SSS-Class Gacha Hunter Chapter 205

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Episode 205

Heaven (8)

The short and intense light disappeared and the last notification window appeared in front of Do-do’s eyes.


<Hidden Camp Shu Han>

<When activating a faction, all stats increase by the total amount raised by the faction related to <Spirit>. This also applies to factions obtained later.>

<Current all abilities increased by +60 (<Great General of the Five Tigers (+30)>, <Determination of the Daowon (+15)>, <Samgochoryeo (+10)>, <Great Watcher (+5)>>

<When loading a character from the Shuhan era, the stat increase is doubled.>

<Special skill: <Contact> can be used. Current remaining usage count: 1>


All factions related to <Shukhan> have been integrated and the ability increase options have also been added. The disappointment of only being able to activate one faction at a time was resolved in one go.

And the newly added ability <Doubling ability values ​​when loading a character from the Chohan era>… … .

[This is it. I’ve been called into a very interesting situation. Teacher Bongchu once told me about a parallel world when he was alive, and that phrase comes to mind.]

The story was that that ability could be used right away. Jeong Do heard the benevolent voice ringing in her head and immediately switched sides.

<From now on, the faction <Shukhan> will be applied.>

<All abilities increase by 60. The currently loaded character is the monarch of <Shukhan>. As a bonus, your stats triple.>

Yubi, whose overall abilities have increased by 180.

But that wasn’t the end.

<This is an area where spirit veins have been activated. The compatibility with the currently loaded character is 100%.>

<Level, mana, and abilities increase significantly. Bonuses are given to everything you do within the spirit vein.>

“You’re crazy.”

[What a waste. If I had experienced this much power in my lifetime, I would have easily punched a hole in Joe’s head.]

When the ‘relationships’ built up by Liu Bei during the Three Kingdoms era met with the <drawing system>, the ultimate king Liu Bei was born.

The degree opened the status window.

Name: Jinjeongdo

Level: 239(+150)


[Why are you doing that? Is there any problem?]

“No, there’s something a little strange.”

Level +150?

Of course, when I checked the level of the evil spirit Liu Bei with <Void Rok> earlier, it was +250. Where was the +100 sold?

Perhaps because this is a copy universe, the spirit vein effect is slightly less applied to the real universe Yubi? No, that’s not to say that in the notification window a little while ago, it said that the compatibility with the spirit vein was 100%. Just like the radiation universe analogy.

‘That’s true.’

The story goes that the level increase of 100 is not a bonus due to compatibility with spirit veins, but a booster created through the work of angels… … .

Jeongdo was once again amazed at the power of the heavenly bastards.

‘what. Still, this is the top.’

There is a difference of about 50 levels.

I can’t say it’s a difference that can never be overcome, but it is an overwhelming difference.

Just as Jeong Do was about to check the special skill options for the last time, Indra’s urgent shout was heard.

“Leader! Is it still far?! “I’m out of mana now!”


I was distracted by the sudden situation, but anyway, I was now in the middle of the battlefield. At Indra’s shout, the sword jumped out at high speed.


Jo Woon, who was guarding next to the commander Liu Bei, also swung his spear at the Jawoong Ilseon sword wielded by Jeong Do.


Sparks flew into the air along with the intense sound of metal clashing. Jaune, wearing full armor, was pushed out. He was unable to counterattack with all the power contained in the sword.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, Jeong Do aimed his sword at the neck of Commander Liu Bei with his other hand.

The commander Liu Bei, confused by the sudden increase in power, tried to block Jeong-do’s sword with the sword he held in both hands.

<Skill <Icheon First Class> is applied. When using dual swordsmanship, attack speed increases.>

Musashi, one of the most famous figures for his spectacular dual sword skills, became even faster with the emergence of his <2,000 first-rate> skills.


The sword barely passed between the neck and shoulder of Commander Liu Bei. She was in a position where it wouldn’t be strange for her neck to fall right off if it were just a little deeper.

[Ugh! this guy!]

The evil spirit Liu Bei, who was spouting anger, took a step back. However, Jeongdo is already a ‘master of interpersonal combat’ who has already been worn down in numerous battles. With a gentle walking technique, Yubi caught up to the distance he had spread. It was as if Yubi had expected that he would move like that.

