SSS-Class Gacha Hunter Chapter 271

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Episode 271

Radiant Universe (2)

The size of the fragment was not very large.

A black, cylindrical stone about half the size of a thumb. If you look closely, the colors of the top and bottom of the cylinder are slightly different.

A very dark black and a slightly lighter grayish black. In any case, it was the same in that it was black.


As Jeong-do raised his hand while holding the fragment, the dwarves’ eyes quickly followed suit.


This time, when I got down, all six pairs of eyes turned downward. It looked like he was holding a snack in front of some kind of dog.

It got a little fun, and when the same action was repeated about three times, the dwarves couldn’t stand it and started screaming.

“Hey you bastard! Do it!”

“Are we dogs? dog? Yes, it’s good. If you want to bark, bark and if you want to roll, roll! “I’ll do worse than that!”

“Woof woof!”


“… … .”

I broke out in a cold sweat. The reaction to just one joke was so cruel and sad.

What on earth is that fragment that makes people so miserable? Is the dignity of an intelligent being bound to become infinitely weak in the face of matter? They did not hesitate to become pigs and dogs themselves.

“greatness. The joke ends here. ruler.”

Jeongdo said that and handed the fragment to Jis.

“Who else would I entrust this to if not you guys? “I wanted to show you from the beginning.”

In fact, at first, I thought about just digesting it on my own without showing it to the dwarves. After all, I had absorbed fragments once before, so I expected it would be easy this time too.

But why? The reality was not so easy.

Jeongdo closed his eyes and concentrated while holding the fragment in his hand, but there was no reaction like in the previous wireless world. She was faced with a frustrating situation where it seemed like something would work out, but in the end it didn’t work out.

To be honest, I could have forced myself to do it if I wanted to, but I had a feeling about it. If you use it like this, the efficiency is really shit.

“It definitely felt similar to the fragments used back then, but there was something different about it. “Rather than suffering alone, it is best to consult with an expert.”

“Cluck. Well thought out. Imagine losing that treasure for nothing. “I’ve been bad at sleeping with my feet up all my life.”

After saying that, Jis took out the goggles from his pocket and put them on. Then, he carefully examined the small fragment on his thick palm. Seeing his serious attitude, Jeong-do also lowered his voice and asked carefully.

“how is it? Do you know something?”

“hmm. I’ll have to take a closer look to be sure, but even at a glance, I can see the problem. “You said it felt different from the last time you wrote it, right?”

“yes. Something similar yet a little different… … “It’s the same sport, but on one side it’s like baseball and on the other it’s like softball.”

“What bullshit?”

Jis grumbled but took off his goggles, saying he understood what he wanted to say.

“It’s bound to feel different. “The piece of fragment you brought back then was completely pure and perfect, and now it is worn and worn.”


“I don’t know who touched it, but an unqualified person behaved harshly. Ah, this is why you shouldn’t be ignorant. This precious thing… … .”

Jis looked at the fragment with sad eyes, as if his own child had been injured.

“I’m sure the guy who had it used it.”

I turned the barrier that amplifies the magical properties on and off repeatedly. And perhaps the fragments played a big role when fusing with Osiris. Now that I say this, I see that it is truly a second-hand product among second-hand goods.

Jeongdo asked Jis in a slightly disappointed tone.

“So you’re saying this guy can’t use miracles like before?”

“Cl. Normally, that would be the case, but you are lucky. Because the best craftsmen in the universe are gathered here. Hey, everyone move to the hideout.”

With Jis in the lead, Jeongdo and the dwarves moved from the dungeon entrance to the hideout. In the center of the hideout where I opened the door and entered, Mikhail was sleeping soundly, stretched out.


And then Jis kicked Mikhail. Mikhail, who rolled to the side, shouted in surprise.

“Oh my, you crazy! Why did this old man come here? Come on, I’ll kill you before you get ugly… … Uh, did you come here too?”

“It’s noisy. “Quickly go into the workshop and prepare for time expansion.”

“You crazy bastard! I wrote that a little while ago! Stop someone and kill them… … Oh, of course I should. “Of course I have to do it.”

Jis didn’t say anything and just opened his palms. And Mikhail’s attitude changed. In any case, these dwarves were servants who would give up their lives for anything interesting and valuable.

“But is it okay to use time expansion or something? “When I brought the fragments with me, I couldn’t use it because it was dangerous.”

