SSS-Class Gacha Hunter Chapter 256

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Episode 256

Demon Temple (1)

Cheok Jun-kyung.

He is a Goryeo military official who is said to be the most powerful figure in the 5,000-year history of the Korean Peninsula.

Among the people recorded in history, the only person who could be compared to Cheok Jun-gyeong was Lee Seong-gye, but considering that he was the founding king of Joseon, it could be inferred that his achievements were heavily distorted. Because history is a record of the winners.

Therefore, the strongest person on the Korean Peninsula was Cheok Jun-kyung.

He was a general whose military achievements were so great that even in Joseon, the victor, his achievements could not be disparaged.

But his achievements as a general were nothing. What made him truly amazing was that he was a being of the ‘copy universe’ and surpassed himself in the ‘real universe’.

Cheok Jun-kyung from ‘The Real Universe’ is the highest ranked white person.

Jeong-do had also loaded him before, but surprisingly, Cheok Jun-kyung from the ‘real universe’ admitted that he from the copy universe was stronger.

In other words, the scope of the radiation universe exceeded even the white level. He was a person who could be called irregular in a different sense than his degree.

A poisonous species among poisonous species that has surpassed the ‘real universe’ solely through its own talent and effort.

That was Cheok Jun-gyeong, the strongest general on the Korean Peninsula.

“… … only!”


So what is the strongest general doing now?

Tsk tsk tsk.

“This is delicious! “Are there any more?”

Eating happily in the middle of the Demon God’s castle. And that too while sitting facing the demon. The Demon God took a sip of red wine and said with a chuckle.

“I’m glad you like it. Just wait a moment. I’ll have her maid bring out her new food soon. “There is a lot of food, so eat as much as you can.”

“Haha. What do you know about this? After all, it’s natural to fill your stomach with plenty before fighting!”

A pure white tablecloth was spread on a long table that looked like something you’d see in a movie, and various types of food were placed on it. The Demon God and Cheok Jun-kyung were each eating at either end of a long, rectangular table.

It was necessary to go back in time a little to find out why mealtimes were taking place at an untimely time in the Demon God’s castle.

When Jeong Do’s party and the corps commander were moved to different places by the demon’s magic, Cheok Jun-gyeong was also moved to an unfamiliar place.

“You are welcome. It’s been a while. Cheok Jun-kyung.”

“also. “Is my opponent you?”

“Of course. I have never forgotten you since the day my incarnation was destroyed by you. “The beings of the demon world never forget their debt.”

“Really? That’s a good thing. I wondered if I was the only one who missed it so much again. “I’m so glad it’s not unrequited love!”

The place Cheok Jun-gyeong moved to was none other than the Demon God’s Castle. He immediately moved to the front of the final boss.

“There’s no need to have a long conversation between us, right?”


Cheok Jun-gyeong bent his neck from side to side and got angry.

How long have I been waiting for this moment? Ever since she was defeated by that bastard in the wireless world, she has been sharpening her sword. In fact, 50% of the reason Cheok Jun-gyeong followed Jeong-do was for a rematch with the demon god.

It was said that the demon god never forgets debts, but that was the same for Cheok Jun-gyeong. Because the blood of the heavenly body flowing within the body was crying out to trample on the demon spirit as soon as possible. As soon as he faced the long-awaited situation, Cheok Jun-gyeong’s heart began to race.

“Okay then… … !”

“Let’s eat first before that.”

“… what?”

“It is truly the first time in a thousand years that someone who is not a resident of the Demon World has stepped on my castle. As the owner of the castle, shouldn’t you treat guests who have been visiting for a long time?”

Just right.

Immediately after saying that, the Demon God snapped his fingers, and a long rectangular table appeared between the scale and the Demon God. Various types of food were steaming hot on the table.

“We met after a long wait, but isn’t it low-class to go out with fists? Since it’s been a while, why don’t we talk a little bit? Oh, you can rest assured. No other tricks at all… .”

“Good! I like it! okay. It is the basic knowledge of a warrior to have a strong stomach before performing a major battle. Eat well!”

Cheok Jun-gyeong sat down and grabbed his food before the demon had even finished speaking. And without the slightest hesitation, he tore off the leg of the chicken in front of him and brought it to his mouth.

Cheok Jun-kyung, who stuffed his cheeks with chicken leg meat, swallowed his first bite and smiled with satisfaction.

“It’s delicious!”

“… … It seems like you don’t care about poison at all. “Aren’t you afraid?”

