SSS-Class Gacha Hunter Chapter 284

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Episode 284

outer space (1)

Whether it is a single attack or a martial arts attack, it is a technique of ‘conceptual separation’, and ‘Mugeuk’, which is a combination of the two, was also the same.

<Non-pole>, which goes beyond physical phenomena and acts as an absolute concept, ‘can never be avoided.’ And it embraces the concept that ‘it can never be stopped.’

Therefore, it is an absolute blow that cannot be resisted.

However, to be honest, I did not think that <Mugeuk> would work without fail.

As expected, the concept that makes up <Mugeuk> is the concept of ‘my universe’. ‘Cut’ in outer space. Or ‘avoid.’ No, maybe the concept of ‘death’ didn’t even exist.

To conclude, it was all unfounded.

The degree was swung and that was the end. There was no sound, no trace, only results.

thud. thud. thud. thud.

Immediately after Jeong Do swung his sword, all the fishmen fell from their seats. After a while, the bodies of the fishmen turned into black ashes and disappeared in the wind.

“Huh. Lord, I almost died… Ugh! Confucius. “Are you okay?”

“Whew. after. Huh. after.”

“Oh, you don’t look good. “Well, is something wrong?”

“Whew. it’s okay. I just felt dizzy for a moment. “I think I was a little surprised by unfamiliar technology.”

“Hmm. It was truly an amazing technology. No, to be honest, I’m not sure what happened in Jim’s eyes.”

I swung my sword and the monsters fell.

That was all Yuseon could figure out. The season called <Mugeuk> was a supreme state that even the same heavenly beings could not understand.

“But is it really okay? “Your complexion is not good.”

“are you okay. Because I’m just a little tired. “You will recover quickly.”

That’s what they said, but the reality wasn’t very good. It felt like I was going to faint at any moment, but I was barely holding on.

‘I was short-thinking.’

When I saw the notification that said <no action>, I immediately scribbled it down without even realizing it, but that was a mistake. If you think about it, in the past, even that Cheok Jun-gyeong used too much <Mugeuk> and his body collapsed. How can he possibly be okay?

Jeongdo forced himself to swallow the blood that was flowing back and caught his breath.

“Hello. after.”

“Oh, Confucius? I guess it’s best to get some rest… … ?”

“no. Even if you rest, you should get out of this place as much as possible. “I don’t know when those fishmen from earlier will attack again.”

No matter where I looked, I could easily find a swamp. When I think back to when those guys came out of the swamp earlier, the current situation is… … Maybe I was in a situation where I was in the middle of a den of bastards.

Jeong-do took heavy steps. I felt like my bones were shaking with every step I took.

‘But it’s not necessarily a bad thing.’

Consecutive body collapse. Normally it would have been a very fatal situation, but this time was an exception.


As the Caliburn held in Jeongdo’s hand emitted golden light with a slight tremor, a notification window appeared in front of Jeongdo’s eyes.

<Sword of Time – Caliburn reacts to the user’s pain.>

<The user’s mana increases by 8, strength increases by 9, and mana sensitivity increases by 11.>

<There is a very low probability that the skill level of the talent <Patience-lv.3> will increase slightly. Increases your tolerance to all pain. The load time due to <Load Draw> increases slightly. Body recovery speed slightly increases.>

“hmm? Huh. Confucius. “Your complexion has suddenly improved again.”

“So I told you. “It will be okay in a little while.”

“Who would believe me when I say that? Anyway, you have a body like a goblin.”

Yoo Seon stuck out his tongue. I also completely agreed with the degree. Jeongdo looked at his hand and Caliburn alternately.

‘I knew it would be a good match, but.’

I never thought it would be this good.

The ability score bonus was applied twice due to physical collapse due to the talent’s level up and physical collapse due to <No Geuk>.

In addition, the talent that was explained in the description as being activated with a low probability was strengthened twice. This is probably a wired effect. As expected, choosing Yuseon as a partner to enter the dungeon with was an excellent decision.

“uh? for a moment… … .”

“hmm? What’s going on?! “Are they coming again?”

“Oh, it’s not like that. “I suddenly remembered something worth testing.”

Jeongdo said that and looked at Yuseon. Then he looked at the Caliburn he held in his hand.

I repeated that twice. Yoo Seon asked Jeong Do in an anxious voice.

“Um, Confucius? “Your eyes are scary.”

“Yooseon. “Don’t you have any desire to become stronger?”

“Of course there is… … Oh, only if it’s done the normal way! Only under normal circumstances!”

When Do-do’s eyes lit up at the positive answer, Yoo-seon hurriedly set a condition. However, as if the plea was not being heard, a small ‘… … It’ll be okay, right? ‘It’s luck.’ He was muttering something like this seriously.

‘Will it work?’

What Jeong-do was thinking was very simple.

Currently, there are two level 4 talents. <Communication-lv.4> and <Heavenly Body-lv.4>, which received the effect of Caliburn.

And among them, <Cheonmujiche> was a talent that Yoo Seon also possessed.

In other words, it is possible to link talent levels through <communication>.

“… … Hmm.”

Of course, there were a few problems.