“It’s different from back then. At that time, it was our first time dealing with it so we had to be as careful as possible, and now we’ve experienced it once, right? I analyzed everything then. “I don’t mind using it.”


People who seemed so cool and serious in normal times looked really cool when they held a hammer. Jeong Do calmly sat in his seat, looking at their sturdy backs as they entered the workshop.

“Oh, I’ll do my best, but it’s better not to expect it to play perfectly. “I’m afraid I might be disappointed if I have expectations.”

“You have to take that into account.”

No matter how much you remodel a used product, in the end, a used product is still a used product. It would be unconscionable to want something that is exactly the same as the new one.


Jis entered the workshop for the last time and closed the door.

And immediately the door opened and seven dwarves poured out. It was the power of time expansion.

However, because their fatigue remained the same, they all had haggard faces. Jis came forward as a representative and extended his hand to Jeong Do.

“after. “For now, the first process has been completed.”

“First round? So you’re saying there’s a second round?”

“yes. I have been exposed to demonic energy for too long and need time to neutralize it. “I brought it here just in case you might be able to use it in this state.”


Jeong Do received a fragment from JIS.


Then a reaction that I had never seen before came. The fragment began to vibrate slightly in Jeongdo’s hand.

‘I can feel it.’


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I sense something distinctly different from before from the fragments. Maybe this could really use the same miracle as before?

The doctor slowly closed his eyes. And in my heart, I strongly hoped that <communication> would move.

<The Primordial Fragment activates. (Restrictions on use: Communication-lv.3 or higher)>

Use restrictions.

There was no way the Demon God had <Communication>, so it probably meant that he couldn’t use it properly. The demon god used his transcendent powers even though he only licked the surface of the watermelon.

The ‘fragment of the beginning’ is the source of a miracle that can become anything. I thought for a moment about what I should pray for.

But the worries did not last long. Yes, I’m going to do it as hot as possible.

‘Communication level 5.’


The fragment began to glow and vibrate violently. The dwarves watched the miracle happening in front of their eyes with exclamation, ‘Oh-oh-‘.


The doctor suddenly vomited out a handful of blood. At the same time, the light emanating from the fragment faded and a notification window appeared in front of her.

<Warning. Level 5 talents cannot be implemented. This is a transfer that is outside the information limit of space and outer space.>

<The current fragments cannot create concepts that did not exist before.>

<Please don’t overdo it.>

“Rotten. Now you’re talking too. “Did you tell me earlier?”


I let out a long breath, calming down my agitated insides. The dwarves came rushing in and making a fuss, looking worried.

“Well, what is it? Are you okay? “What’s wrong?”

“it’s okay. “It’s nothing special, but I guess I was hoping for something a little too much.”

“What did you want?”

“Just a little talent level 5?”

“You crazy bastard. this.”

Do-do looked at the fragments, leaving behind the disdainful gaze of the dwarves. Fortunately, the energy I felt was the same.

“What difference will there be if I neutralize this demon energy?”

“It will be more versatile than it is now. And efficiency will probably increase.”

“then. I will take it after the second process is completed. “I’m going to think more about how to use it.”

What on earth should I do?

Unlike the previous fragments, it is said that it is impossible to create a concept that does not already exist, so would it be best to reinstall the Miracle of the Beginning?

“I see. “Ah, you won’t be able to use the time extension for the second process, so you’ll have to wait quite a while.”

For now, that’s the end of the debris issue. Afterwards, they sat at a table, drank beer, and chatted about what had happened.

A story about how Jeongdo shattered the heavenly world and the demonic world.

And in the process, it is a story about transcending transcendental gods and loading the existence of absolute gods. (When this story was told, the dwarves were all shocked. They thought there was no existence beyond the transcendental god.)

The dwarves said that, as dwarves do, they spent the intervening time exploring Scurakto’s treasures. We exchanged words like this and that, but in the end, the conversation came down to one topic.


Yes. Among the people and dwarves here, there was no one who was not addicted to lottery. This was a natural flow.

“Hmm. “I find it interesting that people are chosen by creating that contingency history.”

“Ah, now it’s a bit more detailed, so if you want, you can only select people from that group.”

That was one of the rewards I got from Winry in the ‘real universe’ this time. Previously, it was possible to randomly select a ‘real universe’ person or a ‘person from history’ through the existing <Location Draw>, but this has become differentiated.

