Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 187

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Geomje reincarnated as a swordsmith (187)


As the flow of internal energy and the amount of information flowing around it poured in along with his five senses, Leonard was almost dizzy. It’s been a long time since I felt like my mind was turning completely white.

In terms of time, it would have been about tens of seconds.

Leonard, who escaped from the power of the ‘Sleep Caller’, had to immediately believe his eyes.

“?You came back sooner than expected. “I will praise you.”

At the end of his gaze, Wade was facing him.

Also, the body of a snake, which was hundreds of meters long and seemed larger and heavier than a considerable mountain, was lying beneath my feet.

Ophnir (bringer of confusion).

The man who had been held up as an object of fear and reverence as an apostle of the foreign media’s ‘smiling massacre’ had no head. Just by looking at the charred traces, it was clear whose method it was.

―■■■■■■■?! ■■■■■!!?

Svafnir, the apostle who had infiltrated Leonard’s world of consciousness, also witnessed what happened and let out a mantra that was like a scream. Unlike Off Nir, it was impressive that his body was small and translucent.

Wade, who saw the guy’s reaction, sneered and stomped on Offnir’s body, which he had suppressed under his feet.

“If the two of them don’t cooperate, they are at the bottom of the demigod level and will turn a blind eye to me. “It’s absurd.”

Neither the ‘one who brings confusion’ nor the ‘one who brings sleep’ were individuals with high combat power at the demigod level. Because their special abilities are threatening and the powers of the two have a synergistic effect, Wade would have had a hard time if he had faced them all at once.

However, the presence of Leonard, who had temporarily pushed away the Demon Lord, seemed to be a big nuisance, so they split into two, with one trying to buy time and the other trying to catch Leonard first, which was a fatal mistake.

Ofnir, who already had poor combat skills and whose hiding place was discovered, could not hold out for even a minute and was cornered.

‘What on earth happened in that one minute… ?’

Leonard rolled his eyes left and right and pondered.

I didn’t see how Wade was able to subdue him due to Svafnir’s power.

Even if Cardenas was the strongest knight commander, there was no way that a demigod-level monster would be such an easy opponent. Contrary to Ofnir, whose entire upper neck had been blown off, Wade could not even see a trace of dirt on his armor.


Was it bothersome that a mortal babbler was stepping on his comrade?

Several lumps of brilliant light coalesced within Svafnir’s translucent body, and they came out at such a speed that there was no time to block or dodge, and exploded at Wade, who was in the line of fire.

Speed ​​of light.

No, it might be more than that. There was a saying that the speed of thought is faster than light. Although it is possible to block or neutralize the Heart Sword, the reason why it cannot be avoided was similar.


However, the beam of light that burned Wade’s body did not dare penetrate into his consciousness and was shattered.

A crimson-colored force waved around the body.

This was because the power that Leonard thought was the clue to the Yellow Dragon, which could handle greater power without interfering with the laws of the world, even blocked the power. Even if it were the mind sword of a half-human level warrior, it would be close to impossible to break through that.

“It is a high-level power that interferes with the mind and soul, but if it is the only talent that can be displayed while descending to the material world… “You are nothing but a big snake before me.”

Wade, who had easily nullified the power of the ‘Sleep Caller’, raised his sword.

The plan was to subdue Ofnir with one leg and then cut down the other one to death. As he said, Svafnir is a being belonging to the spirit world, and in a world where material entities exist, his power is greatly weakened.

It would have been even more powerful if it had been Nastrond in the true sense of the word, not the Demon Lord, but it was a meaningless assumption in this situation.

It was then.

Coo coo coo coo coo??!!!

Ofnir’s body, which was convulsing with its head detached, began to struggle, heedless of the force Wade trampled on, and blood poured out from the cut surface.

He was born into the family of the ‘Scornful Slayers’, the foreign powers that rule Nastrond. It was natural that he had immortality that could not be compared to that of a ghost. Despite being carbonized due to Wade’s singularity, his head was seen trying to grow again.

Due to the power of ‘Confusion’, the terrain changes arbitrarily, making the struggle of something large enough to entangle a small mountain more intense.


Wade just frowned his eyebrows despite his struggles, and then lowered the sword he was swinging at Svafnir.

The vortex of strong energy that erupted from the sword pulverized the monster’s body as it was, peeling off the scales of the creature that was trying to hide on the ground and pulverizing its bones into small pieces.

An attack that cannot even be called a skill crushes and tears apart a demigod-level monster. Even if Leonard attacked with Nam Shin Ryu as much as he wanted, it was not easy to inflict a blow that surpassed that.

?■■■… ! ■■■■■!!


Nevertheless, Ofnir took the blow and was finally able to break free from under his feet and escape to the vicinity of Svafnir.

Even if your body turns into minced meat, you won’t die.

By ‘disrupting’ his own state and increasing his recovery, his head rose again from his neck, which had become a lump of charcoal, in just a few seconds. It had a regenerative power comparable to that of Hydra, the most famous monster among the legends of the Olympian gods.

That wasn’t enough.

The two snakes overlapped each other’s bodies and became entangled like a coil, as if they were about to start mating. Because Svafnir was small, it seemed like he was being restrained by Ofnir, but his shape was a prerequisite for revealing his true colors.

