Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 628

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Episode 627 Drink it first!

Brown Tower 77th floor.


Hold. Hold.

[I owned one slave.]

[Due to the effect of , all stats increase by 0.02.]




Sejun once saw Theo stamping the fainted residents of the brown tower.

“If you wake up, come and eat!”

[One person was fed to their fill.]

[All stats increase by 0.2 due to the effect of .]




I raised my stats once again by feeding the full-time employees who got up after getting their stamps stamped.

Sejun’s stats are gradually increasing.

As a bonus, the number of people left to achieve this great achievement was getting closer and closer.


“oh! “It’s really delicious!”

“I can’t believe eating was this much fun!”

“What I’ve been eating so far has been garbage compared to Sejun’s cooking!”

The most rewarding thing is that I showed the full-time employees of Brown Top a new world of taste.

It was natural. Because I used to only eat rotten food, I went beyond the level of food and ate the highest level of cooking in one go.

“Hehe. “It felt like I had just risen from the bottom of hell to heaven.”

Sejun is very proud to see such full-time employees.

“Nyan! “Chairman Park’s face is rotting badly!”

Theo, seeing Sejun like that, hurried over and massaged Sejun’s face.

[The soul is greatly filled by the praise of a being who has opened his eyes to the taste of food.]

[Spirit increases by 10.]





[Our butler is dying!]

As the full-time employees of the Kamangi Family praised Sejun’s cooking, Sejun’s soul was filled.

He hurriedly took on the mental power pouring into Sejun and turned that mental power into Sejun’s potential.

While Theo and Kamangi were taking care of Sejun,


[Where are you running away?!]

“Kelkelkel. “How could I run away…”

Kuengi caught Oric running away and had him plant the kidney beans of intelligence again.


[If you run away again, you will be scolded!]

“Kelkelkel. “I didn’t run away…”

Kueng! Kueng!

[You’ll get scolded even if you talk back! This is how you get scolded!]



Kueng demonstrated how to be scolded by hitting the ground with a thunderbolt.


Only then did Orrick shut up and began working hard.

As the day passed, Sejun, who had been busy hiring employees and providing meals, reached his limit.

[All stat potentials have reached their limit.]

[Stats can no longer be acquired.]

[All acquired stats are returned to nature.]

All the stat potential that had been left was filled, and the stats began to return.


“Ugh. Guys, give me a massage…”

The reduced stats strengthened my fighting spirit and caused muscle pain.

“Chairman Park’s face is rotting! You can’t lose to muscle pain! ”

Theo massaged Sejun’s face.

Kueng! Kueng!

[Dad, please cheer up a little! Kuengi won’t hurt you!]

Kuengi also worked hard to relax Sejun’s muscles.

Kihihihi. Whip! Whip!

[Hehe. Butler! cheer up! Since the butler is a sunfish, he has to do this to become stronger!]


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Kamangi was also cheering for Sejun from the side.


“Ugh. From now on, Kamangi will ban dried roasted sweet potatoes for a week.”

What came back was limited rations.


[The butler is bad!]

Puck. Puck.

The angry blackbird hit Sejun hard with its front paws, but

“oh my. Cool. “Our black guy is good at giving massages.”

It was impossible to defeat Sejun, the leader of the Kan tribe.


[it’s tough···]

Eventually, Black, exhausted from being angry alone, climbed onto Sejun’s chest and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Sejun’s muscle enhancement level increased, and all stat potentials increased by 9000.

After a while.


Sejun, exhausted from muscle pain, falls asleep.



Theo and Kuengi also fell asleep next to Sejun.


The next morning.

“good. “Let’s try hard today too!”

The group started business again

“Ugh. Kids~!”

In the afternoon, Sejun’s stats returned and his muscles ached, and he desperately called out to his companions.

Hold. Hold.

So today, while receiving massages from his companions, Sejun’s muscle strengthening techniques went up a notch, and all stat potentials increased by 11,000.

Again the next day.

“They don’t come here much anymore.”

The number of residents visiting the 77th floor of the Brown Tower has decreased significantly.

They got scared when no one who went to the 77th floor of the tower came back.

