Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 145

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Geomje reincarnated as a swordsmith (148)

The cavalry, which could easily lay waste to a small to medium-sized territory, was annihilated before it could last even 10 seconds. It was a fight in which the punitive force could not even warm up.

Isaac looked around the battlefield, which was almost like a slaughterhouse, and found information that could be of help to them.

“Centaurs are a race that enjoys hunting. “There is no way that there would be a group that is at odds with them within , so it seems like they came with the intention of killing an animal, but there is no harvest in sight.”

“You’re saying that you didn’t come after finishing the hunt, but you were on your way there.”

“That’s correct. If we proceed in the direction they came from, a garrison of centaurs will appear, and if we are lucky, we will be able to quickly encounter [Castor].”

From then on, it was all smooth sailing.

The punitive force, with Isaac at the head, quickly increased its speed, even surpassing the horizon several times, and began to move in search of the source from which the centaurs came.

The speed of advance allowed only to superhumans, covering tens of kilometers in a matter of minutes, quickly yielded results.


Isaac stopped when he saw something in the corner of his eye.

It was a field.

A pastureland that extends for several kilometers in all directions. Beyond the peaceful scene, I saw hundreds of centaurs swarming around. Each horse was a hundred horsemen per man, so it was like a military group at the level of a legion.

However, what prevented the five knights from approaching carelessly was not the centaur, but the presence within it.

“[Castor]… is it?”

“You were lucky. “I never thought we would encounter one less than an hour after entering .”

Isaac nodded his head in agreement with Leonard’s question.

‘I have already felt the intimidation of Heoshin while witnessing [Tir], but it is still a bit different from the Transcendence or the Archmage.’

Leonard, who felt a presence presumed to be [Castor], shook off the pressure on his shoulders and his eyes lit up.

If the intimidation of the transcendental level warrior and the great wizard was like a storm radiating from them, Heo Shin’s intimidation was similar to a huge hand coming down from the sky and trying to crush the opponent.

The direction of force is different.

“There’s nothing to hide. “He may be of low rank, but he is on the side of God, so he would have noticed our approach long ago.”

Isaac said with a murderous smile.

“Isn’t it? “Oh my God [Castor].”

As if in response, God answered from several kilometers away.

―Does a mortal babble insolently mention the name of God!

It was [Castor]’s voice.

The wind blowing around the meadow suddenly stops as the mental waves that clearly show its anger swirl around. The grass that had been lying down stands upright, and the clouds that had flowed leisurely hasten their pace and move away.

Nature surrenders just by revealing its divine status. After seeing that, Leonard was able to understand what Kalanta had said earlier.

‘The wizard who uses the world’s rituals and Heoshin, who can bend those rituals at will, are in a completely hierarchical relationship.’

The battle itself was difficult to establish unless you were a class 10 that could be said to be on a par with a god or a class 9 that was in the realm of demigods.

However, it was not possible for Class 9 to accompany Heoshin’s subjugation mission individually, so it was natural to rely entirely on the Cardenas family. Perhaps witches belonging to Wickline are also fighting in the battlefields other than the White Dragon and Red Dragon periods?

―Even though you knew of my existence, you did not worship me, and you were disrespectful in putting my name in your dirty mouth! You all deserve to die!

[Castor] bellowed like thunder and declared war.

―Mortals of an age that has lost faith! I will throw a festival with your blood and flesh! Centaurs, listen! I, [Castor], command! Do your best to defeat the enemy!

The booming voice was not just meant to intimidate. The presence of all the Centaurs, who had been buried in Heo Shin’s presence, swelled several times, strengthening to a level that almost reached the bottom of the Transcendental Mirror.

As Leonard and his party read the power contained within, they sensed that the situation would be completely different from the ones they had faced before.

It was the power of [command], the power to break through the limitations of subordinates.

Coo coo coo coo coo??!!

Despite the distance of several kilometers, the earth shakes.

The sound of the centaurs’ horses’ hooves began to accelerate in earnest, and resonated with each other, turning into shock waves.

Charge with the spear!

A charging formation, which could be called lance charging, approaches at a speed approaching the speed of sound. It was a sight that even the five masters of Transcendence would not want to face head-on.


However, Leonard stepped forward as if protecting the four White Dragon Knights and poured out his sword from a subspace pocket.

Four more swords, now five, flew up.

