SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Chapter 211

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Episode 211 < Things that God has. (1) >


There is an incident where Amethyst is widely known as a tortoise.

At that time, the conflict between sub-races and pure races was serious in the kingdom. A sorceress called the Black Witch led a terrorist organization and slaughtered purebreds. On the other side, a group called the [Stone Assembly] slaughtered sub-races.

Retaliation and revenge. Resentment and anger.

Slaughter and butchery continued, and the hatred between races had no time to cool down.

“The distinction between pure race and non-pure race must be made stricter!”

The kingdom’s conservative nobles did not remain silent.

“Respected fellow members of the Noble Assembly! The current confusion in the kingdom is due to the indiscriminate mixing of humans and non-humans, morality and immorality, and civilization and uncivilization. According to the current marriage law, marriage between pure-race and sub-race people is permitted. Not only that, but even same-s*x marriage and incestuous marriage are legal! They are all products of barbarism hundreds of years ago. If we mix things that don’t mix, how can we hope for peace in the world? “This faction deplores and proposes the 7th [Integrated Marriage Act].”


Baron Amethyst looked at the noble council and smiled.

“That’s fun.”

That month, a family war broke out in Amethyst Barony District.

Once war between families was officially declared, third parties could not hastily intervene. The family that fought with Baron Amethyst was Baron Citrine. They were originally from the same family, but separated six generations ago.

Baron Hwang Soo-jeong suddenly declared a family war.

I was confident too.

The kingdom was falling apart. A little faster than that, the Amethyst Baron was destroyed. When [Amethyst Baron’s Lady] killed her father and became [Amethyst Baron], all the vassals and people who had been loyal to her ancestors left.

“I didn’t want to do this.”

Baroness Citrine strung her bowstring.

When they were young, Citrine and Amethyst were close like sisters. The two were even kidnapped by terrorists together. Baron Citrine had a sad expression as he recalled the now distant past.

“Sorry. “Sujeong-ah.”

“There is no need to be sorry. sister.”

Baron Amethyst smiled brightly.

“Soin wanted to do this.”

Baron Hwang Soo-jeong’s army suffered a crushing defeat.

All of the reports Citrine received were fabricated.

Baron Amethyst was on the verge of extinction, but Baron Amethyst himself was a rare genius. All of his vassals left, but new vassals were appointed in their place. Citrine couldn’t have predicted that an archmage who had spent the past 60 years locked in a closet and studying suddenly became Baron Amethyst’s confidant.

The price an incompetent noble had to pay was high.

“I don’t care if I die.”

Citrine’s face was solemn.

“But please spare my vassals. Their only crime is that they followed me.”

“That’s an interesting thing to say.”

Amethyst cut off the heads of the captured enemy vassals one by one.

“Because the little man intends to do exactly the opposite.”

When the third vassal’s head fell, Baron Citrine’s knees also collapsed. The solemn face had long since disintegrated. She realized later that although she had prepared for war, she had not prepared for defeat.

“Sorry. No, I’m sorry. Please forgive my vassals… … . They did as I told them on that rock, and when I was caught, they surrendered. Please… … please.”

“There is one way.”

Amethyst whispered into the ear of her distant relative.

“I will formally request a noble trial. “Just follow what the little people say there.”

The nobles of the royal capital gathered at the trial hall.

The ruling on the family war has been made. The mistake was obvious to anyone. Writer Baron Hwang Soo-jeong declared war first and fired arrows first. And he was defeated.

Conservative factions raised suspicions that the report was fabricated.

There was no evidence.

The only witness was Baron Citrine’s vassal, but unfortunately he was unable to attend the trial. Because he was one of the three vassals that Amethyst had taken from a while ago.

“I acknowledge Baron Amethyst’s victory.”

The judge from the southeast spoke with a short tongue.

“From now on, all of Baron Hwang Soo-jeong’s property and life belong to Baron Amethyst.”

“It means that all decisions depend on the small person. Including the life of Baron Citrine.”

“That’s right.”

“Is that so, sister?”

“… … yes.”

Baron Citrine lowered his head as he was tied to the rope.

“Soin has a generous heart and will save the remaining vassals. Instead, swear that you leave her sister’s life, her sister’s fate, everything in the hands of the little people.”

“You already have everything I have. … … “No matter what you ask, I will comply without hesitation.”

The nobles sitting in the audience clicked their tongues.

Baroness Citrine’s declaration of war was instigated by the conservative faction.

Baron Amethyst smiled broadly at the nobles who were watching the trial with a shit-chewing face.