“poison? “It’s a joke that isn’t even funny.”

Cheok Jun-gyeong once again tore off the other leg and stuffed it into his mouth. It was as if they were showing off as if there was absolutely no Germany.

“An opponent worthy of risking everything to fight has appeared in front of you, but you destroy it with poison? “It’s something you can’t even imagine unless you’re a very petty person.”

“haha. I agree. I thought about it back then, but you really fit in with the demon world. What is it like? What about becoming a member of the Demon World even now? “You are always welcome.”

“Now, I don’t want to be wielded as a sword under someone else. “I tried it before, but it didn’t end well.”

“okay? Then, how about being the one wielding the sword instead of someone else’s?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m asking what it would be like if you became a demon god. Cheok Jun-kyung.”


Cheok Jun-gyeong’s hand, which was reaching for the food, stopped at the demon’s words. The Demon God slowly sat down in his seat and picked up his utensils.

“Isn’t that such a surprising statement? The Demon World is a world of strength and self-respect. If you defeat a demon, that person becomes a demon. Therefore, in the demon world, direct fights between demon gods are called demon battles. “It means that it is a battle where the demon god is decided.”

The moment a demon is defeated even once, it ceases to be a demon. If you are challenged, you cannot even refuse. The position of Demon God was such a position.

Cheok Jun-gyeong frowned, understanding the meaning of the words.

“What, if I beat you, do I have to do that demon thing? I just hate controlling others. “I have no talent.”

“haha. “You’re talking as if winning is a given.”

“of course. The moment this meal ends is the day of your ancestral rites. They should serve more delicious food. “That way, your lifespan will increase by the amount of time I spend eating that food.”

“As expected, he’s a fun guy. But can we still say that after seeing this?”

Just right.

When the demon god snapped his fingers once again, dark energy rose from the demon god’s castle and began to spread throughout the demon world. Cheok Jun-gyeong felt that the demon spirit’s energy had become even stronger.

“This… … It’s a feeling I’ve felt before. I’ve experienced something similar in the wireless world. “Although the inclination was the exact opposite.”

“Yes. They say it’s a fragment of the beginning. As you said, this was hidden even in the wireless world. This was the purpose of my visit to the world of martial arts, hand in hand with the Heavenly God, in the past. “I was planning to surprise and steal the Heavenly God at the last moment, but I failed thanks to meeting you.”


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If things had gone according to plan, heaven would have been in their hands by now.

The demon god said so.

Before I knew it, the energy of the primordial fragments that started from the demon god’s castle had covered the entire demon world. The great barrier that causes the energy of the demonic attribute to become stronger and the energy of the s*xual attribute to decline, has been completed.

“There is a risk of attracting the attention of the transcendental gods, but other than that, it is a perfect barrier. This is also the reason why the Demon World has never been defeated by an external invasion. What is it like? “Would you say it’s cowardly?”

“huh? Cowardly? why? Isn’t it natural for a mutt to eat half of his food before leaving home? In fact, I would have been more surprised if this didn’t exist.”

“… … It’s not a very pleasant metaphor to hear during a meal, but it doesn’t matter if you do it. But you must be curious what happened to the others, right?”

When the demon god waved his hand in the air, a total of six large screens appeared. On each screen, Jeong-do’s party and the corps commander were just beginning to engage in battle.

“Let’s watch while eating leisurely. “Wouldn’t it be insulting to the dignity of the group leaders to fight before their subordinates?”

“… … Hmm.”

He’s the head of the group.

Right. Does the demon god think of himself as the leader? Since he probably knew Jeong Do as his student, it was not unreasonable for him to be mistaken.

Cheok Jun-gyeong laughed to himself. He didn’t need to correct his mistake. I was really looking forward to seeing his face dyed in astonishment a little later.

“It’s started.”

In the screen window pointed to by the Demon God, Cu Chulainn and the commander of the 3rd Corps were fighting.

From the moment the fragment of the beginning was applied, Cu Chulainn lost the power of light and was always pushed back.

However, Cheok Jun-gyeong and Demon God, who were watching the two battles, said the opposite of the situation.

“I don’t think there’s much need to look at this, right? That woman is strong, but she will die soon just like that. “Compared to Cu Chulainn, I have very little direct fighting experience.”

“Hmm. A great warrior. Even though he lost more than half of his strength, that’s it. He must have lived the life of Sura. “He is a talent perfectly suited to the demon world.”

“Crazy guy.”

