Standard of Reincarnation Chapter 136

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The Rule of Reincarnation Episode 136

Vincennes could feel his own growth.

As soon as the sacrum recovered, it grew several steps further.

Even Julian couldn’t speak properly.

-It is completely impossible to estimate it using the calculation methods of modern magical engineering, including imagery theory.

Calculation was impossible.

that much,

Vincen’s current growth was impossible according to common sense.

-Still, if we were to make a rough inference… … .

Julian swallowed his saliva.

-Based on the amount of mana, it is at least 5 stars.

But Julian knows.

Vincen is very different from Hyundai Unmanned.

If the quantity is equal to 5 stars, the quality is at least 6 stars or higher.

As many people have acknowledged, his status was different from that of ordinary warriors.

– Deia’s growth rate… … I jumped over it.

‘Cheongwa’ put wings on Vincen’s back.

The completed mind and experience were combined with the recovered body.

Aneline asked.

“How on earth did you live?”

“Because I was not alone.”

I could no longer sense Julian’s presence.

Julian also used up a lot of strength and seemed to have fallen into sleep.

Vincen approached the fallen Henna and helped her up.

“but. “Your sister activated the ring with all her power.”

“… … “I felt it.”

Both Hena and Julian did their best to help Vincen.

Vincen looked at the ring on Henna’s hand.

There were many cracks in the ring.

It was on the verge of breaking.

‘How much effort did you put into it?’

Vincen said:

“Your sister needs treatment.”


“Please move to the temple.”

“I? why? bothered.”

“I will make sure Aneline’s name is not forgotten.”

“I’m not interested in that.”

“The narratives of the heroes who were with Anneline have been forgotten and distorted. The honor of my friends was lost. I’ll fix that. “Don’t you want that too?”

“Why do you think that?”

“Because it has been in the same place for hundreds of years.”

If you really want to die, just return to Mana.

But the dragon protected Heavenly Fruit.

“Don’t even dragons have things to protect? “I will protect it.”


Aneline closed her eyes for a moment.

“Hmm, as expected, he looks a lot like Aslan.”

“… … .”

“Well, okay. Actually, he’s my favorite. “I will help you.”

Aneline used warp.

Vincen entrusted the henna to Dulan.

“Your whole body is a mess. “Recovery is possible, but you will need at least a week of treatment to stabilize.”


And then I met Merlin.

Merlin couldn’t take his eyes off Vincen.

“What happened to you?”

“I ate a thousand fruits.”

Merlin didn’t ask any more.

“Congratulations. You have achieved great achievement. No, you just brought up something that was already completed.”

“Thanks to Master’s help.”

“I had no help in your accomplishments.”

“When consuming Cheongwa, Adenka’s meditation diet was very helpful.”


Like a meditation diet designed to completely absorb the Heavenly Fruit.

“Try holding the sword.”

The fact that he continued to speak informally meant that he was now dealing with Vincenne, a ‘disciple,’ rather than Vincenne, a ‘confucius.’

Vincen and Merlin headed to the training hall.

Originally, Merlin used a wooden sword when sparring with Vincennes.


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But this time, I picked up a real sword.

“Fight with all your might. Use everything possible. “I will accept what you have learned.”

Vincen nodded.

The newly acquired strength and body currently remain theoretical.

Whether you actually use it or not makes a big difference.

“Then I will not decline.”

If it were Merlin, he would be able to take his full-strength attack well enough.

Vincen paid homage to his teacher and talked about what he would show.

“The ability I will use this time is an ability created by the Dragon King and passed down through the dragon warrior Lord Kalbaek, and it is an anti-personnel decisive battle created by modifying the maritime army.”

“What is the name of the technology?”

“It’s a black sea. “I will use the energy of the black sea in conjunction with Adenca’s true sword.”

Vincen focused on breathing.

He decided to test his abilities in front of an 8-star warrior.

Merlin also increased his concentration.

‘You’ve become stronger.’

It was not enough to simply say that I had become stronger.

Of course, it is true that this is not an actual combat situation, and it is a very advantageous and good environment to bring out all of the fighting power.

Even so, Vincen’s momentum felt right now was ‘real’.

Merlin saw something similar to what Kalbaek had felt.

‘It gets dark.’

The difference from then was that the surroundings had actually become dark.

It seemed as if a huge black sea had covered the sky.


The heavy and huge sea created a powerful sword pressure.

“This is Adenka’s true sword, a replica of the Byeoryeokjongjeol shown by the teacher.”

Adenka straight sword type 3.

Black Sea Link.

Cut long.

A high tsunami soared.

Vincen’s sword pressure was a huge tsunami.

Merlin raised his sword.

He was also sincere in this sparring.

“Since you copied my sword, I will also accept your sword as mine.”

Feilker Swordsmanship Chapter 7.

Brain power connection.

Byeokryeokjongjeol (霹力縱絶).

Vincen’s ‘Long Cut.’

Merlin’s ‘strong force’ collided together.

Sero’s sword pressure and brain power.

Another sword pressure that swallowed the black sea collided and consumed each other’s energy.


There was a huge explosion and earthquake.

Even though the training hall and the main building of the Gaia Temple were quite far away, the priests were so startled that they stopped praying and ran outside.

Doolan also read the powerful momentum rising from afar.

“that… … .”

He was an outstanding priest, but he was not a warrior.

I didn’t know much about the supernatural abilities and swordsmanship that warriors possess.

Nevertheless, it was clearly visible to his eyes.

