Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 282

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Geomje reincarnated as a swordsmith (282)

“—The Minister.”

The Golden Dragon Knights stood at the forefront of the death-fighting corps, and Leonard, who stood at the very front, looked back and expressed his feelings.

Those who were strong beyond a certain level tended to unconsciously show off their power and presence. Thousands and tens of thousands of such strong people have been gathered together, and just standing in place makes the energy tremble as if the sky or the earth is shaking.

If you even shouted, the physical impact would cause a storm, and if you even stamped your feet, the ground would crack and an earthquake-like shock would hit several kilometers in radius.

It was a sight where master-level strongmen were lined up like ordinary infantry, and those from outside the empire could not help but doubt their own eyes.

The three years of training and adaptation gave them a level of skill that was different from before, but it was not a leisurely enough time to learn the inside story of Arcadia.

“I’ve heard countless times that Arcadia is a great country, but I didn’t know there was such a big difference… !”

Some people were just astonished, while others had their hearts broken as soon as they recognized the reality.

Because they were the ones who ruled like kings in their own domain, their self-esteem was too high. The true face of Arcadia, where the powerful people of the Transcendental Realm and the Seventh Realm were lined up in the thousands, had enough destructive power to crush their unknowing ambitions.

Even on the verge of the final battle, the opportunists, who had planned to withdraw if they could, turned black in their eyes.

This was because they understood that if they were wanted by Arcadia, their lives would immediately end.


“All troops, go to war.”

The order to advance was given.

The Golden Dragon of Cardenas is at the forefront, and behind it, troops conscripted from all over the continent are placed between the seven knights, acting like a wedge to prevent enemies from infiltrating the rear.

A magic corps made up of high-ranking magicians of at least 5th or 6th rank and Zehire’s magic weapons followed suit.

It had the same force as a tsunami created by ‘power’.

“let’s go.”

Leonard took a step forward, feeling his back being pushed by the tingling force.

The Golden Dragon Knights are the sharpest and most powerful spears on this battlefield.

It was a force that could not be blocked by anything except a demigod-level entity that could go against the flow of the military. Tearing up the enemy lines with [Chromedub] until the moment they appear is what Leonard must do in this battlefield.

Coooooo—! Coooooo—! Coooooo—!

The sound of regular footsteps shook the ground, and the troops finally began to enter [Hell Gate].

With only a few hours left until the foreign invasion, humanity’s desperate band walked into the underworld.

The world of the dead.

Whether or not one could return to the world of the living depended on the outcome of the struggle.

* * *

Asphodel Meadows.

Among the new areas of [Hades], which had recovered nearly half of the underworld, it was the most suitable place for an all-out war with a large army.

Originally, it was a plain where people who were neither good nor evil continued to wander after their deaths. To help them pass the time until they were reborn, edible asphodel flowers were planted for the dead to prevent them from going hungry.

But for today, new corpses would pile up like a mountain on this gray plain, and the overflowing blood would pool like a river.

-Once today passes, I might have to change it to ‘Blood Plains.’

[Hades] looked around at the death squad and sneered at the premonition of death tickling his nose.

The underworld was a place where the dead stayed, not a place where new dead were born. Even though each and every one of them was a strong person who was far from death, the color of death that was inevitably approaching could be read on most of their faces.

If you lose, everyone will die, and even if you win, almost everyone will die.

-It seems like the preparation has been thorough, but I wonder how far it will go.

[Hades] was one of the great enemies of the old era and was well aware of the strength of monsters living in the outer dimension.

It was natural that demigod-level entities would come out in double digits, and considering that many even true god-level entities could appear, it could be said that even this level of preparedness was far from sufficient.

So, rather than approaching the [Chrome Doub] seal first, the death squad planned to utilize the defensive position that had been put in effort for several years.

The giant Talos was not the only thing that Xehaire’s craftsmen created over the course of three years. Titan, which functioned as a temporary fortress during the time of the Demon Conquest Army, and other weapons and facilities that could not be mass-produced due to budgetary issues were poured out.

