Standard of Reincarnation Chapter 137

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The Rule of Reincarnation Episode 137

Vincen asked Seri a few things.

“I don’t know how long the training will last. Please help Selvira while I am away.”

Selvira is currently training in Yonglim.

Externally, it was training, but in reality, I was studying history.

“all right.”

Seri nodded.

Although it wasn’t Vincen who asked her to, she made a promise in her heart.

‘I will learn more elemental arts from Lord Nymer.’

She was as interested in elemental magic as she was in magic.

Seri’s magic teacher, Vargon, was a little displeased.

“Is magic an afterthought?”

“It’s not like that, but… … I think there are many wizards who are better than me. Master, you also care for our Confucius a lot. “There are probably many people besides me who can help Confucius with magic.”

As Vincen’s status increases, each magic tower is also paying attention to him.

The number of wizards who want to be in a relationship with Vincen, who is a candidate for Adenca’s successor and has achieved this much at the age of 14, is increasing.

“But it’s rare to find someone who can support Confucius with spirit magic.”

Spiritists are very rare.

So not only is the price very high, but the arrogance is also high.

“I want to be a person solely for Confucius. Confucius knows how to control the power of the Dragon King, and my spirit magic is absolutely necessary to control that power.”

“… … .”

“Master, can you please understand my feelings?”

Vargon kept his mouth shut.

After a bit of silence, I finally opened my mouth.

“You are very sincere.”

“I was the only one by Confucius’ side.”

Things have changed a lot now, but Seri couldn’t forget Vincen from his childhood.

That memory was a trauma to Seri.

A vague anxiety that Vincenne might be alone again.

I don’t want that situation to happen, but if that situation ever comes, Seri herself has to be there to protect it.

“okay. No matter what I say, I’m going to Yonglim. Do what you will. “Don’t neglect your magic training when you go.”

“There are probably excellent wizards among the Dragona people. “If you ask Sir Nymer, I think you can learn magic from them too.”

“That’s a good idea.”

Vargon was not only a publican’s teacher but also an administrator.

“Now that it has come to that, talk to Lord Nymer and ask him if he would like to actively interact with the Red Fortress.”

“Active interaction?”

“That place is connected to the Francis Art Memorial, and aren’t the Yonga people a race that has produced many artists and masters since ancient times? “If cadets interact with them, they will be able to develop humanities knowledge and a broader perspective.”

“all right.”

“okay. “Don’t wait for a reply.”

“Thank you for your permission.”

Seri smiled brightly.

“I have great respect for you, Master.”

“Huh, huh, that’s it. Just fill your head with Confucius. “If I hadn’t given permission in the end, would you have given up on going to Yonglin?”

“I tried to pester you until you gave me permission.”

Vargon trembled.

In some ways, Seri was persistent.

This was especially true if it was related to Vincennes.

“It’s scary just thinking about it.”

That night.

Vargon lay on the bed and was lost in thought.

‘Since ancient times, no matter how good a person he was, he could not do anything alone.’

The closest example was his sister.

The fact that the Six Magic Towers are related to the ‘underground’ of Hellaim means that the Six Magic Towers have a dirty side.

‘Maybe my sister… … He may have been murdered.’

After discovering the shadow of the Six Demon Towers, she tried to correct her mistake, and may have been killed in the process.

Thinking about it now, it was a bit strange that she had prepared a will in the first place.

‘Instead of vesting the property in the Six Magic Towers that I have worked for my entire life, he unexpectedly left me a legacy.’

Anyway, it was full of strange things.

‘The important thing is that there weren’t many people around you.’

With his outstanding skills, he became the youngest vice-tap holder.

However, there were many forces who were jealous of Barnelli.

Barnelli was a brilliant genius and there were not many people around him.

‘But Vincen, you are different.’

Gaju Khan recognized him, and Versa and Railsa had great favor with Vincen.

Second-class priest Dulan and 8-star warrior Merlin were also on Vincen’s side.

Herka, the fortress commander of the Red Fortress, and Vargon himself, the deputy fortress commander.

People of Mailtum, a coastal city where a vagrant camp is located.

The people of the city that were ruled by Helaim and are currently under the Civil Revolutionary Army.

Numerous Yongans crouching in Yongrim.


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‘At such a young age, you are already building your power.’

In addition, reporters from influential newspapers, led by Maria, are anxious to establish a good relationship with Vincennes.

Because there was no material as good as Vincennes for them.

‘Besides, there are colleagues who would even give up their lives for you.’

Shizen, a 9th grade cadet whom Vincen saved.

Harmon, another 9th grade cadet who was previously an inferior student.

In Bargon’s opinion, they were cadets who would give up their lives for Vincennes.

‘It’s the same with henna.’

When I thought about it one by one, I realized that Vincen had so many things.

Aside from his own military power, he has achieved many things.

‘I’m looking forward to it.’

He fell asleep with an excited heart.

‘The future that your generation will lead, no, the future you will lead.’

* * *

Anneline shook her head as if she was fed up.

“So, help you? While alive?”

“yes. “Why not?”

“How do you know when I will die?”

“I heard that my mother also survived for quite a long time after receiving the curse symbol. In the meantime, she also gave birth to me. Yongin, I think you can live longer.”

“If I live longer, do I have to help you unconditionally?”

“Maybe I am [a seeker of truth]?”

“Maybe not.”

“You might be right. “If I were a dragon, I’d bet it’s right.”


“Isn’t there enough time to find another [truth seeker] besides me? “They say I won’t live long.”

