SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Chapter 353

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Episode 353 < White End. (4) >

“Huh!? “Save Confucius!”

In a situation where I didn’t know which side to block, there was only one conclusion I could come to.

I vomited.

This technique, which exquisitely avoids the enemy’s onslaught while rolling on the ground, is called Naryeotagon (備驅打浪), and if you purify it properly… … .

It was just rolling on the ground ヽ(:3ノヽ)ノ.

why. what. I have to live it first!

Madman: “You got dirt on your back. “That’s disgusting.”

Musa raised one eyebrow.

In short, the expression on your face is, um, can we stop with this?

There are bound to be oldies in any field. Compared to other fields, martial arts had a particularly high proportion of old men. According to Kon University, Naryeotagon is the shame of a military person, and for roughly 12 years, ‘That guy used Naryeotagon on a subject he is a master at!’ It’s something that deserves to be made fun of. They were like warriors who held Pomsaengpomsa as their family motto.

“No one is watching anyway, so what’s the point! Besides, I am a demonic cult!”

Madman: “I don’t know what the Demon Cult is, but my excitement has waned. No, on the contrary, you could say that my excitement rose. After seeing your avoidance story just now, even the slightest thought left in my heart has cooled down. “Like a fisherman trying to catch a fish with a harpoon, I will cut you down with the sole intention of killing you.”

“This fight is unreasonable!”

Whoa! Hwaaaaaaa!

Every time the warrior swung his sword, a sound effect was drawn in a sharp font. left? right? I don’t know where the blade is aiming.

Let’s somehow distinguish between left and right. However, even if it is [left], if you add the top and bottom together, it is almost 180 degrees! It was almost impossible to determine even the slightest difference, whether the knife was being struck from 11 o’clock or 11:30!

“damn! “It’s a judgment call!”

I enjoy using delicate and sophisticated swordsmanship. But right now, I can’t understand the enemy’s attack path in detail, and I can’t strike with precision either. What can I do! We have no choice but to push through with force!


Demon Heavenly God’s skill.

Eighth formula.

Sosa Yeongeom燒死連劍.


I jumped up from the ground and immediately performed the Demon Heavenly Art. Sosa Research Institute. As the name of the technique, Yeongeom (連劍), suggests, it is a martial art that involves swinging a sword continuously. And I hit the Auror instead of the sword with my sword.


Madman “… … !」

The warrior quickly used his sword to block my attack.

Cough! Wow!

Simultaneously, swordsmen rushed in and imprisoned the warrior. It was a volume offensive! If you can’t hit with precision anyway, just bomb them relentlessly!

In total, there were seven attacks, four of which missed completely in the wrong place, two of which were completely blocked by the warrior’s sword, but the last one hit the exact center of the warrior’s sword. According to my aim.


The sword held by the warrior shattered. No matter how powerful the sword was, once it was overcome by the pressure of the Aurors, the sword was nothing more than a piece of glass.

The warrior raised both his eyebrows and looked surprised, with an expression that was truly unrecognizable and that he did not particularly want to recognize.

Madman “… … I heard there is a connection with Geomje. It looks like it’s not just a vague connection. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such violent sword energy. No, it’s fair to say that this is the first time since the Sword Emperor.”

Musa seemed to re-evaluate me in his mind.

Madman: “At least I can’t treat you like a bastard.”

“Well, since you already know, it’s okay… .”

Of course, it was dizzying for me.

The battle just now consisted purely of Auror violence. To paraphrase, it’s like blindfolded and blindly waving both arms to block an opponent who doesn’t know where he’s going. A real stage gun.

That way, if we fight, I win. But fighting like this in itself is stressful, stress! The act of exchanging swords in a two-dimensional plane is so unfamiliar!

“Well, you saw it well. The one who has high expectations that I will truly conquer the tower after the Sword Emperor. This is Death King. In other words, he is an opponent who is not at all embarrassed to surrender. Let’s just calmly raise the white flag… … .”

Madman: “However, I still have 712 more swords left.”


As I have already said, the horizon of this world is marked with 1. However, in this area, which is the base of the ‘mad warrior’ that the villagers spoke of with fear, straight lines appeared like sharp hairs on the entire area.

as it were.


All of them, dense as a reed forest, were swords stuck in the ground.

Madman: “Ever since the day I was defeated by the Sword Emperor, I have realized that no matter how hard I try, I cannot outsmart him with my sword skills. in other words. “It was obvious that no matter how much of the world’s famous sword I obtained, I would crumble to pieces in front of the sword emperor’s strength.”

