Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 202

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Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master (202)

In less than a hundredth of a second in time, blue lightning poured out from the blade. The five intentions that had temporarily reached the level of a demigod, taking into account the contradictory relationship between the five elements, were pushed into the mud that looked like an abyss, or rather, towards a swamp similar to Cybele.

The form that was worshiped as the goddess of the earth in ancient times was ultimately nothing more than a deception.

King Jeongryeong, who can be said to be the prototype of King Yoyo, was a being that appeared as a symbol of his attributes. If he is the Spirit King of Water, it is water itself, and if he is the Spirit King of Fire, it is fire itself.

Therefore, it could be said that the bottomless swamp was Cybele himself, embodying the attributes of corruption. To deliver an effective blow to that form, you need the ability to blow up or burn an entire swamp. For Leonard, whose instantaneous output was barely close to half that, neither of the two was an impossible option.



It was the moment when 〈Sapilgwijeongseon〉 and the swamp of Cybele collided.

Broke, broken, broken.

A phenomenon occurred that neither Cybele nor Leonard could have predicted, as their eyes rolled back in anticipation of slaughter.

The blue lightning of 〈Spilgwijeonggeom〉 burns the inexhaustible mud and spreads deep into it. Just as a lightning strike in the middle of a lake electrifies the water, once it happens, it spreads out at a speed that makes it impossible to react.

Even the perceived acceleration of more than a thousand times was difficult to keep up with. Leonard, who unconsciously opened his eyes, chased after it with a look of astonishment.


As expected, the result should have been either an instantaneous collapse of the swamp’s siege or a weakening of the power of ‘corruption’. However, was showing more destructive power than anyone could see.

I couldn’t have guessed it based on Leonard’s experience, but if I had known anything about spirits, I would have figured it out right away.

■■?! ■■■??!

Cybele, who saw his power helplessly being broken through, also panicked and panicked. He had no choice but to do so. It was abnormal for a demigod, complete with his own laws, to be overwhelmed by an enemy of equal or lower level in a head-to-head match.


The power that overflows in the natural world is a being that has been crystallized with spirituality. Among them, the Spirit King, who stood at the top, was a transcendent being who could be said to be the agent of natural law and the axis of natural law.

In its original form, Leonard’s was a secret weapon that could not harm the Spirit King. Neither the Spirit King nor the Blue Dragon’s singularity are invalidated because they are both based on world laws.


Breaking, breaking, breaking!!!!

Cybele, who was twisted and distorted by the poison of the foreign body [Nidhogg] and lost her original form, became an exception.

The 〈Spirit Demon Sword〉 did not just neutralize Cybele’s power, but also chased down the essence hidden beyond the swamp and bit out the miasma that had polluted it.

It was then.

{■■■■■??Ah, uh, ah?}

In an instant, light returned to Cybele’s empty pupils.

An aspect of the spirit king Cybele, left deep inside the vessel that became the king of spirits, emerged as . As the ego that had been buried for over a thousand years emerged, one eye that had been burning with a purple eye color changed to a topaz-like color.

Moist soil was created in a corner of a swamp filled with rotten mud, and sprouts sprouted on top of it, bursting with vitality.

{What?, how, what??}

Spirit King Cybele blinked one eye as he looked down at his body and the swamp beneath his feet, and let out a loud scream as if denying the reality he had just witnessed.

Instead of being beautiful, her appearance had become ugly and distorted.

{Ah, you, no, no no no ah??■■■■!!}

As the topaz-colored eyes burn with purple eyes again, the one sprout that had sprouted rots and sinks into the swamp.

The Spirit King had once again crushed the Spirit King’s ego.

At the level that was restored to , that was the limit.

‘… Thanks to you, I was able to catch my breath a bit.’

Before I knew it, Leonard, who had retreated hundreds of meters, looked down at the flag he was wearing around his body.

Because I had manifested my five powers three times in a row, I could see that it had become even lighter than before. It was a shame because 〈Sapilgwijeonggeom〉 worked better than I expected, otherwise I would have run out of energy.

A demigod-level entity of the Spriggan Front, the Witch King.

After seeing that fighting power, Leonard adjusted his mindset. As expected, he has not yet reached the level of a demi-god and should not face a demigod-level entity fairly.

‘If you attack from this side, you will definitely be at a disadvantage. It would be safer to focus on delaying the situation by avoiding, blocking, or running away.’

Still, confirming the special phenomenon of 〈Dongshinryu〉 was a great benefit. If I could nullify the Spirit King and turn him back into the Spirit King, it would be no different from converting a powerful enemy into an ally.


