Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 290

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Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Swordsmith (290)

It was a slash that marked the beginning of the battle between [Balor], the foreign god who lost the Eye, and the demigods who blocked him.

Create an endless series of parallel images and overlap a thousand slashes with all your heart. If the Bansyeong, which can make a scar in a mountain range with a single blow, cuts it a thousand times, it was possible to create a new canyon even in a rocky plain.

Parallel infinite death technique

One of Thousand

The massive slash fired from Damian’s blade cut diagonally across the upper body of the one-eyed giant [Balor], causing a large amount of bleeding.

But the faces of the powerful became stiff when they saw his wounds.

This was because I immediately noticed that even in One of Thousands, only the outer part of the muscle layer was cut off, and it was not even a serious injury, let alone a fatal injury. Even though he had been beaten countless times by [Adam Kadmon], his physical durability was quite low.

If [Balor] was in perfect condition, there was almost no way to inflict significant damage on its entity at the level of a demigod.

“Don’t think you’ll get away with it! “It just takes time!”

Cruella urgently shouted and made a hand sign with both hands, summoning numerous undead from her subspace.

Every one of them was an undead of Transcendence or level 7 or higher, but they were no better than toys in front of [Balor]. Even though I desperately grabbed the guy’s ankle, I was lucky if I could hold on for a few seconds, or even just a few seconds.

However, Cruella’s summoning of the undead did not stop.

“There’s still a lot left… ! “I’ll squander everything I’ve saved up here!”

The strength of necromantic magic lies in its preparation.

Unlike wizards who accumulate magical power, artifacts, scrolls, etc., a system that increases combat ability by creating and storing undead.

The power of a necromancer, which has been diligently accumulated over hundreds of years, exceeds five to six times its capacity compared to those of the same level of skill.

Even the highest-level undead were like ants in front of Jinshin-level foreign media, but it was difficult to ignore them when hundreds or thousands of ants crawled up and ripped off their skin.

It was the same from [Balor]’s position.

“-this! “Get back!”

Along with Wade’s guard, who recognized the omen before anyone else, bloody flames flowed like waves from [Balor].

It was the power of flame, the second most infamous power after the power of evil eyes.

According to the records of the old times, it is said that when [Balor] attacked [Lu Lawader], who was prophesied to be the one to defeat him, in his childhood and cut off his escape route, he even turned the sea into fire.

Although it was lower in rank than the Evil Eye, its power and scope were not lacking at all as that of a true god.


The aura pouring out from Audrey’s glaive painted the air like ink, creating a boundary that the flames could not cross.

The singularity of ‘annihilation’ that destroys all matter and phenomenon.

True to its reputation, even the flames of [Balor] could not easily pass through, but unlike always, it was unusual to see it shaking unsteadily. The difference in rank is so enormous that even specialized abilities for one point are being invaded.

Audrey said, blinking a few times with her eyes stinging with heat.

“It’s not a directional attack, but if it’s this much for a ranged attack… “Even if I pour out all my strength, I won’t be able to fight head-on.”

“It means that if you hit even a good blow, your breath will be cut off.”

It was significantly different from the combustion phenomenon that exists in the natural world.

The flame born from the power of [Balor] had a miasma-like heat. If scorching occurs, the flesh rots away and necrosis occurs, regardless of material strength.

Like him, it was a negligible effect for a true god-level god, but for a demigod, it was a fatal wound that would lead directly to death.

“But if we maintain a lukewarm attitude, he won’t recognize us as a threat. “They might choose to avoid engagement and interfere with Leonard first.”

“… Are you being forced to make unfavorable moves against an opponent who is difficult to delay? Well, since this is a situation that needs to be prevented even if it means dying, there is nothing we can do.”

“If you have enough attack power to get through to him, you need my ‘Annihilation’ or Wade’s Decisive Will. “I’m sorry, Damian and Cruella, but your destructive power can’t make him wary.”

In contrast to the indifferent Cruella, Damian smiled bitterly.

“I’ve never heard anyone say that their attack power is lacking, but the opponent I’m dealing with is such a monster that I have nothing to say.”

Audrey looked back at him with her usual expressionless face.

