SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Chapter 98

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Episode 98



“Dan,” said the Lady of the Silver Lily.

“One week from today. Until the world is destroyed, you will have to be my exclusive servant, not the butler of the Lady of the Golden Silk.”

“The princess’s exclusive servant… … ”

“Yes. I only know my love, but I have never taught love to anyone else. There is no other way than to show you clearly how much I love you. So shouldn’t you watch closely and learn from me? Watch and learn.”


“After talking about it, I feel like I’m at a loss. No, it’s definitely a loss. Isn’t this revealing my shameful private life? Know it as the good fortune of your past life, present life, and future life, all combined. commons.”

He is truly an arrogant nobleman.


The next day, my dual contract life began.

Not only the Lady of the Golden Silk, but also the Lady of the Silver Lily came to be treated as hosts.

“Hmm. “Are you here?”


The Lady of the Silver Lily welcomed me in the dressing room.

5 o’clock in the morning.

The young lady was already awake. Four of her servants came together and decorated her. Originally, it would have been a great disrespect for her to enter her toilet room or dressing room, but the Lady of the Silver Lily herself dismissed it, saying, “It’s a bother, don’t worry about it.”

As soon as I entered, the princess spoke.

“Show me.”

“yes. miss.”

The grizzled servant took out a board. The board was decorated with a lily flower pattern. And there was a sentence written in nice cursive.


LESSON 1. (Basics)

Love begins with experiencing an asshole.



“I was worried last night. What method should I choose to teach you love? Not only am I not relaxed enough to only care about you, I also can’t help you find your first love. “Isn’t that right?”

While I was speechless and in a daze, the Lady of the Silver Lily spoke calmly. Around her, servants trimmed the fingernails of the lady’s right hand with expressions similar to those of their master.

“So, I decided to teach you step by step the truths you need to know in advance. Hello. Sing it again. Love begins with experiencing an asshole.”

“Sir, love begins with experiencing an asshole… ?”

“Yes. Belly. Maybe they’re bastards.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily took out a fan with her left hand! The fan unfolded with a clean and clear sound. The duke’s daughter covered her subordinates with a fan.

“Somewhere in this world, there exists a lover who has a perfect meeting from the first love. It will exist. There are lovers who know how to care for and love each other from the beginning, and who share romantic love from the moment they fall in love at first sight until they are buried in a coffin. But that’s not you.”


“There is a 99% chance that the lover you will meet is an asshole. Even if you aren’t an asshole right now, you will become an asshole someday. Why? Simple. Because it’s almost impossible for a human to not be an asshole all year round. By the same principle,”


The Lady of the Silver Lily folded her fan and pointed at the grizzled servant. Then the servant turned the board over as if he had prepared it a long time ago. A sentence is also written on the back of the board.


LESSON 1. (Advanced)

You are also a dog.


“There is a strong possibility that you are also an asshole.”


“But don’t think too negatively. Humans are animals of experience. Anyone who has been bullied by a bastard can never be bullied by a bastard again. Anyone who has been an asshole to someone can stop being an asshole the next time. [어떤 인간이 개새끼인가], [나는 언제 개새끼가 되는가], [어떻게 해야 개새끼가 되지 않는가]를 터득하는 것이다.”

I felt dizzy.

“Che, can’t you do well from the beginning?”


The Lady of the Silver Lily was expressionless.

“Don’t expect anything from humans.”


“People forget what they say. He makes up his mind and then gives up. Forgetting and giving up. Consider these two words as the basic iron rules of dating. If you really want to love well, you must do the opposite: learn how to [remember] and how to [decide].”

“Are you also learning about memory and determination?”

“You’re such a child… .”

The Lady of the Silver Lily sighed. what. What did I do wrong? I really have no idea.

“Seeing is better than hearing. “I will show you myself.”

Are you showing it yourself?


“You don’t know even if you see it with your own two eyes.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily stood up from her chair. The servants who were clinging to each other like kittens all retreated. The Lady of the Silver Lily spoke confidently while being escorted by servants.

“It is me who loves the best of the world.”


Why are you cool?

“egg plant.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily walked and I followed. Not only I but also the servants often followed. I don’t know why, but the servants were carrying buckets of water.

We arrived at the academy’s most luxurious accommodation. It was where the crown prince stayed.

“Oh, the Duke’s Lady.”