In reality, he didn’t go home because he was eating Sejun’s food.

After a while.

[Achieved the great achievement of commanding 3 million slaves.]

[We achieved the great feat of feeding 3 million people.]

Sejun finally achieved two great achievements, making achieving 5 great achievements an ‘achievement’.


[Now! Eat this!]

[It’s time!]

[Growing into a world tree!]

[There’s a lot, so eat a lot!]

Fireworks Nos. 91, 92, 93, and 95 simultaneously created four World Trees on the 22nd, 54th, 72nd, and 86th floors of the Brown Tower.

[The manager of the Brown Tower asks in a happy voice how he managed to grow four world trees so quickly.]

Thanks to this, Grave praises Sejun and is very happy.

But it wasn’t a giant tower yet. There was a slight mistake.

Fireworks thinks that Oric, who was with Sejun, would naturally have become an A-level top farmer, but Oric was still B-level.

“Yumma! “I told you not to play!”

“Kelkelkel. “It’s not playing, it’s just lying down for a while.”

My mindset was very poor.

I can’t help it.

Until now, other conditions had not been met, so we had to wait, but we could no longer let the reputation of Park Se-jun, the top 3-hour cut maker, be ruined.

I couldn’t wait any longer.

Transform Oric’s mind!

“Kamanga, Oric concentration mark.”

Kihihihi. Whip! Whip!

[Hehe. okay! Leave it to the great Black Man!]



At Sejun’s words, Kkamangi secretly noticed and headbutted Oric, who was resting.


The response came soon.

After a while.


[Oric, deploy!]


Oric runs straight to the field and diligently plants kidney beans following Kamangi’s instructions.

You’ll be level A in no time.

Sejun smiled happily as he looked at Oric like that.


Her’s Pawnshop.

[Black Tower Park Se-jun’s sentinel demigod Earth Dragon Park To-ryong visited to decide on a career path.]

“Come on! “Toryong!”

Her, the god of merchants, welcomed Toryongi, who came on a field trip.

“yes. hello. It is called Bactoryong. I heard that my eldest brother is very indebted to me. Please accept this as my gift of gratitude.”


Toryong, who seemed to feel sorry for Her, who was always being harassed by Theo, carefully handed over a box containing 30 bottles of alcohol.

“huh! thank you! “I’ll drink it well!”

Her thanks Toryongi and takes a look at the liquor in the box.

[Well-aged golden Samyang liquor]



Herr looked at the alcohol he had never seen before.


“uh?! This?!”

Just drinking alcohol increases your divine power by 100?!

I was shocked when I saw the options.

And Sejun made it?!

If it’s alcohol…

Drink it first!

Gulp. Gulp. Gulp.


It tasted good too.

“Toryong, listen carefully. From now on, my sister…”

Her, who was intoxicated with alcohol, struggled to hold Toryongi’s huge body by the shoulders and began to explain the two new worlds he would go to in the future.

“Awesome! You can’t bully them! really! It’s great! Hiccup! Did you know?! squirrel! Hehehe. how is it? My rhyme?”

However, Her’s drinking capacity was weak, so the conversation was a mess.


Brown Tower 77th floor.

“Now you can cook stir-fried pork perfectly, right?”


“good. “Then that’s it for today.”

“Thank you for your effort!”

At Sejun’s words, Brown Tower’s full-time employees bowed their heads 90 degrees.

Today is the third day since Oric worked hard after receiving mental education from Kamangi.

Meanwhile, Sejun had nothing to do.

“Sejun, please teach us your cooking!”

At that time, the full-time employees were asking Sejun to take cooking lessons and were teaching him one menu a day.

Sejun is achieving the feat of changing the eating habits of the Brown Tower by spreading proper cooking to the Brown Tower.

But Oric’s problem still hasn’t been solved.

However, Oric’s farming skills were not poor. Even from Sejun’s perspective, there wasn’t much to criticize.

what is the problem?

“Kelkelkel. “Grow up well.”

Sejun smiled wickedly and looked closely at Oric, who was carefully planting the kidney beans of intelligence.

That laughter might be the problem…

Although the sound of laughter was extremely annoying, the good crops tolerated Oric’s annoying laughter well and grew well.