“Use the ingenuity of the Mirror Sword to control the battlefield. “That is an area where you are superior to us.”

“You don’t need to praise me to save face, sister. “It’s something I know well even if I don’t say it.”

“… “Wow, you’re coming off as arrogant.”

There was no time left for small talk until that moment.

Realizing that he could not kill all the flying insects with flames, [Balor] changed the form of his power.

The flames wrapped around the body like a cloak spread and completely burned down the surrounding area. Because the density was lowered, Audrey’s power was able to erase it, but even the air evaporated, creating a space where breathing was impossible.

The demigods used this method to quickly protect themselves, blocking the heat from penetrating deep into the skin. Even if there is no medium, the spread of heat does not stop. It was the power of extradimensional law.

Chi profit… !

The feeling of the aura protecting my body burning away is terrifying.

Even Cruella, who passed the damage on to the undead she was contracting with, turned pale. Dozens of undead were being consumed every second. Even though each one was intermediate or higher, it meant that she was destroyed as soon as she came into contact with the flames.

In the midst of the heat, which is no different from hell, only two people run forward.

Wade and Audrey.

They were swordsmen who could inflict significant damage on [Balor].


Wade, who appeared with a pair of light wings, broke through the waves of fire at ultra-high speed, and Audrey, who created the aura of ‘annihilation’ like a full moon, used the shape as a shield and advanced.

Damian opened the way again with “One of Thousands,” but the flames that seemed briefly torn apart were restored in a matter of seconds. It was proof that the level of mental martial arts was inferior to that of power.


“I haven’t even finished it yet… ! It was a child who wanted to keep riding for a hundred years, a thousand years… ! Damn it!”

Cruella, who had barely escaped the influence of the heat, gritted her teeth with bloodshot eyes.

Then, using my staff as a key, I opened the door to the sub-space where the secret undead were stored. The bones of the undead that were only produced after receiving permission from the founder Cardenas and the previous emperor, and the bones of the race that usurped the vacant positions of the gods in the distant past, are sticking out.

Bone Dragon.

One of the pinnacles of the undead that even the 9th rank necromancer, Cruella, could not fully create was summoned.


Even though it had already died and only its bones remained, the dragon seemed to have engraved its hostility toward beings from other dimensions, and immediately fired a ray containing the power of death at [Balor].

Dragon Breath.

In response to a wave that even a True God level could not ignore, [Balor] raised his palm and blocked the purple brilliance.


There was no way Cruella’s voice could reach the area that had become a vacuum.



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The demigods of Cardenas raised their swords as if responding to the signal.

Mirror Blade

Infinite refraction restraint device


A ray of sword light shot out from Damian, crossing the two people ahead of him, cutting and patching the space in front of him, creating a new breakthrough that did not exist.

According to its original purpose, it was a technique to restrain the enemy, but it could also be used like this. It was also the first time that it was used in actual combat, as it was rare for demigod-level fighters to attack together.

Nevertheless, the two knight commanders jumped into the without the slightest hesitation, and went on the offensive before [Balor], who was half a beat behind due to the unidentified phenomenon.


Audrey’s glaive cracks open and spits out an aura as black as darkness. Unlike ‘annihilation’, the output limit is liberated, and the singularity that destroys not only the weapon but also the user’s body is liberated.

The weapon shattered in Audrey’s bloodied hands due to the recoil of the technique, and an Auror sticking out like a black dragon rushed towards the target.

Even [Balor] won’t be able to withstand a direct hit from this.

While blocking the dragon’s breath with one hand, I raised my other hand and pressed down on the aura of .



Wade, who gained sufficient acceleration with the cast earlier, executes a hyper-accelerated charge at a level common even at the Jinshin level.

Coincidentally, the name of the five gods was the same as the name of the spear thrown by [Lu Lawader], the god who defeated the foreign god [Balor].

You might think it’s just a coincidence, but names have power. Taking out [Lu Lawader]’s weapon while confronting [Balor] brings about the most fatal consequences for him.

Like the past where the matter was pierced with a single blow and the breath was cut off.


A special move with greater power than the one used during the conquest of the Demon World exploded near the heart of [Balor].

It was a moment.

