Standard of Reincarnation Chapter 180

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The Standard of Reincarnation Episode 180

Julian said quickly.

“This is a guy who has lived for 500 years.”

He was that persistent and persistent.

At the last moment, Julian felt a strange string.

“He doesn’t have much of a choice.”

Vincennes was truly overwhelming.

The contaminated level was not even at the level of daring to discuss the level in front of Vincennes.

Meanwhile, the polluted class collapsed and there were not many options for the polluted class to choose from.

“What are you talking about?”

“He ran away after finding traces of a contract with an evil spirit.”

With the last bit of will he had, he ran away to survive.

You probably won’t be able to achieve much with that.

What Vincen created was the world of the sword itself, and there was not much left for someone who had been hacked to pieces in that world.

“The last struggle remains.”

Vincen recalled one fact.

His older brother is imprisoned in the dungeons of Adenka.

Marlon Adenka.

He had entered into a contract with an evil spirit and was a person with traces of an evil spirit.

“The traces of the evil spirit remained. It’s easy for me to lose my mind because I’m not in a good state. and… … I can at least get revenge on my brother. “His last remaining will went to the Adenka family home.”

Currently, all the drones that can be said to be Adenka’s main force are outside.

The unmanned personnel remaining at the Adenka headquarters are reserve forces.

And only those who are not unmanned.

“We have to hurry. Contact us in advance to find out about the mobile gateways leading to Adenka’s main house… … .”

Julian tilted his head.


Vincennes had disappeared.

Julian was dumbfounded without realizing it.

“Mom, what happened now?”

Even today, Bertha did not like Julian calling her ‘mother’.

I don’t know why, but I felt like I’d known Julian for a long time.

“I don’t know either.”

Even with the eyes of the 8-star drone Versa, it was impossible to tell exactly what was happening.

“The only thing that matters is that Vincennes is not in front of us.”

She subtly turned her gaze to look at Merlin.

Since it was Merlin who taught Vincen directly, I had hopes that he would have realized what was happening.

Bertha burst into laughter without realizing it.


“Why are you doing this, mother?”

“This is the first time I have ever seen Lord Merlin’s expression. Isn’t that right, Chamberlain?”

Railsa Chamberlain also laughed without realizing it.

Railsa is Merlin’s old friend, and has been with him since childhood.

Therefore, he was someone who knew more about Merlin than anyone else.

“This is my first time seeing this expression too. Merlin, by nature, doesn’t show her emotions on her face… … .”

Merlin’s mouth was wide open.

It seemed like something had happened that even Merlin couldn’t understand.

Railsa walked closer to Merlin and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Merlin. Wake.”

“Ah, ah, Railsa.”

Merlin, who had been lost in his own world, finally came to his senses.

“Where are you so distracted?”

“I just felt like the world of the matriarch was being pushed out.”

Merlin felt more than Railsa.

Rather than moving forward, Vincennes’ world was pushed back.

‘It’s a strange power I’ve never felt before.’

It was not simply a difference in depth of ‘uneducatedness’.

What can I say?

It felt as if Vincen’s commands were fluttering in Merlin’s ears.

The moment Vincen disappeared, Merlin had an auditory hallucination.

-I should be there.

At the same time, Vincen’s body disappeared.

It was clearly not a human domain.

When Vincen gave the command, ‘I must be there,’ the world seemed to have obeyed the command.

Merlin was silent for a while and just stared at the space where Vincennes disappeared.

And after a while, hahahaha! He burst out laughing.

Railsa was a little worried.

“Merlin. “Is this okay?”

“of course.”


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“This is the first time I’ve seen you smile for more than 10 seconds.”

“Is it strange?”

The Merlin that Railsa sees always suppresses his emotions.

This was completely understandable since he was a swordsman who manipulated brain power, an extremely sensitive energy.

The slightest disturbance will cause your brain power to explode.

Merlin was expressing his emotions so loudly.

“It felt strange and unfamiliar, so my whole body felt itchy.”

“… … .”

“But it’s not bad.”

Railsa also smiled.

Railsa, who had been with Merlin for a long time, was able to notice Merlin’s change of mind.

‘Now, it means that I don’t have to suppress my emotions so forcefully.’

For a long time, I lived as Adenka’s military servant.

We have been fighting for justice for Adenka.

Because of that, he fought with the Presbytery, and was demoted from one of the 12 swords of Adenka to the assistant swordsman of the White Swords.

Railsa said.

“You can rest a little now.”

“… … is it.”

“okay. “The matriarch is strong enough that you don’t have to struggle so much.”

A unique 10 star in history.

The most powerful ruler in history was born.

So now Merlin will be able to take the burden off his shoulders.

Railsa thought so.

“I haven’t forgotten my promise to you, Merlin.”

“A promise to me?”

Merlin tilted his head.

Emotional expression has become much richer than before.

“The promise I made when I gave you the ink moon as a gift.”

-This is the sword you coveted so much 20 years ago.

-As you can see, I am the chamberlain. The chamberlain doesn’t need a famous sword. Mukwol will suit you better.

at that time,

Merlin accepted Railsa’s sword ‘Mukwol’.

When Merlin decided to become Vincennes’ teacher.

