Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 276

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Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master (276)


Leonard, who was recovering tens of kilometers away, felt the presence of the bottomless pit and could not help but widen his eyes.

Something scary has appeared.

Although it was not a proper manifestation, it was a fragment of an existence that was far outside the realm of a demigod. I felt a bottomless malice that wanted to defile the inside of the sanctuary without hesitation and trample on all things.


I’ve never faced it before, but the name immediately came to mind. Although he had not yet recovered much of his strength, if he was left unattended, the damage to the Demon World Conqueror Army would increase to an almost astronomical level.


The flames erupting from behind the back push the body forward like wings.

Leonard, who accelerated to hypersonic speed in a matter of seconds by applying the Suzakugi, imitating Wade’s “Bayard,” immediately returned to base.

The case of the remaining demigods was not much different.

“That… Is this the hand of [Chromedub]?!”

“It looks dangerous.”

“It may be a high-dimensional being, but its composition is like rags. Are you saying that it is a monster born from the remains of God, whose very origins were woven together? “It’s interesting in many ways.”

“I don’t think it’s time to analyze things carelessly. Although it is only partial, the power of Jinshin level can be felt. “If you fight properly, half of you will die.”

All of the demigods, except Wade and Nicholas, who could not join due to serious injuries, let out their words.

It was an encounter after a large amount of power was consumed in a battle with named-class demons. As always, the people who were speaking also looked nervous. He is a being that can be said to be the culprit of the Demon World, [Nine Hell]. He makes six demigods risk death with just one hand.

Fortunately, there was no need to risk my life here.

-Don’t worry too much. Have you forgotten this body?

[Hades], who appeared in front of the demigods, stretched out his right hand while glaring at the hand of [Cromdub], who had jumped into his territory.

At the same time, a spear with a two-pronged end was created.

―Compared to the real thing, it is full of flaws… It can’t be helped.

The King’s Spear, Vident.

A sacred weapon that holds the same status as Astrape of [Zeus] and Triaina of [Poseidon]. It wasn’t something that had been lost in the past, but it was an imitation recreated by [Hades], which had restored its status to a certain degree.

Even though it was an imitation, its owner was one of the three main gods, and it was a weapon of a god that had regained its proper status and domain. As far as the underworld is concerned, it is possible to reproduce more than 30% of the destructive power of the old era.

―Who is going to do whatever they want in my territory, you bastard!

[Hades] warned like that and pointed the tip of his two-pronged spear.

At the point where the blade of the Vidente was aimed, the entire sacred area turned into an enemy, and the world law of death gnawed at it.

[Chrome Doub] was no exception. Just looking at it makes the soul tremble, and one of the hands of the Great Evil Sect begins to die from the skin. A baton that pronounces the judgment of the underworld, which directly leads to death regardless of the cause or process.


Coo… ! Knock knock… !

At the same time as necrosis occurred, the rotted flesh fell off and new flesh grew, delaying death.

Even though it is projecting power unreasonably from an external dimension, it endures due to the difference in output and class. If it were [Hades] in the old days, [Chrome Doub], even if the main body were to stick out, it wouldn’t have been a big problem. [Hades] was the god who managed Tartarus, a prison where the great sinners and powerful enemies of Olympus were imprisoned.

Even if someone succeeds in escaping prison, he holds that position because he was able to subdue the prison escapee.

There was no room for something like [Chromedub], whose existence had collapsed, to do anything other than struggle.

-Tsk, does it take 10 more minutes to be expelled like this?

[Hades], tongue-tied by his diminished power, shook off his bidant.

After a long time, he regained his throne as the ruler of the underworld, but how can he be seen struggling as he competes for power with a brat?

Thanks to the Demon World Conqueror Army, I would have some strength left over, so I was planning on using inefficient methods to blow them all away in one blow.

-go away!

The bident, which was thrown in the same manner as [Zeus]’s Astrape, flew quickly and landed in the center of [Chromedub]’s palm.

This time, not even the palm of my hand could hold on.

A death that ignores defense and resistance.

The power contained in the sacred vident flows out, damaging not only the hand inserted into the dimension but also the body itself. Just as King Yeomra could kill a living person just by writing his name in the book of life and death, the death that King Myeong pronounced did not care about the distance or obstacles.


