Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 23

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Geomje reincarnated as a swordsmith (23)

Although the movement may have been awkward due to the tree branches and bushes, the sword’s trajectory, which drew an oval, was not distorted one bit.

Cut down one animal with one swing at a time.

One step, one sword, one kill.


The blood of the beheaded hobgoblin seeps into the footprints left by Leonard and sticks together like dark red mud.

When it comes to the experience of cutting something to death, there are few people who can surpass Leonard, not only in his past life, but also here.

Skin, flesh, muscles, bones, internal organs.

The line of the slash was perfect, ignoring the resistance like a sheet of paper. The cut was so sharp and fast that there was not a single drop of blood on the blade that entered the nape of the neck and exited through the other side.

It is said that loggers who have spent decades chopping wood can easily split wood just by looking at its grain.

‘The composition of muscles, bones, and tendons is not much different from that of humans.’

Leonard was able to apply the same realization as the lumberjacks to people and life-like creatures.

Still, I felt relaxed enough to think about other things.

‘Hobgoblins, they are truly bizarre people.’

They walk on two feet like humans and use tools like humans.

Although I knew its appearance and existence from the knowledge I had learned at the training center, it was my first time seeing it with my own eyes and touching it. It’s not an exceptional case like youkai or a spirit creature, but a normal born and raised creature that behaves like a human being.

I felt like I knew why people here hated monsters.

Disgust and disgust were overwhelming compared to the intimacy that could be felt through common ground. Perhaps because of its origins in the distortion of the world, I feel like its existence cannot even be tolerated.

“Let’s find out in a little more detail.”

As the sword light flashed once, the wrist of the man who was trying to hit Leonard with the stone ax was cut off cleanly.


I dodged the blood spurting from the hobgoblin’s wrist by moving half a step, and then cut the struggling guy one inch from his elbow to his shoulder.

You can understand its body structure through that touch.

The guy who had one of his arms chopped off in an instant took a bite of the crab foam and immediately finished it off by blowing off his head. There were many still alive. I couldn’t really tell from the reaction of the dying guy.

Goruk… !? Picking?!

Gorororo… ! song!?

But what Leonard did made even the inherently evil Hobgoblin horrified.

Those who survived so far in Galapagos were aware of the harsh struggle for survival on the island.

Die or be killed.

Eat or be eaten.

A land governed by two absolute laws: survival of the fittest and self-respect. Even if they lived desperately, they were all prepared that they would die someday.

Go, purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… !

Nevertheless, I could not imagine that I would experience being dissected alive.

If Leonard had shown any signs of being happy, I would have thought he was just exercising the rights of the powerful. But he was chopping another hobgoblin with an expressionless face.

Just like they taught you that you too will die like this.

Gooook! song!


The hobgoblins were in a state of panic and began to run away without even listening to their leader’s instructions.

Ultimately, the leader’s charisma only works when he is stronger than his enemies. To overcome it, you had to have elements such as loyalty, honor, and pride.

There was no way something like that could exist for a low-level monster.

“Give up.”

As soon as I turn back and run a few steps, three or four hobgoblins collapse into headless corpses.

If Leonard had meant to rush, they were already dead.

The reason I was still holding my breath was because there were still things I wanted to find out more about hobgoblins. The sword, clean and without traces of blood, was as vivid as the light extending from its grasp.

Exactly two of the surviving hobgoblins stood in place and trembled.

‘To check the internal organs, we have to cut open the stomach, right? Two would not be enough to find out which one is more deadly… . Well, I guess I’ll be able to find the hobgoblin again.’

Leonard soon made a decision.

The fate of the two hobgoblins was also decided.

A few minutes passed since then.

‘There is no great income. ‘It’s not something that can be figured out in a day or two.’

After catching a glimpse of the remains of what used to be a hobgoblin, Leonard summarized his accomplishments. The only people who are more proficient in anatomy than the well-established martial arts people are doctors, so I gained something in my way.

‘… Although similar to humans, there are subtle differences. It depends on the shape of the bones, the structure of joints and ligaments, and one or two internal organs that are missing or seen for the first time. I’ll have to look for some related books later.’

Knowledge is power, ignorance is threat.

That was the reason why he learned everything, unlike his nickname in his previous life.

Confucianism at Podalap Palace, Yeongsu-chukyangjin-gyeol at Namman Yasugung Palace, etc.

Even if you don’t have to use it as your main focus, if you learn it, you will have something to use it someday. Information about monsters would be more useful than that.

And what Leonard realized through his first real battle was the true nature of the sense of discomfort he had always felt in this world.

‘Even so for the children, even those who could be said to be capable in their own right didn’t feel like they had any form.’

Any martial arts discipline that established its system, whether it be a weapon technique or a fighting technique, was bound to leave its mark on the body of the person who practiced it.

The bodies of those who use quick swords and those who use heavy swords, and those who use martial arts techniques and those who use long swords, show several differences, starting from minor parts.

However, the warriors of this world had almost no such ‘bias’.

“Is there a difference between martial arts that only targets people and martial arts that have to deal with all beings other than humans?”

Leonard was so amazed and convinced.

Even hobgoblins, which walk on two feet and use tools, have a center of gravity and joint range of motion that is significantly different from that of humans. However, if you treat the sword as if you were dealing with a human being, you will end up in big trouble.

Bipedal monsters are like this, but what about quadrupedal monsters or more special cases?

‘Regardless of the type of weapon, the form itself needs to be free. If it is a martial art that can be used regardless of whether the opponent is big or small, low or high, you should not be biased towards one. It may seem haphazard until you reach a certain level.’