Merlin’s last words were a small promise.

-Let’s have a drink next time we meet.

Merlin also remembered the promise he made back then.

“… … ah.”

“Keep your promise.”

Like Merlin, Railsa’s earlobes, who rarely expressed much emotion, were slightly red.

* * *

Ponciano laughed and said, “Huh.”

He was the one who witnessed Julian’s power right next to him.

I approached Julian and asked.

“Boy, is this the right mood right now?”

Julian spoke hurriedly, and it seemed like something was going on urgently.

It was a little strange that everything was so peaceful except for Vincen’s disappearance.

Even Yulian’s expression as he spoke hastily was very ordinary.

I was having a normal conversation with Bertha, calling her ‘mother’ and ‘mother’.

“yes? What?”

“No, I just heard that something happened in Adenka very urgently…” … .”

“I said I had to go to Adenka, but I didn’t say I had work to do in Adenka.”

“Isn’t it dangerous and urgent for the head of the house to hurry?”

“The head of the house went quickly, so it’s not dangerous anymore.”

Ponciano scratched the back of his head.

I couldn’t understand the current situation more than the situation where I was fighting against the ‘contaminated spirit’.

“Lady Bertha, I don’t understand at all.”

“I don’t know either. But since the matriarch is there herself, everything will be okay. “If it’s not okay, then it’s something we can’t do anything about.”

Those words were so accurate that Ponciano was left speechless.

Bertha asked back.

“Lord Ponciano must have seen the power of the family head right next to him. How is it? “Can we govern what the head of the Adenka family cannot govern?”

“… … doesn’t exist.”

Ponciano, like Merlin, looked blank for a while and then burst into laughter.


Although it was only for a moment, I became jealous of Vincennes.

At this moment, Vincen was the head of the family trusted more than anyone else.

“I will go back and do my job. The world is in dire straits, and the Vatican should also lend a helping hand. Ugh, it looks like reporters are flocking in. “I’m done.”

“Now, wait a minute, Sir Ponciano! Lord Ponciano! “I am Maria, the chief reporter of The Sound of the Wind!”

Ponciano, who hated interviews, tried to run away when the reporter appeared, but stopped when he heard the word Maria.

I knew that Maria’s help had been quite great in getting Vincen to where he is today.

So I only agreed to Maria’s interview.

“Wow, really? “You mean it’s all true?”

“I explained it as simply as possible to those who are not unmanned. I assure you that if all the warriors in the world join together to confront the head of Adenka, it will be the warriors who lose. He is the greatest swordsman since before recorded history. He is a swordsman who far surpasses the human realm. “He is the first and perhaps the last swordsman who will not be ashamed of the nickname ‘Geomsin.’”

“Do those warriors include Lord Ponciano, the head of the Vatican?”

“… … “I don’t have the confidence to stand even a single fight against the head of Adenka.”

Ponciano laughed heartily.

But it would be a lie if I said it wasn’t bittersweet.

‘One, the world today needs a king with absolute power.’

Humans were greatly shaken in the face of the crisis of human extinction.

In that short period of less than 100 days, countless things that should not have happened have happened.

Trust between neighbors was broken, and distrust of humans grew greatly.

In just 100 days.

It took 100 days to collapse, but it may take 100 years to rebuild.

That’s why this world needed a strong king.

“I, Ponciano Bartican, the head of the Bartican, will swear allegiance to the head of the Adenca who granted me the grace of life.”

* * *

It was a feeling that Vincen himself felt for the first time.

His will moved and the world changed.

This was a different concept from warp.

When his will turned to Adenka’s home, he was there.

“It’s ugly until the end.”

I saw Marlon Adenka with dark eyes.

Of course, it wasn’t Malone now.

“It’s not even contaminated, it’s just a piece left at the edge.”

“W-how can we get here…” … !”

Vincen grinned.

“Did you think I couldn’t do what you could do?”

The final struggle ended here.

‘Contaminated’ couldn’t do anything in front of Vincen.

It was best to just tremble in fear.

“If you kill me, your brother will die too. “Then your mother will be sad.”

“… … .”

When Vincennes didn’t answer, Malone seemed to gain confidence.

“As you can see, the strength I have left is insignificant now. So just leave me alone. “At least you can’t do anything while you’re alive.”

“Some people who can’t do anything can do anything.”

Such is the concept of black magic.

Exploiting the lives of others to achieve one’s own growth and goals.

And in general, evil spirits are like that.

It satisfies its natural desire and desire for destruction by devouring the life of the contractor.

“What were you trying to do?”

“… … .”

“To be honest, I’ll give it some extenuating circumstances.”

“So, are you being honest?”

The current Malone could hardly be considered Daven.

It was just a very small piece, and its status was significantly lower than that of Vincennes and even Daven.

“I tried to slaughter and chew up all the four family members left here.”

“… … .”

“I-I was just being honest.”


Now, all that was left of that ‘piece’ was an ugly desire for destruction.

“There will be no place for you in Adenka.”

This was what Vincen Adenca, the head of the Adenca family, said.

It never has been and never will be again.

Vincennes did not draw his sword.

By simply activating his will, the fragments Daven left behind were erased from the world.

And several days passed.


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