Surviving as the 5th Prince of Hellman Kingdom Chapter 93

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Alfonso’s mouth, which had been silent for a while, opened.

“Royal Stage, how long do I have to go?”

“After lunch, I’ll go after the interview is over.”


“Reporters will come to the Emerald Palace. You have to tell them that you are innocent and that you are willing to appear, and that you will faithfully cooperate with the investigation.”

“Ugh… I see. But how did they know that I was moving with the Tricolor Staff? I was disguised and moving around so that no one would recognize me.”

“Your handwriting. I took the train south, and it looks like the handwriting of the unidentified man who showed up in every area where the Tricolor Staff Squad was present was very similar to yours.”

“Handwriting? I used to sign with my left hand and go around.”

“I think you had a notebook that you wrote with your left hand during your time in the Northern Liberation Army.”

“Ah······ Could this be the evidence from when they first tried to arrest me?”


This time, I was a little surprised by Miloa’s persistence. It seemed like she had sensed that there was something between me and the Tricolor Staff.

Alfonso asked with a serious expression.

“What should I do?”

“What should I do? What should I do? I told you earlier. If you open your mouth wrongly, things might get worse, so just keep it shut.”

“Is there a way?”

“The real culprit just has to show up.”

Alfonso tilted his head at my words. Then he looked around and cautiously opened his mouth.

“I am the culprit?”

I looked at Alfonso with a pitiful expression. After all these years together, why am I still so confused?


Only then did he open his eyes wide as if something occurred to him.

“You are thinking of making it, aren’t you?”

“Yes. I’ve already prepared everything, so don’t worry and wait. You’ll be able to walk out safely in about three days.”


Alfonso, who filled his stomach with a top-quality steak for lunch with me.

The guy had an interview with prepared reporters.

“I believe everyone knows what the intentions of the Royal Guard are in threatening me, the Prince’s chief attendant! I, Alfonso, look up to the heavens without a single ounce of shame, so I will personally submit to the Royal Guard’s investigation.”

Alfonso, who strongly protested his innocence in front of them.

I patted the guy on the shoulder before he walked confidently towards the royal guard. I could feel a slight tremor.

“There won’t be any severe torture. Really.”

“I believe you.”

I’m not the same as before.

He firmly warned the royal guards that they had better be prepared for even the slightest physical harm.

At best, they take turns harassing each other and preventing us from getting any sleep?

Without a confession, there is no way to prove that Alfonso was with the Order of the Tricolor based on the evidence the Royal Guard currently has.


I can replicate the autograph left by an unidentified man in two hours if I practice.

The Royal Guard will know that too. The act of restraining him was more likely to shake me up.

I could feel Miloa’s determination to create a gap and find the point of contact with the Three Color Staffs.

There is nothing good about Alfonso being held captive for a long time. Without the guy who used to move around in the shade, there are more than a few inconveniences.

So after seeing Alfonso off and dismissing the reporters, I went to the Knights of the White Lion.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Your Majesty.”

Gert, the leader, was there to greet us at the entrance to the training grounds.

“Have you heard the news?”

“Are you talking about Alfonso going to the Royal Guard?”

“Oh, the news is fast. By the way, what about the articles I asked you to do?”


I went to the training ground with Gert.

Five senior knights were lined up, armed. They were the people who had been with us when we had suppressed the pirates in the East.

I nodded with satisfaction and looked at Gert.

“Has everyone cleared their schedules?”

“Of course. As the prince requested yesterday, everyone here, including me, cleared our schedule for three days.”

“Even the captain? We don’t need a captain.”

“I was just curious.”

“What······Do as you wish.”

“Could you explain why you decided to move the White Lion Knights now?

“I’m going to catch the group that’s causing chaos in the kingdom. Once the real culprit is caught, the Royal Guard will release Alfonso. It won’t be that dangerous. They’re just rascals. The captain really doesn’t have to go.”