Before he knew it, he was facing a 100-meter spear charge, and he completed the examination without any fear. By arranging the sword according to the flow of the five elements, the surrounding space is sealed off and a defensive power like an iron wall of Venus is built up.

Five Elements and Jinsaejin (Five Elements)

With the addition of the Five Colors Ganggi, Jinbeop, whose defense power was increased several times, faced the spears of the Centaurs.



The Centaurs, who demonstrated this with their bodies, were crushed with a force greater than that of the charging force, and were thrown away miserably.


[Castor] was equally surprised by the incomprehensible sight and lost sight of the baton for a moment.

The White Dragon Knights precisely took advantage of that momentary gap.

Pew pew! Phew! Pew pew pew!

The rear ranks, seeing the failure of the cavalry charge, stopped gracefully, but cavalry was at its most vulnerable when stopped.

A few rays of sword light poured out by Grady pierced the hearts or between the eyes of the centaurs, creating a path. What was strengthened by authority was its physical ability and aura output, and had little to do with regenerative power or immortality.

Janet, who had a half-beat tempo, swirled like a whirlpool.


More slashes pour out from a trajectory that rotates dozens of times in place, decapitating the centaurs. I managed to block or avoid a few, but I didn’t have time to avoid the follow-up hits.

“Be prepared for shock waves.”

Hugo, with his entire body muscles tense, stretched out his greatsword and swung it horizontally as he took a step forward.

There was no such thing as technology.

All power, one sword.

A blow that anyone can strike creates a power that no one else can.


Instead of hitting the centaurs, they hit the air, creating a large-scale shock wave and sending dozens of them flying into the air. He had stopped breathing before he even hit the ground.



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It was the same principle as the terrifying killing power of sound.

This was because, if hit by a shock wave, it would ignore the surface defense and explode the internal organs inside the body.


-Move aside, you lowly thing!

No one expected that [Castor]’s spear, which penetrated the shock wave, would be aimed at Leonard.

[Castor] rushed forward like a bolt of lightning, targeting Leonard, whom he had determined to be the prey to be most wary of.

‘fast… !’

Leonard, who was reaping the Five Elements Jinseokjin, was half a beat late.

In a situation where he is about to receive a fairly large blow, even if it is not fatal, he tries to form self-defense through his own efforts.


Isaac, who blocked [Castor]’s spear, was pushed back significantly.


Although the gap was only about 10 meters, it was a distance that would not be able to block the next attack. Still, since the first attack was the most powerful in the spear charge, the follow-up attack was relatively late.

It was a huge help to Leonard.

“Thank you, Isaac Danju!”

Leonard, who retrieved the two swords, rushed in quickly.

The Five Elements and Six Gods Law

red sun

He steps forward as if digging into the ground, and the energy that goes down to his Yongcheonhyeol explodes violently, pushing his body like a cannonball.

This is truly the higher level of Bodhisattva and ‘deterioration’.

Heat protection nerve


Stone fire light sound

The movement, which was more like a runaway than a sprint, pushed away the spear that was about to fire the second blow, and even [Castor] was blown away.

No, to be more precise, the two beings were moving away somewhere with their swords and spears touching each other. [Castor] was not great in terms of physical strength, so Leonard, who was explosively expending his internal strength, was able to overwhelm him for a while.

In a matter of seconds, Leonard and [Castor] left the battlefield.

-You! You’re making a fuss!

[Castor]’s eyes lit up as he realized his intentions.

“If you can get away with it, you can try.”

As Leonard said that, he began to look at [Castor]’s every move.

If you can see the starting point of the movement with your long eye, it is not difficult to cut off the path before it accelerates. The corps that lost its commander and the commander that lost its subordinates were only half-strength, so their strength would have dropped to less than half.

If it was one-on-one, [Castor] was not his opponent.

-This arrogant guy?!

[Castor] must have read it through eye contact and charged at Leonard while raising his spear.

Unlike the centaur, he was riding a horse that looked unusual at first glance, and he was definitely one of the most extraordinary among spirit creatures. Its power is increased by exquisitely changing its center of gravity according to the movements of its owner.


While tapping the side of the spear that extended like a flash of light, Leonard first explored [Castor]’s spear technique.

Is it because he is also a deity who symbolizes cavalry?