At that moment, Cybele, who let out a scream as if reading Leonard’s thoughts, rushed forward again.

As if the attack on the barrier train was going to be good, I raised my swamp and stretched it out in the form of a palm while only glaring at Leonard. A prison of ‘corruption’ from which, once caught, you cannot escape even if you die.

A hand made of black mud flies in at terrifying speed, trying to grab Leonard and kill him.

Sword flight

But Leonard did not respond to the struggle.

This was because we realized by dividing the previous sum that if we enter into a war of attrition, we cannot avoid inevitable defeat.

As Leonard, riding on one of the spare swords, ran away at a rapid pace, Cybele, who had made a mistake, was dazed for a moment, and then began to move, chasing after him.

The chase, which was supposed to be nothing more than buying time, had two variables.

“It’s slower than I thought. “Is it because they are tied to the ground?”

Cybele was slower than Leonard’s sword flight.

Is it because he is a being transformed from ‘Earth’ and has the slowest movement speed among the four magic kings? Even if they flew at full speed, the distance between them showed no signs of decreasing.

Cybele, upset by the sluggish situation, attempted several attacks, but Leonard, who was able to read the trajectory with his dragon eye, avoided them all as if it was no big deal.


“?uh? “Are you trying to lure me in?”

Although Cybele, who was only looking at Leonard out of evil, did not know it, the chase between the two beings proceeded in one direction. This is the area where the closest person among the knight commanders is located.

Commander of the Blue Dragon Knights, Grace.

Since I was already on my way to support Leonard, I had no choice but to reach that intersection quickly. Cybele, who sensed her presence, quickly stopped, but Grace was one of the three strongest knight commanders in terms of range and firepower.

Inferno Blade

Dozens of flaming swords, each with devastating power, fell simultaneously and exploded throughout the Cybele swamp.

A 200 meter radius turns into a sea of ​​fire and burns the mud.

Even the ability to make adamantium crumble was of little use against the flames brought about by the demigod’s power.

… ■■■■, ■■■.

Grace, which can hit an entire wide area, has good compatibility in many ways. Cybele, whose surface area had been reduced by nearly half, must have realized it after being hit once, and sank deeper into the underground without any further effort. The presence of the King of Witchcraft, who disappeared in an instant, was beyond the range of perception in just a few seconds.

Unlike when chasing Leonard who was flying in the sky, the speed when hiding underground or running away was incredible.



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If he had used a light attack on the ground instead of flying with a sword, it seemed likely that he would have been caught and killed before he could last long.

“Is this the fourth time? “They’re diligent, these guys called the Trick King.”

Grace, who came next to Leonard, spoke while floating in the air.

“It’s unthinkable on the Elyos battlefield for a demigod-level individual to take the lead and act as an advance guard.”

“Is that so?”

“huh. In the heavenly world, all demigods are clan leaders or similar ranks. “I guess the ransom is too high to risk my life to carry out a reconnaissance mission.”

The two started off with small talk and exchanged trivial stories, but Leonard got to the point first.

“What they want is clear. To understand the placement of leaders belonging to the expedition team. That’s probably why the four magic kings have taken turns attacking us over the past few days.”

“I feel bad that you’re acting like a human when you’re talking about a monster.”

Grace stuck out her lips and grumbled as if empathizing with him.

“That’s annoying. “They are monsters who know how to use their brains.”

“It should be said that the commanders’ arrangements are already known. “This fight also revealed that I am a weak point, so the next attack may be focused on my jurisdiction.”

It was said that Uruka, the leader of the Green Dragon Knights, had not yet engaged, but if one calculated the placement of the three leaders and Leonard, one could estimate its location. If the magic kings weren’t stupid, they would have figured out which areas were strong and which areas were weak.

In that case, some people might say that it would be okay to change the arrangement of the leader level again, but since the arrangement was decided taking into account the special characteristics of the four knight commanders, there was nothing better than this.

“Well, even if there is an alternative, there is only a basic method.”

Grace, who did not deny Leonard’s concerns, declared:

“We need to increase the speed of our advance.”


“The reason the Ghost King can move around like he does now is because he doesn’t die even if he dies. Yggdrasil brings them back to life again and again. However, Yggdrasil is not without its costs in resurrecting a magic king-level being, and the resurrection itself requires quite a bit of time.”

Leonard understood what she was saying and summarized it briefly.

“indeed. “The fact that the Witch Kings can engage in guerrilla warfare is proof that we are still in a zone where the barrier train cannot threaten the World Tree.”

