Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 419

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Subscriber of the Gods Episode 419

Episode 419. Ancient Evil (2)

Snap! Snap!

Ethan tried to tame it by dodging the tentacles here and there.

-It failed.

-It failed.

Taming keeps failing, and the aftereffects are transmitted to the hand, but it’s okay.

“A good trainer never gives up.”

But repeated attempts at taming continued to fan Ketrun’s anger.

Kwah-! Kwah-!

Ketrun had already recovered from the wounds inflicted by Ethan.

As time passed, it moved its tentacles faster and faster and attacked Ethan.

But Ethan was not weak enough to allow Ketron’s attack in the darkened underworld.

A lot of experiences.

A lot of preparation.

And the skills he had accumulated were alive and breathing in Ethan’s every movement at this moment.


Ethan easily dodged the attacks and blocked all of Ketrun’s attacks by slashing at the tentacles.

There were clearly thousands of tentacles, but none of them could catch Ethan.

But that was only for a moment.

Ethan, who had been perfectly dodging and blocking all attacks, was ultimately unable to withstand Ketrun’s massive onslaught.

Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands. Out of the countless choices Ethan could have made, one move that Ketruen’s tentacles had learned and predicted was the one that stuck.

Wheaaa …

A powerful flying tentacle attack.

Of course, Ethan had a lot of defensive skills, so he could block it and continue counterattacking.

But Ethan didn’t do that.

‘I have to show my superiority.’

The most important thing in taming is to clearly recognize the superior-subordinate relationship.

This side is the owner and that side is the pet.

These two things had to be certain, and the fastest way to do that was to show that we had the upper hand.

‘It shows even more clearly that I am strong.’

Ethan used super speed.

It should have been right, but Ethan increased his speed so the tentacles cut through the air.

“Oh, I can’t see it.”

Sandar let out a sigh.

Until just before, I had somehow managed to see the fight between the two. Now, I had no choice but to remain silent as the fight between Ethan and the Ancient Evil was going on, with only sound and no afterimages.

All he could do now was watch, but now he couldn’t even watch.

“Just how fast can you move… …?”

And how on earth does the primordial evil perceive such movements and swing its tentacles?

It’s not even just about waving tentacles.

“The tentacles are creating a magic circle… … .”

The power of the primordial evil was endless.

A thousand tentacles become a thousand hands, a being with a thousand wills.

These beings can come together to instantly create a magic circle and shoot magic.

That thing couldn’t simply be seen as a monster.

“It’s a disaster in itself… … !”

What if such primordial evil were to ascend to Tartarus?

Could the brothers really defeat that monster that scatters mental magic with thousands of tentacles, shoots magic, and looks down with hundreds of eyes?

The equipment the brothers made included armor and shields that could block any attack, as well as sharp weapons that could cut through even the strongest armor and shields.

But I just couldn’t imagine it.

The sight of that primordial evil falling.

I couldn’t imagine any of my brothers harming that primordial evil.

The only thing that comes to mind is annihilation.

No one sees a typhoon and thinks they can stop it.

When you see a flood overflowing, you don’t think about stopping it.

It is just a natural disaster that needs to be evacuated. The way to appease that anger is not to fight it.

“But why isn’t the magic being cast?”

The primordial evil continued to move its tentacles to draw a magic circle, but the real magic was not being cast.

“no way.”

Are you saying Ethan is stopping it?

“Fighting like that while simultaneously destroying hundreds of spells? That’s ridiculous!”

But the magic circle continued to not be drawn.

Eventually, the primordial evil seemed to have given up on using magic and turned all of its tentacles to attack Ethan.

“If it’s Master Ethan Wickers… … .”

It seemed like maybe we could avert that disaster.

If I were to tell this scene to someone right now, would they believe it?

“I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now… … .”

While Sandar was amazed by the unbelievable sight, the primordial evil Ketron was under considerable stress at the situation.


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His entire body was exposed because of the flames floating in the ceiling, and his main weapon, darkness, was not effective.

I kept touching the flame, but it didn’t move at all as if it had been there for a thousand years.


In that case, we have no choice but to attack the arrogant human who created that flame with more force.

You have to get on your knees!


Ketrun shook his tentacles.

Then a powerful mass of energy began to form.

“You were forced to pass phase 2?”

Ethan looked surprised at the ball of energy that was forming from Ketruen’s tentacles.

This was not a normal Ketrun pattern.

I still know Ketrun’s patterns perfectly.

‘The phase changes depending on your stamina.’

But now that he had fully recovered his stamina, Ketrun was showing both phase 3 and phase 4 patterns at the same time.

A ball of energy generated from those writhing tentacles.

That was one of the attack patterns that completely annihilated the expedition team that Ethan was with in Mephans.

‘It explodes when it touches. It’s a very simple mechanism, but it’s not a simple explosion.’

Absorbs all surrounding mana at the same time as the explosion.

And the power increases as much as it is absorbed.

‘I need mana to stop that explosion, but the explosion actually takes away my mana.’

Even if you anticipate and defend in advance, it’s still a problem, because that defense is also made of mana.

‘The only way to stop it was with an artifact.’

At that time, Ethan was the only one with an artifact of sufficient level to prevent the explosion.

‘But it’s easier to stop it now than it was then.’

It was a very simple story.

‘Because I don’t have that much mana.’

There is no way it can be taken away anyway.

‘There are many defensive techniques that can block it, you know.’

