SSS-Class Gacha Hunter Chapter 107

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Episode 107

Orochi (2)

With just a few gestures, dozens of wooden shikigami started rushing toward Orochi.

[How dare the phantoms who are not even insignificant! Get out of here!]

Orochi let out a poisonous dance as he expressed his anger. Unlike an ordinary tree that melted in an instant, the shikigami that was touched with just the right touch reached Orochi even though its body was melting.

thud! thud!

The tree shikigami started hitting Orochi with long branches.

Dozens of wooden shikigami struck Orochi’s large body, but it didn’t really mean much. Orochi’s status was too high for him to do anything with just a wooden shikigami. However, it was enough to get Orochi on edge.

[You bastards!]

Orochi swung his tail wildly. Suddenly. Orochi’s tail changed into the shape of a blade and cut down all the wooden shikigami around it. But this was a mountain and there were plenty of trees. With just a few gestures, dozens of trees turned into shikigami and rushed towards Orochi.

[Don’t you know that no matter how much you send these low-level shikigami, there is no use!]

‘Of course I know.’

Wooden food spirits are used to kill time. It was nothing more, nothing less. While the wooden shikigami was holding up time, he fired the completed technique towards Orochi.

Flame rain.

As the rain of flames fell on Orochi, it began to burn him and all the shikigami around him.


Even Orochi couldn’t bear this technique and screamed. The fire in his large body could not be extinguished easily, and Orochi rolled around on the ground in pain. Every time the huge body rolled on the ground, the entire Mount Fuji seemed to shake.

It looks like there has definitely been damage. However, Jeong-do’s face was frozen.

‘also. ‘This isn’t enough.’

In fact, the fire rain technique that he used just now was one of the most powerful attacks that could be performed at the moment.

It was a big blow to Orochi, but that’s it. Orochi eventually resisted the flames and stood up.

It was a powerful attack, but it fell far short of the value of the name Abeno Seimei, the natural enemy of youkai.

<It’s a pity that there is no catalyst. It is a long way to defeat a great youkai of that size with pure magic.>

Onmyoji and amulets are inseparable. It would be nice to say that the techniques of the Onmyoji began with a talisman and ended with an amulet. The amulet made from the blood and mana of the caster acted as a catalyst for the Onmyoji’s magic or even strengthened it several times.

‘The king of all ills cannot replace an amulet.’

King of All Illnesses is an item that only implements a ‘weapon’, so it could not implement consumables or catalysts. At best, there were only objects that could increase the efficiency of Yin-Yang Jutsu, like the fan he was currently holding in his hand.

The Yin-Yang technique itself had a good compatibility with monsters, but unfortunately, the compatibility between Onmyo and the King of All Diseases was not good.

<If it is a simple talisman, you can draw it somehow in a short period of time, but it will be difficult to expect a great effect. It’s possible to trap them for a while, but you’ll need to find another means of attack.>

It’s a trap.

So, should we trap it and then fire Excalibur like we did last time? No, you can’t. The power of the magic swords used by the Knights of the Round Table decreases sharply without the <Swordsmanship> talent. If you were going to use it, it was best to at least load a character with the <Swordsmanship> talent before using it.

‘Should I use a ticket?’

A person who was called a general would have a high probability of possessing <swordsmanship> talent. If you load a general-type character with a dual rod and use Seimei’s trapping technique, it seems like you can defeat Orochi in a similar way to when you were killed.

‘good. Let’s do that.’

That’s when Jeong-do decided to use the black ticket.

<I am a child who hears the sounds of all things. Come here.>

A dignified voice, completely different from Seimei’s, resonated in Jeongdo’s head. Jeong Do was startled and looked around.

<This way. Hey.>

The voice came from near the cave where Jeongdo had unsealed Orochi. To be exact, it was about 100 meters away from the cave where the seal was broken.

Jeong Do realized that the owner of this voice was not normal and immediately took action.

As Jeong-do swung his fan, numerous leaves hanging from the tree shikigami flew into the air, blocking Orochi’s eyes.

[You coward! Are you planning to run away!]

Orochi let out a voice of anger and flicked his tongue, but the mythical level necklace and the protection of Gesuna completely hindered his search skills. Jeong-do hid his body and quickly moved toward the voice.

There was a cave there that was different from Bonginji. Without hesitation, I entered the cave. Since it was a not very deep cave, we were able to reach the end of the cave soon enough. At the end of the cave, a stone statue about 2 meters tall was seen. The voice was coming from the statue.

<Oh my. As you may have guessed, my name is Susanoo. I hope you will listen to my request.>

“… … .”

God. It really existed.

I was so surprised that I stared at the statue blankly. The stone statue continued to speak, paying no heed to such an attitude.

<In ancient times, a monster called Orochi was sealed, but it was not perfect. I left my self here in case the seal is released someday.>

After saying that, the statue snapped and split in half. And there was a sword inside the statue. The statue was broken in half, but the voice was still heard.

<Amenohabakiri (天羽々斬). This is the sword I used when I defeated Orochi. After sealing Orochi, I buried it in a stone statue near the seal site to weaken its power.>

This is the famous Susanoo sword that is also mentioned in Japanese mythology. The degree was used to observe Amenohabaki.