The crown prince’s servants greeted us in confusion. Should I say I was overwhelmed? No matter how duchy they are, their status cannot be higher than that of the imperial family, but strangely, they seem to be unable to raise their heads against the Lady of the Silver Lily.


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“Have you eaten?”


“The morning hasn’t even dawned yet… .”

“Did His Royal Highness cough? “The king’s morning must be earlier than that of the people.”

“That is… … ”

“You probably didn’t. Guide me.”

The crown prince’s servant trembled.

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has issued a strict order… .”

“What is this strict order? no. Worth knowing. He must have told me not to let him in when I visit in the future. is it?”

“I’m sorry to inform you… .”

“When the Emperor sent the national treasure to this academy, he specially called me. There was a command that said, “The life of the head of the country can be lazy and reckless, so you, my fiancé, should help me.” It is in accordance with His Majesty’s orders that I take care of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. You are a servant of the imperial family. Confess it. Are you a servant of His Majesty the Crown Prince? Or are you His Majesty’s subjects?”

“Oh, princess.”

“Are you refusing His Majesty’s imperial command just because you are His Majesty’s servant? “I think the Emperor will be very happy when he hears this news.”

The situation was over in one minute.

Among the servants dispatched from the imperial family, there was not a single one who stood in the way of the Lady of the Silver Lily. The duke walked through the garden, crossed the foyer, and finally reached the prince’s bedroom.


Three knocks.

“Are you coughing?”

“Don’t come in!”

“You were coughing. “I will go in.”

As if it were obvious, the Lady of the Silver Lily took out the key and opened the door. Crash. The crown prince’s bedroom opened to welcome us. The owner of the bedroom was actually shivering in bed.


“Your Highness, it’s dawn and you’re still lying in bed. No, it won’t happen. The Emperor wakes up at 4 o’clock every day to take care of the affairs of the empire. Could it be that the head of the nation, who is supposed to carry on a great cause in the future, should be more lazy than that?”

“Look! Is there no one there? Someone please help me… … ”

“close the door.”

The door slammed shut. There was not a single servant belonging to the imperial family in the bedroom. The Lady of the Silver Lily’s subordinates just lined up expressionlessly. The Crown Prince’s shoulder tremors worsened.

The Lady of the Silver Lily opened her lips.


“Yes, yes.”

“I will give you a second lesson.”

The lady pointed with the tip of her chin at the grizzled servant.

Then the servant lifted up the paper board he had prepared in advance.


LESSON 2. (Basics)

If you can’t avoid the asshole, enjoy it.


“Z, you’re enjoying it… .”

“You too will fall in love someday. And I will meet the dog with my first love. “I advise you, if it is going to happen anyway, enjoy it.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily snapped her fingers.

“And there’s only one way to enjoy an encounter with an asshole.”

The grizzled servant skillfully turned the board over.


LESSON 2. (Advanced)

Be an even bigger asshole than the other person.



The servants lifted buckets of water and sprinkled them on the bed. I had brought a bucket of water all the way here just for this moment. “Huh?!” The prince jumped after being hit by water. The ramen noodles were puffy.

“—개새끼와의 연애는 전쟁이다.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily looked at the prince calmly.

“If possible, it is better to avoid war. Peace is the greatest value. What if the other person is kind? Be kind too. What if the other person is nice? You too must be good. But if the other person is an unavoidable asshole, keep that in mind.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily took out a fan. It was a different debt than before. Surprisingly, this fan also had letters engraved on it.


Today’s motto:

Do not be good to the dog.



“Sing it again. “Don’t be nice.”

“Cha, don’t be nice.”

“Humans are animals that want to look good to others. There are people who want to be seen as cool people, and there are people who want to be seen as people who know something. And there are people who want to be seen as good people. In my view, you belong to the last category. “Restrain yourself.”

However, the princess did not restrain herself. at all.

“Open the door.”

The servants opened the door. In the hallway in front of the door, servants belonging to the imperial family were standing restlessly.

“What are you doing?”

The Lady of the Silver Lily spoke casually.

“His Royal Highness is wet. Even though it is spring and it is cool, I am afraid that the body of the national treasure may be harmed. Please return quickly.”

“Well, Your Highness!”

The imperial servants rushed in, panting. They each lifted a towel as if they had expected this to happen. What I can tell from this is that this is not the first time that the Lady of the Silver Lily has used Operation Water Thunder.

“Listen carefully. “This is the equation of love.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily slowly walked out into the hallway.