It was a palm with no lips, let alone a throat, and the vibrations flowing through its surface conveyed anger beyond the dimension.


The bodies of the strong who instinctively read that intention stiffen.

It was the roar of an evil spirit that echoed endlessly, threatening to kill, tear, destroy, and desecrate. It is an evil so pure that there is no room for compromise, let alone dialogue. Other than eliminating him, there seemed to be no way for Middle-earth to survive.

-noisy! If you open your mouth, there’s no other kid who’s going to kill you!

When [Hades], who was indifferent to the man’s intimidation, grabbed his hand in frustration, the spear stuck in [Cromdub]’s hand exploded.

The divinity contained within it was enough to expel a man with only one hand, who had been greatly reduced by the power of the dimensional barrier. With a roar of malice, [Chromedub]’s torn hand was once again banished to the outer dimension.

Although it was a grandiose performance, it was an unremarkable exit.

“… … No, you took a hit.”

But Simon Magus’s thoughts seemed to be a little different.

As [Hades] and the demigods focused their attention, he carefully explained what he had discovered with his magic.

“He didn’t come to kill us or fight [Hades] from the beginning. He must have come to stalemate or prevent a situation that could continue to rob the Demon World of its influence.”

“Then the purpose was defeated, right?”

Simon shook his head solemnly at what Grace said.

“I’m saying this because I didn’t fail. The wave it gave off was like a command that resonated throughout the demon world. “It was impossible to understand everything, but I was able to understand the context.”

-What was that?

“It’s quarantine. “The idea is to keep the demons alive from us, to preserve their numbers and influence, and to enable dimensional interference at a level that foreign media can overcome.”

Simon, who answered [Hades]’s question, pressed his temple.

If it were possible to stop it at the cost of my life, I would have tried, but the gap between [Chromedub] and the 9th rank great mage was enormous. At the level where the ceremony of the Underworld was partially permitted, it was inevitable that one-sided damage would be suffered in the tug-of-war.


“?It has begun.”

The reason why [Chromedub] entered this dimension at the cost of considerable damage was revealed before the eyes of the conquering army.

* * *



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Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo??.


Excluding the area several times larger than the area driven out by the Demon World Conquest Army’s assault, nearly 40% of the Demon World begins to change its structure according to world laws. [Hades]’s deity had taken away much of its influence, but [Cromdub] still owned more than half of the underworld’s shares.

Even if you count only 11 royal families, nobles and commoners, the loss of influence was significant. Nevertheless, the demon world was vast, and the army that came to deal with the conquering army did not make up a majority of the entire demon race.

So, just by sending a command, [Chromedub] was able to bring about structural changes and divide the new area of ​​[Hades].

-How dare you split my kingdom in two, you arrogant bastard… !

[Hades], who realized the situation before anyone else, glared at the horizon with sincere anger.

It had to be that way.

-I got hit. Dimensional isolation using ownership can never be lifted while my divinity is incomplete. No, even if we get it back, we will have to wait for the delay as it is a pre-determined matter.

As the master of the dimension, he has set a part of it as an inviolable zone.

Even [Hades], which had some ownership, could not revoke or cancel the decision of [Chromedub], which had more than 50% of the ownership.

Since the commanding authority has been kicked out to the outer dimension again, the strength of the command will gradually weaken and then disappear. It was fortunate that it was not a permanent quarantine, but blocking foreign invasion at the source was no longer an option.

“… “It’s not the best result, but it’s second best.”

Wade, who joined in a mess, organized the situation.

“Well, it seemed like source blockade would not be possible from the beginning. “They’re not that stupid either.”

“The influence of [Chromedub] has been reduced considerably, and if you include what was used for dimensional isolation, more than 50% of it would have been consumed. “The power and scale of the foreign media has been reduced by less than half, so consider it a victory.”

The rest of the people ended the story as if they were agreeing with what he said.

Since [Chromedub] took their losses and retreated, they had no chance to chase or push further. We had to reorganize and reserve strength in preparation for a disaster that would come in the near future.

[Hades] said after looking at the dimensional isolation order a few times.

-3 years. The thing itself cannot be released before three years have elapsed, and it has been set so that it cannot be destroyed or released from the outside. Think of it as an invasion as soon as that time expires.

“Is there a margin of error?”

