Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 392

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Subscriber of the Gods Episode 392

Episode 392. Riding the momentum

Ethan clenched his fist and raised it in the air.

The students of Ibeka Academy who were watching the match cheered loudly.

On the other hand, students from other academies looked at Ethan with surprised expressions, saying that it was ridiculous.


“What, what is this? This is ridiculous… … .”

“Mr. Ethan won? He beat our Mr. Draxler?”

“The new teacher beat the master teacher… …!”

Ethan’s victory caused a sharp divide in the joys and sorrows of the students and teachers at each academy.

Iveca’s students were celebrating this victory, shouting like crazy, while Freya’s students were just repeating that it was ridiculous, with expressions of shock.

Among them, there were students who were so shocked that their expressions froze.

This was especially true for teachers.

Freya’s teachers were speechless at this embarrassing turn of events.

Ethan is a new teacher.

Draxler was a master teacher, the epitome of a teacher.

Of course, they were the same representative teachers, and Ethan represented Ibeca Academy, but their careers and even their strengths were different.

Despite that, Ethan won. Even though the result was heavily biased towards Ethan.

It’s not like it was a close victory.

It was an overwhelming victory for Ethan.

“… … It seems like you still have some energy.”

“Ha, what the heck is this from day one… … .”

Freya’s teachers opened their mouths and touched their foreheads.

I never thought such a disaster would happen on the first day.

No, I never even thought Draxler would lose in the first place.

The Draxler they had seen was the absolute best.

She was also Freya’s master teacher and had a background as a disciple of Legia, the first master teacher.

In addition to those two strong backgrounds, his teaching skills were also truly outstanding.

Over the years, Freya Academy has produced countless excellent students.

Teachers have seen it, and students have seen it.

That’s not all. Last year’s Academy Exchange was truly overwhelming.

In Ibeca, Cloudy Hyde appeared as the representative teacher and fought hard, but in the end, she was unable to defeat Draxler.

He won numerous matches on his own, amassing a large number of points. He won by an overwhelming margin.

At that time, Freya was sure that Iveka was no longer her rival, and that as long as Draxler was in Freya, Freya’s long-term rule over the exchange would begin.

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no teacher in any other academy who could beat Draxler.

That’s why I was a little worried about the participation of the Vogue Academy, because I didn’t have any information.

The Ibeka Academy wasn’t even a consideration.

“It was real… … .”

The back of the stands.

There, Luad, one of Freya’s five stars, was watching the duel stage with a blank expression.


If I hadn’t participated in other exchanges, I wouldn’t have come to this place.

Nathan was that serious about this exchange.

Perhaps he would have told me to take part in a free-spirited exchange if I had time.

But Luard was curious. What kind of person was Mr. Ethan Wickers, who had warned Nathan so hard that he could never win one-on-one?

That’s why Luad, the only one with free time, came to see Ethan.

I thought I was unlucky because my opponent was Draxler from the first game. I thought Ethan would lose so easily and I wouldn’t be able to see Ethan’s true skills.

But since I came to see it, I thought I should watch it till the end.

“You were right… … .”

But the result was terrifying.

Draxler loses?

It was something I had never thought about.

And then it happened.

It’s only now starting to sink in.

Why Nathan Wickers trains so crazy.

Why did they ask you to take them seriously?


“When you said you couldn’t win one-on-one, I thought, why are you giving up before you even try… … ”

This was a situation where Nathan, who gave up so quickly, could not help but be seen as smart.

Meanwhile, while Luard was in shock, there were others who were also in shock.

“… … .”

The teachers at Goode Academy were watching the match between Ethan and Draxler with rapt attention from beginning to end.

Among them, Insine, the representative teacher, exhaled heavily and stuck out her tongue.

“That was a great fight. That was a great fight.”

“I was really surprised. I had hoped so.”

“Until the middle part, I thought that Mr. Draxler would naturally take the lead!”

The teachers at Good Academy felt joy rather than despair at this high-level sparring.

Everyone stood up and applauded the incredible showdown between the two representative teachers.


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And Kai Felix snickered at the sight of such teachers.

“I won the bet, Insine. I apologize for being rude. I think I was a little excited because I saw firsthand how strong Ethan is during the training.”

Kai went in front of Insine and greeted her politely and apologized.

As Kai predicted, the winner of this big match was Ethan.

I could have done anything, like apologize.

Insine shook her head as she looked at Kai like that.

“I would have reacted the same way if I had been the opposite. Huh, I didn’t know. I didn’t know Mr. Ethan Wickers was this strong… … .”

It felt good to see such a great level of sparring, but on the other hand, I started to feel quite worried.

We see why Ethan pushed Cloudy out and became the head teacher.

Perhaps Cloudy would have readily admitted it. But just because she’s not a head teacher doesn’t mean her skills have diminished.

Cloudy also seems to be having a hard time getting her bearings as a representative teacher. I’m starting to worry whether Goode Academy will be able to get any points in the exchange program.

“Take it.”

Insigne first handed the dagger to Kai.

“I look forward to our exchange with Mr. Kai as well.”

“thank you.”

When the noise in the stands died down a little.

Ethan went to Draxler and held out his hand. The defeated Draxler exhaled and took Ethan’s hand.

The representative teachers of the two academies showed how the exchange between the academies should take place and what the end should be.

