Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 3

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Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master (3)

Leonard arrived at the large restaurant on time at a brisk pace and looked up from the flag that decorated the entrance.

The sun symbolizing the empire and the sword crossing it.

It is an emblem given only to the founding contributors and the Grand Duchy of Cardenas.

Only the swordsman Cardenas was allowed to defeat the sword even in front of the emperor, something that the instructor in charge of continental history and spiritual education praised over and over again.

‘This is the family that founded the Arcadian Empire and its founder, and has monopolized even the strongest swordsmanship for hundreds of years.’

It was a story that was bound to be interesting.

From the shaman and Shaolin, who can be said to be the twin walls of the nine worlds, to the Heavenly Demon God religion, which is born and raised by the law of strong self-respect, to the imperial palace, which easily trains masters with enormous resources.

It was impossible anywhere to train the best people in the world in each generation.

Even if it is a title limited to .

‘There was plenty to learn from the swordsmanship of the Shaman faction, the Jongnam faction, and the Namgung family, but in the end, I was the best sword in the world at that time.’

Geomje (劍帝).

Compared to him, Taegeuk Geomseondo, which is the best sword of shaman, and Ungeom, which is the best sword of Jongnam, were a few short.

The only expert who overpowered him, Dan Mok-jin, the Cheonma, was unfortunately a warrior who could not use a sword.

However, Geomje Yeon Moo-hyeok has never received any teachings or support from a prestigious sect, and has only trained his martial arts skills, more than half of which were practiced, through natural talent, bone-chilling efforts, and a struggle to live with death on his back.

‘You can easily reach a certain level with talent, effort, and resources, but after that, you need luck.’

I wasn’t talking about the banal luck of finding an opportunity at the bottom of a cliff. A struggle whose victory cannot be guaranteed or an effort that may not be rewarded, and whose future is uncertain, are called ‘luck’ in one word.

To reach a transcendental state, you had to jump into that luck and keep struggling desperately.

“But this family has produced the best swordsman in the world for hundreds of years…” ?”

There are two possibilities.

truth or lie.

If it is false, it may have just been disguised to raise the family’s status, or as a family in charge of protecting the empire.

But just in case, what if it’s true?

‘There may be some secret hidden in this family or lineage.’

Leonard thought about that and looked away.

There is no point in thinking about it any further at this point.

As one of the widespread collateral blood relatives, there are clear limitations to the knowledge and information that can be accessed. It may be a question that can only be answered after one ascends to a higher position, whether through position within the family or through strength.


Despite its heavy appearance, the door opens smoothly.

As soon as Leonard took a step beyond that, hundreds of pairs of eyes were on him.

“What, it’s number 381?”

“I heard you finally came to your senses, and it seems to be true.”

“403 You got hit by that weakling and passed out for three days. How weak are you? “If he had hit me, she would have just died.”

“The guy who couldn’t even destroy the scarecrow is bluffing.”

They chatted for a moment and then seemed to lose interest and turned their eyes to the plate in front of them and the person next to them.

‘Perhaps because most of them are collaterals, they all look different.’

In particular, the colorfully colored hair and eyes were something that had never been seen even in Sae-Oe, where people of color often visited.

Although gold and brown are the same, colors such as red and blue are difficult to come out naturally. I have only seen a few cases where it appears acquired after reaching a certain level through martial arts that change the constitution itself.

The owner of the North Sea Ice Palace, who can be said to be the ruler of the Saeroi Forest, or the Fire King of the Southern Mangrove Forest?


As Leonard was lost in his thoughts about old times for a while, the plate became overflowing with food.

I sit down at the empty table and take the spoon in my hand.

In Jungwon, he ate somen and spring rolls for every meal at Byeokgokdan or at a guesthouse. The plate piled high with meat, bread, and eggs felt awkward even though I had accepted all the memories of this body.


Eat a few spoonfuls of warm soup and chew meat, bread, and eggs.

Sufficient nutrients are essential for proper growth of the growing body. I was not allowed to eat poorly until I regained the level of Hwagyeong, which is called a master here, where I can maintain my physical condition with the minimum amount of food.

