Swordmaster’s Youngest Son Chapter 1061

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Episode 1061

Episode 251 Opponents (11)

June 10, 1804, about a week after Lucy joined the Union. She seemed to be struggling with her new relationship for the first few days, but thanks to her old colleagues like Leet, Murakhan, and Bail, she seemed to have adjusted well to the alliance.

“The reason I kicked you all this way was because I was sharing a girl with you.”

“Wow, so cool!”


“To love!”


“Strawberry pie!”


Led by Eltiot, who was the first to recite with a strange pronunciation, the Miya clans were busy making fun of Murakan.

From the day Murakan and Gili officially became lovers, teasing Murakan could be said to be Elthiot and the Ming Dynasty’s greatest joy.

To be exact, it was not just theirs but everyone’s enjoyment except Murakan. However, there were not many colleagues who could laugh fearlessly in front of Murakan like the Ming Dynasty.

“Ha, these bastards are like this again. Hey, hey! Don’t you stand there!? Just come here! Since Ban is protecting you, you don’t really see anything, right? “Don’t stop!”


“Kkkyakya, billion!”

The Tuwang and several warriors who were running away were soon caught by Murakan and their jaws turned. However, even though the Ming Dynasty was beaten, they were just busy making fun of Murakan.

“Die, just die!”

“But it’s true that my friend Murakan confessed like that!”

“Jin, your brothers are a real fighting race. Even after getting punched like that by Murakan, the bruises all disappeared after a few hours.”

“It’s fascinating. “I’m confident that I have a pretty strong body now, but if I get hit like that, I’m sure I’ll be seriously hurt.”

“Still, if Murakan just looks around, he knows how to respect the elderly. “Elthiot starts every time, but he doesn’t hit that guy.”

“That’s right.”

Beradin and Dante were watching. Jin shrugged her shoulders.

“that’s right. “Murakan has its ups and downs.”

“Anyway, Jin, are you really okay with Gilly and Murakan becoming lovers?”

“It’s okay, Beradin. “It’s true that it feels a bit strange, but of course it was going to happen like this.”

Jean had never seen Gilly smile as often as she did these days. She always had a smile on her face, except when she beat up her colleagues who made fun of her.

“Seeing that look makes me want to date too.”

At Beradin’s words, Jin and Dante internally smiled bitterly.

It was because I knew that he was saying things he didn’t really mean to shake off his depression. Beradin has always appeared cheerful since being rescued, but in reality, he has been suffering every single day. In the aftermath of his mental manipulation, he is reminded of the terrible things he has done.

There was no way he truly wanted to be in a relationship or anything like that. He throws himself away as soon as possible. He just wants to make up for the sins of those times.

“Hey, what kind of love is it for a sinful person like me? This empty heart and sadness… … From now on, I will replace everything with the anger that strikes Jeep! In that sense, is there a place for me in the Golden Fleet? “I was a bad guy, so instead of giving me a grand position like fleet commander or captain, please just put me in an ordinary crew member.”

Beradin said, looking out the window.

Outside the window, I could see the golden boxes that had just been built last night. Currently, there are more than 300 golden ships floating in the territorial waters near Tikan Palace, and their appearance looks like clouds made of melted gold flowing across the sky. All the people of Tikan came out and were watching the spectacle.

Jin took out an epaulette from his pocket and handed it to Beradin.

“This is the epaulet of the 9th Fleet Commander of the Bamul Alliance Tikan Nation. The fleet name is Drakka.”

“… … what? “Drakka!?”


The capital of the Lutero Magic Federation, which disappeared by the enemy tribe a few months ago. Dracka, along with the Tower of Stories, has been a name that symbolizes Jeep for a long time.

“If you give a name like that to the Golden Fleet!”

“Beradin, I remember you as the most just person in Jeep. “You were like a person among those who were not like him.”

Before Jin returned, Beradin had a reputation in the world as a just and strong person.

And the same thing happened to Beradin, who Jin experienced after returning. Before the mind manipulation, he was clearly the most righteous person in Jeep.

“During the Seongguk Incident, you were indignant when you saw that your family was trying to starve the Seongguk subjects to death. This was right after Jeeple handed over gold bars to Seongguk as a threat. So you set fire to the gold bars yourself. Do you remember what you told us at your villa after that incident? “You said you were going to get the Jeep back.”

-Anyway, Runkandel and Ziffle fight even if it’s not you.

-That’s true, Jin. I have a sense of responsibility. If the family is going down the wrong path, shouldn’t the country also be corrected? I will make everything normal. I would return Jeep to the proud family I knew it to be.

It was a memory I didn’t want to forget even for a moment. Except for the time when her mind was manipulated into becoming a monster, Veradin always held the memory of that day in her heart.