Ketrun began to spread out exploding spheres.

The energy masses gathered from the ten tentacles come together to form a single sphere.

And so hundreds of spheres began to rise.

Ketrun was convinced.

I will punish that arrogant human.

No matter how strong a human is, all humans fundamentally gain strength through mana.

Without mana, humans are infinitely weak.

That’s because he was born weak.

Ketrun thought that this attack would be enough to crush the human.


The flying sphere exploded. And at the same time, other spheres were stimulated and began to explode.

Ketrun controlled the sphere freely and focused his firepower to completely erase Ethan’s escape route.


A huge shock wave spread through the ground, accompanied by a loud noise.


Ketrun cried softly. This sphere had enough power to even wound Ketrun.

But Ketrun continued to cry, as if he thought this level of power was enough to kill Ethan.

It’s almost like he’s smiling.

“Master Ethan Wickers!”

A panicked Sandar shouted.

It was a huge explosion. Even Sandar, who was quite a distance away, suffered internal injuries from the impact.


At this distance, the impact alone caused this much damage.

Sandar wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

“Oh, no. I said no.”

Ethan, swept away by an explosion of that power at close range… … .

Sandar cried out in a desperate voice.

But after the aftermath of the explosion subsided.

Ethan stood in the midst of the explosion that blew everything away.


Sandar’s expression brightened again.

Ethan emerged from the explosion without a single scratch.

“Try it again.”

“Keep going.”

Ketrun could no longer contain his anger.

He swung his tentacles around like crazy and then entered phase 4.

It was something that would never happen, but for a moment, Ketron felt something indescribable from Ethan.

Ketrun clearly looked unscathed on the outside. However, Ketrun was now covered in wounds.

I’m in a corner.

“It’s phase 4.”

It wasn’t the situation I wanted, but it was better this way.

‘I will make sure to instill a clear hierarchy.’

“I’ve been saving it until now. I need to use it now.”

Ethan held up his index and middle fingers.

“Call Dietrinir.”

Then, a magic circle was drawn under Ethan’s feet and a pitch-black dragon was summoned.

“Did you call!”

The dragon Detrinir roared and rose into the air.

Then he looked back and forth between Ethan and the enemy in front of him and snorted.

“What on earth are you fighting against!”

The summoned Detrinir was extremely confused.

He was ready to fight any enemy for the contractor. Wherever he wanted to go, these wings could take him.

But that terrible being was something that Dietrinir had not expected.

“This is the underworld, that is the primordial evil.”

“… … This is the underworld?”

The underworld was not a very good place for those with wings.

However, this area is much wider than the ground, so Detrinir could fly around as much as he wanted.

In the first place, it is a place where a huge primordial evil lives.

“Give me the order.”

“I’m going to subdue that guy.”

Ethan climbed onto Detrinir’s back.

“One breath, please, hard.”

“i get it.”


Detrinir carried Ethan and flew high, flapping his huge wings.

In an instant, the primordial evil swung its tentacles to throw Detrinir off. However, Detrinir easily dodged the tentacles and gathered his breath.

Whoosh whoosh-.

“Over there, shoot at those eyes!”

There were hundreds of eyes, but I couldn’t know which one to look at and shoot.


At Ethan’s words, Detrinir shot his breath widely.

Whoosh whoosh!

Ethan created the Demon Slayer Sword at the same time as the breath erupted.

‘The primordial evil is partly a spiritual being. It is influenced by the power of the invisible being.’

Then, he put all his strength into the Demon Slayer sword and threw it at Ketrun.



There was a considerable response. But there was something strange about Ketrun’s response.


Hundreds of eyes looked straight at Ethan.

The most powerful attack in Phase 4 is ready.

-No one can stop death.

It was the instant death of the primordial evil, Ketrun.

Ketrun’s voice was heard directly in Ethan’s head.


Ethan said.

“You can run away instead.”

Death is something that will come someday.

But it doesn’t have to be now.


Ethan had grown his Extinction to an infinitely large extent. It was a great burden, but in order to swallow the instant death curse cast by Ketrun, the power of Extinction had to become stronger.

-Your chances of survival decrease!

-Your chances of survival decrease!

-I feel exhausted.


But now we have reached the final stage. The decline in survival chances is only temporary.

“Now it’s the final stage.”

The primordial evil was the highest level of evil among the many evils on the continent.

‘Among the many evils of the continent, including the evil gods, it is so strong that it is difficult to handle. However.’

Ethan put strength into his hands.

‘I am now embracing the power of two gods.’

God of thunder and goddess of the moon.

Phage crackle-.


Ethan empowered the Frost Sword and Thunder Sword.

‘You can do outrageous things.’

If someone saw it, they would say it was impossible.

But Ethan has made the impossible possible so far.

“It’s the same now.”

If you don’t try, you’ll never know.

Ethan whistled.

“Ditrinir! Go up higher. I intend to strike down from above.”

“I get it.”

Detrinir’s pride was also considerably damaged.

“I can’t be defeated by a lowly being who uses tainted magic.”

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Detrinir shot his breath at the location Ethan pointed to with his sword.

And at the same time, Ethan jumped down and struck Ketrun with both swords in his hand.



Ethan’s Sword 4th Form

Trustful frost

The Frost Sword and Thunder Sword were embedded in the torso.

Ethan simultaneously put his sword down and picked up his whip.

-You’ve succeeded in taming!


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