“… “It fits my taste better than I thought.”

Leonard looked at the empty tray, feeling inwardly embarrassed.

This is because I felt a joy that I had forgotten about for decades while saving time to eat.

It was a time when both body and mind were enriched.

My body, which had been starving for three days, quickly absorbed nutrients, and even my pale complexion became reddish due to bleeding.

“What is it, number 381? “I guess you had a good appetite when you woke up after a good night’s sleep?”

It was then.

A trainee who sat next to me without permission and was almost twice as big as the other kids started talking.

Leonard remembered that face.

“Number 8… Was it?”

“No, it’s number 7. “I knocked out a guy the day before yesterday.”

A triumphant smile spread across his youthful face despite his large size.

He naturally showed off the number 7 badge on his chest.

In this facility, the numbers trainees had meant their location. For now, the only benefits are a larger room and clean, nice clothes, but as time passes, the benefits you can receive from your family will increase?

‘The method of competing from a young age is similar to what we saw in the magic world, but… It’s so moderate that it’s a shame to compare it to that. It’s not like they’re telling us to kill each other until there are only a few left.’

Leonard thought like that and looked at number 8, no, number 7.

“What business is it?”

“Do you think your tone of voice has changed a little?”

Number 7 looked at him with a puzzled expression for a moment, then

“No, that’s enough. I guess that’s fine. “I’m here to teach you information you might not know.”

“Information you might not know?”

“okay. “Be quiet and listen carefully.”



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Number 7 whispered near Leonard’s ear.

“While you were absent for three days, almost all of the top numbers began to gather their forces. You know it well, right? Numbers 1, 2, and 4 are—.”

“A direct descendant?”

“Shh! “Your voice is too loud, you idiot!”

Number 7, taken aback by his rebuttal, reflexively waved his hand, but there was no way he could be defeated by that clumsy handshake.

Leonard just nodded his head once and easily dodged the palm that was thrown at the back of his head.

“Eh? “Huh?”

“Stop playing with your hands and continue explaining. “What are numbers 1, 2, and 4?”

“Uh, ah, anyway, those three formed a gang. Of the 500 people, more than half have already gone under their wing. But isn’t there a rule that says you can’t create a faction without a direct line? So, among the top numbers, number 3, me, and number 9 are going to join forces.”

It was a child’s trick no matter how smart he was, Leonard immediately realized the reason for Number 7’s visit and stopped talking.

“done. “I have no intention of joining any gang.”


“Thank you for the story. “I’ll pay you back later.”

Leonard, taking advantage of Number 7’s silence as he was left speechless, stood up, returned the tray, and immediately left the restaurant.

In his previous life, Yeon Moo-hyeok did not belong to any place because he was dissatisfied with the lack of time to train and fewer enemies to fight. There was no way Leonard, who had inherited such an ego, would be much less interested in the gang fights of young children.

‘If there is a martial art that is only taught to immediate descendants, I would like to fight, but it will still be a few years away.’

Little kids who are just 14 years old can’t help but wonder what and how much they have learned.

Therefore, Leonard decided to take care of his own body first.

‘The internal engineering law will be postponed until later. If you get caught, you may arouse suspicion and you may not be able to enter this family’s martial arts.’

Then what he had to do was decided.

“External effort.”

* * *

It was the very next day.

Leonard, who opened his eyes at dawn, immediately began to twist his body strangely on his bed.

The sound of crunching bones continued to flow from his ankles, knees, waist, and shoulders, but he did not stop. It stretches and twists the body to the limit of its range of motion.

These bizarre movements were the basic steps of the Confucian techniques that I learned by chance at the Podalap Palace in the past.

―Heulheul, the muscles and bones need to be more than just strong. How uncomfortable would it be for herbivore to be able to stretch out with such a stiff body? One thing I regret is that you are too old. This Confucian art is most effective when the body is not fully grown.

Leonard, who had been stretching and twisting his body to his limit without damaging his muscles or ligaments, stopped after an hour.

