Star-Embracing Swordmaster Chapter 121

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Now it’s your turn (2)

Forest of the Elves, Aushurin.

The place was filled with the vicious gunfire of Nidhogg.


Nidhogg was angry now.

Even now, an arrowhead was fiercely digging into his eye, causing Nidhogg anger and pain.

“Baradis… “You take command from now on.”

The middle-aged elf cried out with difficulty, clutching his blood-stained shoulder.

Nidhogg’s thorn was already deeply embedded in his shoulder.

“If you get breached… it won’t work.”

The great warrior of the elves and the person in charge of this operation.

Even as he was handing over command to Varadis, his lips were gradually turning black.

The sharp dragon’s malice was still flowing through his veins and piercing his heart.


Varadis nodded as he looked at the Great Warrior becoming increasingly pale.

The great warrior, who was said to have been born under his mother’s World Tree, was looking at Varadis with his eyes wide open until the moment of his death.

“Everyone gather together! “I will concentrate my firepower!”

So now the remaining leader is Varadis, the leader of the rangers.

A generational change that no one wanted has occurred at this moment.

“Leader! That kid is so hard! “Even if I use the aura, the weapon can’t penetrate the skin properly!”

“Contrary to our expectations, it seems that the dragon has already completed its growth. “It has strong immunity to magic.”

Varadis bit his lip as he heard despairing reports coming from all directions.

The elves did their best to stop Nidhogg, but the dragon’s potential, which had already fully awakened, was too much for anyone to stop.

“Are you retreating?”

In that case, the only way left is to retreat to the World Tree and join the main camp.

If we bring out the power of the old elders along with the World Tree, there may be a way.

“no. “It must end here.”

However, it is absurd to fight while using the object you must protect as a shield.

Even now, hanging on the branches of the young World Tree were young spirits that were not yet ready to flap their wings.

I couldn’t put those kids first.

“We must do it.”

The eyes of Nidhogg and Varadis, who were growling in front of me, met.

His own arrow still hangs in one of Nidhogg’s eyes.

It wasn’t finished because it was shallow, but the existence of the arrows that were still bothering Nidhogg clearly showed that there was a possibility.

“Make a gap just one more time.”

If the arrow is shallow, you can shoot closer.

And Varadis was a person who was ready to jump in with any sharp malicious intent.

“This time, I will definitely pierce your brain.”

After completing his preparation, a small understanding began to appear in Varadis’ eyes.

The magic eye that only a small number of elves could possess was burning within his eyes.

Baradis of Ausrin.

His world, heated with anger, was being built as sharply as Nidhogg.


“Please help me…please help me.”

The girl, who was shaking as if having a seizure, was mumbling helplessly while holding on to Vlad’s sleeve.

“The dragon is coming…”

Although the girl’s voice was faint, her grip on Vlad was so tight that it turned white.

The world tree priestess, or rather the young world tree, desperately wanted the knight in front of her.

Because the World Tree, which can see the results beyond the process, knew that only Vlad could protect it.

“This means now…”

“It’s a revelation.”

A trembling voice was heard from the escort elf who had never opened his mouth before.

The priestess is the passage connecting the World Tree and the elves.

The revelation of a divine tree that could see beyond mortal limitations was something that should never be ignored.

“······The dragon is coming.”

The world tree and the priestess were watching from the beginning.

A threat in the future, dragon eyes full of malice.

“······The dragon came.”

That’s why the elves were able to prepare in advance.

They were alert to the surroundings, excluded suspicious items, and set up a cordon.

Therefore, Varadis and the elves were now able to face Nidhog with their own preparations.

“But the dragon is still watching.”

The dragon is coming.

The dragon sees.

The world tree and the priestess read as much as they could about the future, but they were still young and inexperienced.

That’s why I didn’t notice.

That there was not only one pair of eyes looking at the World Tree.



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At that moment, a horrifying roar echoed throughout the village.

There was a dragon’s roar echoing from the other side of the cordon erected by the elves.


Vlad’s face began to harden after hearing the ferocious roar.

Now, anyone could notice it even if it wasn’t a revelation.

Cuguagaga River!

The village of elves that had barely taken root began to collapse from the border with a loud noise.

It was another Nidhogg.

