SSS-Class Gacha Hunter Chapter 120

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Episode 120

Sgail (3)

Suinal, the leader of the demon world’s sweep, was running with the goal of reaching a canyon visible from afar.

“Tsk. “I haven’t been able to find it since it was hidden in a place like that.”

Suinal was not in a good mood.

Suinal was a high-ranking devil with decent strength even when compared to the entire Demon World, and he was a devil who lived with pride in that. At this important time when the entire universe had to be colored with the colors of the Demon World, they were cleaning up the remains of the already occupied universe, so it was natural that Suinal was in a bad mood.

“But today is the last day.”

The defenses of important bases that the remnants could target were deliberately made lax.

It was a sweet treat to draw out those hiding like c*ckroaches, and the operation was a great success. The remnants of Sguil revealed themselves first and attacked the prison. And secretly engraving a tracking spell on the remnants was also a complete success.

However, not all plans were completely successful.

According to the original plan, the plan was to save only some of the remnants that had invaded the prison and let them escape, but instead, the demons in the prison were completely exterminated.

Considering the difference in power between the remnants and the demons, it was something that could never have happened, but Suinal did not care much. It was because there was a corner to point out.

‘It looks like there was at least one hero who survived.’

The beings of this universe, Sguil, had poor military power compared to the mana they had. Sugail was a weak world that had forgotten how to fight due to the long period of peace, and thanks to this, the Demon World was able to easily take over Sguil.

However, that does not mean that all of Sguil’s beings were at a terrible level.

In Sgail, there were beings called heroes.

Sgaril was a universe blessed with mana, and life forms in Sgaril had higher mana on average than life forms in other universes. However, as in any world, there are people who are born with more special talents.


Heroes are beings who are born with overwhelming mana affinity compared to others.

Mana is pure energy that constitutes the laws of the universe.

Even if the combat skills were poor, the hero’s enormous mana reserves could handle mid-level demons of the Demon World. With pure mana output without any technical operation.

But that’s it.

‘Foolish pigs who can’t even use the treasure in their hands properly.’

No matter how much fuel you have, if you don’t have the technology to use it properly, it’s of no use. Sguil’s warriors fell at the hands of higher-level demons, and Sguil was easily taken over by the demon world.

And Suinal also had a record of personally cutting off the head of one of the warriors. Therefore, he did not pay much attention to the fact that a mid-level demon died in prison.

No, I thought it was better because there was a hero. If you kill that hero, won’t your specialty increase further?

‘I need to definitely finish it this time and apply for a unit transfer.’

How long will I have to rot in a place like this? Now is the time to move. And he was thinking of applying for the position of assistant to ‘Samjeol Ramon’, whom he respected the most.

I heard that Ramon’s unit was recently defeated… It must be because the lieutenant assisting Ramon is incompetent.

The adjutant will take responsibility for this defeat and resign from his position. Instead, he will take his place and command the battlefield together with Ramon.

It was at that time that Suinal rushed into the canyon, thinking pleasant thoughts.


Clouds of dust began to appear far down the canyon. At that sight, Suinal immediately used mana to strengthen his eyesight and was soon able to identify the identity of the dust cloud.

“… word?”

Dangipilma (單騎匹馬).

A human was riding towards me on a horse with a red mane. It was very fast, but Suinal was more concerned about other things than speed.

‘Is there anyone who speaks here?’

In other universes, it was an animal widely used as a means of transportation, but not here in Sguil. Because there were other animals that were gentler, stronger, and faster than horses. In fact, his entire army was riding rhinos. Unfortunately, this animal could not be used in other universes as it would die shortly after leaving Sgail, but it was the strongest vehicle only for Sgail. Of course, riding a horse in Sgail was a phenomenon rarely seen.

‘It doesn’t matter.’

There were people everywhere who wanted to stand out. In particular, the so-called warriors here had a strong tendency to do that, so it wasn’t a big surprise.

A warrior on a red horse who runs without hesitation even after seeing a demonic army numbering nearly a thousand people. He looked very reckless, but he could guess his intentions.

“The intention is to waste time.”

Suinal chuckled.

All these warriors do the same thing. Reckless guys who rush into enemy territory to save many people even though they know they will die. Some will laugh at it as foolish, while others will praise it for its noble spirit.

And if someone asks Suinal what he thinks of such a hero–

‘Of course it’s good.’

But that wasn’t the reason Suinal liked the hero. To be precise, it is not that the hero is good, but the ‘situation after the hero dies’ is very good.

The facial expressions people make when something they believed in is suddenly shattered.

Suinal loved the despairing expressions on the faces of the losers.

Suinal felt strength growing in the hand holding the sword.

If you kill that hero right now, you will be able to see it. And swinging the sword over that despairing face could be said to be the reason for living.

Suinal increased the speed of the rhino he was riding. He soon began to advance ahead of his army, and after a moment he could make out the face of the warrior on his horse.


The hero riding the red horse was a man with black hair. Since he had never seen a human warrior before coming here, Suinal’s eyes sparkled slightly, but it soon disappeared. It was because I thought that it did not matter what race of warriors would soon fall and disappear.

Suinal quickly shouted before confronting the warrior riding the red-maned horse.

“Come on, brave warrior of Sgayl! Name it! I, Suinal, a high-ranking devil of the Demon World, will remember your name!”

