SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Chapter 182

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Episode 182 < Our children have changed. (3) >


-Bad guys… . Ignorant people who only know muscles… .

The aspiring actor elf sobbed for a while and then returned home. Life was so unfair that I cried all the way home.

-Where have you been shooting and now you’re here?

The same goes for being mistreated at home.

-Did you really wander around the theater again?

-He’s aged as he should, but he still can’t come to his senses. Baby. It’s a blood drama and all that, it’s a play to brainwash the designated tribes. In the end, it means attending and worshiping Kekerukker. What is that good that makes you drool so much?

Unlike the designated tribes, the elves built magnificent mansions and enjoyed luxury. The aspiring actor’s family was also wealthy. To the fairies, who were born as merchants and lived as merchants for granted, aspiring actors were a different species.

-no it’s not… .

The wannabe elf muttered as he munched on his dinner at the table.

-There is no bloody drama that tells us to worship Kekerukker… . Rather, the blood dramas are stories about the things that Kekerukker worships… .

-What does he say?

-I don’t know. My voice is so low I can’t hear it.

-You are an adult now. Everything I have clothed and fed so far has been converted into money and kept in a ledger. We’ll pay it off interest-free without taking inflation into account, so pay it back quickly. If you’re not going to pay it back, get out of the house.

-How can our family only know money?

The aspiring actor elf was furious.

-No, why are our species so crazy about making money?

-Making money is fun.

-I have no fun at all! What fun is it to rip off ignorant designated tribesmen!

-It is said that catching and eating tiger fish is the most enjoyable thing. Anyway, are you going to pay child support or not?

-This race is crazy.

The aspiring elf stood up resolutely.

-It is a tradition and obligation to repay your parents for all the money you spent until you become an adult. Even taking it for granted… !

-The money was spent because of you, of course.

-You write down everything in your ledger on the day your child is born, starting with the expenses incurred by the midwife and everything you ate and wore that day! Is it sick? Does this race have a disease that will kill them if they don’t use ledgers? done. Awesome house! I’ll just run away from home.

The aspiring elf left the house in stride. The moment he was about to leave the front door, his family called from behind.

-Hey! Sonia!


-No matter where you go, you should take your debt documents with you! here!

The family brought a cart.

There were scrolls piled up in the cart like a mountain.

It was all debt documents.

-If you run away from home, you are no longer part of the family, so prices and interest will be calculated. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Because you will only receive the lowest interest rate. If you get a job at any top company and work for 12 years, you can repay it. Earn money hard.

-f*ck, what a piece of shit… .

-From now on, every time you say another curse word, the interest rate will be raised by 1%.


-ah. I also added the cost of the cart. For some reason, it seemed like you were going to run away from home someday. I prepared it in advance. I’m thankful that I chose something sturdy but cheap. What are you doing? Sonia. Hurry and get out of the house.

The aspiring elf pulled the cart with a tearful expression on his face.

Rattling. Rattling.

As the wheel rolled, it cried mournfully.

Bae Hu-ryeong and I were watching a sad landscape painting by a young elf.

“It’s not like there aren’t any normal races in this world… ?”

-I know. I knew that your tower had a lot of idiots, but this is starting to make me nervous… .

The elf didn’t have money, so he couldn’t even get a room in a shabby inn. She just squatted next to the theater and fell asleep using the cart as a windbreak. Sniff. The cries of Cheongseung permeated the streets bathed in moonlight.

[Purchase ‘Appears in a Dream.’]

[100 race points are consumed!]

[Your current race points are 8702.]

And now it was my turn to show up.

“It’s Sonia.”

I entered the dream of a would-be elf and spoke to him.

Unlike Gorke or Uburka, the elf’s dreamscape is… What can I say, it was quite vulgar. Gorgeous party venue. Hobgoblin servants with bulging muscles were supporting the aspiring elf.

-I’m sorry, Grand Actress Sonia. Until now, we have not been able to recognize the true nature of the genius actor… .

-Ahahaha! They only have muscles but their acting skills are great! Come on, pour yourself a drink!

– Ugor. It is an honor to be able to fill the glass of great actress Sonia… .

That’s awesome.

As for who is the most awesome, the count who corrupted the fairy race’s unconsciousness to this point is the most awesome. Literally a fairy. It turned into a strange spirit.

“It’s Sonia. It’s Sonia. “I need to come to my senses.”

-huh? What. Why are there such unscrupulous purebreds?

“I am the one who guides the designated tribe. This is what you call Kekerukker. Since your fairy tribe has joined under the flag of the designated tribe, you should also belong to my territory.”


“Didn’t you cry during the day today? You can be a Kekerukker, a great cat, or even a devil, so please let me debut you. Be happy. “I came down here after hearing your miserable cries.”

