SSS-Class Gacha Hunter Chapter 151

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Episode 151

Cheonmujiche (3)

When the Mana Storm is over.

Jeongdo could tell that something had changed within him.

Things like status, talent, and skills did not change. The body’s specifications were the same as before <Shingeomunion> was activated.


‘What should I say about this?’

Should I call it flow?

Things that were previously invisible began to come into view. Information that was previously thought to be meaningless was coming together to produce meaningful information.

The degree looked at Musinma. He was still laughing as if he was willing to change a bit.

“Khaat. “I really like this guy.”

The degree looked at the Musinma. The gaze was directed at the Martial God Demon, but Jeongdo was not only looking at him.

The thick military uniform worn by Musinma. The Musinma muscles pulsating under those clothes were clearly visible before my eyes.

Such muscle movement.

Ambient air flow.

The path through which mana moves, starting from the Martial God Demon’s dantian.

The small pieces of information were gathered together to show Jeong Do a new level.

‘Right foot first.’

Immediately after Jeongdo thought that, Musinma stepped forward with his right foot.

‘Strike with the left arm. fast. The target is my head.’

It was accurate this time too. Martial God Demon’s left hand stretched out straight, and the intangible mana that extended from his armor flew towards Jeongdo’s head. To some extent, I avoided his blows by lightly tilting my head back.


At the back of the dungeon, the dungeon wall collapsed once again.

‘Is this the world Cheok Jun-kyung sees?’

The world we lived in was different.

There was a big difference between the world Cheok Jun-kyung felt and the world Jeong Do felt.

Jeong Do realized that he was a frog in a well. And he was grateful that he could have this experience now.

It means experiencing a level that you have never experienced before.

Because I was able to fully guess how great a foundation it would be.

‘That’s incredible.’

As far as the battle was concerned, it could almost be considered a prediction of the future. However, Cheok Jun-gyeong told Jeong-do as if that was not the case.

<It’s not that all-powerful. That guy’s attack just now wasn’t sincere. It was just a trivial attack on the liver. So I could read it perfectly.>

If he’s really attacking you, it’s impossible to read it 100%. Cheok Jun-gyeong was saying that.

However, if you interpret it another way, it means that it is worth reading to a certain level.

In a close match between super experts, it is possible to predict the opponent’s actions to some extent.

There was no need to say how big a weapon it was.

“It’s really amazing. My temperament has changed again. hey. If there’s more you’ve hidden, why don’t you take it out now? “How unfair it would be if you saved it and died without being able to use it.”

“Don’t worry. Because there is nothing more.”

“okay? “That’s a good thing.”

That’s what I said, but I didn’t really know the extent of it. Who would have guessed that this time, he would be able to utilize 100% of Cheok Jun-kyung’s abilities like this?

Even the user couldn’t guess how many more possibilities were still dormant in this damn <draw> skill.

‘The problem starts now.’

Musinma was now aware of the fact that he was borrowing power from someone. And he probably guesses that the holding time is not that long.

If the Musinma decides to target that weakness and take time… The possibility of defeating Musinma while Jeongdo maintained the load time was close to zero.

In the end, the story was that the Musinma had to be dragged into battle somehow.

I was worried about how to bring them into battle, but in reality, it was a completely meaningless worry. If Martial God Ma had looked into his inner thoughts just now, he would have been so dumbfounded that he would have fallen into a state of confusion.

The reason why Mushinma asked Jeongdo how long the load time would last was because he intended to see the match before the maintenance time expired.

Fight against a perfect opponent in a perfect state. Waiting for your opponent to weaken is absolutely impossible.

Musinma was that kind of man.

<It’s coming!>


Musinma stepped lightly. His appearance became blurry and then he disappeared completely.

However, Jeong Do’s eyes were perfectly capturing the appearance of the Martial God Demon, just like before. She could feel Mushinma coming from behind, aiming her fist at her.

This is something I was able to do up to this point even before accepting Cheok Jun-gyeong’s experience. And what if Cheok Jun-kyung’s experience is added to this?

The results were surprising.

Jeongdo quickly turned his body half a turn around his right foot. Musinma’s right hand, which had been aimed at Jeongdo’s spine, split the air.

Jeong-do’s movements were much smoother than before accepting Cheok Jun-gyeong’s experience. Jeong Do did not miss his opportunity and swung his sword, aiming for the shoulder of the martial god.


However, Martial God Demon was also a Heavenly Muji whose talent for Martial Arts reached the sky. He struck down the sword flying at his shoulder with the palm of his left hand, and at the same time threw his kick towards Jeongdo’s dantian.