The warrior stretched out his right hand.

Madman: “No matter how much sword energy I pour into it, my sword cannot withstand the sword emperor. No, in that case, how about a contrarian idea? Wouldn’t there be no problem if I used up one sword per attack and another sword per defense? No matter how weak my sword skills are, I can handle a sword that is only for one-time use.”


A sword that had been stuck in the dirt, just waiting to be called, was pulled out.

The scabbard was still half of its body buried in the ground, but the blade was now free from the warrior’s hand.

Madman: “It’s 712 from now on.”


Madman: “You will have to beat me within 712 sums. Hunter.”

Before I could even finish saying “Hunter,” I started taking action.


kicked the ground Musa raised his eyes again. Didn’t he think that he would suddenly counterattack without saying a word? Perhaps he was somewhat reassured by my frivolous behavior and tone of voice.

However, both Naritagon and Surprise are ultimately about persistence toward victory. Frivolity and pettiness, to me there is no difference between the two. Now that we have confirmed that the opponent has no intention of surrendering, the only thing left is to win.


Demon Heavenly God’s skill.

First type.

Asayu Sword韻死流劍.


Yugeom (流劍) is a flowing sword.

It is a useful sword because the attacks flow from one attack to the next, and it is a useful sword because it is completely controlled from the tip of the sword to the tip of the hilt. Sword in the palm of my hand


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Concentrates all the senses of the body. Control the flow. In layman’s terms, it means sharpening a knife well so as not to ‘squeak’.

I slashed away the stream that had gathered in my palm with a horizontal cut.

Madman: “Hmm!”

My sword strike, which was unfolded with an aura, continued to fly to the right, parallel to the ground, cutting off all the swords that were in the way.

It’s as if an invisible hand is harvesting the rice in one fell swoop.


The knives cut by my aura soared into the air as if a cliff had fallen.

Madman: “Indeed,”

The warrior also threw away his sword. Chaaaang! A sharp sound of metal sounded in the air. My sword blade and the warrior’s blade clashed on the way, canceling each other out.

On the outside, it looks like a whistle. It’s a draw. However, out of the 711 knives already stuck on the ground, 11 were cut off.

It must be a painful loss for the samurai.

Madman: “Is that how it comes out?”

“yes. Well, it will come out like this.”

I can always step back, recharge my aura, and then come back.

But what about Musa? In this land where trade between East and West has been cut off and all residents are afraid to approach, who would come with a sword?

The 11 swords that the warrior just lost cannot be replenished in a short period of time.

Madman: “This is shameful! “It’s petty!”

“In short, it means that you play games with someone who plays games, and that is a compliment. Anyway, there are now 700 bags left. “If 10 sacks are consumed per match, I don’t think it will be a very long game.”

Madman: “As you wish!”

The warrior drew his sword again.

Madman: “I’ll finish it in a short time!”

And then he rushed at me. Buuuuung! The sound effect of wind was engraved in the white world. The pressure was enormous. Is this what it feels like to rush at full speed?


Facing the opponent who was charging at me as if my whole body was on fire, I did not show any respect, nor did I let out an exclamation or join in. Just blame! I just quickly moved my feet and jumped back.

Madman: “What!”

“I won’t fall for such shallow tactics.”

Musa followed me. As he was being chased, he threw a knife at him. Cheaaa! As I swung the holy sword to block, the warrior pulled out swords one after another from the ground and flew towards me. Cheap! Cough! Chaaang, the sound of metal sounded six times in one instant.

There was no knife that flew for the seventh time.

Madman “… … !」

The warrior stopped, stopped, and stopped pursuing.

“The reason you settled here and knocked down people passing by was not simply out of concern for the Geomje to get lost.”

The place where the warrior stopped.

That place is a sword-free zone where hundreds of swords are no longer pierced. It was a safe area with a flat horizon where Karl’s grave ended.

“They take away the knives of people passing by and leave them on the ground. Make this area your territory. In other words, it’s a trap. “To attract the Sword Emperor who will visit this place again someday and throw him into the Hell of the Sword.”

I spoke leisurely.

“But to put it the opposite way, you cannot escape from the grave of the sword. The moment I get out, the cards to counter my aura disappear. hmm. “The term ‘jaseungjabak’ is used here.”

Madman: “You guy.”

“You deliberately used harsh words to provoke me, right? [I will finish it in a short period of time as you wish] or something like that. We planned to arouse this side’s desire to win. “I’m sorry, but I hear people calling me a bigot a lot, but I’m also famous for sometimes making a subtle distinction between a bigoted person and a bigoted person.”