Although it was a step below horsemanship, his spear skills were surprisingly on par with Leonard’s sword skills. He may have benefited from his horsemanship, but he is not an opponent to be taken lightly.

If so, you are caught off guard.

Five Sangryu One Sword

White tiger eating out

Sanguneogeom (山君御劍)

The sword protruding from the subspace pocket aimed at [Castor] while scattering majestic energy.

―What a trivial act!

The guy took a step back, threw away the Sangun Fish Sword, and stabbed his spear to keep his balance. If he comes even one step closer, it feels like he is determined to turn his opponent into a beehive.

The gap was too small to approach blindly.

So Leonard activated the sword technique once again.

Five Sangryu One Sword

Unlike the , the sword dyed black flew up and struck the top of [Castor]’s head without any sound.

The loudness of the previous attack was intended to conceal this.

Hyeonmu clan eating out

Tail dragon fish sword

This time, [Castor], whose complexion was pale, stiffened his face and swung his spear as if struggling to strike the .

Leonard would be exposed to a loophole, but if he didn’t stop it, he would be fatally injured, so he had no choice.

“You got caught.”

If possible, this should end with this.

Since it was not a situation to use mental martial arts, Leonard pulled out a technique that could be considered a decisive battle.

A blue sword gushes out from the blade held in his left hand.

Ilwon Five Elements Geomgyeol (一元5行劍訣)

Oh Sang-ryu

Decisive battle

A sharp sword was launched that it was difficult to guarantee that it could be blocked at the transcendental level.

A flash of lightning based on the five elements of intelligence.

Island of the Blue Dragon

The moment the slash that was meant to cut [Castor] in two diagonally exploded into his body, Leonard’s expectations were shattered.

It had to be that way.


The white horse whose head was blown off on behalf of its owner fell.

―… bloke.

[Castor], covered in blood pouring from the cut, glared at Leonard with an expressionless face.

For cavalrymen, horses were like their own blood relatives.

He lost it through his own mistake.

[Castor], who had become more calm than furious, looked back at the centaurs in the distance who were on the verge of being annihilated. It was already a situation where there was no chance of winning. Regardless of the anger welling up to the top of his head, the strategy was calm.

-I admit it. I lost.

From [Castor]’s grave voice, Leonard felt an inexplicable chill.

I wanted to end it just like that, but my intuition that I shouldn’t have stopped me.

It was right after that.

-But if it’s my younger brother and not me, I won’t lose to you guys! We are Dioscuri! They are the sons of [Zeus], ​​the great god of the sky! Come, Pollux!

[Castor] cried out as if he was coughing up blood, and an enormous presence appeared in as if answering the call.

It was an intimidating feeling that might be on par with the [Tir] I saw last time.

-It’s a pity. If I had cut off my head, I would have been able to summon it more completely by sacrificing myself.

Nevertheless, [Castor] muttered, appearing to have regained his triumphant attitude.

Perhaps because it had already used up all of its existence, its body gradually became transparent and disappeared. [Pollux] was a god of a higher rank than him, so even though he was summoned by his twin’s kite, he ended up using up all his remaining strength.

―My younger brother, [Pollux] is a warrior god who could not even defeat the hero god [Hercules] with his fighting skills. Let him die knowing that it will be his honor to be crushed by that fist.

It was almost simultaneously with the disappearance of [Castor].

Heoshin, who received my twin brother’s divine power and hundreds of centaur corpses as a sacrifice, was summoned.


The fighting god rose from a puddle of blood, his large body covered in blood, and raised his metallic, shiny fist. Hugo rushed in before anyone else and blocked his path.

“Hold on until Leonard joins again?”

Before Hugo could finish speaking, [Pollux]’s iron fist smashed the great sword and penetrated the solar plexus.

Kwonta (拳打) that has reached the level of martial arts.


With a sound like a bomb exploding, Hugo’s body flew hundreds of meters further, and he fell to the ground and fainted. If the ‘muscles’ and ‘bones’ had not been strengthened by the Dragon Blood Awakening, the upper body would have evaporated.

The power to defeat the Sword Master of Cardenas with one blow.

When the White Dragon Knights realized the extent of [Pollux]’s power, their spines became damp with cold sweat.

‘It’s at least intermediate level!’

It was the appearance of a monster that surpassed even [Aiolos], Heoshin, who was the most dangerous in the subjugation order.


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