“It’s as if the space has been cut off.”

There were two long walls erected in the space.

One was a black wall,

Another one was a blue wall.

The two walls were touching each other, and it seemed as if there had been a crack in this dimensional space.

The priests who ran out in shock discovered something.

“Hey, look at the sky over there.”

Doolan also looked at the sky.

It felt like there was a big hole in the sky.

“Lord Doolan. “What kind of strange thing is this?”

“My Holy Knight Commander and Prince Vincen said they would have a sword sparring session there.”

“Hey, what kind of sword sparring would cause such a strange phenomenon to occur?”

The Holy Knights were dispatched in a hurry.

Even the paladins who arrived at the training hall witnessed an amazing sight.

“Lord Merlin! “Is the fallen person Prince Vincennes?”

“That’s right.”

Brain energy was stirring in Vincennes’ body.

Vincennes was unconscious, holding a sword in his left hand.

“Lord Merlin’s sword… … .”

“yes. As you can see, it’s shattered.”

The paladins could not understand.

Merlin was once one of the 12 Swordsmen of Adenka and an 8-star warrior.

How could someone like that have his sword broken like that?

“Is that what Prince Vincent did?”

“That’s right.”

“It looks like Lord Merlin has been very pleased with you.”

Merlin shook his head.

“I gave it my all.”

Aneline, who was watching from the corner, was giggling.

Several magic circles overlapped around her hands.

“Wow, it’s tingling.”

A magic barrier was set up to prevent the shock wave from colliding with the black sea and the Byeokryeokjongjeol from leaking out.

Merlin, who knew that fact, bowed politely towards Aneline.

Aneline raised her right hand as if it was no big deal.

Her right hand was full of inky-colored scales.

‘I had to use the power of the main body without even realizing it.’

Her hands were shaking slightly, as if she had endured a large shock.

“I don’t think even the Abeltan guy who created that technology was at this level.”

The point is that it is not real.

The fact that Vincenne was able to draw on his power and use it with peace of mind.

And even taking into account the fact that he used a sword with a keel bone, the abilities that Vincen showed now exceeded expectations.

Her eyes narrowed.

‘I’m starting to think that the [Truth Seeker] the prophet was talking about might really be that guy. ‘It’s a big deal.’

* * *

Vincen returned to the Red Fortress and reported to Herca.

“… … So we obtained the Heavenly Fruit, and Sister Hena requested recovery at the Gaia Temple.”

“okay. “I knew that Vargon II would do it.”

She knew that something big had happened between Vincennes and Merlin, but she didn’t really show it.

There was no need to point out that Vincen had achieved tremendous growth.

Herka laughed.

“Hey, it’s Vargon II.”


“Give me just one piece.”

“… … Do you have a desire for a thousand fruits?”

“I thought it would be delicious. I like sweet things. how is it? it was tasty? Do you have anything left? Can you really just give me one piece? “I’ll give you money.”

Vincen shook his head.

The fruit has already been consumed.

“disappointed. “I also want to try Cheongwa.”

“Instead, I will buy you a seasonal whipped cream cake.”

“Where is the season for whipped cream cake? “Are you kidding me?”

At those words, Bargon opened the door! opened.

Usually I knock and be polite, but today was an exception.

He seemed very angry at Herka’s words.

“So, that’s right. “It reminds me of someone who asked for an expensive business trip to eat seasonal whipped cream cake.”

“Is there such a thing as such a scumbag?”

“… … .”

“Just say it. “I’ll screw you.”

“I will handle it myself.”

Vargon chanted a killing spell and Herka hurriedly hid behind Vincenne.

Vincen grinned.

“Mr. Vice President. “You seem to be getting more and more rough.”

“Because of someone who is such a piece of trash.”

Vargon solved the magic formula.

He also felt Vincen’s growth.

“I don’t know what you did, but I understand that you sent me on a business trip on purpose, Lord Herka.”

“Look, my choice led to this result.”

Herca gained momentum.

“Now, if you promote him to first-class cadet right now, no one will say anything, right? Should I just make him a first-class cadet?”

“But these days, there are regulations and procedures.”

“You sound harsh again. Can’t you feel Lord Vargon? “You can sense tremendous spirit from King Vargon II.”

“I can feel it. “It seems like they have a special power that is different from that of ordinary warriors.”

“okay. It grows faster than Deia. “I think Vincen will win even if he fights with Henna.”

“It is not simply the strength of one’s force that determines one’s rank, Lord Herka!”

Vincen quietly drank his tea and waited for their conversation to end.

Several conversations took place.

Herka said as if it were unfair.

“Vincent. Do you just want to be a first-class cadet? how is it?”

“The person who supports me is Lord Vargon.”


“I don’t want to offend my sponsors.”

“You are like a slave to this capital!”

Vincen shrugged his shoulders.

Now that I’ve said anything, I decided to get to the point.

“Actually, I don’t think a promotion is that important to me right now.”


Vincen raised his hand with a ring on it.

“I have already reported on the Dragon King’s Ring, so I will skip reporting again. I am planning to practice using the Dragon King’s Ring. I don’t know how long it will take. Please allow ample time.”

“huh? Are you going to practice again? Do your best. It’s still strong enough. “If you become too strong at a young age, is that poison and a disease?”

Vincen grinned.

That statement is not wrong.

500 years ago, Kazin was like that too.

His natural talent and skills were poison to him.

Because he was well aware of that fact, Vincennes was not conceited.

“If possible, I want to train with the help of the dragon while it is still alive.”


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