I loaded the holy sword with aura.

“And I’m going to be more sorry to you from now on.”

Madman: “What… … .」

“Like this.”


Madman “… … ! Tsk!”

Asayu sword again.

Musa blocked the auror I fired with the sword he was holding.

It can’t be helped. If left alone, dozens of knives will fly away. If I shoot an auror horizontally, the warrior will have no choice but to defend himself by consuming one sword.

“Now are there 693 bags left?”

However, you can’t pull out a sword and rush at me. As I said, this is a safe area. A safe place for me is a place of death for a warrior.

“Let’s finish it right away.”

In the end, at the beginning of the grave of the sword, the warrior must continue to block my attacks.

What if I step back? My aurors harvest the swords like rice in harvest season.

What if you charge forward? After just one battle, the sword breaks and you are defeated. This is because there are no swords in the safe area that warriors can replenish.

A dilemma.

I’m sorry to say this again, but there is no other way for a warrior other than to wither and die while blocking waves of my Aurors.

Literally dying. slowly. 600 sacks become 300 sacks, 300 sacks become 100 sacks, and 100 sacks finally become 0 sacks.

Madman: “Isn’t it shameful! If you are at your level, you will definitely be excellent at swordsmanship. No, swordsmanship is probably your true skill. “If that’s the case, shouldn’t we be fighting each other at sword point here?”

“Ah yes. But I feel like if we compete against each other, I will die by a blind sword… … .”

I showed a troubled look on my face.

In short, he made an expression like (⌓⌓ω⌓⌓).

A non-verbal character.

I reveal my heart not in words, but just as I see it.

“It’s good to compete between the s*xes, but the only time it’s good is when I win, right? Or is it only when I win with a 90% chance? I’m still not used to this world, so it’s quite inconvenient, but losing because of a stage gimmick rather than a battle of skills is a bit… … . What can I say? Not really… … . Ah, now 690 bags.”

Madman: “Ugh!”

“689 sacks.”

I continued to throw the Asayu sword. Maybe we’ll run out of aurors along the way. What is it like? If I run out, I’ll go back to the village and get some rest. And then he returns and wields the samurai swords with a new heart and a new start.

It’s the perfect plan.

“685 sacks.”

Madman: “Damn it… … !」

“680 sacks.”

Madman: “That’s ridiculous… … !」

Every time a sword broke, the warrior took a step back.

ㅗㅗㅗ became —ㅗㅗ, and then ——ㅗ.

Perhaps one day, Carl’s entire grave will be flattened to form ——.

It’s just a matter of time.

Madman: “It can’t be like this. “My efforts, my blood and sweat, cannot end in such a petty way!”

“Isn’t it petty to stay here and build a fortress?”

Madman: “That is a legitimate preparation!”

“Then this is also a fair response!”

Karl’s grave became narrow in an instant. The original number of 700 swords was reduced to 500, and the warrior glared at me, breathing heavily.

Madman: “Wook… … Whoa, whoa… … .」

You probably aren’t tired because your stamina is low.

no method. There is no trick. I have no choice but to be pushed towards the final destination according to the picture I created. That kind of mentality that borders on desperation causes fatigue in warriors.

And, eventually, an explosion occurred.

Madman: “Oooooot!!”

The madman kicked out of his seat. The spur caused the knives that had been stuck around the madman to fly out before he kicked. Like an arrow tearing through the air.

No, actually it was countless arrows flying horizontally.


I raised my sword vertically. And then lowered it vertically again. Repeating this, a huge wall was created by layering aura upon aura like before.

A stickman, or samurai, rushed towards the wall I had created.

The barrage created by flying the sword, followed by the warrior’s sword exploded.

bang… … !

A scuffle broke out.

bang… … ! Boom, boom… … !

Samurai did not just use swords. Punches and kicks, elbow strikes, knee strikes, headbutts and hand blows – literally every type of violence that a stickman can show was poured out towards the [wall] I had created. I vomited it out.

It poured out.

And, it was depleted.

Madman: “Ugh… … .」

Finally the madman fell to his knees.

The wall I created didn’t break.


“The game is decided.”

I said. Perhaps the speed at which my speech bubble appeared was noticeably slower than before. It’s as if the message speed was lowered to the lowest.

I also used quite a bit of physical strength to maintain the wall. But anyway, I was standing and Musa was kneeling. He was clear about who won and who lost.

Madman: “Damn it! shit… … .」

Musa also raised no objection. Just spitting out swear words.

If so, then the winner’s rights remain.

I said.

“From now on, you will have to answer my questions.”


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