-About a few days. I can find out in advance, so there is no need to worry. You guys should now return to the ground and prepare for the decisive battle. If you stay in my divine realm for too long, you may lose your form as a living person. You may not know this, but your subordinates won’t be able to withstand it.

“Ah,” [Hades], who had been advising, turned around and spoke.

―If it is a person who just died in battle, is it possible to preserve their personality and soul only during my divine service? Since we’re going to fight against them in the underworld, there’s no reason to leave them alone.

Unlike the demon world polluted by [Chromedub], the underworld of [Hades] was the realm of the dead, the underworld. If you are a dead person, by giving your soul a body, you can have the same appearance and activities as when you were alive.

If the Oath of Styx had not been sworn, [Hades] would have used the souls of the demon conquering army regardless of their will.

Simon’s eyes narrowed for a moment, as he couldn’t have known that fact, and then turned to look at Cardenas’ commander.

“What do you guys think? [Hades] has no way to desecrate the souls of the dead or use them as toys, so it seems okay to respect the wishes of applicants only.”

“It’s not much different from Cruella’s magic, is it? “She has the right to receive her fallen soldiers first.”

“Oh, that’s impossible.”

Cruella raised her head at Damian’s words and simply denied it.

Because gods and wizards had an irreversible hierarchical relationship.

“All those who die in the sacred realm of [Hades] belong to the underworld, so even my necromantic magic cannot interfere with them. “You can use undead that only use corpses, but it’s meaningless since you can only make low-level types.”

“is it.”

“Moreover, compared to [Hades], my capacity and level are several levels lower, so the difference in power is large. Even if it was possible, I wouldn’t have accepted it. “Because it’s inefficient.”

Cruella, a semi-nervous powerhouse, could only be summoned once and there was a time limit, but [Hades] had no such thing.

[Hades] is ahead in both recreating the inactivity of life and maintaining large-scale quantities. If the same phenomenon occurs, there is no reason to put Cruella in charge and overdo it.

In response, the knight commanders put their heads together for a moment and soon came to a reasonable conclusion.

“It’s okay if it’s only for applicants. However, please give me the right to decide once again after the final battle is over.”

―How dare you bargain with me with the right of death? If I were alive, I would not have forgiven you for that disrespect.

[Hades] eventually nodded in a disapproving manner, caught up in the binding force of his oath.

-Tsk, I’ll accept it.

As soon as their negotiations were concluded, the fallen soldiers of the Demon World Conquest Army were allowed a second existence.

Those whose bodies are severely damaged or have no remains have their bodies rebuilt from scratch, and those whose bodies are relatively intact regain their heartbeat as their wounds only heal again. As long as he did not escape this underworld, he could continue to function just as he did when he was alive.

Some people did not accept the offer and were taken to eternal sleep, but the majority soon accepted living as residents of the underworld.

Cárdenas’ knights did not refuse anyone in particular.

“It is my wish to die on the battlefield, but I cannot allow my sword and name to be lost in the final battle.”

“Even if I die, I have to die to someone stronger! “I can’t give the right to decorate the end of my life to a small group of people who are not foreigners or royal-level demons!”

“It is impossible to withdraw from the fight to save the world. “If you run into my father who left before you, you will be beaten to death right away!”

Leonard laughed when he heard the reason, but he couldn’t help but welcome their return.

‘Because it is impossible to fill that power gap in three years.’

No matter how well the Demon World Conqueror army fought, the difference in quantity was large and enormous. The struggle, which was close to the return of savagery, resulted in hundreds of deaths, regardless of the exchange cost. Each and every piece of power was more precious than a thousand gold, so the value of this half-soul was enormous.

3 years.

The period to prepare for the destruction of the world could never be said to be long. There is no way that a newly born baby could raise hundreds of top-level knights of the Transcendental Realm while it was still just a baby.

‘… What I have to do in those three years has been decided.’

In a voice that no one could hear, Leonard conveyed his thoughts to the progenitor within me. The founder, Cardenas, who had been watching the struggles of his descendants, readily answered.

-The last piece of your divinity? doesn’t care. If I can be of any help, I’ll accept anything.

‘thank you.’

It was a moment when the will of the two swordsmen who appeared at the dawn and dusk of Cardenas were perfectly aligned.


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