“Huh? Are you talking about the Three Color Staff?”

“That’s right. Today we’re going to catch the Tricolor Staff.”

“Today? Are you saying that they are in the royal capital?”

“No. Their base is in the south.”

“Then wouldn’t it take more than a day just to get there?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. Just wait.”

I opened the pocket watch and checked the time.

“It’s almost time to come······Please wait a moment.”

I looked at the western sky.


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After about two minutes, a small dot began to appear in the sky. Soon, its shape became recognizable.


“Let me introduce you. This is my personal airship, ‘Black Wyvern’, which was dry a few days ago.”

I am the owner of Aitz Trading Company, which supplies the world with the cure for Red Star Fever. Shouldn’t I run at least one private company?

That too, in medium size.

I couldn’t help but smile as I thought of Miloa’s bewildered expression upon receiving the urgent report that an unidentified airship was approaching the palace.


There was a bit of a commotion, so the departure was delayed.

Because the palace was turned upside down by the appearance of an unidentified villain.

I could have notified you in advance, but I did it on purpose to upset Miloa, who had been getting on my nerves by arresting Alfonso.

They probably wouldn’t have noticed it since it flew in at high altitude as soon as the Black Moru tribe finished drying it.

You’re probably racking your brain, imagining where I’ll go on an airship with the Knight Commander in tow.

As I was thinking about this on the deck of the airship flying south, Gert approached me.

“It’s amazing. I’ve been on airships a few times, but this is the first time I’ve seen one this quiet.”

“Of course. The hull is made of ebony wood that has strength comparable to iron. The horsepower engine is the best one from the Aymen Empire, which I obtained with difficulty. Did you know? The Black Wyvern has a new technology called a ‘booster’······.”

After talking for a while about the specifications of the Black Wyvern, I came to my senses and saw that Gert’s face was very unpleasant.

He looked like he had made a mistake.

“The conclusion is that the Black Moru Tribe put a lot of effort into making it.”

To sum it up, I replaced it with that one word.

I was doing what the captains used to do when asked about the performance of their battleships, always rattling off specifications.

“As expected, the skills of the dwarves are hard for humans to keep up with. But······ You said your destination was the Carini Viscounty, right? Is the headquarters of the Tricolor Staff Corps really located there?”

“Why don’t you believe it?”

“No. Since it is information obtained by the prince, it must be certain. So, is the Karini family also involved with them?”

“Well······what do you think?”

I answered with a chuckle.

The two leaders of the Tricolor Staff Order, excluding Mars, are ‘Justice’ and ‘Equality’.

I received intelligence that the two were meeting in the Carini Viscounty, where the leader of the Three-Colored Staffs, the ‘Staff Walker’, was located.

Perhaps to discuss how to deal with the ‘free’ Mars who is running wild.

I plan to attack the gathered men together with the White Lion Knights and destroy them all at once.

Dreamers like Mars who devote themselves to the idea of a republic may look cute, but they are nothing more or less than organized crime members who seek to realize their personal desires by relying on the Three-Colored Staff.

“Is the one who walks with a staff, the leader of the Three-Colored Staff Corps, also there? I heard that the Royal Guard has been chasing them all this time, but haven’t been able to find even a shadow of them.”

“Of course. After all, he was a fictional character.”


“To be exact······ you can see that one of their key executives is acting as a Japanese agent.”

One of the three key executives, the fictional character created by ‘Equality’, was the one who walked with a cane. How could you possibly track down a non-existent entity?

The Kingdom of Arya, which took control of the South in the First Leia War in the ‘future’. They also had a crush on the idea of a republic, so they grabbed the Tricolor Staff like a mouse.

In the process, the true identity of the Three Color Staff Group was revealed to the world.

The Order of the Three Color Staffs was not originally an organization created with the pure ideology of establishing a republic.

The current Three Color Staffs Organization is an underground organization that was in charge of secretly dealing with the nobles, but grew by disguising itself as a republic.