“Why don’t you just tell me to die quickly?”

“You have to live a long time to help me for a long time, so why would I do that?”

Aneline’s eyes narrowed.

Life came out once again.

It was meant to scare Vincen, but Vincen wasn’t scared.

“Ah, I’m annoyed. Why aren’t you scared?”

“I know you won’t kill me, so why bother?”

“At least pretend to flinch.”

I flinch.

Vincen deliberately flinched.

“don’t do it.”

I flinch.

I flinched once more.


“I did it when you told me to flinch. Is there a problem?”

“It’s annoying because the talking tail is so similar to Aslan.”

Vincen grinned.

“Don’t do that, please help me. “You’re going to help me anyway, so why do you keep pushing me away?”

“No, I mean, it’s annoying to think like that because it’s the same as Aslan. “How can you be so sure?”

“When I think about it, I think the title ‘Dragon King’ is a bit too much for Abeltan, the hero of 200 years ago.”

Yongwang literally means king of dragons.

“When I thought about it, I didn’t think I could be called the Dragon King without the dragon’s permission.”

“… … .”

“So that means the dragon gave permission, and that means you had a special relationship with a certain dragon. For example, a dragon like the Black Flame Dragon of great apocalypse and destruction.”

“Well, that’s right. “That dragon was kind of great.”

“And I have inherited the power of the Dragon King, and I will be training with the Dragon King’s ring. If the dragon who was special to the Dragon King helps me, wouldn’t I be able to achieve great things?”

Aneline shrugged her shoulders as if she had lost.

“okay. I’ll help you. But keep in mind. “I’m not helping you because you lost an argument.”

“I know. Because I have a deep connection with old friends. Because I may be [a seeker of truth]. “Isn’t that why you’re helping me?”

“… … it’s annoying. Quiet.”

“… … .”

“You’re not answering?”

“You told me to be quiet, so I kept my mouth shut.”


Vincen could sense that Anneline was in quite a good mood.

It was the same for Julian.

-It’s quite a chatty dragon.

‘It’s possible because I’ve been alone for so long.’

-He seems like a pervert who can’t fight endlessly, but also enjoys having fun a lot.

‘I agree.’

In fact, Anneline was very happy talking with Vincen.

Aneline, a talkative dragon, spoke a little faster without realizing it.

“Shall I teach you about the ring’s powers?”

* * *

Vincen nodded.

“That’s fascinating. “I heard that magic that deals with time is the highest power among magic.”

“So we needed the dragon’s help.”

The ring left behind by Abeltan contained the power of time.

“It means three years inside means one year outside.”

The Dragon King’s Ring is a ring that allows you to move to a ‘new training space’.

It can be used only once and the passage of time is different from reality.

“Once I finish training, I have to create a crack with my own strength and break through the space.”

“okay. If you can’t come out, your very existence will disappear along with the space inside the ring.”

It was said that the only thing that can freely come and go in that space is a dragon.

The dragon that helped create this ring.

That dragon was Aneline.

“As I said before, the durability of the ring is limited to approximately six years. “The ring can’t hold any more than that.”

“You explain it in great detail.”

“I am a person who does it once.”

“Then please take care of me.”


“Shouldn’t we eat, sleep, and sleep in there too? “It means you have to have water and food to survive there.”

“Take about a month’s worth. How long do you think you can last in there?”

Aneline snorted.

“The longest a human can survive in it is a month.”

It is an artificial space created with the help of a dragon.

It was a space where nothing existed.

In other words, it was a lonelier place than a solitary confinement in prison.

“I plan to hold out for as long as the ring will allow.”

“Wow. “I hope so.”

Aneline shook her head.

“The human spirit could never endure.”

Anneline also acknowledges Vincennes’ mental strength and spirit.

It was a description that may or may not appear once in hundreds of years.

But this was a different matter.

“I’m trying to hold on.”

“You can’t do it? Even if it were possible, wouldn’t I go crazy? If I go crazy, how do I break out of that space? It’s impossible. Have you ever been trapped alone in a secluded dungeon? About 10 years? If you have that experience, admit it.”

there was.

I think I was locked up for about 10 years.

I didn’t say that.

Vincen grinned.

“You took the symbol of death, but you can still live for about two years, right?”

The request was to provide food for two years in real time and six years in ring time.

Aneline snorted.

“okay. If you last a full month, I will provide food and water. Are you done?”


“What if I can’t do it?”

“If you can’t, I will help you for the rest of my life until the day you return to Mana.”

“You mean you want to be my slave?”

“yes. “I promise.”

Aneline smiled with satisfaction.

“Humans can never survive alone. “Did I tell you clearly?”

Aneline snapped her fingers and a piece of paper appeared.

It was a kind of slave contract.

Vincen signed without hesitation.

Aneline giggled and laughed.

“I could take a cute slave in my later years.”

“I guess I could hire a great meal delivery service during my training.”

Vincen grinned.

I just thought to myself.

‘I’m sorry, but I’m not alone.’

There was one person who could be my companion.

And I had already experienced and endured the dungeon.

Vincen activated the Dragon King’s ring.

As Anneline said, we were moved to a new space.

‘It’s dark.’

It was a place where light and sound were blocked.

The space itself didn’t seem to be very large.

I didn’t explore it, but it seemed to be about the size of a commonly seen training ground.

Vincen took out the general-purpose magic stone and secured the minimum amount of light.

‘Then, shall we start training?’

But Vincen discovered something.

‘What is that?’

In the middle of space.

I saw a small box.


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