“Leonard, step back at least 500 meters and take a defensive stance.”

Leonard immediately complied with Wade’s words and left the scene at maximum speed. This was because the presence of the two apostles intertwined and swelling was unusual.

‘This is the main part of the Sado Suppression.’

According to what Wade said earlier, Offnir and Svafnir were at their true best when they fought together.

‘The one who brings confusion’ and ‘The one who brings sleep’.

Even if they were to be fought one by one, Leonard would have less than a 100% chance of winning, and if the two of them joined forces, the aftermath alone would have resulted in fatal injuries or a hold-up for Wade.

just as expected.


The curtain rose on the second round as the two apostles joined together in a disgusting manner roared in unison.

Even among the apostles of the ‘Mocking Slayer’, they were a bit special.

Basically, authority and authority were bound to conflict with each other, but these two were able to create a synergistic effect without interfering with the other’s power. As the two powers, ‘Confusion’ and ‘Sleep’, greatly cooperate, the range of interference increases to areas that would be impossible at the demigod level.


Wade nodded as he adjusted his sword.

“It is said that when the two are together, they are the highest level monsters even at the level of demigods, so the ancestral record is not wrong.”

Svafnir’s ‘sleep’ narrows the gap between the real world and fantasy, and Offnir’s ‘confusion’ is activated through the thinned wall.

It was as if the world of consciousness, which should have been limited to my inner self, was expanded outside of my body. Even Wade, who could overwhelm the two Apostles from the front, would have committed suicide in fighting them in their conscious world.

A demigod-level being was no different from a god in my conscious world.

Kurrrrrrrr… !!



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It’s not that it wasn’t, it was just as I thought.

A huge bone hand suddenly protruded from the surface, and a skeletal giant so large that its head reached the sky stood up.

Even in the ancient times, it was rare for an individual to be this large.

Even if they were made into undead, it would not be possible for a half-god to dominate them, but it seemed possible for the apostles to temporarily reach a power that surpassed reality.


When he struck his hand down with agility that was not appropriate for his size, the surface of the earth exploded behind Wade, who slipped through his knuckles.

Soil bounced up several kilometers into the air as if an explosive had exploded, and shadows danced all over the place, swaying greatly. It is a physical force powerful enough to collapse mountains. If he had been alive, he might have truly been on a par with the gods.


Coo coo coo coo coo??.

The corpses of high-ranking beings similar to the Skeleton Giants rise.

A giant’s corpse with a hundred eyeballs hanging from it.

The corpse of a being favored by the God of War as his great warrior.

Although they are greatly weakened compared to when they were alive, each and every one of them is a monster that surpasses Ofnir and Svafnir. It was a situation where even Wade could end up being surrounded once.

Leonard, who was watching from hundreds of meters away, was wondering whether he should join in, but Wade actually stopped.

“Okay, stop controlling your strength.”

Standing at the nearly 2-kilometer-high terrain that Ofnir had overturned, Wade looked down at his enemy expressionlessly.

His eyes were rarely glowing.

The joy I feel at meeting someone I can truly fight with.

The strongest knight commander in Cardenas has released his limiter.


It was the moment when the power boiling inside Wade’s body was released.

There were no loud noises or shock waves.

This was because all the ‘sound’ and ‘power’ that existed within the range of the auror had evaporated. Leonard, who had eyes that could see through the essence of power and the dragon’s eyes, broke into a cold sweat without even realizing it.

‘crazy… !?’

The space waves like a haze. It is different from atmospheric refraction.

The space and time around him was distorting.

A phenomenon that can only be seen in the study of celestial bodies occurs on a human level, making us doubt our eyes.

‘Director Wade’s 2 meter radius is already a different world.’

We are accelerating actual time, not perceived time.

One second for Leonard may be more than one minute for Wade.

As if testing the limits of the world’s laws, the density of the auror increases and becomes incandescent as it approaches the area of ​​light. The moment Leonard pushed his eyesight to its limit, Wade made his move.

No, I could only guess that it had moved. Because it was a speed that even Leonard’s Dragon Eyes couldn’t keep up with.


The skeleton giant’s skull was shattered and flew out in all directions, and the giant’s upper body, which was looking around with a hundred eyeballs, also exploded.

The same was true for the corpse of a great warrior armed with a blood-red axe.

I managed to stop it once, but there was no way I could handle it a second time as the ax blade broke and my arm was crushed. Even though more than half of his head was blown off, a deep smile remained on his face, as if he was satisfied with Wade’s attack.

Three demigod-level beings were neutralized in an instant.

‘I get it!’

Despite his enormous criminal record, Leonard’s eyes were looking at something else.

Wade’s specialty. This is why they can exercise more power than anyone else without being directly involved in the laws of the world.

The clue to pioneering the next level of 〈Ilwon Five Elements God〉 fluttered right in front of my eyes. The peculiarity that Wade used was the ability to change himself. He does not change the world at will, but he changes himself at will.

Leonard knew what to call it.

‘I never thought I would see the teachings of Buddhism in the powerful people of this world.’

The peculiarity of the self-reliance of children was the clue that could become the framework for 〈The Yellow Dragon〉.


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