-What bullshit… … .

There was a moment to strengthen our friendship with our fists.

-Sorry for not seeing you! Kekerukker!

“Forgive me. Even Gorke suspected me of being the devil at first. In the end, they realized my sincerity and praised me. “As we live in this difficult world, we must not forget how to be suspicious of others.”

-yes! Thank you for your forgiveness! Kekerukker!

“From now on, when you call me, please call me [Merciful and Kind Kekerkker].”


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Sonia glanced up at me from her kneeling position. The bright look in her eyes made me wonder, ‘What is this new kind of body?’ She did and she seemed to say. I smiled and raised my fist.

“why? “Do you have any complaints?”

-Oh, it’s nothing. Kekerukker, merciful and kind!

“Now I’m ready to have a chat.”

I sat on a silk cushioned chair and drank a watermelon beer. what. It tastes like a mixture of grated cucumbers. Plus, it tastes strangely sweet… . Why are my kids obsessed with this spicy drink?

“It’s Sonia. Don’t be afraid of me. “I just want to grant your wish.”

-Yes, yes… .

“okay. You want to become an actor? “I will make you an actor.”


“then. Really. This Kekerukker has never said anything to you. But before I lend you my power, I need to do a quick ideological check.”

Sonia blinked.

-Ideology verification… ?

“Recently, false stories have been flooding in and deceiving many children. Kekerukker cannot help feeling miserable. “I ask you whether you are qualified to be the third prophet. Please answer.”

I said seriously.

“What kind of person is the Flame Emperor?”

-uh… .

Sonia tilted her head.

-That’s right… 개새끼죠? According to the most classic blood drama… . While Keke was living a normal life, one day, he met the most evil man in the world and had a great awakening. His name was Flame Emperor. Nowadays, there has been an increase in the use of Flame Emperor for the good side, the so-called “actually he was a good guy” tone, but I don’t look at it very favorably. There are assholes in the world. And you may be able to rewrite people, but you can’t rewrite assholes… .

“It’s Sonia.”


He placed his hand on the aspiring actor’s shoulder.

“You really have a promising future!”

-Yes, yes?

I smiled broadly.

“They say you can recognize a successful tree starting from its cotyledons. Uh huh. “This kid is not an ordinary giant tree, but a talented person who can chew up the world tree!”

-Ah yes….

“How could a good child like you be born among all you fairies who only care about money? It is a lotus flower blooming in the mud, a black pearl in a shell. “This is truly a beautiful performance!”

-Is that so? lol. Since you only say the right things, I don’t know what to do… .

Sonia scratched her head sheepishly. A warm friendship blossomed between us that transcended race and era.

-But how specifically did you say you would help me? .

“Simple. “Let me borrow your body for a moment.”

There is one item that I previewed in the Civilization Store.


[Personal Possession]

Rank: A-

Effect: Possesses a character of your choice. The original owner of the possessed body becomes a mental body and stays with you. When the character dies or you announce the end of possession, the spirit body returns to its original body!

Cost: 2,000 racial points

※However, the item can only be used if the person in question agrees to possession.


It is upward compatibility with the animal possession item.

-Well, you can borrow my body… . omg. no way?

“Hey. “I don’t know what bad things you were imagining, but I have single-minded focus on Raviel.”

-ah… . It was like that. really.

“I am simply saying that I will possess your body. Don’t stay too long. It will only last until I turn you into a top actor. “If you leave before then, I will leave.”

Sonia rolled her eyes.

-Do I have to sacrifice my soul in return? ?

“Oh my, what can I use your soul for? “Even after I possess you, your spirit will remain in a corner.”


“If you don’t like it, don’t. “There are a lot of designated tribes who would be happy if I were to possess them.”

-Oh, no. no!

Sonia said hurriedly.

-Please be sure to possess it! Kekerukker, merciful and kind! I will do anything if I can go on stage and debut!

“okay. That’s the spirit! “If a person wants something, he or she must achieve it, even if it means chasing it to the end of the universe.”

I purchased the item right away.

[Purchase ‘Personal Possession’.]

[2000 race points are consumed!]

[Your current race points are 6702.]

“You have no regrets, right?”


“No complaints?”

-doesn’t exist!

“good. Then, I will consider you as consenting and I will possess your body.”

– De, come in!


The sound of water in the toilet flushing rang and I felt dizzy. She closed her eyes tightly and opened them. Then, the cityscape, which had already become early dawn, came into view.


I repeatedly clenched and unclenched my fists.

Beautiful hands.

My palms were pale, as if I had never held a sword in my life.