Since it was a sacrifice that would enhance his honor, he had the generosity to at least give his name. However, the hero on the red horse acted in a completely unexpected way. He suddenly fired his weapon at himself.

‘Tsk, this hero is a boring guy.’

I was in a bad mood.

There is no need for mercy for a guy who doesn’t even know the romance of the battlefield. He had planned to let her go comfortably in one fell swoop, but he changed his plan. I will tear you to pieces as cruelly as possible. And he will hunt down the remnants in fear at the sight.

‘First, let’s start with that cheeky arm wielding a spear.’

I have to cut it and start. With that in mind, Suinal swung his sword.

And it was only then that I noticed something was wrong.

‘… what?’

While the scimitar wielded by the hero in front of him was approaching right in front of his nose, his sword was just coming out of its scabbard. It was as if the person in front of me and myself were in a different time.

But that could never have been the case, so the scene before my eyes meant only one thing.

The person in front of you is overwhelmingly faster than you.


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It was only then that Suinal realized that he had fallen into a very big illusion. Suinal reflexively opened his mouth.

“Okay, sleep… !”

However, the scimitar did not pay any heed to those words and passed by Suinal’s neck.


Blood welled up from Suinal’s severed neck.

It was the vain end of the high-ranking demon Suinal.

* * * * * *

“What is this guy?”

<An empty cart is naturally noisy.>

Jeong Do couldn’t help but let out a helpless laugh at Jang Ryo’s words. I mastered all the forms on my own, but it ended so easily that it was almost pointless. However, unlike his futile victory, the repercussions it brought were by no means vain.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Not only the demons who saw the leader dying in vain before their eyes, but also the young resistance members running from behind to help Jeong-do, and even the resistance members in the canyon who were preparing to evacuate all froze. Because it was such an unusual sight.

The only person who accepted the situation normally at this moment was Jeong-do. And that turned out to be the worst for the devils. Even while preparing a high-level skill, the demons could not accept the situation and just watched blankly. The degree opened the status window.

“Status window.”


Name: Jinjeongdo

Level: 217

Mana available: 280

Strength: 319 Stamina: 300 Reflexes: 318 Mana Responsiveness: 284

Talent: <Brave-lv.3>, <Patience-lv.3>, <Spear-lv.2>, <Swordsmanship-lv.2>, <Hand-to-hand combat-lv.2>, <Horseback-lv.2>, <Calm-lv.2>, <Faith-lv.1> … and 8 others.

Possessed Skills: <Seven Star Divine Personality>, <Fighting Soul Sword>, <Meteor Treasure> … and 8 others.

The status window was not much lower than that of Guan Yu, who had been chosen once from Sky Island. Beautiful abilities worthy of a military commander who resounded during the Three Kingdoms era. Jeong Do immediately prepared the skill after checking the status window.


With a brief sound of energy, mana began to condense into the Blue Dragon Sword. The Blue Dragon Gugyeomdo hummed as if it had been waiting for this moment. And only then did the demons begin to come to their senses.

“M-stop it!”

“Avenge the captain!”

The demons, who sensed an unusual amount of mana, rushed to stop the attack.



After loading up enough mana, he swung his scimitar towards the demons!

Seven-star divine personality!

Seven thrusts filled with enormous mana flew towards the demons. An attack that mid-level and lower demons could never block attacked the demons.

“Everyone disperse!”

“Never accept it. damage!”

But who would die in a war if they could avoid it even if they knew that? Their gestures were fleeting.



“This is crazy!”

About 50 demons evaporated with one stab, and a total of 350 demons disappeared. The demons held their breath at the immense power.

<It won’t take that long.>

It was just as Jang Ryo said. The number 1:1000 had no meaning. The enemy’s will to fight had already broken, and runaways were already coming out.

Jeongdo quickly drove the red crow once again.

* * * * * *

It took less than an hour to sort out the demons.

The survival number of demons is 0.

It was truly overwhelming force.

Jeong Do was able to clearly appeal to the resistance as intended. However, he appealed a little, no, he appealed too much.

“Now then, shall we talk again?”

Jeongdo smiled brightly and spoke to the resistance. To a certain extent, this was done because there was a need to maintain as much friendship with them as possible, but from the perspective of accepting it, it was not like that.

“… … .”

“… … .”

An unknown man covered in demon blood all over his body.

Blood that had not yet dried was dripping from the scimitar held in his hand. Moreover, I could even hear the cries of crows eating the corpses of demons in my ears.

In this situation, how should we accept a man with a bright smile? Everyone’s complexion turned pale and they avoided eye contact.

Jeongdo was embarrassed because he didn’t know what was going on, and the chieftain, who couldn’t understand it, opened his mouth.

<… ball. Please wash up first. There are no separate demons in hell.>

“Oh, now that I think about it, I was a little dirty. First, wash it a little and then… .”

Although it was a lightly uttered remark without much intention, the Resistance took it differently. Just like the people who heard that this time, they will wash away the devil’s blood with your blood, their faces became disgusted. They shouted loudly.

“It’s so dirty! “How can that be!”

“Did you want to talk? welcome! Conversation is the best way to get to know each other. So please just talk… .”

“We welcome help from heroes!”

All resistance fighters, both hardliners and moderates, began nodding their heads frantically.

It was a moment when Do-do unintentionally achieved great unity between factions.

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