“It’s just as you said. As the train approaches Yggdrasil, they also have no choice but to become more cautious in their movements. “As we get closer, their power will increase, and spriggans will begin to set up in earnest.”

That was a condition the expedition team had no choice but to accept, Grace let out a long, thin sigh.

Yggdrasil’s influence was still growing stronger.

The magic circle engraved on the barrier train is holding up well, so there is no problem, but if you go outside the train, even a transcendental mirror will not be able to last for several hours and you will die. The surrounding area had already become an uninhabitable environment.

It was a different form of hell than .

“It’s coming. “Let me go back to my position.”

“Okay, see you later.”

Almost at the same time, Leonard and Grace sensed an approaching presence from afar and flew in opposite directions.

This was the end of the small talk that wasn’t just small talk.

‘Are those monsters the Spriggan?’

Because the magic kings attacked four times, they had forgotten about the monsters that could be said to be the main enemies of this front.


A runaway spirit that maintains its existence by stealing the bodies of living creatures.

As soon as Leonard could focus his eyes, the sight of the guys looming several kilometers away became clear. Leonard’s brow furrowed as he looked at it.

“… “What a disgusting sight.”

The body of the direwolf, the wolf running at the forefront, had one front paw and nearly half of its head missing.

Nevertheless, its running speed was close to the speed of sound, because the missing parts of its body were filled with a dark green glow. That blob of light was definitely a spriggan living on the direwolf’s corpse.

Not only is it not writhing inside the skin, but a green circuit is shining underneath the skin, as if it is replacing the nervous system.


The direwolf’s snout howled like it did in life, emitting a horrifying howl and threatening the train.

The expedition members recognized the approaching enemy by the roar and began preparing to intercept it, but it was already too late. When the direwolf that broke the wall of sound reappeared, it was already on the verge of breaking through the defense line by kicking and running against the outer wall of the barrier train.


Along with a roar that came from somewhere, a sword sparkling with white energy flew in like a thunderbolt.

Five Sangryu One Sword

White tiger eating out

Sanguneogeom (山君御劍)

Just before the direwolf achieved its goal, the Sangungosword launched by Leonard exploded, sending the wolf plummeting downward.

Leonard, who returned to his precinct, shouted loudly.

“Don’t let your guard down! “It’s Spriggan!”

Leonard, who had alerted the people around him, looked down at his feet and clicked his tongue at the sight of the direwolf waking up with more than half of its body missing.

The regenerative power and strength granted by Spriggan exceeds imagination.

Five Sangryu One Sword

Blue Dragon Dinner Out

Heavenly Fish Sword

Just in case, the sword he fired smashed the head of the direwolf, who stood up shakily. Unlike the 〈Sangun Fish Sword〉, the 〈Heavenly Fish Sword〉 completely killed the guy and never moved again.

Moreover, the spriggan that resided in the direwolf’s body also glowed as if in pain, and soon dispersed. Even if the possessed body dies, it is a spriggan that searches for another vessel, but it simply disappears.


Lee Chae appeared in Leonard’s eyes when he saw that.

‘Like Cybele, is the Blue Dragon Keeper their weak point? ‘I need to test it properly.’

Even with the 〈Spirit Ghost Sword〉, the corruption of the Witch King could not be removed, but it seemed that a little injection of the Blue Dragon Keeper was enough to purify the lower-ranking Spriggan entities.

However, unlike Cybele, the vessel was so weak that it was dissipated into mana as soon as it was purified. It will take at least several decades to hundreds of years to return to a spirit.

There was no way a lower-level spirit could survive the miasma that drove even the Spirit King crazy.

‘It will be a useful experience to complement 〈Dongshinryu〉.’

There was no motivation that inspired Leonard more than his desire to improve his martial arts skills.

As the possessed bodies of Spriggans flock from the horizon, each one with a level of danger of at least Grade A or higher, their fighting spirit boils like lava.

There is no need to even use Seongi. A bluish self-defense device crackled and pulsed electricity over the body of Leonard, who was using the Blue Dragon Keeper.

“Spriggans are coming up?!”

As if responding to the cries of someone looking down at the barrier train, those who had survived several rounds of artillery fire jumped up.

From here on, the train’s own defense power cannot handle it.

The Green Dragon Knights, who sensed the timing, raised their aura.

“Glory to Cardenas!”

“May the green dragon’s indomitability endure forever!”

“Fight without being ashamed of your ancestors!”

It was the beginning of a full-scale struggle.


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