“Then marry a small person.”


Baroness Citrine raised her head.

“If that’s the case, I forgive you.”

Conservative nobles opened their mouths.

“Your Honor? Soin will report the marriage. Please allow it.”

“for a moment.”

The judge raised one hand and placed it on his forehead.

Judge Metropolitan’s mind was spinning quickly.

All laws are promulgated by royal decree or enacted by vote of the noble assembly. The Marriage Act is an Act of Parliament. And all parliamentary laws are recorded in hundreds of volumes of minutes called the General Assembly, which is more like a brick than a book.

The presiding judge remembered all the meeting minutes that had been accumulated for almost 2,000 years.


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“… … In the 5th Marriage Act, marriage between in-laws was allowed, and enough blood has already been lost without even having to go to the 6th Marriage Act. Same-s*x marriage, which was illegal in the 3rd Marriage Act, was permitted in the 5th Marriage Act… … Reporting a wedding between nobles requires the presence of other nobles.”

The judge looked around.

The nobles in the audience were still gaping.

“It is satisfied. The notarization process… … “I can do it.”

The judge nodded.

“Is there anyone who has objections to this marriage?”

No one could say anything.

“The family battle ended with the victory of Baron Amethyst, officially, without raising any doubts, and with the legitimacy of Baron Amethyst’s side. All of his acquisitions have already been reported by Baron Amethyst, and the handling of Baron Citrine in this process is left to Baron Amethyst. “Baron Amethyst took Baron Citrine as his wife while holding all of Baron Citrine’s ownership.”

Only then did the nobles get over their shock and become agitated.

But it was already too late.

“I hereby conclude my marriage.”

It was a same-s*x marriage and a same-s*x marriage.

The political implications of this incident were clear. It was Big Taffy.

The conservative faction realized that they had been screwed by an 18-year-old nobleman, not long ago a dame and now a baron.

It didn’t take much time for the world to realize that Amethyst was a fool.


[Mania for madness]

Rank: A-

Effect: A curse from a dragon. People with this skill will never reach it no matter what. Even if mental attacks and mental magic work, you can’t make this person crazy. This character is always self-aware, always knows where this is, when this is, and who he is.

A curse invented by a dragon that fell in love with humans in the past to protect their weak minds. According to legend, the dragon’s lover went crazy because he couldn’t go crazy.

※However, once this skill is acquired, it can never be unlocked.


Baron Amethyst and Baron Citrine joined the family.

Baroness Citrine lost her title and became Lady Citrine. Baroness Amethyst absorbed her wife’s title and rose to Viscount Amethyst. After six generations, the divided family became one again.

“That crazy bitch!”

There was no way the conservative faction would just sit back and watch this.

Dozens of noble nobles gritted their teeth.

“You’re such a crazy bitch.”

Even conservative factions and hostile factions did not sit idly by.

Dozens of vulgar nobles acknowledged the existence of amethyst in cider.

“But is there anything else you’re good at besides doing crazy things?”

Operation without a stomach.

There are only six great nobles in the world who take care of all the artists in the kingdom. He said, “A nobleman called Yoo Hee-gong (遊齡公) showed interest in Amethyst.

As can be seen from the fact that he was taking care of the artist, this person was not in his right mind either.

“In general, small people are good at everything.”

“There have been 133,643 people who have said that in front of me.”

Duke Muwisik was an ascendant. This world was blessed by the dragon, and eternal life was guaranteed to those who overcame the [ordeal]. Of course, the dragon’s blessing is not omnipotent, so it couldn’t stop a crazy guy swinging a knife while walking down the street.

Duke Muwisik was careful whenever he walked down the street. Thanks to him, he hasn’t been stabbed to death in the past thousand years. He had to be that careful to be a duke in the kingdom.

“Your Excellency the Duke.”

Amethyst bowed her head.

“Isn’t life so boring that you can’t stand it?”

“oh. That’s plausible. “There have been 517,570 people who have said that.”

“Your Excellency nurtures artists. But even if an artist were to show off his skill so desperately that it would flood the river and tear its splendor, he would not be able to save His Excellency the Duke.”


“After all, art will be more important to him than the Duke.”

Duke Muwisik felt it was worth paying more attention to the little boy in front of him.

“what are you talking about?”

“Artists who are less talented than your Excellency worship you. But no matter how much they serve you, their art is so poor that they cannot save you.”

Viscount Amethyst felt the prey in front of her approaching the trap.

