forward and hugged her Jin for a moment.

“Don’t try to think and solve everything on your own. Just focus on things that can’t be done without you. “That’s what we’re here for, youngest child.”

Hearing those words, Jin felt something welling up inside him.

“It’s been a while since you feel like brothers, thank you for your hard work.”

Jin is not the only one who feels guilt.

All of Jin’s colleagues and brothers, who had been watching Jin’s thoughts the whole time, were feeling guilty. Even if you were not a regressor, of course you had no choice but to do so. In that respect, it could be said that his colleagues had areas where they were slightly stronger than Jin.

“You haven’t contacted Luna yet, have you?”

Luna was currently leading the fleet and tracking down the Tower of Story.

“uh. It seems like it’s not easy to track. But they say the location is being determined, so let’s wait a little longer.”



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Those who are tracking like Luna, those who have gone to the aid station for support, and those who are on standby to protect the territory.

Everyone was refining their hatred for Jeep. Refining and refining, we had to coolly cut out their hearts and cut off their heads no matter the situation.

Soon Jin moved to the Tican Palace dungeon.

Van, Ameris, and Lucy were watching Bligiette on the lowest level of the prison. Bligiette was on his knees, bound by a special restraining sphere formed from various powers.

“You’re here, Brother Jin.”

Ban, Ameris, and Lucy also looked at Jin for a moment and sighed. I was always worried about what would happen if Haeng Yeo-jin fell into the swamp of demonic fire.

“You’ve made everyone so worried. sorry. “I’m sure I’m not the only one suffering.”

“Don’t say that, Jin.”

“Jin Kyung… … .”

Lucy looked at Jin in a tearful voice.

She was hugging Temar’s left arm, which had separated from Bligiette. From a thousand years ago until now, it was a part of the person she loved more than her own life.

The left arm was stabbing Lucy’s chest, looking no different from when Temar was alive.

Jin quietly hugged Lucy. Lucy burst into tears in his arms. A person who cannot enjoy rest even after death, and a person who has endured loneliness for over a thousand years without being able to die. This was the reunion between Temar and Lucy.

“… … Now I can do anything. “If only I could let Temar rest in peace and stop my daughter.”

Lucy’s horns turned red. Bligiette’s restraint was activated.

[Khaaagh… … .]

The redder the horn became, the more pain it inflicted on Bligiette. Bligiette let out a groan, arching his back like a prisoner being dragged around his iron.

As soon as the light from the horn dimmed, Bligiette took a breath and looked up at Jin and Lucy.

[You are making the being you created suffer… … Phew, this is why the world needs to be rebuilt.]

“Bligiette, you can never go out into the world again. From now on, you will faithfully answer all the questions we ask here and then disappear or be sealed.”

[Am I afraid of pain? Foolish mortals.]

“There’s no way I can protect my loyalty with Jeep anyway, so wouldn’t it be better if we ended up not getting tired of each other?”

[Do as you wish. Anyway, I… … .]

The moment Bligiette said that, Lucy suddenly grabbed his chin viciously.

“Didn’t you hear me just now? Bligiette. I can do anything now. You’re not afraid of pain? I too, like you, was the self of the sun god. It means I know better than anyone else what bothers you the most… … I guarantee you, if you don’t cooperate, you will regret it.”

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