SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Chapter 202

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Episode 202 < Black dragon. (1) >


We headed to the center of a dream world.

-Ahaha! Hurry and serve this empress!

Behind him, the succubus imitating the Golden Silk was still swinging his whip, but he did his best to ignore it and pass by. There was no one in our group who wanted to be involved in something like that.

After walking for a while, a strange scenery greeted us.

First of all, the sky overhead was unusual.

“On the moon… … My eyes are hungry. “My lord.”

“I know.”


The moon closed its eyelids and opened them. Just as the hungry ghost said, his eyes were on the full moon. The moon’s eyes were red. The red moon blinked and looked down at us.

“It’s a little weird, but your eyes are really pretty. I keep wanting to look at them.”

I don’t know why, but my heart is pounding.

At my reaction, Ah-gwi made a subtle expression.

“uh. hmm. I think it was influenced by my lord’s subconscious. Maybe it’s a copy of his wife’s eyes… .”

“what? is it?”

Looking at it again, it seems to be Raviel’s.

You stole my heart with just your eyes. As expected, our duke. From head to toe, there is not a single area that is not fascinating.

The next place we arrived was from Agwi.


Under the red moon, yellow wheat fields continued.

Between the abyss and the abyss, farmers bent down to work.


Ah-gwi’s face became noticeably stiffer.

I immediately recognized where it was copied from.

“It’s Esther’s village.”

“… … yes. “So it is.”

It was the village that was devastated by the Aegim Empire and the Allied Forces.

One day, the children I saw in Anger’s Trauma were playing in a wheat field.

-Spirit! Spirit!

There was something lying in the yellow ripe wheat grains.


A wolf with blue fur opened its bewildered eyes and looked at the children approaching it.

-Here’s a gift!

-I made it by choosing only the prettiest ones!

The village kids gave Iri a bouquet of flowers.

However, the wolf’s head was too big for the bouquet to fit. The children were a little confused, but then put a bundle on the wolf’s ear as if they had no idea what was going on. Suddenly, Iri got flower earrings.


Iri seemed satisfied and put the children on his back.

The wind blew and caressed the wheat fields, and the children’s laughter rang out.

The sound of laughter carried by the wind was called happiness.

“That beast… … .”

“It’s my daydream.”

The angler muttered.

“If only I hadn’t eaten Esther. So, if he did not become a human and continued to remain an animal… … It is a possibility. Then, I would not have become Esther and be revered as a saint, and she would not have been accused of being a witch. “The village would not have burned down.”

Agwi’s tone was calm.

“It’s foolish.”

She quietly held the hilt of the sword.

“If it hadn’t swallowed humans, it wouldn’t have been able to guess the human mind. I am one of the people who only understand what they digest as food, and only after they have digested it. If I hadn’t eaten Esther, I wouldn’t have even had the desire to be with humans. “The scenery unfolding there is a wish full of contradictions.”

The anglerfish approached the wheat field.

The wolf carrying the child stopped.

Quiet confrontation.

The doppelganger looked up at her replica with cold eyes.


Then he pulled out his sword and cut Lee into two pieces.

As soon as it was cut by the anglerfish’s sword, the wolf turned into pink paint and melted away.

Even the children who were laughing while riding on the wolf’s back. Farmers working in the wheat fields. The village where they lived all melted and disappeared in an instant.

“… … Phew.”

All that remains is the anglerfish under the red moon.

The monk slowly turned his head and looked at me.

“Just leave. “My lord.”

“… … You are decisive. Still, it must be a scene depicting your happiness.”

“It may be presumptuous to say this, but I have not lived a life so light that I throw myself into contradictory delusions. “I have vivid memories of drinking Esther’s blood and devouring the flesh of her child, but how can I make it something that never happened in my dreams?”

I nodded.

“okay. “You are right.”

We quickened our pace again.

On our journey, we encountered the dreams of church members and Uburka. Uburka of the dream world crushed me and said Ugor! Ugor! There was a lot of laughter. Since Uburka was also in contact with the dream demons, it seemed like his unconsciousness was reflected.

“Are we still far from the core of this world?”


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“no. “We’re almost there.”

The anglerfish kicked Uburka and pointed to the other side.

“I can feel a presence there that is comparable to a constellation.”

There was an old barbed wire fence there.

In front of the shabby barbed wire fence, there was a monster sitting.

As we approached, Mongma tilted his head and said, “Hey.”

-You really are maintaining your sanity here. It’s amazing.

The succubus had a familiar face.

She was much smaller and more delicate than I knew, but I realized who she was modeled after.

“Black Dragon Master?”

-huh. That’s what you call it. This human.

I think he’s about seven or eight years old.

The Black Dragon Master, who was much younger than he is now, straightened up.

-We don’t have a natural face. You have to borrow the form of another animal in some way to communicate. This child is the only person you cherish and can talk to you calmly.

“What are you talking about?”

-It means that you don’t get caught up in your emotions easily. It’s simple.

Mongma glanced over my shoulder.

Yu Su-he, Agui, the Golden Silk, Sima Jun, and the church members were following me.

-There are a lot of guests, but there is no tea table to serve them. sorry. But please understand our situation. Why did you bring so many soldiers to this shabby place with nothing to do with loot?

“You are the ones involved in the looting, not us. is not it? “They’re invading from across the sea.”

-It is a natural law of nature that wild animals are attracted to the smell of blood.

“If you think about it that way, it is natural for the strong to oppress the weak, so I hope you will quietly follow my words.”

-Be scared.

“Shall I make it scarier?”

Step by step.

I left my companions behind and approached Mongma.

“I guess they look down on us because physical force doesn’t work well here… .”