‘It’s easy compared to Master!’

No matter how much Yuvi leveled up thanks to the Spirit Vein buff and the angel’s tricks, it’s still Yuvi.

Liu Bei is a monarch, not a general. He certainly has decent abilities as a general, but he only goes so far. Compared to top generals like Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Lü Bu, Liu Bei’s skills were laughable.

The current Liu Bei did not have the skills to match his skyrocketing level. Due to lack of technology, I couldn’t keep up with his power. He seemed like his past self, who leveled drastically without properly honing his skills.

‘If I hadn’t had training in the wireless world, I might have been the same way.’


Liu Bei staggered after receiving a moderate blow. It was because Do-do suddenly lost his strength at the last moment and his center of gravity was scattered. Jeong Do’s sword flew in once again without missing the gap.

It was truly a natural movement that happened in an instant. It seemed like there was absolutely no way to stop or avoid Liu Bei.


That was the case when Liu Bei was alone. Jaune, who had already joined the battle, stabbed Horyongdam, aiming for Jeongdo’s temple. Black energy was spinning fiercely at the tip of the Horyongdam spear blade. It was a skill that I enjoyed using <Holy Bombardment>.

‘I can’t help it.’

If he swung his sword like this, he could cut off Liu Bei’s head, but if he did that, his own head would not be safe either. Jeong Do turned his body around and received the <Ho Bombardment> with the sword in both hands.



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Jeong Do blocked the stab by crossing his double swords, then used his left foot as an axis and threw a kick with his right foot. The kick hit Jaune’s helmet exactly and he was pushed away once again. Then he shook his head once as if he was dizzy and stood next to Yubi.


Then, without saying a word, he held out his spear towards Jeongdo.

‘It’s solid.’

I kicked with all my might, but I only shook my head once and it was over? It wasn’t usually hard armor. Apparently, the full armor that Jaune wore also seemed like something prepared by the heavenly world.

[It’s not something to say in this kind of atmosphere, but Jim is a little excited. Did you ever dream that Jim could push Ja-Ryong like this?]

“… … Is that so?”

It seemed that Liu Bei’s personality was a little different from what he expected. I was expecting Liu Bei to have a solemn yet kind personality, but listening to what he said now, it felt like he was just a little more mature.

I wanted to enjoy it a little longer, but I had a busy way to go. Because dealing with Liu Bei wasn’t the end, there were still angels left.

“We have to end it now. “This is also <summoning>.”

The reason why Jeong-do was able to maintain his composure throughout the fight even though he was fighting 2:1 was because he had some trust.

If the analogy of the ‘copy universe’ can be made, then of course the analogy of the ‘real universe’ can also be made. When I opened the status window earlier, the confirmation had already been completed. Yu Bi from ‘The Real Universe’ also had the talent of ‘Dreamer’.

This side also summons Jaune! Then it will be an easy win. Just as Jeong Do made up his mind and was about to call Jo Woon, he heard a word that felt like pouring cold water into his head.

[Ah, Jim doesn’t know how to do that.]

“… … yes?”

[No, does it make sense to embody a person in the first place? I am an emperor, not a god. Creating humans is God’s domain.]

No, if the implementation doesn’t make sense, does it make sense to load a character from the real universe? I wanted to shoot him like that, but I held back for now and continued.

“… … “Then what is that Jaune in front of me?”

[Well, I don’t even know Jim. Like the fake luggage over there, wasn’t Ja-ryong resurrected by someone? Jim always thought that way.]

It’s not Liu Bei’s ability that embodies Zhao Yun?

At the moment when Jeong Do was taken aback by the unexpected situation, Commander Liu Bei shouted in anger.

[You dirty Oh country bastards! Are you planning to disrupt the great cause of the world once again? But it’s no use. This time, the Emperor chose me!]

As Liu Bei said that, he took out a large seal from his pocket. The moment Do-do was about to retreat, wary of an unknown object, this time the real Uzumaki Yu-bi was astonished.

[Uh, that is! National Seal!]