The defensive position was strengthened beyond the home base of the Samgong family, and it was possible to capture a Jinshin-level body and gain time without a death squad in just a few minutes.


“Even considering the strength of the death squad and the completeness of the defensive position, we can be considered fortunate if we can hold out for up to three hours.”

“Hmm, is that much? “Even though the average quality was lower than that of the Demon Realm Conquest Army, there was a difference of nearly ten times in troop size.”

“I made it ten times more, so it lasted three hours.”

Corbin, the leader of the Young Dragon Knights, calmly confronted the reality.

“It is different from the demons who are reborn, but there is a time lag and consumption of power in recruiting troops. It is no wonder that the forces of the foreign dimension and the service race of the foreign dimension are piled up in billions in their home base. “If you can’t kill [Chromedub] and sever the connection between dimensions, you will never be able to survive even if you fight at a 100 to 1 exchange ratio.”

Each of the foreign gods was a monarch who ruled the outer dimension, and they were monsters who had worlds large and small as their fiefdoms.

If it were a foreign media of low rank and status, it would not even reach the size of a country, but on the other hand, depending on its status and status, it could dominate a dimension beyond Middle Earth.

Dealing with a large number of foreign media is synonymous with dealing with all of them, even at the level where they dominate.

[Chrome Doub] made it possible to bypass the dimensional barrier, so it was clear that the volume and quality of items that could be crossed at once would be limited, and the quantity would flow in endlessly.

“If possible, it would be easier if we mobilize all the power we have to deal with Jinshin-level and kill [Chromedub] as quickly as possible.”

Simon Magus laughed and shook his head at those words.

“Although foreign media’s values ​​and way of thinking are very different from ours, it does not mean that they are inferior in intelligence or intelligence. “Some foreign bodies will try to send in Jinshin-level units before [Chromedub] and use up all the available power.”

“With the power accumulated in the death squad, even if we consume up to 3 troops, the only delay is a minute. However, it is not an enemy that can rush a match, so it is very difficult.”

“Let’s first check the list of foreign media that may appear on the front line. “Because you have to use cards differently depending on your compatibility and combat style.”

Commander of the Knights of Cardenas and Grand Mage of the Mystic Association.

All the demigods, who can be said to be the pinnacle of the current era, were gathered in one place to discuss the response of the true gods. [Hades] had to enter into a turf war with [Chromedub] once this battle began, so he could not provide direct help.

Wade opened his mouth after examining Talos, a masterpiece built by Xehaire and boarded by Drake.

“That would be good for dealing with [Hydra] or [Scylla].”

Damian agreed and shared Talos’ information.

“According to the ancient record, Argonautica, Talos had a strength that could not be suppressed by physical force and was resistant to corrosion and toxic substances. “As long as it’s not a foreign body that can delicately destroy weak points, we can deal with even the largest monsters.”

“Like [Surt]?”

“Oh, by the way, you said you and Leonard met once on the Spriggan front line, right? It’s just like that. He has a small body for a Jotun, but he has even more fearsome skills and mobility, so he is not a good match for Talos.”

Among the foreign media that remained in the records of the Red Dragon Knights, it was a list that prioritized cases in which and infiltrated Middle Earth several times. Someone not on the list might appear, but in that case, we had no choice but to improvise.

The little remaining time was spent in strategy meetings, and finally, the dark seal that stretched out in the distance began to gradually collapse.

[Hades] said.



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-It opens.

If you add together the members of the defensive position and the troops of the death squad, more than 100,000 people are gathered, but only the sound of breathing can be heard.

The tension is at a level where even a single word of small talk cannot be exchanged.

In the tense air, the sound was clear.


A single crack ran across the surface of the sealed sphere, and dark red light emanated from the already incontinent darkness.

An unholy color that seems to pollute the soul of those who look at it.

The intentions of the being that invaded from an external dimension cannot be good.

Only the malice that poured out from the seal on the verge of collapse rushed forward, chilling the spines of the troops waiting in battle readiness.



