Solo Max-Level Newbie Chapter 354

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Episode 354 Crown of Paedo (2)

The time when Jinhyeok and Hound were confronting each other.


… … Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa!

A wave of red blood swept over the area.

The huge sand dune collapsed in one blow, blood flying everywhere.


Blackrock bit his tongue.

The situation was going in our favor until a little while ago.

However, due to the intervention of a new variable, things began to take a strange turn.

‘Ellis von Ataraxia… … ‘Is this the previous head of the family who was kicked out by the other heads of the family?’

In his prime, he was an absolute figure that no one could touch.

‘If they had come then, the entire Old Guard, including the captain, would have buried their bones here.’

No matter how much the Old Guard is a hunting dog that hunts heroes within the tower, they cannot hunt a ranker of the highest rank.


That’s all assuming the past.

What is in front of you now is just a fragment of it.


Red blood poured out again.

At the same time, Iasis’ arrow pierced the air.



An incredibly tricky attack.

Of course, there is no need to respond to these things individually.

If you just waste time, the odds will be in your favor anyway.

As if to prove that statement.

“That’s enough!”

A sharp shout rang out.

[The unique holy spear ‘Slayer of Peterops’ is activated!]

[Crawling Breath of Darkness has been used!]

A new unique holy spear was activated on the side of Shelly who was dealing with Cheon Yu-seong.

As the relics received from Nyarlathotep were combined, blurry shadows began to appear along the ground.



The shadows soon formed a shape.

They are eight-legged, red-eyed beasts.

It was difficult that each of them possessed extraordinary magical power, but what really mattered was the number.

Even if you estimate it by eye, there are over a hundred of them.

No matter how hard the Sweet Potatoes and the Spirit Beasts worked, they could not deal with this number.

“Is this a bit too much?”

“Yes, that’s right. We have to run away.”

“But wouldn’t it be better to be killed by those guys than to be killed by the master for disobeying orders?”

“Everyone be quiet. My head hurts.”

The spirit beasts hesitated and stepped back.


Only the ancient species, Sweet Potato, was not defeated in power, but the demonic beasts that had been deprived of their emotions were also not intimidated by the ancient species.

An imminent situation.

It was the demon beasts that broke the balance.

The demonic beasts quickly closed the distance using their long legs and began attacking everything in sight.


The gnome surrounded the wall made of earth like a shield.

Undine and Sylphid used magic made of water and wind, making the protective wall even stronger.



The demonic beasts planted themselves on the wall and climbed up.

The blade made of water and wind cut into their fingernails, but that wasn’t enough to stop them.

The demonic beasts that reached the top of the wall took a stance to leap downward.

But that was then.

“Who dare these lowly things show their teeth and attack?”

Ellis’s harpoon turned into heavy rain and poured down.


Puff puff!

Hundreds of harpoons created vents in the beasts’ bodies.



Even the magical beasts that were able to withstand the magic of Undine and Sylphid could not withstand a bombardment of such immense power.

In an instant, dozens of demon beasts fell from the wall and rolled around on the floor.

like that.


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Right at that time when everyone was fighting fiercely.

‘… … now!’


Jinhyuk left his seat and started running.

Toward the place where the Paedo crown is.

“How stupid!”

The hound immediately gave chase.

The opponent who lost his weapon lost his temper and turned his back… .

Now the game has been decided.

All that’s left is to stab that idiot in the back while he gets his hands on the crown.

The Hound coolly kept his distance.

‘It’s a barrier… … .’

The Hound did not neglect his guard even while chasing after Jinhyeok.

My eyes swept around the sand.

About 6 stars.

It is clearly a type of barrier that reduces its power.

He must have had his colleagues who arrived here first create a medium for him.

‘I don’t know what the trick is, but to think that a barrier like this can weaken my magical power.’

All I can do is laugh.

No, it was to the point where I felt sorry for him thinking that this was his final trump.


The Hound picked up his pace a little more.

This is because Jinhyuk’s hand was seen touching the crown.

Take advantage of that gap.


The great sword was aimed precisely at the spinal cord.

I was planning on taking his life away with one blow.


An unusual energy arose in Jinhyeok’s body, which was racing forward.

‘Did you take out another weapon?’

Even if that happens, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, the limit of the opponent’s magical power is set.

Even if you take out a more powerful relic rather than the dagger from before, it won’t be a variable.




Goosebumps appeared all over the Hound.

It is an incredible magical power.

Dare I say it, to the point where it’s hard to guess the end.

* * *


This is a special effect that increases attack power by 100 times when a fang is arbitrarily destroyed.

‘I didn’t know it would be used to copy abilities… … Still, it can play a good role as a hidden card.’

Jinhyuk opened the subspace inventory.

The last item purchased from Rick.

‘Tree Frog Chocolate’

Option: Transfers the abilities attached to the item.

