Surviving as the 5th Prince of Hellman Kingdom Chapter 174

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The movements of the Arya Kingdom were unusual.

Information that could be checked through the [Library] just one day ago is often erased the next day.

It was clear that the ‘records’ were being erased.

Not all the ‘records’ were lost. That would be impossible. It would be impossible to burn the entire Arya Kingdom’s documents overnight.

Even things like the blueprints for the submarines and Titans they were developing were not things that could be discarded.

Of course, they didn’t have any RP to read.


It was not something we could just sit back and watch just because we couldn’t easily find out the secrets of the Arya Kingdom through the [Library].

Most of the agents from the Hamul Empire, which was in a state of lull, were redirected to the Arya Kingdom, and their operating funds were also increased by leaps and bounds.

There, whenever I had time, I would look through the [library] and scan the traces left behind around the information discarded by the Kingdom of Arya.


There was something that made me certain that something big was going to happen soon.

The name of Yandercia, the legendary serial killer who murdered the second queen and seven members of the Arya royal family, has disappeared from the [Record of People].

It was clearly offered as a tribute to Etrim.

From that day on, he put aside all other work and devoted all his energy to monitoring Arya’s movements.

And this morning.

Julien came running in a hurry to my office.

-The Queen is in danger!

Several agents operating in the Kingdom of Arya have reported seeing ‘a flock of glowing birds flying across the night sky’.

It was Arya’s airship fleet.

They were the ones who had attempted to kidnap Shuitz, who was developing a cure, when the Red Star Fever was sweeping the world.

That habit was not going anywhere.

“I found it! I finally found the Golden Dragon!!”

The place I am now is the situation room of the Black Wyvern, a medium-sized airship.

The observer could not help but gasp.

I don’t know what the islanders did, but communication with the Golden Dragon was cut off.

“I’ll show you the screen!”

As the observer spoke, a screen appeared.

The Golden Dragon was seen being pursued by Arya’s airships while covered in a magic shield that seemed to be about to go out.

“It really was this way!”

“How did you know?”

Several people in the situation room looked at me with surprised eyes. They found the Golden Dragon in just one go based on the route I had instructed.

Even if it was impossible to determine the location using communications, I had [the library]. If the flight attendants who wrote the flight logs recorded it properly, the Golden Dragon’s location could be determined in real time.

“What the heck! Can’t you see that the Golden Dragon is in danger!”

The crew immediately turned their heads at the captain’s shout. The Black Wyvern, which had been reaching its limit, became a little faster.

“If I had been just a little bit later, I could have been in big trouble.”

Julien said, looking at the Golden Dragon’s protective shield that seemed ready to disappear at any moment.

His expression wasn’t bright.

The reason was obvious.

The first task of joining the Golden Dragon was completed safely, but there were problems after that.

After Julien’s report, I made a bold and swift decision to launch all operational airships into the sky.

6 medium-sized ships including the Black Wyvern, and 46 small ships.

Compared to Arya’s airship fleet, their power was clearly inferior. To make matters worse, the Golden Dragon on the screen seemed to be unable to participate in the battle.

It was a situation where we might have come to the rescue but ended up burning up in the air together.


“A mysterious group of pirates has appeared!”


Lihid, who was expecting the golden dragon, whose shield was about to be removed, to explode spectacularly, suddenly stood up from his seat.

“Lee, these are the airships of the Kingdom of Lionel! There are 6 medium-sized ships and about 40 small ships!”

The observer’s subsequent report.

Richie’s hardened expression softened again.

Their power was more than doubled. And on top of that······ He glanced at Sapian.

Rather, I didn’t know that it might have been a good thing.

If we destroy the airship that appeared to rescue the Golden Dragon on this occasion, the once splendidly flying Kingdom of Lionel will be brought back to the ground.


There was no need to have a domestic fight within the narrow island.

If we take over the Lionel Kingdom using this incident as an opportunity, and then invade the Hamul Empire, which is in a very bad state after a brief reorganization, it is only a matter of time before the Arya Kingdom is transformed into an empire.

If that were to happen, it wouldn’t be a dream for him to become the Prince of the current Lionel Kingdom.

After finishing his thoughts, Riche looked at the captain.

“Send the approaching Lionel Kingdom army to the other world as well.”

“Understood! Signal corps, relay His Majesty’s instructions to all fleets!”


The fleet of airships that Evan had brought opened fire simultaneously on the flies that were harassing the Golden Dragon.


There was an explosion of noise all around.

“Your Majesty, please go in now. There doesn’t seem to be any major danger for the time being.”


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Reina nodded at the article’s words.

There was nothing more she could do even though she was on deck. She put her sword in its scabbard and went to the situation room. She saw Fran, who was being treated, her upper garment covered in blood.

“Lady Fran?”

Reina’s eyes trembled slightly.

“He suffered from mana exhaustion. Fortunately, he received emergency treatment in time, so his life seems to be in danger.”

Reina was relieved at the words of the captain, who was also a six-star wizard.

Among the numerous screens floating in the situation room, the Black Wyvern with its black hull caught her eye.

I felt Evan there.

She was saved by the person she was supposed to protect. Reina felt a mysterious emotion that she couldn’t explain in words.

She looked at the captain.

“Captain, what is the current situation?”

“We received a transmission telling us to continue retreating towards the Midra Triangle.”

“is it······.”

Reina turned her gaze back to the screens in the situation room.