Sejun looked at Oric like that and thought about it for a while.


Something suddenly occurred to me.

Top farmer!

There was clearly information about being able to pass on farming skills to other top farmers.

This might be enough.


Sejun called Oric to test his hypothesis.

“Kelkelkel. Sejun, did you call me?”

Oric rushed over. He didn’t want to work, but when Sejun called him, he rushed over.


Sejun placed his hand on the top of Oric’s head. The reason he put his hand on the top of his head was because Pozzi did this when he was teaching the skill to himself.


I want to pass it on.

Let’s think about passing on your farming skills to Oric.

[What farming skills would you like to teach to Tower Farmer Oric of the Brown Tower?]

[Sowing magic seeds]


[Picking seeds]




A list of skills that can be transferred appears.


Somewhat disappointing results. You can’t become a Grade A top farmer just by passing on skills.

When Sejun makes a list just in case

[Enlightenment of a D-class top farmer]




[Enlightenment of a top A-level farmer]


This is it!

At the very bottom, what Sejun was looking for appeared.

Sejun immediately chose [Enlightenment of a Grade A Top Farmer]

[I will pass on the enlightenment of a Class A tower farmer to Oric, the tower farmer of the Brown Tower.]

[The limit of Oric, the top farmer of the Brown Tower, is B grade.]

[To force a level A top farmer to upgrade to level A, you must consume 5000 of all stats.]

[Would you like to teach?]

Was there a limit to the level of top farmer?

Although Oric worked so hard, there was a reason why he couldn’t become a Grade A top farmer.

“huh. “I’ll pass it on.”

Currently, Sejun’s total stats are around 400,000.

Even if all stats were reduced by 5000, there was no significant impact.

[The grade of Oric, the farmer of the Brown Tower, increases to Class A.]

Oric, who received Sejun’s enlightenment, became an A-level top farmer.

After a while.

[The manager of the Brown Tower says in a happy voice that you did a good job.]

[The manager of the Brown Tower says this is the promised reward.]

Grave, happy to have become a giant, gave Sejun a reward.

“Hehehe. thank you.”

Sejun received that reward.

“Guys, let’s go back!”

I returned to the Black Tower with my companions.


“Hahaha. “Today is a party!”

The great brown dragons held a party to celebrate the growth of the brown tower, allowing Yongyong Market’s sales to soar once again.


[Arrived at the 99th floor of the Black Tower.]




Sejun returns home.

After informing Eileen, Ace, the Dragons of the Four Dragons and the Five Dragons of her return to the farm family, she went to visit Pink Fur.

“Kkuengi, sleep well.”

Kuhehehe. Kueng!

[Hehehe. Good night to you too, Dad!]


After saying good night to Kueng, I returned home and lay down in bed.

But what is the limit of my top farmer?

Sejun suddenly became curious about his own limitations.


Hee hee hee hee!

[Hehe. Butler! Ready!]

I couldn’t continue my thoughts because Kamangi asked me to go apologize with him, asking for the energy of the world.







As everyone goes to work in a panic, the bedroom is filled with only the sound of snoring.

The starlight in the night sky illuminated Sejun and his companions and answered Sejun’s questions.

Not dazzlingly bright, but a soft light that brightens the darkness.

The light widely illuminated the entire 99th floor of the tower, passed through the cave where Sejun first stayed, and entered the pond.

The light that entered the pond gradually became weaker, but it continued forward steadily, passing through the bottom of the pond and arriving at the dimensional sea.

[Hehe. I’m basking in the same light as Sejun!]

It swam across the dimensional sea and reached the flame.

The light was speaking.

This is you, and if you keep moving forward without losing your light, limitations will disappear.

The stars in the night sky gave their own answers.

[Guardian of gourmet food, Sejun Park, get stronger quickly!]

Among them, [Delicious] sparkled particularly strongly and cheered for Sejun.

[Delicious] was greatly impressed by Sejun, who spread gourmet culture to the brown tower.


[Like Sejun, I will promote the world of gourmet food!]

We decided to shine and promote gourmet food to other worlds as well.

The limits of [Delicious] were also expanding.

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