Stereotypical herbivorous diet is bound to be difficult to use in this world.

For example, if there is a herbivore who takes a short leap and aims for the head with a horizontal cut, it is useless against short guys like goblins. On the other hand, against tall guys like ogres, it doesn’t reach the head, so there is a chance that it can be counterattacked with a single cut to the chest.



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Herbivorous eating in a certain posture and in a certain direction was a problem that arose because it did not take into account the uniqueness of the opponent.

‘If you can use herbivores to respond to all situations at the right time, the martial people may be more powerful… .’

The standards to meet that are very high.

According to what Leonard said, he was at least one of the top 100 best masters in the field and possessed the ability to enter that category.

The conclusion was very simple.

In person-to-person combat, the martial arts warriors are superior, but if you want to deal with monsters, you have to take a different approach. It doesn’t really matter if you’re at the level of martial arts since you’ve reached the martial arts level, but I wanted to see the development of martial arts that has changed significantly since the beginning.


It was that moment.

Light erupted from the hobgoblin corpses lying in a pitiful state, crystallizing several small, transparent spirit stones.

Because monsters are born from the distortion of the world, their corpses do not naturally decompose and spit out the mana within their bodies in the form of spirit stones.

Even though he knew this, Leonard was intrigued when he saw it for the first time.

‘If I could extract that energy and crystallize it while still alive, it would be possible to create an infinite amount of spirit stones.’

It may not be as easy as he thought, but it was a plan that everyone should think of at least once.

However, if the plan had really succeeded, the scarcity value of the spirit stone would have fallen to the ground, so it can be said that no one succeeded.

Leonard swept all 10 spirit stones into the subspace pocket and walked into the . It seemed like ten hobgoblins weren’t enough.

“I’m looking forward to what comes next.”

The remains of the hobgoblins left behind as he clearly left behind were foreshadowing an untimely bloody storm.

* * *


As the name suggests, it is a place where those who have been eliminated or escaped from competition in the food chain live by eating each other.

The level of monsters that appear is also low.

Even if he was strong, he was only at the level of a D rank, and no one, regardless of race, had surpassed level 3. This was the reason why the danger level was only one skull.

And the fact that the level of the monster was low was consistent with the fact that the number of Spiritual Stones that could be obtained by hunting it was also reduced.

‘I heard that most of the apprentice knights except me are at level 9 or higher, so there is no reason to hunt inefficiently in such a weak place. It seems like it was rare for me to walk around alone.’

This uncertain situation, where you don’t know where the enemy will come from, is itself eroding your mental strength.

In many ways, it was essential to have colleagues who could cover up one’s mistakes, as well as maintaining constant vigilance on all fronts. Unless you have experienced all the hardships like Leonard, acting alone was reckless and foolish.

Because of this, areas with poor income are bound to lose footfall because the number of Spiritual Stones that must be distributed to team members is reduced.

‘From my perspective, it’s good because I don’t have eyes to see.’

Leonard fumbled with his pockets, which had become, or rather felt, thickened after several massacres.

The nearly 1,000 spirit stones I had consumed while breaking through to the 5th level of the Lotus Sutra were replenished by more than 100 in just one day. Ten days were more than enough to cover all he had consumed.

Unfortunately, it was thanks to the unintentional sacrifice of the monsters he encountered.

‘The monsters that inhabit this area are hobgoblins, slimes, kobolds, and lastly, gnoles. ‘Has he never met that guy?’

Although its species level was D rank, it was a monster that even lived in groups due to its strong physical ability and intelligence.

In terms of physique, they are larger than humans, averaging about 2 meters, and have a head similar to that of a dog, so they have similar sensory functions, so they have excellent senses of smell and hearing.

I was particularly impressed by the explanation that their teeth were so strong that with one bite, they could chew through a rock.


It was then.

‘It’s not a headwind, it’s a glaring smell coming from the downwind direction… , I guess you’re looking down on me.’

Leonard stopped and laughed at the sight of a monster rapidly approaching from his direction.

It is different from hobgoblins and kobolds. It resembles the smell of a wolf, but has a more rotten smell.

Perhaps the owner of this venom is a monster called Nori.

“… “Wow, you’re stronger than I thought.”

As its presence got closer, the hairs on Leonard’s body stood up, signaling the strength of his opponent.

It’s an opponent that can’t be defeated by a level of only 5th Dan.

It is an enemy that cannot be defeated with a blade held in one’s hand.

Run away from this place as quickly as possible.

‘That’s not even funny.’

Naturally, Leonard ignored the warning.

Forcefully relaxes the body that was cowering from the beast.

“You’re here.”

The moment my eyes narrowed while looking at the bush in front of me.


A hideous howling sound announced its appearance.

Jumping over several trees in one leap, the dog-headed monster, holding a rusty ax with both hands, fell down.

His physique, which was well over 2 meters, was closer to 3 meters.

From the forearm holding the axe, the entire upper body is writhing with muscles that are distended to the point of disgusting, and all of the hair on the body is dyed the same color, making it look even more sinister.

It was Aardgnole, the evolved form of the gnoll that broke through the Holy Demon Sutra.

“He’s not an ordinary guy. “Is he the leader of this area?”

Even after facing the guy, Leonard just looked at him calmly.

Hehehe? Hike! Hehehehe!

Adnol Chieftain, the strongest man who reigned in the , was astonished and laughed at him.



The ax was brought down with a horrifying roar.


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