“help. please.”

A single tear was flowing down the girl’s cheek.

The girl’s fingers desperately holding on to her sleeves are pitiful.


Vlad, seeing the girl’s tears in the corner of her eyes, unconsciously turned to Auguste.

What should I do in times like this?

“What will you do if you see me?”

However, the person in front of me was neither Josef nor Zayar.

Now there is no lord or senior knight. There is only one person who can give instructions to Vlad right now.

“You have to decide.”

Only yourself.

The owner of a knight named Vlad was only Vlad.

“······that’s right.”

The white moonlight shining through the window illuminated Vlad.

There was a small message written on one of Vlad’s chest where the moonlight stayed.

Vlad lifted his finger and gently wiped away the girl’s tears.

On his chest, where the moonlight pointed, there was an honorable phrase written by San Logino.

“I am Vlad of Shoara. “I will accept the priestess’s request.”

Vlad of Shoara.

A knight who saved the lives of children.

Vlad’s now empty pommel was shining in the moonlight.



It’s a dragon! dragon!

Everyone run away!

The huge and agile body was running through the elves’ house as if cutting through the waves.

There were guards shooting arrows from all over the place, but to Nidhogg, their attacks didn’t even bother him.

In order to reach the sharpest dragon, a sword with a deeper world was needed.

“Why are you following me?”

“Of course it’s my heart.”

Two knights running after Nidhogg.

Vlad and Auguste were chasing after Nidhogg, jumping over buildings.

“Elves are enemies of the empire.”

“Where is the enemy and where are the allies? “There are only problems and solutions in this world.”

Prevent the distribution of absilon.

This prevents drugs from being released into the empire.

Auguste decided to join Vlad solely to achieve that goal.

“After doing my favor, I plan to ask them to only distribute tea for elves. “You can pay for your shameful mistakes later.”

Rather than blaming someone, the priority would be to plug the hole in the dam that is bursting.

The empire was in such a weakened state that it could not let out its justifiable anger.

‘Where are you?’

The eyes of the former Imperial Military Police commander as he looked at Nidhogg began to glow bluish.

It was a technique that only Auguste, who had been able to distinguish between truth and lies throughout his life, could attempt.

“What are you doing?”

“······Seeing weaknesses.”

Everyone has a part of themselves that they want to hide.

A weak part of yourself, a secret you don’t want to reveal, a fatal weakness that once stabbed you can never stand up again.

That’s why people hide their weaknesses with lies and coercion.

Like Nidhogg now.

‘forefoot······. The inside of the membrane.’

The scales are hard and the erect thorns are vicious.

The horn on its forehead was sharp enough to tear through anything, but Nidhogg was not satisfied with just that.

“The armpit area inside the skin seems to be the weak point. Attack there.”

The eastern dragon, which never gave up its desire for the sky, still had traces of wings.

Nidhogg’s weak point was the sloppy coating attached to him due to his stubbornness and stubbornness.

The aura in Auguste’s eyes was saying that.



At that moment, Nidhogg’s advance was blocked with a loud noise.

Buildings collapsing, rocks on the ground being pushed away.

A huge magic circle suddenly appeared, blocking Nidhogg’s advance.

“It’s magic!”

After hearing Auguste’s words, Vlad quickly turned his head towards the World Tree.

Although I couldn’t see it in detail, I could see several elves gathered in front of the World Tree.

They were the elders of the elves.

“Great. “Let’s take advantage of this opportunity…”


The magic circle created by the elders was clearly designed using noble techniques.

However, Nidhogg has already become an adult.

Dragons who fell from perfection were beings who were not deceived by the magic that deceived the world.

“What kind of bastard…”

Nidhogg starts biting the magic circle as if it were a piece of meat.

The magic circle was being torn apart by the dragon’s ferocious teeth.


Magic circles breaking apart in the sky.

Vlad gritted his teeth as he watched the remains of the magic circle fall like shards of glass.

‘······Is this a dragon?’

A young death worm that has not yet reached adulthood.

Lindwurm, who had just realized that he was a dragon.

Vlad had faced two dragons before, but the Nidhogg in front of him was completely different from those guys.

Have the Dragon Slayer Knights really dealt with dragons like this?


1st, 2nd, 3rd.