Despite their small numbers, the Kingdom of Lionel’s airships were not pushed back in the artillery battle.

Thanks to the newly improved magic cannon.

The Kingdom of Lionel was the first to begin improving its magic cannons using the magic superconductor Lark K.

The magic cannons of the airship that Evan brought were all the latest models. They were further, more numerous, and more powerful than those of the Arya Kingdom.

But Reina’s expression was not bright.

It was because of the two large airships of the Arya Kingdom that the situation room personnel were watching closely. The magic cannons mounted on the large airships were different in size.

Once their magic cannons start glowing, the situation will change in an instant.

“Captain! We need to slow down to maintain the magic shield!”

“What? Absolutely not! If you slow down, their large airships will catch up with you!”

“Ha, but if there is no magic shield······.”


At that moment, the sound of a shell hitting the Golden Dragon’s magic shield sounded like thunder to the ears of the situation room personnel.

Reina looked straight at the course and estimated her current location.

‘By this point······.’

I felt like I had found what I was meant to do.

“Captain, put down the magic shield 5 minutes after I leave.”


Leaving those words behind, Reina turned around and left the situation room.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty, where are you going!”

“Your Majesty!”

The knights chased after her in a hurry.

Reina comes out on deck

She climbed up to the highest point in the sky, the watchtower.

“Wow, Your Majesty?”

The crew member guarding the watchtower was startled when he saw her.

“Would you mind coming down for a moment? And I’d like you to tell the knights following you not to come up. It’s not as wide as I thought.”

“Oh, I understand!”

Reina, left alone, observed the situation.

Boom! Boom! KWAAAAHHHH!!

It seemed that the Arya Kingdom’s army had noticed that the Golden Dragon’s magical shield was nothing more than a flame before it went out.

Instead of targeting Lionel’s medium and small airships, the magic cannons began firing at the Golden Dragon.

Boom! Bang!


The friendly airships took the hit instead.

Not good.

Allies have to aim desperately to barely hit the enemy’s airship, but if the enemy just shoots randomly at the Golden Dragon, they will hit it.

But that’s all over now.

Woof- Woof-

“Ma, magic shield!”

“The magic shield has been released!”

The magic shield has been released.

The captain followed Reina’s words.

Reina gripped the hilt of her sword and focused her senses. The loud sound of the magic cannon became quieter, and time slowed down.


The allies move to block the magic cannon fired by Arya’s airship.

It’s late.

That can’t be stopped by our air strikes.

The crew of the Golden Dragon, who is in the position where the shells are going to land, covers their faces with their arms, looking terrified.

Reina put strength into the hand holding the sword.


The mental field that had spread out around her overturned the Golden Dragon. The crew member who had raised his arm and covered his eyes lowered his arm slightly in the dazzling light.

Countless swords of light were seen wandering around the Golden Dragon.


One of them cut down a magic cannon shell that was falling down on the crew’s position.

That was the beginning.

Crunch- crunch- crunch-

The swords of light cut down all the shells flying towards the Golden Dragon.

He watched the scene, lost in thought.

Guardian Sword Formation.

It enforces a very simple rule: no one can harm the being inside the examination room without her permission.

It was the name of the realm of consciousness that Ian, Evan, and even Reina had awakened to in order to protect the Kingdom of Lionel.


The chase was sluggish due to the superior power of the Lionel Kingdom’s magic cannon.

Richie, who had thought that Lionel’s airship fleet would be destroyed in no time, was frowning.

Then, when the Golden Dragon’s magical shield showed signs of being released, the corners of his mouth went up.


“Imagination zone!!”

Richie was astonished as he looked at the imaginary realm covering the Golden Dragon.

It was hidden perfectly.

Who would have thought that the first queen was an 8-star knight!

Riche turned his gaze to look at Sapian.

‘Did you know······?’

While everyone in the situation room was staring in shock at the screen showing the Golden Dragon, Sapian’s gaze was directed somewhere completely different.

And he did so with a very frowning expression.

The first queen of the Kingdom of Lionel seemed completely uninterested in the expansion of her imaginary realm.

Richie followed his gaze.

‘Black Wyvern?’

This is a fairly famous airship that was once the private jet of the King of the Kingdom of Lionel.

‘Why are you looking at that? Is King Lionel there?’

Richie shook his head in disbelief, even after thinking about it himself. If he wasn’t crazy, he wouldn’t have come along knowing that his air power was inferior.

It’s the king, the king.

There’s no way I’d show up in a place where I might die.

‘No. Maybe he came······.’

I remembered that he never missed an important battle, including the war to recover the territory lost to the Hamul Empire.

‘It turned out well, actually.’

The successor is a stone-faced boy.

All you have to do is set him up as a puppet monarch of the colony and then take him down at the right time. Then, you can erase the Kingdom of Lionel and bring in the duchy.

“Your Excellency Duke Rich, if the current situation continues, Lionel’s fleet will enter the Midra Triangle.”

The captain’s words brought Richie out of his happy thoughts.

A decisive moment came to mind when the power of the king, who had been suppressing the noble faction of Arya for a long time, was weakened.

The sinking of the Joe Bailey Pirates.

The King denied it, but there was no noble who did not know that they were the King’s privateer fleet disguised as pirates.

Richie also knew the process in quite some detail.

‘Do you think I’m just like that pirate guy Joe?’

He held his magic wand in his hand.

The 8-star powerhouse wasn’t only found in the Kingdom of Lionel.

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