My sweat-soaked clothes were damp due to the pain and tension, but the progress I felt was more evident than when I practiced as an adult, which made me forget about the unpleasantness.

‘It’s more than twice as fast as in my previous life. From the introductory level, I could complete it within three months.’

Flexibility that goes beyond common sense soon becomes a variable and a weapon that can fool opponents who are stuck in a rut.

It is not for nothing that the recommended practices practiced by the masters of Podalap Palace were looked down upon as witchcraft. However, the martial arts and martial arts themselves were ordinary, and the bodies of those who used them were extraordinary.

People who have been practicing Confucianism since childhood were able to move as if they had no skeleton in their bodies.

“… “Is morning training time starting at 7 o’clock?”

As soon as the bell rings, the trainees gather in the training room in the basement of the dormitory and conduct physical training under the guidance of the instructor.

However, Leonard was guaranteed a week of rest.

‘The way you train your body here is quite excellent. There are many more systematic aspects than Shaolin.’

Leonard, recalling the morning training in his memory, nodded his head as if satisfied.

There were many things to learn from the training method using precisely weighed discs, rods, and steel balls. It must have been thanks to that that the muscles and bones of the children I saw the day before were all well-trained.

‘They said you can use the training room at any time, so I guess I’ll wait until there’s no one around and stop by.’

Leonard came down from the bed and changed his clothes first.

The training clothes are as plain as the clothes you took off.

I was ready to go out by putting on the badge with number 381 on top of the gray-white tunic.

Before going to breakfast, I was planning to take a look around the training center, which was still unfamiliar to me.

“Oh, I should have brought a wooden sword too.”

Trainees must carry a wooden sword at all times outside the dormitory.

Yesterday, I didn’t say much, perhaps because I had just been discharged from the hospital, but today, someone might find fault with me.

Leonard left his room with a wooden sword attached to the belt around his waist.

‘I went to the restaurant and the infirmary yesterday. The training room will be there soon, so come later. Then, there is a place I would like to visit—.’

Leonard, who was drawing a map of the inside of the training camp in his head, eventually stopped.

I haven’t decided on a destination.

I just found a reason to stop walking.

“Do you have anything to do with me? “It’s morning training soon.”

As if responding to Leonard’s call, three children appeared from behind a pillar.

It seems like it was done to put pressure on him, but from the perspective of a swordsman who had killed even a Hwa-gyeong-level assassin, his appearance was just comical.

“Pretty good, number 381. “We are from Number 1’s faction.”

As soon as one of them started talking, the others followed.

“I don’t know about you, but number 1 is close to the pinnacle of his direct lineage. There will be no harm in being loyal to Him.”

“It’s also an extra point for not falling for that idiot’s trick number 7.”

Leonard chuckled at those words.

It seemed that Trainee No. 1’s faction knew even the worst plots of collateral blood relatives.

‘For a kids’ gang fight, it’s pretty fun.’

But it’s not enough to take up his time.

“I have no interest in factional strife. So get out of the way.”

When Leonard flatly refused, the faces of the three people standing in front of him distorted. It was because they thought they had ignored the ‘mercy’ they had given to topic number 381.

Number 157, the lowest ranking among the three, pulled out the wooden sword from his waist.

A boy with slightly slitted eyes said.

“You should have listened when I said something nice, right? “On a weak subject.”

Then, two people giggled and joined in behind him.

“Scold me until I agree to go under No. 1. Oh, avoid the area around the head. Lie down for another three days.”

“It’s a hassle to even move it to the infirmary.”

I’m going to be bored to death in the morning.

Leonard let out a long sigh and tried to pull out his wooden sword, but then he let his hand hang down and said.

Even though it’s a wooden sword, the opponent for the first sword strike is a 14-year-old kid.

No matter how much I think about it, I’m not excited.

“Stop babbling and attacking me. “If possible, the three of us together.”

At Leonard’s words, the three people were dazed, as if they couldn’t believe their ears, and then they glared at him fiercely.

“You insolent bastard!”

And number 157, with both eyes closed, attacked.


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