However, Jeongdo caught the flying foot with one hand, as if he knew in advance that the Musinma would come out like that.


And Jeongdo threw the Martial God Demon he had grabbed towards the dungeon wall. She flew at an incredible speed, and it seemed like the Musinma would soon be thrown into the dungeon wall.


However, before the Martial God Demon hit the wall, strong energy was released from both palms of his hands, and the rebound force was able to significantly slow him down. After that, the Musinma spun around in the air and landed lightly on the dungeon wall.

Mana began to concentrate in both Martial God Demon’s feet. I was planning to use the dungeon wall as a stepping stone and shoot towards Jeongdo again.

Musinma raised his head and checked the location.


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“Damn it!”

And I had no choice but to shout like that.

A red spear was flying towards me! Of course, the identity of the spear was transformed by Jeongdo into a zerg.


Again, the dungeon wall collapsed and the Ge-Zerg were sucked into the hand. This was the zerg’s recovery function activated.

<That guy. It really flies.>

“That’s right.”

If a third party had seen it, it would have been a scene that would have clearly caused a great deal of damage, but it was not to that extent or scale. They witnessed Crab Zerg dodging a javelin with a strange movement just before it pierced the Martial God Demon’s head.

And as if those words were correct, the Musinma flew towards Jeongdo through a cloud of dust. With a face filled with great excitement, he once again launched an onslaught on Jeongdo.

However, the results were not much different from before. The two exchanged a few moves again, and Musinma was once again thrown into the wall.

He trudged out from the wall and said as if he were dumbfounded.

“this. I’ll be amazed. “I was wondering if you were actually reading it, right?”

I haven’t lived that long, but I swear this is the first time something like this has happened. It was impossible for him to pin himself down like this, even if he were his one and only teacher. He muttered as if he didn’t like it.

“It’s nice to fight, but… The plan went completely awry. I can’t help it. “It’s unfinished, but I have to write it.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means that you are not the only one who has a secret weapon.”


After those words, Musinma’s temperament changed. Just like when Jeong Do accepts Cheok Jun-gyeong’s experience.

Right now, the Martial God Demon was drawing on a small amount of his life force. The martial arts that we will use from now on were skills that required a lot of money.

“be careful. “It will be different from before.”

After saying that, Musinma rushed towards the level.


Although this may sound like a grandiose statement, the Musinma’s movements were not much different from before. This time too, he was able to predict Musinma’s movements to a certain degree.

‘I will step on the footwork here.’


As expected, Musinma took the step.

‘And then he stretched out his right hand aiming for my left side… ?!’


The Musinma’s fist exploded at Jeongdo. The location was near his right armpit, not his left side. This only ended because she changed her body at the last moment, but if she had allowed it to continue, it would have blown a hole in her chest.


He let out a brief scream and rolled on the floor, but soon came to his senses and quickly stood up. Blood was dripping from the torn armpit area, but it was quickly recovered thanks to Jeongdo’s <Transcendent Regeneration> skill.

“What the hell is this…” ”

<… Even General Von can’t guess.>

The attack came from an impossible angle.

The attack was clearly aimed at his side, and Jeong Do stretched out his hand toward his side to block the attack.

And just before Martial God’s hand and Jeongdo’s hand touch.

Suddenly, a bit of my armpit was blown off.

‘Is it magic?’

That was my first suspicion. A mix of martial arts and magic. I thought that this kind of result could be achieved by using a scaled-down magic that utilizes spatial coordinates… Honestly, I didn’t think it was possible. It seemed unlikely that such a magic technique could be used in a battle where time was split into seconds.

“joy. It’s obvious what you’re thinking. It’s not that kind of trivial trivia. “This is a pure martial art that I created.”

“Martial arts? “You invented it?”

“okay. It’s not difficult for a genius of this size to make one or two martial arts skills. Well, this one is really special.”

After saying that, the Musinma extended his fist towards Jeongdo again. Jeongdo judged that the attack was aimed at his head and quickly turned his head.


This time, the side burst open. Red blood dripped from Jeongdo’s side and soaked the ground, and soon his wounds healed. Musinma smiled and continued speaking.

“I had that thought while learning martial arts when I was young. Why is martial arts tied to formality? Why is it necessary to follow the herbivore diet? If you stick to that format, won’t it be read in the end? In fact, after seeing famous martial artists a few times, I felt familiar with them.”

Musinma rushed towards Jeongdo and threw a kick. This time, Jeong-Do gave up on predicting and widened the distance to get away as much as possible.