However, the completeness of the transferred ability varies depending on the characteristics of the weapon.


As I put the chocolate in my mouth, a hot energy spread through my veins and throughout my body.

Normally, even if you take tree frog chocolate, the efficiency of ability transfer is not high.

I wouldn’t know if a blacksmith of Orun’s level could work day and night for a week.

This is because fixing disparate abilities to different items was not an easy task in the first place.


There is one case where a ‘perfect transfer’ is possible without the help of Orun.

When the origin of an item comes from a single root.

In other words.

When it is a weapon created from a phantom beast called Pentagris, the transfer can fully exert its power.


A long longbow appeared in Jinhyeok’s hand.

‘Molar’ is another symbol of Pentagris.

The effect of the arrow made with ‘Star’s Protection’ and the transfer effect using Tree Frog Chocolate overlapped.

“The reason I set up a barrier to weaken magical power was not to keep you in check.”

Rather, it was to reduce the absurd destructive power through self-sacrifice.

With this, I can use my power as much as I want without worrying about Teresa or Cheon Yu-seong getting involved.


The protest hanging on Jinhyeok’s fingertips shook.

White light condensed into one point.

The burning white flame even ate away the surrounding air.

It is a strike that gathers all magical power and fires it at close range.

There is no way to avoid it.


A ray of light drew a long line.

What followed was a roar, echoing along with the sound.

Soon after.


An unimaginable storm arose.


A long scream came from the Hound’s mouth.

* * *

Chii Iik… !

A long line of smoke rose from where the arrow crossed.

The crater created by burning sand had no end in sight.

As if to prove how powerful the blow was, the sound of thunder was still crushing my eardrums.

“Heo, heo, heo, heo….”

Jinhyuk took a deep breath.

A whopping 100 times more power.

The aftermath of activating the canine’s special ability came all at once.

It feels like my whole body is being torn apart.

Even though the entire body was protected layer by layer with the ‘star’s protection’ and the barrier, each cell was screaming.

of course.

The opponent who receives this attack will not be able to survive.

… … I was sure that it was.


“Your unique vocal lance is also completely outside the standard. How is it that you can still breathe after being hit by it?”

Jinhyuk had a bitter taste in his mouth.


A hound slowly crawled up from the middle of the crater.

One arm missing and the whole body tattered.

Although his entire body was completely destroyed, he did not die.

It really is an incredibly strong body.

Because I was hit directly with a power that could instantly kill even phantom beasts.

“This…the guy who will tear…and kill….”

The Hound walked unsteadily.

“Don’t overdo it. If you do that, you’ll really die. At this rate, you’ll probably get beaten up by a kindergartener, right?”

No, really.

Even if Undine is beaten with dew, she might fall down.

“Laugh…don’t cry. You don’t even seem to have the strength to even lift a finger…do you think this is the end?”

Even at this moment, the Hound’s wounds were recovering quickly.

10 minutes to go.

If that’s all it takes, you can go back to your original condition.

But, if it takes 10 minutes… … .

The Hound, contorted with rage, picked up something in the sand.

The crown of paedo.

The crown, which had been thrown off by the attack a moment ago, fell right near the hound.

“If I had this… it wouldn’t be a problem to kill just one of you. Giving him the crown… can be done after that.”

The crown is the strongest relic that can be used even by beings on the 50th floor.

The person who uses this will be able to access the state of the absolute.

“It’s your fault for being so foolish that I could get my hands on this.”

The Hound wore the crown with a wry smile on his face.

And at that very moment.

Kikiki kick!

A discordant sound that I had never heard before pricked my nerves.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc us us us

A terrible scream poured from the Hound’s mouth.

The holy relic that should provide enormous power is instead trying to burn his own body.

“Kaaaaaa… Kwaaaa!”

The Hound kept yelling as if he couldn’t understand.

I tried to take the crown off again, but it seemed like it was already stuck to my head and wouldn’t come off.

“Uh… why? What on earth… is this….”

For some reason,

“If the Crown of Swords is used by someone who is not qualified to become its owner, it turns into poison rather than a holy relic.”

Jinhyuk calmly shrugged his shoulders.

“It wouldn’t be possible if you were in a completely intact state. If you were on the verge of death like you are now, the crown would have no choice but to not recognize you as the owner.”

Anyway, there are no restrictions on using the top level artifact?

“No way… the reason you injured me. The reason you placed the crown in front of me on purpose. Was it for this reason?”

“I set up a variety of devices to make him lose his cool. He was in charge of retrieving it. Of course, I thought he would only know part of the crown’s properties.”

The probability that Nyarlathotep had told him everything about the crown converged to zero.

There is no way they would have told their subordinates something that could have hurt them.

And he faithfully carried out Nyarlathotep’s orders without any reservations.

“That’s why you’re losing this fight.”

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