-Huh. if so?

“If conversation doesn’t work like this, I’ll have no choice but to take extreme measures of my own.”


The young succubus smiled.

-I would be grateful if you could tell me what number it is.

“I have the skill of resurrecting the dead. “I will kill you all and bring you back to life.”

I summoned the [Hundred Returns of Reincarnation] card.

The golden card sparkled in my hand.

“Beings killed by me will obey my commands after they are revived. It would be no problem to subjugate you dream demons into my hands.”


“Do you think I’m bluffing?”

I looked into the eyes of the succubus right in front of me.

I had already wiped out the [Evangelist of Immortal Happiness] once.

There was no reason why I couldn’t do the same thing twice, at least for me.

The smile disappeared from the mouth of the dream demon.

-… … no. I don’t doubt your sincerity. Death King, you are a scary person.

The succubus who was looking into my eyes shook her head.

-I just feel sad.

“Are you sad? what?”

– To be exact, it is not an emotion felt by us, but by the beast that is the original body of this body. In the end, the way you persuade us is also the logic of power.

It was then.

A gunshot was heard from the other side of the iron fence.

“My lord!”


The ghosts and devils instantly surrounded me. But there was nothing wrong with me. It didn’t seem like either Agwi or Samagun were hurt.

The succubus giggled after seeing our behavior.

-don’t worry. The way you talk, this too is a pipe dream.

Gunshots still rang out beyond the barbed wire fence.

When I looked in the direction where the gunfire was heard, a man holding a small child was running towards me, panting.

Like being chased by someone.

-How a single moment of experience leaves a deep mark on you. The more you know, the more surprising it is.

The man looked back endlessly.

However, as if he would never let the child look behind his back, he covered the child’s body.

A man with a bushy beard whispered to the child.

-Never look at it. Do you understand?


After hearing the child’s voice, I realized.

That was the Black Dragon Master’s childhood.

Both the man and the child had stains on their clothes, probably because they hadn’t washed for a long time. The muddy water got on the hem of my pants and hardened. With heavy steps, the man and child were running away.

“When I was seven years old.”

I recalled a story the Black Dragon Lord told me long ago.

“My father died in a civil war while I was in the outside world.”

There was a narrow door in the iron fence.

The man forced the child into the door first.

The gunshots came closer and closer.

“I was running away with my parents, but I think the soldiers were chasing me. “My father stayed behind.”

The child screamed as he got stuck in the iron gate.

-dad! dad… … .

-Never look behind you! Go first! Dad will follow you!

The man forcibly pushed the child into the iron fence. The child continued to scream, but moved her feet as her father told her.

“I really ran without looking back.”

After that, the man’s appearance was not captured in the Black Dragon Master’s memories.

But at the end, behind the young Black Dragon Master, Puck! I heard the sound of something falling to the ground.

After that sound, the sight of the iron fence did not continue.


I was able to guess the identity of the sound.

After sending the child away, the man may have attempted to climb over the iron fence.

I must have climbed the fence like I would climb a tree.

Then he was hit by a bullet and died instantly, falling to the ground.

The last sound the Black Dragon Master remembers probably contains something like that.

-No matter how strong you are, you cannot undo the irreversible.

The succubus said calmly.

-So, the best policy is to prevent a situation in advance. You have to prepare and prepare endlessly. The original body of this body thinks that way. Whenever I meet someone, I have a habit of imagining their death. pitifully.

“I know even if you don’t tell me.”

-what. So do you also know that this original has prevented eight kidnapping and assassination attempts against you so far?

“… … what?”

I looked back at the monster in surprise.

-You have grown rapidly. It’s not surprising if there are forces that have bad interests there. Although the original was destroyed and destroyed as much as possible, spies from various countries from the outside world still remain in the tower.


-If you don’t have strength, you can’t even protect the lives of people around you.


The moon that rose in the sky of the dream world was split.

The red moon broke into pieces and fell to the horizon.

-Death King. Since you are a person with power, I will bow my head for now. I will order the compatriots who set sail across the sea to return. But you can’t stay on the continent forever and take care of the seven races, right?

The ground became soft and turned into a pink sea.

Plop, plop-.

Pieces of the moon fell into pieces and fell into the pink sea water.

-You only temporarily overpowered us. I couldn’t really convince you. After all, that’s what coercion by force is all about.

A tsunami occurred in the sea where the moon fell.

The moment the seawater rose to the sky and was about to hit us, the succubus’ shape also melted.

-See you next. Death King.

And the dream world collapsed.


“—Death King? Are you okay, junior?”

I suddenly came to my senses.

The Black Dragon Master was looking at me with a worried face.


“I’m glad. Your eyes have returned.”

I looked around.

It was not the jungle scenery that unfolded in Urubka’s dreams.

My body lay in the square of the port town.

“The dream demons… … .”

“Right after you talked to the horned deer, I was suddenly pulled out of the dream. What happened? “Did you succeed or fail in persuasion?”

“For now, it was a success.”

As if to prove my point, the villagers lying in the square began to wake up one by one.

His body movements were a bit blurry, perhaps because he had been dreaming for a long time, but fortunately, there seemed to be no danger to his life.

“Haaa… .”

The Black Dragon Master sighed deeply.

He finally looked relieved.

“good job. It doesn’t matter if you find out what happened later… .”


I grabbed the Black Dragon Master’s wrist.

The Black Dragon Master looked back at me while tilting his head.

“I have something to tell you.”

“…What is with your serious face all of a sudden?”

“Because it’s serious.”

A strange silence passed between us.

I caught my breath.

Then, looking straight into the eyes of the Black Dragon Master, he opened his mouth.

“senior. “I am a regressor.”


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