‘Mars would be shocked if he found out.’

Well, that’s up to him to decide.

I just have to do my job.


Miloa watched as the agents questioned Alfonso in front of a video projector showing the inside of the interrogation room.

“This is the handwriting you wrote with your left hand when you were a member of the Northern Liberation Army. And this is the signature on the train ticket left by the man who is believed to have killed Viscount Malus with the Tricolor Staff. Isn’t it surprisingly similar?”

“That’s amazing. There’s someone whose handwriting is so similar to mine when I write with my left hand.”

“That’s you!”

“Me? Hey, why would I kill Viscount Malus? I’ve never met him before. I’ve read in the newspapers that he’s done a lot of things that people have done to deserve this, karma.”


The gaze of the agent interrogating Alfonso turned to the bathtub filled with water.

Once you enter the interrogation room, it is customary to start with a light wash. Then, strangely enough, the water gives you the answer.

Alfonso would have certainly done the same, had it not been for the threats of the fifth prince.

After calming down for a moment, he glared at Alfonso again.

“Okay, so if you hadn’t taken the southbound train, where would you have gone on vacation?”

“Haha, I came to experience life with nature in a place with good mountains and water and no people.”

“Where is that place?”

“I arrived at this place by walking wherever I pleased, so I remember it well······.”

The meaningless dialogue between the CIA agent and Alfonso continues.

Miloa bit her lip.

I went to the interrogation room just in case, but as expected, there was nothing I could get from Alfonso Einberg.

Her gaze turned to the cruel torture devices in the interrogation room.

Would it make a difference if I could use those?


So is persuasion possible?

‘It’s impossible.’

No matter what kind of pain was inflicted, no matter what kind of wealth and honor was promised, Alfonso was not the kind of person who would betray the Fifth Prince. Miloa’s intuition was whispering to her.

‘Well, the 5th prince did something for him.’

She put a cigarette in her mouth in frustration.

Chiik- hwarruruk!

“Oh, hot!”

The lighter was broken, and the blazing flame burned my hair.

“Count Miloa!”

Chohwaak─ PC style.

A subordinate who was drinking water next to her was so surprised that he spurted water at Miloa. Thanks to him, she was able to avoid serious injury.

“Are you okay? It wasn’t intentional!”

“······Okay. Just give me a water bottle.”

I washed my face with water from a water bottle and dried it with a handkerchief.

She looked at her face in the mirror, looking at her messy hair and reddened forehead.

‘What’s going to happen again······.’

My heart started pounding even harder because I had a guess.

The 5th prince left for somewhere on an airship with the White Lion Knights. What on earth are they planning to do?

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t find a clue.

“You’re right! You’re the monster who moves around wearing this vile mask with the Three Color Staffs!”

“Oh, well, I said no, but you keep saying that. By the way, if the real culprit is caught, will all the hardships I’ve endured be compensated?”

Alfonso’s snake-like voice could be heard inside the interrogation room, realizing that there would be no torture.

Miloa, who was touching her hair, stopped.

‘The real culprit, caught separately?’

A monster wearing a vulgar mask with slitted eyes.

No one knows his true appearance.

In other words, it is very easy to make a third party the culprit.

‘But why did you go out of your way to fly on an airship? Even bringing along members of the White Lion Knights… No way! No way!’

If the 5th prince was using the tricolor staff to eat and then fled? Then it wouldn’t be strange if they knew where the bastards were based.

The identity of the vulgar mask is after annihilating the Three Color Staff Corps and putting it on someone’s corpse. If he does that to them, it’s over.

Although slightly off, Miloa came to a similar conclusion.

‘If, if the 5th prince there manipulates the nobles involved with the Tricolor Staff Order into thinking they are our people······.’


“Count Miloa! Urgent news!”

She swallowed hard and turned her head toward her subordinate who had opened the door without knocking and entered.

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