SSS-Class Gacha Hunter Chapter 260

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Episode 260

resurrection (2)

Everyone here was taken aback by the unexpected development, but the level of bewilderment they felt was not the same.

Takujin, who was suddenly called in, was greatly embarrassed by the extent of his encounter with the people he had defeated, but the person who was most embarrassed in this situation was none other than Osiris.

He still had a hard time grasping what had just happened. When he put his hand under his nose, thick blood came out. It was definitely a mana reflux phenomenon.

It’s a phenomenon I’ve only experienced a few times in the distant past when I was a young chick, but I’ve never experienced it since I achieved divine status.

It was something that could not have happened in common sense.

“What is this?”

Osiris muttered absentmindedly.

Of course, life is a series of practical challenges, so it is not surprising that things that go beyond common sense happen.

However, if the subject who judges common sense is someone like Osiris, the story is different.

Supreme beings called transcendental gods. They were beings who had lived through an absurd amount of time and at the same time had the spirit and ability to endure that absurd time.

It was safe to say that for them, there was almost nothing that went beyond common sense. This phenomenon of mana reflux was a very refreshing shock to Osiris.

And it wasn’t that difficult to find the cause of that refreshing shock. Isn’t this a being that he brought to life himself? Rather, it was strange that I didn’t know.

Osiris raised his head and looked at the old man.

A sturdy old man kneeling down and crying like a child. It was a comical sight, but Osiris did not let down his guard.

When reviving the dead through <The Book of the Dead>, it was possible to manipulate part of the dead person’s mind to make it act as desired.

… It goes without saying, but I have never manipulated myself into crying like that. In other words, the old man was saying that his mental manipulation did not work.

Osiris’ alertness increased significantly.

A being that not only puts a huge burden on you, but is also immune to mental manipulation?

Although he had to bear a huge penalty to force his way to this place, it was ridiculous that he could not control even a dead person who did not even have <God Prestige>.

Osiris immediately changed his plan.

An old man who is beyond his scope of understanding. And the young human in front of him was the one who had killed the old man once.

It was a very disturbing story that there were two uncertain elements that I had not expected. It never occurred to me that I would lose… … There was a need to prepare for any eventuality.

‘Anyway, the purpose was achieved.’

A fragment of the origin was recovered from the body of the person who used the advertised title of Demon God. There is no need to waste your mental energy on unnecessary things, just disappear like this. It is not too late to do research on those mysterious beings later… .

It was then.

“Gingereoungdooooo! Please, don’t ask me this. Dear Hades… .”

Osiris looked at the old man as he cried, even though it was so sad. The old man lifted his lowered head and was pleading with the young man.


Osiris’ movements suddenly stopped. His eyes were fixed on the face of the mysterious old man, Takujin.

The moment he looked straight into the old man’s face, Osiris fell into shock as if he had been struck by lightning.


Was it because he was the transcendental god of resurrection?

I could tell at a glance.

That the old man was the person who had reached the ultimate he had been seeking.

The destination he wanted to reach as he was obsessed with ‘ultimate immortality.’ It was right there.

‘I have to catch it.’

How could a mortal have such powers? A question crossed my mind for a moment, but it soon disappeared. I couldn’t afford to worry about that.

catch Grab it no matter what.

And you have to make that old man yours. The only thought that existed in Osiris’ mind now. Now, fragments of the origin were nothing more than trivial things.


A powerful energy of death began to surge from Osiris’ body. Without thinking about the future anymore, I unleashed all of my saved strength. Osiris stretched out her hand toward Taku Jin. Her hands began to be filled with the energy of death.

‘It’s difficult to take out someone who belongs to another underworld, but… … .’

The universe was wide, and as wide as it was, there were many different worlds. The same goes for the underworld. One netherworld was not enough to accommodate the countless dead.

Even though you are the master of the underworld, it is taboo to interfere with the dead belonging to other underworlds. You can’t and you shouldn’t.

However, there was one thing worth looking at between Osiris and Takujin right now.

<Book of the Dead>.

Because Takujin was revived with this special weapon, a connection with Osiris was created. In addition, if you use your own power, it is quite possible to take out a dead person… .



The energy of death gathered in my right hand exploded with sparks. cried Osiris, grimacing her fair face like a demon.

“this guy! “You were a member of Hades!”

Not all gods who rule the underworld are of the same level. Osiris is also a higher being among the transcendental gods, but unfortunately, he falls slightly short of Hades.

No matter how much he borrowed the power of the <Book of the Dead>, it was a long shot to intervene in a world ruled by a god of a higher rank than himself.

‘Besides, he’s not just a member of the family, he’s a direct member of Hades. Why did a guy like that react to <The Book of the Dead>?’

A being so tightly bound to the master of the underworld could not be brought back to life, no matter how much the Book of the Dead was used.

But even so, the fact that he was able to be saved with <The Book of the Dead>… .

‘Hades condoned it?’


Goosebumps ran up my spine.

It’s the worst. Could it be that Hades was reading about how he would come here and use the Book of the Dead? Or just a coincidence?

Whatever it was, what was certain was that there were too many things that happened that he didn’t know about. The plan went completely awry. It would have been best to just leave here without any further thought.

‘no way!’

My lifelong dream was right in front of me. Are you telling me to run away with that in front of me? If he had died, he would have died, which could never have happened.

Osiris quickly rushed towards Takujin. She completely forgot that she was fighting with Jeongdo and ran with only that in mind.