Now, I was able to use both the <Real Space Draw> and the other.

“Hmm. Is that so? Hey, I just had an amazing idea. Everyone, listen to it.”


His haggard eyes twinkled. And everyone had a hunch. From now on, something that no one expected will happen!

“Isn’t the reason we are stuck in this small place now to become the ultimate blacksmith? And the greatest blacksmith we know is Hephaestus.”


“But Hephaestus is a transcendent god. But Jinjeong also says that above the transcendental God, there is also a being called absolute God.”

“you idiot. So what are you doing? “There is absolutely no guarantee that there is a blacksmith among the gods.”

Jeong Do also agreed with that statement.

Is there a more named blacksmith in all of Earth mythology than Hephaestus? Probably not? Even if there was one, it would be at a similar level and not at the level of an absolute god.

But Mikhail went one step further.

“Then we have to make it. “We will select Hephaestus, who has become an ‘absolute god,’ through a historical lottery!”

“… uh?”

“her. I thought this guy was smart. “What a genius!”

“Wow, if you are taught by an absolute god, will you surpass even our Hephaestus?”

The dwarves were amazed and amazed. And Jeongdo was equally impressed. Of course, the meaning was different.

‘It’s not like I can say I want to set If.’

There were more than one thing to tackle.

Absolute god Hephaestus? Well, the possibility is not 0. However, the person who establishes the character of If is not himself, but Winri of the ‘copy universe’. Did she really set it up like that?

And let’s say, just in case, Winry chooses Hephaestus, the ‘absolute god’.

How are you going to pull that off? Shin is definitely not the name of someone’s dog!

Has everyone felt that kind of gaze? Mikhail smiled and said to Jeongdo.

“I know what you want to say. But also soothing. We are not who we used to be. “This is a body that has gone through endless training in drawing!”

“… … training?”

“This is it!”

Saying that, Mikhail took out a thin, square object from his pocket. And he showed it to the degree and proudly shouted.

“How do you feel?”

“… … her. “Where did you get this?”

What Mikhail took out with confidence was his cell phone. The very smartphone used in modern society!

Jeongdo looked around at the dwarves with blank eyes. They were all holding a smartphone each.

“Someone happened to enter this dungeon not long ago? “And then a bright idea occurred to me, so I changed the test content.”

“The test content was decided to ‘present items related to the drawing’. So he offered this product.”

“I was so happy that they gave me a weapon that was lying around in the warehouse, so I left. You idiot! “This is much more valuable!”

“… … .”

Jeong Do took over the cell phone from Mikhail. The energy of mana could be felt as if the dwarves had touched it here and there, but the contents themselves were identical to those of modern times.

And one game installed on the desktop.

It was a lottery game that is currently very popular. A gacha game famous for its gorgeous illustrations, directing, and poor cost-effectiveness that can be said to be the best of all time.

“… … “How is this spread?”

“Ah, you had a hard time with that part. After tearing up the dungeon a bit, I used mana expansion magic there… .”

Mikhail explained excitedly, but no one could hear him anymore. He was so outrageous.

This game was something I had also played before. It was a really well-made game, but it was too demanding, so I quickly quit playing it.

Jeong Do ran the app player on his smartphone and was immediately impressed.

“Wow, Mr. All 6 star collections?!”

“after. It was a well-made game. “Thanks to you, I lost a lot of money.”

“… … “Are you screaming?”


No, how did you register this device in the first place? Don’t the dwarves have cell phone numbers?

“That’s another tearful story. Didn’t he endure the pain and come out of the dungeon? After transforming into a villager with the Polymorph potion… … .”


Endure the pain and go out to play a lottery game? Are you sane?

I looked at them with tired eyes, but they didn’t have a single trace of shame on their faces. It’s really bad.

“Anyway, we realized something while practicing with it.”

They recited the truth with very, very serious eyes.

“In the end, if you push it, it will pop. “That’s because people who don’t eat well scream less.”

“This time, many elf tears came as tribute. It’s time to come out! let’s go!”

Humans are always foolish and repeat the same mistakes… … okay. Even if I said it in this situation, I wouldn’t be able to hear it.

“I don’t know anymore.”

Jeongdo shouted loudly.



Winry. You said things like mana and abilities used in drawings are helpful to the ‘real universe’, right?

I think I can help you a lot today.

There are now 7 members up for grabs.

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