<Grade: Myth>

<This is a sword forged in heaven by Susanoo solely to deal with Orochi. Instead of having a special effect on Orochi, it is just an iron club to anyone else except Orochi.>

<Reduces Orochi’s magical power by 50%. Reduces Orochi’s defense by 50%.>

“mythology… .”

When Do-do was distracted by the myth-grade sword, Susanoo’s voice was heard again.

<Please. A child who can hear my voice. Please seal Orochi once again for me. If you use your onmyojitsu, it will be possible.>

Susanoo seemed to think that Jeongdo was an onmyoji. Seimei agreed with Susanoo’s opinion and stepped forward.

<It went well. A sword containing the power of a god, that is, a sword containing the power of the god Susanoo, can be used as a high-level catalyst. With my Onmyojutsu, we will be able to seal Orochi once again for eternity.>

“… that’s right. “It’s a great catalyst.”

<This cave happens to be close to the spiritual vein of Mt. Fuji. With the power of the spirit vein, divine objects, and onmyojitsu, Orochi can be easily sealed… No, where are you going?!>

Jeongdo went out of the cave with Ameno Habakiri in his hand. Not far away, the sight of Orochi striking the wall caught my eye.

thud. thud.

Every time Orochi struck the barrier with his huge body, the entire Mount Fuji rang. Jeongdo ran towards Orochi.

<Are you planning on defeating Orochi yourself with that sword? It’s possible, but too risky. It would be better to just safely seal the sword with a catalyst… .>

“no. “There are better uses.”


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Seimei thought that Amenohabakiri was the catalyst that could seal Orochi again, but his thoughts were slightly different. Although it was the same as a catalyst, the intention was to use it as a catalyst for a completely different purpose.

After using the dual load, I loaded the wired version from the album.

The <Lucky Rental> skill was not used. If the catalyst was this perfect, it was practically a guaranteed ticket.


Countless business cards floated above Jeongdo’s head. One of them fell on Jeongdo’s head. The color of the business card is, without a doubt, white. And the main character of the white business card was also very clear.

The eight heads of Orochi that were hitting the wall suddenly turned their heads at the same time and looked in one direction. There was a precise degree there.

Orochi cried out, angrier than ever.

[Yes, this guy! Susanoooo!!!]

<Hehe. As I live, I come across these absurd experiences.>

[Abominable bastard! You’re using the name of God on the body of a mere creature! Aren’t you embarrassed?]

To be exact, it wasn’t Susanoo who begged, but rather he had forced the load, but Orochi had no way of knowing that fact. It was completely beyond common sense for a mere human to unilaterally summon the power of God. Orochi rushed towards Jeong-do, and Jeong-do swung the fan-shaped panacea.


A geometric pattern made of mana appeared above Orochi, blocking Orochi’s movements. Seimei’s trapping technique was activated.

“Now I won’t be able to separate my body or run away.”

After saying that, he swung Ameno Habakiri. A divine sword wielded while loaded with divine power! As a weakened Orochi, there seemed to be no way to stop it.



The Amenohabakiri that was swung was completely blocked by the blood-red mist that spewed out from Orochi’s body. No matter how many times I struck him after that, he could not inflict even the slightest damage. Sensing that something was amiss, he used observation towards the blood-red fog.

<Blood Dance Cursing God>

<Yamata no Orochi was sealed in Mt. Fuji after being defeated in the battle of Susanoo. Orochi, who was sealed with numerous wounds, vowed to take revenge on God once the seal was released. He analyzed the ‘divine power’ that entered his body through his wounds, and over thousands of years he poured out his magical energy to adapt to the god’s power. As a result, he created an absolute resistance skill against God.>

<Damage reduction effect of 99% when attacked by a being with talent <Divine Prestige>.>

99% resistance to <Shinwi>.

Just as Susanoo created Amenohabakiri exclusively for Orochi, Orochi also gritted his teeth while he was sealed and created a secret weapon to deal with Susanoo. Orochi laughed bitterly.

[Kkkkkk. Things would have been better if onmyojutsu had been used. Obtaining the power of God became poison.]

“… “It’s a shame.”

[Even if you feel sorry, it’s already too late. Mimul. Die and curse yourself for having the power of God in your body!]

Orochi said so, stretched out all eight of his necks, and lunged towards Jeongdo at the same time.

It was truly unfortunate for ‘Orochi’ in many ways.

It was unfortunate that the seal was broken when the wall was covering Mt. Fuji.

It was also unfortunate that the final weapon forged to deal with God was ‘resistance’.

But the most unfortunate thing was that there was only one person who now possessed the power of Susanoo.

Jeongdo indifferently swung his sword at Orochi, which was flying towards him with its mouth wide open.

<Skill <Ignore Ignore> is activated.>

<Completely nullifies the opponent’s resistance skills.>

[…] What?!]

That one letter was the last word of the great youkai who terrified ancient Japan.

With a single strike, Orochi’s eight heads were cut off at the same time and flew into the air.

<Level up! Mana increased by 1 and reflexes increased by 1.>

<Level up! Mana sensitivity has increased by 1.>




<Level up! Mana increased by 1 and health increased by 1.>


Orochi’s gigantic body lay on the ground, and the cold snake’s blood drenched Mt. Fuji.

The battle was broadcast around the world by a Japanese broadcaster filming Mt. Fuji from a helicopter above the wall, and as a result the World Users’ Association made a statement.

The fact that the first user to obtain an SSS rank has appeared.

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