“It’s a little awkward, but… . Well, it’s better than when I first became possessed by a lion. “I’ll get used to it soon.”

-oh my god. Great cat.

A startled voice came from inside my head. It was Sonia’s voice.

-You really were possessed… ?

“Did I say something or not? “I’ve never scolded you.”

-Sorry, sorry. To be honest, I half suspected it might be a devilish scam… . These days, there are so many rumors about my mind being eaten by the devil, that I saw a strange-looking monster, etc… .

I tried turning the Auror around with a blood sword. Are the fairies originally sensitive to auras? Or maybe Sonia was surprisingly talented? After using the auror four or five times, flames soon appeared on the palm of my hand.

-Three, oh my god.

Looking at you surprised, I guess you didn’t have much talent.

-Nonsense! The fire of the soul is so easy… .

-Who’s been hanging around since dawn?

With a squeak, the theater door opened. The troupe owner who had kicked Sonia out yesterday was holding the doorknob. She looked like she had just woken up, as if she was living here.

– Uger? What. Is it you again?

When our eyes met, the theater company made a disgusted expression.

-The screening is over. The roles for the next blood drama have also been decided. I have no role for you, so please stop messing around. Since you are a fairy, you will eat well and live well even if you don’t become an actor.

“Extreme Lord.”

I got down on my knees politely.

“I ran away from home.”


“Look at the cart here. This is a debt document claiming that it is the amount of money my family has fed and clothed us with. I told him I would continue to be an actor even if I die, so they slapped me with a debt document and kicked me out. “I will charge you back with interest.”


“I really have no back left now!”

I shouted indignantly.

“It’s okay even if it’s just a little role. It doesn’t matter if it’s a short role. Please just put it on stage! Look at my acting, not my muscles! In the name of Kekerukker, Gorke, and Uburka, I will definitely repay Danju’s trust!”

-Uger, how did a fairy race like this happen to be born… … .

The hobgoblin troupe covered his forehead with one hand.

-… … i get it. I’m really giving you one last chance. However, you can’t give a role just because you ask for it. Prove that you can captivate the audience even with your meager muscles.

“How can I prove it?”

-Try acting right here and here.

The extreme leader sat on the ground and crossed his arms.

-Specially, we are allowing one more opportunity for review. There are no more privileges than this.


“What should I act?”

-Every actor has a role that can be considered a gateway to advancement. How well an actor performs determines the quality of an actor. Although it is an old act, it is very difficult, and it shows the actor’s quality very well.

“If it’s a highly difficult performance… .”

The theater leader said solemnly.

-[Raviel and Kekerukker]. Take a look at the scene where Kekerkker confesses her love to Raviel and reveals her heart.


-Don’t blame me for asking for something too difficult. As I said, you are already receiving great privileges. There are also theater companies that only allow designated tribes to become actors.

I tilted my head.

“uh… . “Is that okay?”

-As expected, you show off as a beginner.

The theater leader snorted.

-The scene where Kekerukker confesses to Raviel is difficult for even mature actors to pull off. To Kekerukker, Raviel is her goddess, and with all her tongue she must praise the beauty of this goddess. And only sincerely. With the sorrowful feeling that if I don’t love you right now, I will die, I might really die! It’s not easy acting at all!


-Incompetent actors try to avoid this scene by crying and crying. conflict! It’s not like that. Kekerukker is neither begging for love nor clinging to love. She only wants to add to Raviel’s glory by purely expressing her love for her goddess. To completely hand over her existence to the other person. Anyone who hasn’t experienced this can’t do it.

okay… ?

I have the confidence to praise my lover non-stop for 360 hours.

Isn’t it the easiest thing in the world?

“Anyway, you want me to act out the scene where I confess to Raviel, right?”

-Yes. Of course, I don’t think a salty fairy like you will understand love.

“All right.”

I took a deep breath.

I imagined Raviel sitting in front of me with her chin resting on her chin.

Hair resembling a silver fox about to hibernate. His eyes are narrow, as if he got a little less sleep. Red eyes. ‘You’re sleepy.’ Whispering breath. ‘Try to wake me up sometime, Confucius.’

Because of your presence, I can love the world a little more.

“Raviel. my soul. My eternal redness. I didn’t know the color red until I met you. I thought I knew. But your eyes, those eyes. When I look into your eyes from the side—.”

I opened my mouth.

Exactly two minutes later, the extremist’s expression changed.

– That’s ridiculous!

The troupe leader suddenly stood up and was astonished.

-This, this tongue play… . This ridiculous confession of love… . This is like a centipede chicken trying desperately to be cute… . Mo, everything is perfect! Doesn’t it seem like it’s Kekerkker itself!?

that’s right. Baby.

Dad came.


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