First of all, I wasn’t sure because it was my first time linking Talent Level 4. Moreover, the current <Heavenless Body-lv.4> was not entirely his own talent, but a kind of anomalous talent caused by Caliburn. Will the interconnected ability of <Communication> be properly demonstrated with such talent?

And most crucially, the biggest problem was the current state of the wired line. Unlike when it was loaded, the mammary gland is now a body with a physical body.

Of course, he will also experience physical collapse due to changes in talent. Will Yoo Seon be able to endure that pain?

“Yooseon. “Are you the type of person who can tolerate it well?”

“You can’t stand it? what?”

“Pain. General pain. Whether physical or mental. Anyway, pain.”

“… excuse me. Confucius. I seem to forget it often. Even so, in his past life, Jim was the emperor of all worlds. Do you think there were situations in Jim’s lifetime where he would feel pain?”


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The situation itself made no sense for the emperor of the Three Kingdoms period to feel pain. Will we feel it only when the country is destroyed? Even that did not apply to Yoo Seon.

Should I give up too? Moreover, unlike himself, Yoo Seon did not have the talent for <Patience>. There was a high possibility that he would not be able to overcome the extreme pain.

But just as I was about to give up again, <Strong Luck> struck me. A talent like this cheat might also stabilize the talent in a strange way.

What should I do?

It was a time when Jeong-do was completely unable to make a decision and was confused.


One by one, the fishmen began to rise from the swamp. This time, the number increased from before to a total of 6.

They seemed to know that their comrades had suffered, and they spewed out ferocious murderous energy towards Jeong Do and Yoo Seon.

“… … Confucius. What should I do now? Looking at the strength of those monsters, I don’t think they will let go easily.”

“Whatever. “It’s obvious.”

Jeongdo held Caliburn tightly. good. It moves properly. The increase in mastery of <Patience> had a better perceived effect than expected.

If this is the case, it is worth a try. After making that judgment, his eyes became cold.

“We have to take them all down.”

* * * * * *


The hooded man muttered that. He is currently watching the battle between Jeong-do, Yu-seon, and the fishmen in real time through a crystal ball.

“It’s really amazing.”

The gunman was purely amazed. When I found out that Jin Jeong-do had come all the way here in search of traces, I was just surprised, but the sight of him fighting that fish-man monster was truly enough to arouse admiration.

“The existence of the copy universe overwhelms the existence of the outer universe. “Even if I told others, they would never believe it.”

In fact, that fishman-like being was one of the weakest races among the beings in the outer universe.

However, that was only based on outer space, and the situation was different on Earth.

Each and every one of them was something that could be called a disaster on the current copy planet. It would not be an exaggeration to say that if that number were released on Earth instead of ‘here’, that would be the day the world would end.

But those monsters were being pushed aside by just one person. At first, it seemed like the beings of the outer universe were pushing back, but soon the battle was going in Jinjeongdo’s favor.

Probably because, in the process of fighting and recovering, they have finished adapting to the fish people. It was truly an amazing talent.

“Maybe I should have called a stronger race?”

The stranger muttered that, but in fact, he knew best himself that it was impossible. If I had brought in a race stronger than that fishman, I would have definitely been caught on the agent’s radar. In fact, that fishman race was barely able to be summoned by borrowing the power of the ‘Miracle of the Beginning’.


Before we knew it, the battle was over. The result was the annihilation of the fish people. Sedation and wired… … Did you say that? Anyway, the two humans survived in the end, although they were injured here and there. On the other hand, all the fishmen died.

“… … .”

The monster was lost in thought.

Is it okay for you and Jin Jeong-do to meet now? The gunman immediately shook his head.

No, it was difficult. It is still too early to be reborn as a transcendent god. Just a little more time was needed.

“I can’t help it.”

I didn’t want to use it as much as possible, I wanted to save it, but… … It was a betrayal of the truth to have neglected the great cause. The gunman decided to borrow the power of the ‘Miracle of the Beginning’ once again.

Just right.

When the gunman snapped his fingers, the location changed. The gloomy cave disappeared and dense trees filled the field of view.

“Here it is.”

And there was a very large swamp right in front of my eyes. The largest swamp in all of Ireland. In fact, it was no exaggeration to say that the reason the gunman used this place as a hideout was purely because of this swamp.


As the gunman concentrated mana on his right hand, the ring on his finger began to shake. And the moment when that mana reaches its peak.


A pillar of light began to powerfully extend into the sky from the ring. And then it pierced the sky and disappeared beyond space.

The appearance was reminiscent of a signal flare used in the military. In fact, the effect was very similar.

However, the difference was that the light fired by the stranger was aimed at someone outside the universe.


This is it. There was a high possibility that he was caught by an agent… … Still, it would be cheap if it could stop the sedation in return.

The gunman looked in the direction where Jin Jeong-do was fighting for a moment and then turned his back without the slightest regret.

Jinjeongdo can never reach this place.

The gunman was sure of that. To that extent, the being he called was an absolute being.

Not only a transcendent god, but also perhaps an absolute god. No, perhaps it is an incomprehensible being whose victory cannot be guaranteed, even if it is its agent.

Because he was a ‘great ancient being’ called ‘God’ even in the unknown universe.

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