“Uh, I think I’ve heard of it.”

[It is a treasure of the Central Plains that is given only to agents chosen by the Heavenly Emperor. I only saw Jim once, albeit from a distance. Why on earth is that there?]

“Didn’t you steal it while you were alive?”

[conflict! What do you think of my luggage? That’s not something you can get your hands on so profanely! If an unqualified person holds it in their hands, they will say terrible things like a curse… … .]

Liu Bei’s words did not last until the end. This was because the royal seal in Liu Bei’s hand radiated light, and four more figures appeared in front of him.

<Guan Yu’s fortune telling>

<Getting used to the equipment>

<Hwangchung Hanseung>

<Macho Maenggi>

Including Zhao Yun, all the famous Five Tiger Generals were summoned. My complexion hardened.

‘At least black level.’

The energy I felt said so.

They all wore black, full-body armor and seemed to have no ego or ability to think.

[let’s go! My loyal subjects!]

When Liu Bei shouted that, Oho Jang pointed his weapon at Jeong Do. Seeing that scene, Jeong Do broke out into a cold sweat, but surprisingly, Liu Bei was at peace.

[Huh. It’s a sight I miss. I never thought Jim would see something like this again. I feel like crying.]

“Is that what you want to say? Yubi, don’t you have something like summoning the Five Tigers?”

[How many times do I have to say there is nothing? But you can do something like this.]


The dark five angels of the evil spirit Liu Bei rushed towards Jeong Do, and at that moment, a bright light spread out from Jeong Do’s body and enveloped them.

Then something surprising happened.

dump. dump. dump. dump. dump.

The five generals began to kneel towards Jeongdo. At the same time, their black armor regained its color. It was as if the darkness had been purified.

“… … oh my god. “What is this?”

[<Talent hiring>. Isn’t longevity always about taking refuge in a more attractive monarch? It’s an easy task, especially if you’re a puppet with no ego. Moreover, if the target is the Great General of the Five Tigers… … Well, he made a big mistake.]

“It’s a f*cking scam.”

The highest level <Mind Hacking> skill that lifts the mind control of the enemy and forces loyalty to oneself.

Yubi’s <Talent Appointment> skill is a type of mental interference skill.

It reminded me of the Romance of the Kingdoms game that I had played a few times in the past.

Yubi Hyeondeok.

His other abilities are so-so, but his ‘Charisma’ value alone is the best among the Three Kingdoms generals.

Talent from other countries is a devilish character who extorts all talent.

[Oh my!]

The moment when Liu Bei, a panicked commander, tried to use the royal seal once again. Jeongdo’s body disappeared in an instant. And then he appeared in front of Yubi. In Jeongdo’s hand was a Jawoongil great sword.


[Big, big!]

[hmm. A person with the face of burden is being stabbed. This feels weird.]

<Level up! Mana increases by 1 and strength increases by 1.>

Commander Liu Bei collapsed in vain, and the National Seal tumbled out of his arms. Jeongdo sighed and looked around. Perhaps because Liu Bei had fallen, the citizens of Chengdu city were also falling one by one.

“It’s over for now.”

[hmm. It looks like <Chok> failed in vain. Hey Confucius. Could you please do me a favor?]

“yes? “What is it?”

[that is… … .]

Yu-bi whispered to Jeong-do. Hearing that, Jeongdo grinned.

“Of course it is possible. “I almost missed an interesting sight.”

Jeong Do took the royal seal in his arms and executed <Dual Road>.

And I loaded the wire from the album.

[oh! Confucius. It’s been a while. uh… … What about this place? Pachok?! Confucius How did this happen… … .]


[…] … .]


[Confucius, I’ll just leave my luggage. I’m hearing hallucinations. It seems like there is a health problem.]

What is health without a body?

Jeongdo smiled and congratulated Haehoo, a touching rich man.

“It’s an honor to see this historic moment. I’m sure you have a lot to say, but don’t worry about me… … .”

And at that moment, a notification window appeared in front of my eyes.

<The transcendence conditions for wire construction have been fully met. From now on, it will be possible to load <wired construction> with a body into ‘reality’.>

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