However, another kick coming from an absurd angle broke Jeong-do’s right foot. Jeongdo swallowed his screams and widened the distance as much as possible.

“So I made it. Martial arts without form or herbivory. It is a martial art in which no one can predict the next move. I haven’t decided on a name yet… Okay, will you decide? Personally, I really want the word Pacheon to be included… ”


This time, Martial God Demon hurriedly lowered his head and rolled on the floor. This was because the strong energy emitted from the sword was aimed at the Martial God Demon’s waist.

“Is that your trump card?”

“okay. Isn’t it awesome? Know with glory. “Because you are the first to use this in practice.”

Afterwards, the battle began to flow in the opposite direction from before.

Jeongdo was unable to avoid or block the Martial God Demon’s attacks in the slightest, and holes were formed all over his body and he recovered repeatedly. He allowed attacks to almost all of his body except for the parts blocked by the immortal armor.


“Are you really human? “It’s disgusting that you’re recovering.”

However, the Musinma was experiencing difficulties like the Musinma. Although she succeeded in pushing Jeong Do with her secret trick, she failed to deliver a decisive blow.

The reason was the overwhelming difference in the number of skills and the difference in items. Jeongdo was somehow holding on by making full use of the skills he had accumulated and his panacea.

“Tsk. “There will be no end to little things.”

I need a big room.

Musinma decided that way and widened his distance from Jeongdo. And he began to concentrate all his mana into both fists.


The dungeon began to tremble from the powerful energy wave. It seemed clear that a powerful blow that could not be compared to anything hitherto would be delivered.

I had to stop it.

If you leave that thing alone, you will definitely suffer fatal injuries. No, there was a greater possibility that it would just evaporate.

But that didn’t stop him.

Did he give up because he knew he couldn’t win? Of course, that wasn’t it either. After completing his recovery, he took a deep breath.

Then he raised his sword and pointed it straight at the Musinma and spoke.

“I told you earlier to take out more if you have anything hidden, right?”

“It did. why? “I was on the verge of death, so I guess I just got a secret number that I didn’t have before?”

“It’s a funny thing to say, though. It’s as you said. It stayed real.”


Jeong Do raised his sword above his head. Cheok Jun-kyung’s voice rang in my head at that level.

<It’s definitely a great talent. It is a formless martial art. Yes, he is right. Defending against unreadable technology is extremely tricky. However, did the ancient sages really not know this principle? Young fellow. It’s not ripe yet. The reason they took the risk of making it readable was because there was something in it that could reach the end.>

Although they were identical, there was a big difference in their views on martial arts.

If Martial God Demon tried to embrace the infinity of nothingness by eliminating form, Cheok Jun-gyeong tried to reach the end of nothingness by cultivating form to the limit.

And the results of this match will tell which of them is the right path.


The Musinma wielded the mana he had accumulated to the limit in both hands and swung them. And the attack, as it has done so far, showed unpredictable changes and rushed at Jeongdo.

And while Jeongdo saw the attack, he slashed his sword straight down without blinking.

<You are 100% assimilated with a white-level person.>

<Hidden skill <Single empty attack> is activated.>

And then everything came apart.

A sharp energy wave that started from the tip of the sword split the air, mana, and even the Martial God’s attack in front of me and spread straight towards the Martial God’s Demon.

“This is ridiculous!”

Martial God Demon also couldn’t move right away because he had just made the best attack he could.

A single attack of that magnitude attacked Musinma as it was.

The Musinma’s cleanly severed right arm flew into the air.

And that wasn’t the end.

Dangongcham, which passed by Musinma, then split the dungeon wall and, surprisingly, split the dungeon itself. Light was seeping in from the spot where Dangongcham passed.

It was the sunlight streaming in from the Earth.


While Musinma was staggering around with his arm cut off, the biggest dungeon collapse that had ever occurred hit him. Musinma was literally crushed under a pile of stones.


<Your honor. You know even if I don’t say it, right?>


Jeongdo did not relax until the end.

Because the notification window notifying you of leveling up has not yet appeared!


And just as Jeong-do expected, the Musinma broke through the pile of stones and came out to attack Jeong-do. Blood sprayed from his severed arm, but he still rushed forward without losing his momentum.

‘But the flow has passed!’

It is very fatal for a warrior using martial arts to lose an arm. The rush of the Martial God Demon is the same as a candle burning brightest before it goes out. You only have to stop it this once.

Jeong Do decided so and changed the King of All Diseases into a shield of the cross.