“In my opinion, that statement still holds true. Of course, from now on, our alliance plans to destroy Jeep, but you are the exception. When the name Jeeple disappears from this world, then you will rebuild Draka. As the most righteous person in Jeep. “It is a name given that meaning.”

Beradin stared at Jin for quite some time before receiving the epaulettes.

“… … Well, Dracka was the most livable city in the world, except for the fact that the rulers were actually the biggest bastards in the world. For the ordinary people who lived there, their home and hometown would have disappeared. Well, okay, why not become a captain once? “The leader is asking for this.”

“It’s not a request, it’s an order.”

“Those friends are really tight together. A bit unlucky, isn’t it? Dante.”

“It’s a very heartwarming sight to me.”

“Anyway, I will rebuild Draka someday as you instructed, Commander. And besides me, there’s Sandra and Betty, right? 개새끼 아닌 지플. “Of course, neither of us are as sinless as I am.”

“I assigned those two to the 9th Fleet, too.”

“Anyway, it’s detailed. Then what about non-immortality? “Is he part of our fleet too?”

“The Immortal belongs to the Runkandel fleet. “Still, he’s a teenage knight, so isn’t that natural?”

“Well, immortality is treated like a fool here, but in the Garden of Swords, it’s no different from a living myth.”

The three people giggled aimlessly. Up front, Murakan was still being teased, and Lucy could barely hold back her laughter as she watched.

“By the way, Jin and Lucy are really great too. If you’re going to do that, just laugh. I heard that your situation is similar to mine. Should I give you some advice? No, I guess it’s because I’m a Zipple anyway. Hey, what do you think? “It’s because I’m obsessed with the idea that I’m a bad guy who shouldn’t be laughed at.”

Beradin walked towards Lucy before Jin could respond. As soon as Beradin spoke to her, Lucy reflexively swung her fist, and Beradin stretched out his fist for about five seconds and then stood up.

“I-I’m sorry. “I know very well that Lord Beradin is not evil, but as soon as I heard the word ‘Jiffle’, I stopped without even realizing it.”

“Kuh… … It’s okay, don’t worry about it, Sir Lucy. great. When it’s hard to laugh like it is now, let’s just beat me up. Wouldn’t that be better than being weighed down by guilt and not being able to fight properly? No, if it’s a Zipple, I see that it stretches out its fist first, so I don’t think I need to worry.”

Lucy tried to answer and let out an awkward laugh. That alone was enough progress.

Jin and Dante burst into laughter as they saw that.

“Let’s catch that guy without overdoing it. “He must survive until the fight is over because he has a lot of work to do.”

“Of course.”



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Jin took out a pocket watch from his arms. It was approaching noon.

“It’s almost noon.”

Soon Jin stood up and started walking, and all the nearby colleagues began to follow him one by one.

The place Jin headed to was the floating garden of Tican Palace.

While he and the executives were going up to the Hanging Garden, all the golden ships floating in the nearby sea began to form a line at once.

Eventually, when Jin climbed to the Hanging Garden, Tikan’s entire fleet was lined up in front of Jin. Among Tikan’s golden fleets that have been produced to date, there is only one that is not here.

The Battleship Fleet, captained by Ban.

They had been tracking the Tower of Stories with Valeria for the past week, and had contacted Jin for the first time an hour ago.

Since it appears that the current location of the Tower of Story, Jeeple, can be identified, the request was to summon 50% of the currently operational Golden Ships to provide support by noon.

Preparations for sortie had already been completed long ago. I just waited for noon to come.


Behind the golden fleet lined up in the sky, a huge steel door was opening. Hundreds of flying ships, led by Kingelo’s flagship Grenille, were seen exiting the steel gate. Likewise, half of Kinzelo’s three hundred ships were ordinary flying ships, and half were the Black Fleet of the Abyss Legion.

Orgal was gritting his teeth as he stood on the bow of Grenil. After learning the truth about the world, it was the first time I hit the zip line.

“I was planning on leaving it when it was late, Orgal.”

[I said something I didn’t mean to say. Now you admit it too, right? The fact is that there is no ally more reliable for you than our Kingelo. By the way, your lover and class are amazing. Who would have thought they were already on their tail. I was surprised to receive the communication.]

For example, Zipple’s opponents have gathered in one place.

Finally, just as the pocket watch pointed to exactly noon, Jin’s small communication device vibrated. It was a communication from the Tushin Fleet.

{I’m sure, Jin. It’s above the heart of the Sota Desert. You can come by space leap right now.}

After hearing Valeria’s voice, Jin immediately boarded the ship in the very center of the fleet.

The hull, which stretched out sharply like a sword, contained greater power than any golden ship ever produced.

It was Runkandel’s 1st flagship, ‘Sarah’.

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