“A good-looking person loses to a smart person. A smart person loses to an asshole. Therefore, the person who reaches the pinnacle of love is a beautiful woman who is as smart as a dog. Butler. You will have to realize this truth and cultivate yourself diligently.”

“uh… .”

Looking back, there is still chaos going on in the crown prince’s bedroom.

“It’s a lot different from what I thought love was. I am something… … ”

“You expected something more romantic?”

“Yes, and… … ”

“I thought you loved with your heart, not your head.”

“yes… … .”

“That’s also true.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily threw her fan. Swish. The grizzled servant skillfully caught the fan and placed it in his arms. We walked to the living room and talked.

“But that really depends on your luck. Meeting someone who makes your heart flutter at first sight. This is no easy task. Depending on what kind of life you have lived, it also determines who you will be excited to see. “Love at first sight is actually because you can see at a glance what kind of life the other person has lived.”

“That’s a difficult thing to say… .”

“It’s difficult.”

The lady’s red eyes narrowed.

“If it’s too difficult, would you like to try it?”


“What test is this?”

“Would you like to test whether I would be excited?”

“… … What should I do to get excited?”

“You just have to do something amazing.”

Amazing thing.

“What do you mean by something extraordinary?”

“Should I even tell you that? Why don’t you just find your master and ask him to take over? Think and think for yourself and come up with an answer. Butler. You are smart, so maybe you will succeed.


“I’ll tell you for free whether the answer is right or wrong.”

We arrived at the drawing room. It was clearly the place where the crown prince stayed, but the duke’s daughter walked around comfortably as if it were her own home. She took all the servants except me and sat down on her chair.

A room with a red carpet.

Eyes the same color as the bottom looked quietly at me.


“Whoa… … ”

I took a deep breath. The breath that entered the esophagus pooled like a hard lump in the lungs. Even though it was just a simple breath, I decided to use it as evidence of my determination.

I took out the card from my pocket.


[Facial Recognition Impairment Card]

[What a coincidence? Eavesdrop on a crucial secret! card]

[ Oops! I shouldn’t say this! Stop making mistakes without realizing it! card]


A gift given to me by the library director before entering the Apocalypse, saying, ‘It will be a blessing in disguise.’ These are cards originally planned to be used in this stage. The Lady of the Silver Lily tilted her head.

“… … ? Something?”

“These are the cards that the corner librarian gave me.”


“According to what the princess said, these are probably some kind of [strategy book].”

Ji profit!

I tore up the cards without hesitation.

The torn cards were scattered like fine colored sand. Without a trace.

[The corner librarian is surprised by your decision.]

Maybe those cards would really be of great help in conquering the stage. But it was more important to show my sincerity to the person in front of me.

At least I believed so.

[The librarian in the corner realizes your true intentions and applauds.]

Compensation is just compensation.

A shortcut is meaningful when it is a shortcut.

There is no reason why I should be obsessed with compensation, and there is no reason why I should focus on a path that is not a shortcut.

“… … “Hoo.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily rested her chin and looked at me.


The red eyes sparkled as if filled with blood.

“That’s amazing.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily gestured lightly.

“Come here.”

I approached.

“Your chin is high. “Bow your head.”

I bowed down.

The Lady of the Silver Lily whispered in her ear.

“Good job.”

The young lady took out a glass bottle from her arms. I didn’t know what it was at first. But, bam, I realized it the moment the lid was opened. Blue scent. I was homesick.

The Lady of the Silver Lily took off her gloves.

I traced the opening of the perfume bottle with my little finger.

“Don’t tell me in advance.”

Reach out to the back of my neck and squeak. I put a dot on my ear.

“I will not take responsibility for you.”


A strong floral scent that makes your head dizzy.


The smell of white lilies.

I felt dizzy in an instant.

“Is it fragrant?”

The Lady of the Silver Lily held my right hand. I realized a little later that the pod had been inserted. Time was stuttering because the scent was interfering with my mind.

“yes… … .”

“Did you like it?”

“… … yes.”

The Lady of the Silver Lily’s red eyes tilted.

“I like it too. This is my favorite scent. “It’s my favorite scent.”

Whisper. A voice crawled up my throat.

“I don’t feel bad because you broke the secret by confessing it to me. Continue to serve me. “Tonight, I will also tell you a secret.”

My heart is pounding.

[Immersion in the character deepens.]

It’s a big deal.

[Your current immersion rate is 15%.]

I think I’m going to fall in love with this person.


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