As if cutting through a crack in the seal, there was a single beam of flame extending straight out.

A slash that even half-hearted swordsmen can’t help but admire.

Naturally, it was Leonard and Audrey who recognized its identity.


A mass of power compressed into a body less than 10 meters tall.

The great sword held in one’s hand by condensing the flames of Muspelheim exerts a destructive power that tears even space apart due to its natural capabilities.

Surt (ᛋᚢᚱᛏᛦ).

A being that even [Odin] and [Thor] were wary of and feared, and a foreign agent in charge of Asgard’s doomsday device. The Destroyer, who lost his role during the War of Destruction, has returned. He’s a different class from the guys we saw on the spriggan front. It’s imperfect, but it’s at the level of a true god. It’s a method of manifestation that involves cutting off part of my body and throwing it into a dimensional passage.

—■■■■, ■■.

[Surt], who was the first to appear in the sealed sphere, raised his greatsword. It was the very moment when he was trying to clear away the darkness that had not yet been completely broken.


A golden light rose from the center of the death squad’s camp.

“This energy… ?!”

“no way!”

The leaders of Cardenas looked at the tail of the light with shocked faces.

It had to be that way.

Even those whose senses became sensitive due to the Dragon’s Blood Awakening felt an unknown attraction, and those who were strong enough to perceive the resonance of soul units in the realm of demigods could not help but be certain.

Gold is more brilliant and pure than anyone else’s, because its brilliance came from the bloodline of the Gold Dragon. Even the swordsman Declen couldn’t get this close to the source of the blood.

The source of Cardenas, granted only to one person.

-Is this the Jotun tribe’s strongest swordsman? There is no shortage of opponents for me!

“Is this really full power from the start? Well, he’s probably not someone I can deal with while sparing my strength.”

Cardenas, who descended on Declen’s body, faced [Surt] with golden light burning throughout his body.

—… ■■■■■.

[Surt] also turned around instead of breaking the seal.

Otherwise, he would be fatally injured, and he recognized that the enemy in front of him was someone who should not be underestimated.

Ruler of Muspelheim.

Cardenas’ progenitor and swordsman.

The swordsmen, who were glaring at each other from hundreds of meters apart, suddenly accelerated to sublight speed and unleashed a sword fight. Power and strength. If you were a true god-level being, your physique in the material world was almost meaningless. Coincidentally, both the founder Cardenas and [Surt] were the type that did not care about authority, so a head-to-head battle of fierce swords took place.


At the same time as the two swords collided, the ground around them flipped over and the seal on [Chromedub] was completely released.

What appeared beyond the wall of darkness were holes that were clearly open to the outer dimension and an army pouring out from inside the holes.

10,000? 100,000? 1 million?

There were so many monsters that it was impossible to count them all by sight, bouncing around like pebbles and crashing to the ground.

“… “There is also [Hydra].”

“I can also see [Monetgarum], the giant of plague. “It is a monster that eats corpses and spreads pestilence, so it must be driven as far away from the battlefield as possible.”

“One is still being summoned. It looks like [Balor]… “If it’s really him, he should be dealt with before the issue is triggered.”

It was just as they had previously feared.

As many as four true god-level units were deployed, and several demigod-level apostles also appeared, so their intention to reduce the strength of the death squad was blatantly revealed. The problem was that even though I knew the whole plan, I had no choice but to ignore it.

A gap of several kilometers is not even what can be called a medium distance in terms of the movement speed of a transcendent being.

The core strength of the death squad quickly stood up.

Except for only one person.

“Captain Leonard, I will leave [Chromedub] in charge.”

Only Leonard, who was left behind at the front with the Golden Dragon, sent them on their way and drew his sword towards the army pouring in from the front.

A role that requires supporting the battlefield and overthrowing [Chrome Doub].

“Please leave it to me.”

Leonard looked down at the blade of his silent sword and shouted.

“I will cut off [Kromdub’s] head with my sword.”


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