But then came the surprise.

<You have succeeded in loading a character of the highest level.>

<As a reward, mana increases by 10 and all abilities increase by 10.>


No, the load is released here?!

At some point, I felt the strength that was overflowing in my body suddenly disappear. Maybe it was her mood, but the shield in her hand felt heavy.


Thirteen magic circles appeared above the cross shield that Jeongdo had unfolded.

‘Yes, just endure it!’

Even he has his limits anyway!

The Martial God Demon came right in front of Jeongdo, clenched his only fist, and that fist exploded onto the magic circle! Did not do it.

Instead of hitting the magic circle with his fist, he spread his fist wide and wrapped the magic circle in his palm. Then the weight of the shield became surprisingly heavy.

“This is crazy!”

Jeongdo was also a person who read quite a bit of martial arts magazines. Jeongdo immediately understood what had happened.

Flower grafting.

An advanced technique that uses the opponent’s power and returns it by amplifying its power.

Musinma realized that Jeongdo was putting all his power into the shield and took advantage of it. It was a frightening insight.


In the end, Jeong-do was unable to overcome his might and put down his shield. Thanks to this, Jeong Do’s face was exposed and Musinma’s kick landed there.

‘Are we finished?’

To be honest, I didn’t have the confidence to withstand that strong kick.

The world seemed to move slowly. And beyond the flying kick, the face of Musinma appeared with his mouth clenched. He never gave up until the very last moment.

Seeing that sight brought me to my senses. Jeongdo also gritted his teeth. Then, I concentrated my mana on his arms and crossed them to cover his face.

‘All you have to do is avoid instant death.’

Then <Dragon Blood Awakening> will be activated. He still had countless skills left. There was also a <Reflect Damage> skill that returned damage, and the damage could be reduced due to Gesuna’s protection.

‘Hold on. Even if I die, I will endure.’

It felt like my hair was standing on end because of the magical power contained in the Martial God’s kick. In reality, it was a speed that the eye could not even properly perceive, but it felt like the kick was flying very slowly. Her problem is that her own body moves too slowly to avoid it.



The kick came forward. And right before the kick touches Jeong-do’s arm.

It just stopped.

Musinma said as if lamenting.

“under. shit. “It’s over.”

After saying that, Musinma turned his back. He then went back to his pile of stones and picked up his severed arm.


I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t understand the extent, so I asked Musinma.

“What kind of trick is this?”

“creation? There is no such thing. “It’s just that you weren’t the only one with a time limit.”

Damn it.

Mushinma muttered like that and snapped his fingers in the air. Then the scenery of the dungeon changed once again. It was neither in the shape of a labyrinth nor in the shape of a square. A large door and a small door appeared before Jeongdo’s eyes.

“I lost. “Humans of Earth.”

“You lost? you? “Not me?”

“My sense is that you survived the attack just now. Just by looking at it, it looks like there are a lot of things hidden here and there. There must have been a resurrection or something. On the other hand, I really gave it everything I had. “But I still couldn’t defeat you, so it’s my loss.”

“… … .”

Was it really like that?

I wasn’t sure about that, though. Well, if Cheonmujiche is like that, then that’s probably the case.

Musinma looked at Jeongdo one last time and said.

“hey. “What’s your name?”

“… Calm down too.”

“okay. Calm too. It’s your victory. Damn, I’m so embarrassed. “I came here to train you, but what a disgrace.”

Mushinma grumbled and entered the small door next to the large door. As he entered the dungeon, the small door disappeared completely.

<Hidden dungeon. You have completely cleared The Loneliness of the Musinma. Huge additional rewards are awarded. Open the door and enter to receive your reward!>

“Now that I think about it, this was a mission-type dungeon.”

Something so spectacular happened that I completely forgot about it. Mission-type dungeons were famous for being extremely difficult but with great rewards.

‘Besides that, I gained a lot more.’

Loading Cheokjungyeong and fighting Musinma.

Isn’t this the biggest reason? With that in mind, I approached the large door.

But that wasn’t the end of the story.


With a notification sound, two turning boards appeared in front of Jeong Do. It was time to be rewarded for loading the white figure.

“Oh right.”

The extent was loaded wired from the album. Then, two roulette wheels spun rapidly at the same time. When the two roulettes slowed down and eventually stopped.



Jeong Do and Yoo Seon had no choice but to swear like that. However, it was never an insult that came out out of offense. Quite the opposite. The two roulette wheels were as follows.

<Cheonmujiche-lv.3>, <Dangong Cham>

The jackpot hit.

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