“Artists who are more talented than your Excellency don’t really care about you. So, no matter how great their works are, their eyes are not on you, so they cannot save you.”


“Your Excellency is destined not to be captured by either side. If this were Your Excellency’s fate, Your Excellency would only have the fate of repeating unrequited love over and over again. “Your Excellency, there is only one way to save yourself.”

“Raising you?”

“yes. Soin will create a work of art for His Excellency. Soin’s wedding was truly interesting, and it must have been like a long-awaited welcome rain in His Excellency’s life. Your Excellency the Duke. Lord of entertainment. “Don’t you want to have Ahae by your side, whose life is like art?”

“20,351 people.”

“The boy is more talented than your Excellency.”

Viscount Amethyst turned her back.

Musical instruments were placed in the heart of Duke Muwisik. [Graveyard of Musical Instruments]. Akmyo (樂墓). Whenever a particularly favored musician died, the duke took his instruments and kept them until a more favored one was born.

Amethyst walked over to the piano and played.

It was a piano that had been in its place at the grave for over 1,700 years.


[The three evils of the royal road]

Rank: A-

Effect: Natural talent for composition and performance. Those with this skill are loved by music. Notes that are far apart are heard in succession, and the first and last measures of the score are intuitively perceived at the same time.

In the noises scattered indiscriminately in nature, we discover the rhythm of a stream, the rhythm of maple leaves, and the rhythm of children cooing.

You are a tyrant.

Because of your presence, people will now think of your melody when they hear the sound of the stream. Just as the sound of a frog is defined as ‘croak’ and the sound of a clock hand is defined as ‘ttokkttokk’, human anger, despair, joy, and all things will be dominated by your music.

Blessings on the one who will be queen.

※However, consistent practice and training are required every day.


The piano performance is over.

Duke Muwisik nodded.

“750 people.”

“The little people are beautiful. Soin has outstanding talent. A small person will receive everyone’s praise and recognition through his music, his work, and his life. Nevertheless, the little man will still give glory to His Excellency the Duke, and only then will His Excellency have everything in the world in his hands.”

“102 people.”

Duke Muwisik yawned.

“Even if everything you say turns out to be true.”

She rested her chin on the throne.

“It could be that you were born well against very astronomical odds, and that you developed such friendly feelings towards me by riding on very, very astronomical odds, and that I also became a very, very, very lucky person.”

Yu Hee-gong’s gaze was grave.

It was an eye that had been rotted by time for a thousand years.

“The fact that I am one of the rare lucky ones will make me love the coincidences and fate of this world. It’s love for coincidence. Is that the destination you wanted to lead me to?”

“Similar but different.”

Viscount Amethyst shook her head.

“A dwarf can love you more than the duke loves himself.”


With those words, Duke Muwisik finally looked into Amethyst’s eyes.

“Your Excellency there is no need to love anything. However, the love of a small person will be enough, and finally, someone else, someone else, another person will be completely contained in Your Excellency’s heart. that day. “Your Excellency, you will finally be able to accomplish what you have been putting off for a thousand years.”

“What have I put off for a thousand years?”



“I will make you commit suicide.”

Water droplets fell from somewhere.

Duke Muwisik was silent.

Dead musical instruments littered her grave.

“They dragged Abby into the woods and beat her to death.”


“I want to kill you.”


“I want to see you alive.”

“I know.”

Duke Muwisik took out the dice from his pocket.

“I’ll see your luck.”

Duke Muwisik rolled the dice every time he made an important decision. Her power was established in the fact that she unconditionally protected the value obtained by rolling the cube.

Many years ago. After suppressing an earl’s rebellion, Duke Muwisik decided with a die whether to exterminate the prisoners or not. On an odd number, 20,000 prisoners were killed.

People thought she was a crazy bitch, and Duke Mu Wei-sik thought of himself that way too.

“If you get an odd number, kill me. If you get an even number, save it.”

“If you roll a 6, please save the dwarf. If any other eyes come out, kill them.”

“I decide that.”

Duke Muwisik threw the dice.

The dice rolled on the wooden floor of the graveyard.


[The one loved by dice]

Rank: SSS

Effect: Heavenly Luck.


Yu Hee-gong looked down at the value revealed by the cube.

I didn’t see Amethyst.

Without turning his head, he only looked at the person in power in the kingdom. An operation that can protect oneself from attacks by conservative factions and protect oneself from any political attacks.

“Has the small man now become the only human to your excellency?”

After that day.

Amethyst was called [Muwi-sik’s pet].


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