The magic circles that appear every time they are broken must have been created by squeezing out the energy of the old elders.

However, the newly created magic circles became increasingly faint, and the number of projectiles flying from all over continued to decrease.

An opponent that magic cannot do anything about.

The elves’ decision to intercept the dragon from outside before it came in, hoping to find a way to find a way out if there were warriors, was now turning out to be a fatal mistake.

“Vlad! Run!”

“Damn it!”

The huge body finally arrived in front of the World Tree.

Old Geronimo tried to stop Nidhogg with his arms stretched out until the very end, but his old body was no longer able to express his will clearly.

Dark red blood that he could not swallow flowed from the corner of his mouth.


A vicious predator that shakes off all obstacles.

Finally, Nidhogg’s claws crushed the young World Tree.


Branches swaying dizzyingly under the moonlight.

The girl’s body bouncing painfully in the distance.

Both the young tree and the priestess were trembling in fear as they felt the greed coming from the dragon’s toes.

The sound of destruction breathing was right next to me.

“I’ll lure you in!”

“all right!”

Young spirits at the end of the World Tree.

While Nidhogg’s gaze was focused there for a moment, Vlad and Auguste quickly rushed to either side.


Auguste evokes his own world with his left eye closed.

The brilliant light of dawn began to form from his sword.

Auguste, former commander of the Imperial Military Police.

His light was the dawn that revealed lies.

“It’s here!”

No matter how much you identify a weakness, it is meaningless unless you expose it.

Nidhogg, who was trying to climb a tree at Auguste’s sudden appearance, quickly covered his armpit with his snout.

“He’s so ugly.”

Auguste’s eyes became more intense as he faced the fierce breath.

Still, if you’re catching this guy’s attention, Vlad on the other side will definitely see an opening.


However, Nidhogg did not try to deal with Auguste.

It just spewed out sharp thorns and tried to hurriedly climb up.

Rain filled with poison began to pour down on the old knight’s head.


Vlad, who was running from the other side, quickly closed his left eye as he saw Auguste falling in the distance.

If possible, I wanted to seize the perfect opportunity, but the circumstances did not allow me to do so.

“Before that guy goes up…”

Because I didn’t have time, I couldn’t drag myself up to the deep world.

However, Vlad clearly captured the remnants of his voice.

White lightning began to form from Vlad’s closed left eye.

“You son of a bitch!”

Nidhogg is about to step on the World Tree and climb up.

At the tips of the pitch-black claws were trembling young spirits.

The dragon eats possibilities.

To become more perfect.

And the young spirits that had just been born were clearly full of potential that the dragons could covet.

“It’s here! “You bastard!”

Vlad, who realized Nidhogg’s intention, began to climb the World Tree in a quick rush without hesitation.

A ray of lightning started from the ground and was digging into Nidhogg’s side.

Fast, sharp, and fiercer than anyone else.


Perfect timing that made even Auguste, who was rolling on the ground, clenched his hands.

Vlad’s sword stretched out towards the weak point did not waver in the slightest.


However, Nidhogg’s movements were agile enough to exceed everyone’s expectations.

Vlad’s world touched me more sensitively than any other world.

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A dark shadow was falling across Vlad’s gaze.

It was Nidhogg’s tail, full of poison.


The sound of something breaking.

There was a lot of pieces flying from under the World Tree, accompanied by someone’s screams.

They were pieces like broken starlight.


The deepest part of the World Tree.

Inside the warm roots where the source lies.

There was a silver knight kneeling alone with his head bowed.


There is no ego, but there is a will.

The silver blade sharpened its blade in response to the unpleasant sensation felt outside.

One is the greedy dragon of the east.

Another is a young dragon who brought with him the cold northern wind.

However, it was not easy to judge the silver sword.

The young dragon who brought the cold wind with him definitely felt an energy that was not unfamiliar to him.

That energy was clearly a remnant of someone who had been with him.


I am a talisman that protects the World Tree, but I am originally a sword.

Only when a sword is pulled out can its true form be revealed.

So you come to me.

Because you could choose me.

The silver sword standing under the moonlight raised its head.

A young dragon embracing starlight was quietly being called through the worlds that meet each other.

Today’s moonlight was blue.

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