The master of the underworld has absolute rights over the dead. If Takujin was killed in this state, Takujin would only return to the underworld of Hades. Even if he is stuck right next to you.


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But if you think about it the other way around, it means that it’s okay as long as you don’t kill them. Having absolute rights over the dead also meant that the rights over the living were diminished.

The conclusion Osiris reached was simple.

“I’ll catch you alive and use you forever!”

So you will find out everything.

How did we reach perfect immortality?

And how could an immortal being die! It would have been perfect if that immortality was something that could be transferred.

“… What did you say just now? forever?”

It was then.

Takujin, who had been pleading earnestly toward Jeongdo, suddenly turned with a straight face. And she spewed out fiery anger at Osiris, who was running towards her.

“How dare this crazy person throw such a curse at their first meeting?!”

<Eternal Life>, the miracle of the beginning of time when people lived their whole lives to die.

To him, the word ‘eternal’ was nothing short of a terrible curse. Takujin showed hostility towards Osiris. Transcendental God, Nabal, and nothing like that caught my eye.


Osiris thought his mind manipulation had failed, but strictly speaking, it had not completely failed.

He definitely succeeded in stimulating Takujin’s ferocity. Although it was a bit problematic that it was directed at me!

“You are mine! “You can never escape!”

But Osiris was also crazy. Two people collided in the air.


As the two monsters began to collide, a tremendous shock wave erupted. The doctor raised his arm and blocked his face.

bang! bang! bang!

As Osiris and Takujin exchanged attacks, they began to move further and further away from the island.

… … It seemed like the degree had been forgotten in both of their minds. I muttered as if it was ridiculous.

“… “What is it?”

Do-do turned his head and looked for them. They are already in the distance! thud! They were firing attacks and changing the terrain.

The degree was briefly admired. Takujin, that ignorant old man was never defeated even when facing an actual transcendental god.

And when I looked somewhere else, Cheok Jun-gyeong and the resurrected demon god were facing each other. It was a close distance that could cause fatal injury to the opponent at any time.

however… … The atmosphere was strange. They were both clearly desperate to survive, but they didn’t feel desperate. There was a strong feeling that this was an action to show something.

‘It would be nice to help… Before that, I’ll have to sort things out from here first.’

Of the people Osiris saved, only Takujin followed Osiris. The others were still showing blatant hostility towards them.


After briefly catching his breath, he grabbed Mjolnir. And then I turned and looked at them.

“jin… degree! dare… … dare!”

“I’ll kill you! I hate you! “I hate you for killing us!”

“… … joy. Crazy guys. “You also have to do the right amount of food.”

This is a situation where the beings you defeated are resurrected and curse you.

For those who were weak-hearted, this sight alone could have broken their will to fight, even if they did not fight directly. And perhaps Osiris also did this in anticipation of the same effect. To be honest, it wasn’t a very pleasant sight for him to see.



Jeongdo stamped his left foot loudly and pushed back the arm holding Mjolnir with all his might. A powerful thunderbolt began to form in Mjolnir.

“I have never once regretted crushing you guys!”

When I thought about it, it was a situation that made me angry.

They attack first, break it, and then curse it? Who told you to invade? He just did the best he could at all times.


The lightning energy in Mjolnir became more and more powerful. I looked at the thousands of resurrected people lined up in a row. They were all familiar faces.

The traitor Jo Hak-rae was the first person he killed in his life.

Monsters and bosses of various dungeons, including the Orc Lord.

There was also a man believed to be a Karma executive wearing a monkey mask and Princess Kako. Those guys will definitely be rooted out once this expedition to the Demon World is over.

There was the pirate lich Detarteron who occupied Dokdo, and there was also the king of the trolls. To some extent, I burst into laughter.

None of these guys have ever had it easy. Since I couldn’t compete with him with his natural skills, I always escaped a crisis by borrowing the power of drawing. Well, that part doesn’t seem to have changed much now.


It is true that we have improved a lot compared to when we dealt with them back then. My arm muscles swelled to the point of bursting.

To be honest, it wasn’t that scary when Osiris said he would resurrect the being he had defeated.

That’s because, compared to himself now, he was very weak except for some archangels and demonic beings. It made me wonder, ‘What does this mean?’

In fact, according to the original plan, Osiris would have directly led and commanded this army of the resurrected, and it would have been reborn as a fearsome army… Now Osiris’ eyes were elsewhere.

In short, this army of the dead was now a ragtag group, except for a few.


The energy of the young thunderbolt in the hammer reached its peak.

Thor’s hammer Mjolnir.

In fact, this Mjolnir was not a weapon with such divine power. If you had to pick a special feature, would you say it comes back after you throw it? Oh, and I could also point out that it is extremely sturdy.

But that was enough.

It was enough to contain the power of the strongest Norse god, Thor. Jeongdo screamed as loud as he could.



Mjolnir, which Jeongdo threw with all his might, spun quickly and flew towards the enemies. With a thunderbolt that threatens to burn you just by approaching it!


The ground collapsed and a loud noise spread. A cloud of dust rose up, obscuring the view, but when Jeong-do swung his arm, the wind blew the dust cloud away.

The dust clears and the scenery is revealed.

It was so terrible that it was hard to believe that it was the result of a simple throwing.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Just one blow.

2/3 of the resurrected dead were destroyed in a single blow.

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