As time passed, the physical strength of the 3rd Corps commander was clearly visible to decline rapidly. On the other hand, Cú Chulainn did not feel tired at all and rather felt more energized.

And not long after, the decision was made. Cu Chulainn’s crab pierced the back of the 3rd Legion Commander, who was lying face down.

Cheok Jun-gyeong smiled as if he was satisfied.

“This is more fun than I thought? What is this? “Because my precious subordinate died.”

“What? The warriors of the demon world are those who are closer to death than anyone else. If he’s dead, he’s just a guy. “The culture of mourning does not exist in the demon world.”

“That’s a way of thinking that I like. “I hope it doesn’t change until the end.”

“Don’t be puffed up. “Because the first game has just ended.”

Just like that, the screens of Cu Chulainn and the 3rd Corps Commander disappeared and another screen enlarged and appeared in front of them.

On the second screen, the fight between Yoo Seon and the 2nd Corps commander was in full swing. To be precise, Yoo Seon was barely able to withstand the unilateral attack of the 2nd Corps commander.

‘That’s not good.’

Cheok Jun-gyeong swallowed deeply. Contrary to the history of him being the king of cancer who destroyed the Shu dynasty, Yu Seon was a man with great potential that even he himself acknowledged.

However, it was a story of potential and a rough stone that had not yet been polished. On the other hand, in Cheok Jun-gyeong’s opinion, the opponent was a well-trained warrior among warriors. Cheok Jun-gyeong judged that in 9 out of 10 cases, Yu-seon had no choice but to lose.




An inexplicable phenomenon occurred that could not be understood even by two highly expert eyes.

Suddenly, Yoo Seon’s attacks seem to become sharper, and in the end, he cuts off his head with his sword.

Not only Cheok Jun-kyung, but even the Demon God made dumbfounded noises. They even forgot that they were speaking in a dignified manner to the public.

“What the hell is that guy?! “What on earth happened!”

“Oh, no. “Even if you ask me, I don’t know.”

“Is it possible for a leader to not know the abilities of his subordinates?”

“What can I do about something I don’t know! “I guess I got lucky and the knife found my weak spot!”

“What nonsense is that… … .”

However, all doubts about the wire disappeared with the next scene.


Formidable magical energy that can be felt even beyond the screen. In fact, it was not felt on the screen, but the magical energy emitted from afar could be felt up to here.

It was the magic energy that could be felt from the person who loaded Baal.

“… “Is it possible to call all transcendental gods with conflicting attributes?”

The demon god was astonished.

It doesn’t even make sense to borrow the power of a transcendental god with a human body, but you can handle the power of both holy and evil gods?

It was something that could never have happened, but it was happening right in front of my eyes. It was not an ordinary transcendental god, but an evil god among evil gods who could emit pure magical energy.

“… … .”

The results later were shocking.

Khaled sacrificed all his life to overcome the limit, but in the end he was unable to overcome the wall of transcendence. The energy that had become stronger through the Triple Road suppressed even the rampaging Khaled, and the demon god fell silent.

“… … .”

Even when the wolf that defeated Khaled summoned a huge wolf and destroyed the 4th Legion, and even when the wolf ate the 7th Legion commander in one go, Haesik and Serin, who had been continuously pushed back, fought back with a shield of seven colors and a sword filled with the energy of stars. There was no reaction even when the 5th and 6th corps commanders were defeated.

“It’s an unexpected result. “To be honest, I thought two people might lose, but he prepared thoroughly.”

“… … .”

All seven military commanders were defeated.

I don’t know if that fact or Khaled’s death was a shock, but the demon remained silent. Should I have just fought instead of watching? Cheok Jun-gyeong seemed to be having less fun than before, so he clicked his tongue at her.

‘But I still have to do what I have to do.’

Cheok Jun-gyeong stood up and picked up a chicken leg. Then he took a big bite and started muttering.

“Jeong-do taught me the words to use in these situations, and I use them. What was it? nice… … Kraa? Oh yeah. “I remembered.”


Cheok Jun-gyeong threw the chicken bone he was eating towards the demon god. The chicken bone, which was shot at a speed far exceeding that of his bullet, hit the black curtain and shattered just before it reached the demon god.

However, Cheok Jun-gyeong arrived right in front of the demon god in that short period of time. Cheok Jun-gyeong, standing at the end of the table, was holding a Cheonggang sword in his hand.

“It’s the climax.”

Cheok Jun-gyeong slashed his sword towards the demon’s head.

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