“Whaaaa …

The cheers and applause grew louder.

“I was completely defeated, Mr. Ethan. As soon as I received the first sword, I forgot that this was an exchange. Who would have thought you were a new teacher? You were quite relaxed.”

“It’s thanks to having a good teacher.”

Draxler thought Ethan was talking about Legia.

But the teacher that Ethan was talking about was Draxler.

What he learned from Draxler is also fully embedded in Ethan.

Especially this composure. As Draxler himself showed earlier, this composure of not panicking in any situation was something he learned from Draxler.

“Dalian has lost, but there is still a lot of exchange left. I lost, Freya did not.”

Draxler left the stage first after saying those words.

Ethan stayed on stage for a moment, bowing to the teachers and students in the audience, then looked at Roanna, who was quietly watching.

Roanna had already gone to the exchange and had two wins, and was waiting for the quarterfinals.

Ethan looked at Roanna and grinned. Then he mouthed something that clearly said, “You’re next.”

Roanna also responded to Ethan’s laughter.

“Did I push you too hard? You shouldn’t break everything.”

* * *

Meanwhile, a duel was taking place on another stage.

“Mason Yellow!”

One side was Mason, Ethan’s disciple, and the other side was Mark of Saturn Academy.

Although Mark was a first-time participant in the exchange program, he had done quite well in Saturn Academy. As a result, the students and teachers in the audience focused on Mark rather than Mason.

“They say Mason has changed.”

“Did it come out last year?”

“Even so, he’s still a problem child. Even if he changes, how much will he change?”

“It must have been the power of the Yellowd family that he became the representative student. He’s the Twelve Star.”

So far, rumors about Mason have only spread within the Academy. Other Academies are unaware of the details.

“I heard that you are the favorite student of our representative teacher, Mr. Ethan.”

“I’ve definitely heard that Mr. Ethan is a great person. But why did Mr. Ethan take a guy like that as his disciple?”

“They say that even within the Yellowwood family, your standing is not good.”

“This could be a surprise. If Mason gets embarrassed, Ibekah’s spirits will be dampened.”

The students were hoping that the underdog, Mark, would win.

When Iveka first entered this Kabak, everyone saw how much they had sharpened their swords and participated in this academy exchange.

So if Mark were to beat Mason here, their momentum would certainly be dampened.

“Two students, up on stage.”

Mason and Mark locked eyes.

Mason was quite calm. So calm that it seemed as if he was scared, but he didn’t seem to have any aura about him.

If a Mason from the past were to see a Mason from the present, he would question whether this was really him.

“Are you scared?”

Mark looked at Mason like that and grinned.

“There have been so many rumors about you. Even our Saturn has heard about it. Everyone says they have no idea how you became Ibeka’s representative student.”

As he said this, Mark drew his sword.

“If someone like you is the representative student of Ibeca, I can easily be the representative student of Ibeca. I’ll lay you down here and transfer you!”


Mark rushed in first as soon as the agent shouted.

Quick and easy. He has information about Mason, but Mason has no information about him.

This happened because I didn’t know all the students from Saturn Academy, who were participating for the first time.

Mark’s swordsmanship was extremely brutal.

A red aura emanated from the outside of the sword, and at the same time, a sword technique that seemed to tear apart was performed.

Watching such Mark’s swordplay, Mason was reminded of Ethan’s teachings.

-The enemy came to kill you. He will never wait. Being flashy is meaningless.

Mason’s sword was originally quite thuggish.

-The style of swordsmanship is basically to scare the opponent. My swordsmanship is fast. Be careful, there is a strong blow, it is to scare. But the real ones intentionally show weakness.

The skill of a successful swordsman is not in swinging the sword vigorously.

This is shown the moment the sword reaches the opponent.

Just because this sword technique is said to block, it doesn’t mean it is a sword technique that can block.

-The real blow must be delivered stealthily and silently.

Mark’s swordsmanship, which he knew nothing about in real combat, was like Ethan’s words, a swordsmanship that was loudly boasting about what kind of swordsmanship he had, in order to scare his opponent.

In short, that swordsmanship had no practical use.

‘Now I know what we look like in the eyes of Mr. Ethan, who knows the real thing.’

In Mason’s eyes, who had only briefly experienced the real thing, Mark looked like a flower in a greenhouse.

‘It’s a common saying, but now I know why they call it a hothouse plant.’

All the shortcomings of the students in the Practical Studies course that Ethan had mentioned were visible.


Giving too much information to the other person.

It was noisy more than anything else.

Attacking like that is tantamount to asking to be killed.

Mason took a step forward.

Despite having the same ruthless swordsmanship as Mark, Mason’s sword showed no distinctive features or individuality.


And that moment when they take out their swords and clash them.

The vision of the Yellowd family, the swordsmanship of the Paedo clan, shone through.


It wasn’t the usual sound of swords clashing against swords.


“I adjusted my strength. Today is the first day. If it were the last day, I would have taught you a lesson.”

Mason looked down at Mark as he fell to the ground from the powerful impact.

“And that provocation skill. It was pathetic.”

As soon as Mark fell, the dispatcher raised his hand.

“Ibeka Academy Swordsmanship! Mason Yellowd wins!”

The results of our efforts to promote exchange programs are just beginning.


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