Wade shuddered at the strength of existence felt beyond the swordplay, and even more than that, the spirit of [Balor], who felt an unpleasant sense of déjà vu, revived the shame engraved in his old memories.

The moment when I defeated the enemy with a javelin from the god of light, Lou Lawader.

As the defeat that questioned his authority as the monarch of Fomor came to mind, the thought of interfering with Leonard was instantly erased from the mind of Balor.


[Balor], who neutralized both Breath and Annihilation, declared to Wade, who reminded him of his shameful past.

I will kill you in the most painful way.

The murderous intent of a transcendent being seeps into the soul of the knight who has consumed the ultimate five wills, causing his body to stiffen. It was difficult to push the blade further in, as it reached right in front of the heart.

“——! ———.”


The remaining three were seen moving to support, but they were a beat late. If [Balor] moves his free arm and just slams his fist down, Wade will be crushed right away.

Wade, who was exhausted from , needed at least two breaths to recover, so he could not escape the predicament on his own.

So, what is the only and only way to overcome this situation?

“——All Golden Dragons, save Captain Wade!”

It was just a sudden invasion of a third force.

The strongest and best knights of Cardenas who have broken through the external dimensional forces. Una, who was at the forefront, rushed forward with fearless courage.

“Golden Dragon Knights?! how!”

“haha! Are you saying we broke through that army!? “That’s amazing!”

Even Audrey was astonished to the point of widening her eyes, and Damien praised the good fight and was impressed by the Golden Dragon’s determination.

This was because the leaders knew what that appearance meant.

“Outrageous output! “At that rate, foreign media can’t ignore it!”

Cruella, who had gauged the scale of the circle’s power through her control, was unable to close her mouth.

There are 36 Dragonians who have not only united as the ‘Eighteen Arhats’ but are even ready to lose their true form. Although his inner stature was a bit lacking, his power capacity and output exceeded that of a demigod.

It was bound to be a threat to [Balor], whose existence had greatly decreased due to repeated bloodshed.

—■■■■, ■■■■■!!

Due to the intrusion of the Golden Dragon Knights, [Balor], who had missed the moment to end Wade and made a fuss, let out a scream and started pouring down the power of hellfire like raindrops.

The summoning ceremony was stopped midway due to Simon Magus’ interference.

I lost my power eyes and half of my head to [Adam Kadmon].

Because of ‘Aradwar’, a large portion of the heart was cut out.

Compared to its power when summoned in perfect condition, it could be seen that it had been reduced to less than 10%.

“At this point, it’s barely possible to avoid being ignored…? ?”

Against [Balor], who only had 10% left, the demigods had to realize the absolute difference in power.

It is said that ‘Aradwar’ drew out its hostility, but it could not be said to be advantageous. Considering the combat power of the Golden Dragon Knights who became Dragonians, the delay time was only increased by a few minutes.



An ominous fetal movement rang out in the distance.

It was like a signal that [Chromedub]’s fable was coming to an end, that the end was almost at hand.

Thanks to that, [Balor] regained some of his coolness and cruelty and tried to laugh at the death squad.


The radiance fluttering around Leonard’s body was born in a similar way, and the smile on his face was wiped away and his strength increased.

“If I hold on just a little longer, just a little longer… !”

The death squad that saw this likewise exerted its final strength.

It was a moment where hope and despair intersected.

There isn’t even a single point of leeway. It is pulled tautly as if one second has stretched into one minute or one hour. [Balor] wrapped his hands like gauntlets with the power of flame, and the Golden Knights, who had relatively strong strength, rushed in without fear.

The power of humanity is revealed in the brutal battle.

What decorates the finale.

* * *



Leonard, who crossed the wall and looked into the next area with the apotheosis of the Yellow Dragon Keeper, belatedly realized that his consciousness had been pulled to an unknown location.

There is a flow of world laws that even the dragon eye cannot contain.

“This place.”

Although he had never seen any records or experiences from anyone who had actually observed or visited it, he was sure.

This is the source of world law.

After the war of destruction ended, it was the cause of destruction that no one could find, and the only way to salvation.

“… “It’s a new seat.”

As soon as he recognized the phenomenon, a luxuriously decorated chair fell in front of Leonard’s eyes.

This is where you should sit.

As they say.


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