Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 606

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Episode 605 Hehehe. After all, my best friend.

The 99th floor of the Black Tower.


[Sejun, I think it’s finally time.]

Pozzi, who had been laughing lazily while patting his stomach after eating his fill of rice cake soup, suddenly spoke with a serious expression.


Wow. Wow.

[yes. Now I will pass on my skills.]

“yes? “Can I take it later?”

Since Pozzi and Sejun No. 3’s skill levels are increasing just by training, Sejun wanted to receive the skills as soon as possible.

That way, you can learn better skills.



[I’m going to leave again to find a wife.]

Pozzi was thinking of passing on his skills to Sejun and leaving.

“why? Let’s find it together. “I will find you a good bride.”

Sejun caught it, but

Wow. Wow.

[no. I think it would be better to find it alone.]

Pozzi, who has good sense, instinctively knew that he had to escape from Sejun’s clutches.

“That’s too bad···”

Sejun was greatly disappointed by Pozzi’s rejection.

This is the 3rd confession of 3 records so far.

Because the great fun of watching Pozzi set records has disappeared.

Sejun is more serious about this than his skills.


[Then I will pass on the skills.]


Let Sejun give permission.

Jump up.

After Pozzi jumps and climbs onto the top of Sejun’s head,


He placed the cute pink jelly of his right front paw on the top of Sejun’s head and began teaching his skills.

[Pozzi, the hero of and the wielder of seventeen swords, teaches skill: advanced Auror swordsmanship.]

The teaching of advanced Auror swordsmanship, which could not be taught in the past because there were no Aurors.

at that time

[Pozzi, the hero of and the wielder of seventeen swords, additionally teaches the skill: Shingeomhapil.]

[Pozzi, the hero of and the wielder of seventeen swords, additionally teaches the Sword Master’s unique skill: Sword Mastery.]

Pozzi passed on additional skills.

Now Sejun’s beginner Auror swordsmanship has reached the level of mastery, and his body has been reorganized after eating Flame’s immortal apple, making it possible to transfer skills to a higher level.

[I have been taught advanced Auror swordsmanship (Master).]

[I have been taught the Master of Shingeomhapil (Master).]

[All conditions for promotion to Sword Master have been met.]

Hehehe. Now I too am a sword master!

When Sejun was happy to learn swordsmanship skills from Pozzi.

[Top farmers are not allowed to become sword masters.]

[Sword Master Unique Skill: Sword Mastery cannot be taught.]

A message appears in front of Sejun.


[Sword Master’s unique skill: Sword Mastery is changed to Top Farmer’s unique skill: Farming Tool Mastery.]

Are you kidding me?! Farming tool mastery?! You’re out of shape!

Sejun checked his skills just in case, but

[Top Farmer Unique Skill: Farming Equipment Mastery Lv. One]

When using farming equipment, crop planting speed increases by 1%, crop growth speed increases by 1%, crop harvesting speed increases by 1%, and crop shelf life increases by 1 day.


It had a very minimal effect and made Sejun angry once again.

Damn this system! I’m going to impeach you! Definitely impeach!

Sejun is angry at the system.

“Nyan?! Chairman Park, calm down! “My face is rotting!”

Theo, who saw Sejun’s face, quickly kissed Sejun’s face.

“no. “Vice President Te, now is the time to be angry.”

“Nyan?! Something like that?! “I’m suddenly angry too!”

Theo becomes more angry than Sejun at Sejun’s words.

Hehehe. After all, my best friend.

When Sejun looks at Theo with trust

“Nyan? Chairman Park, but who should I be angry with?”

Theo asked. Because I didn’t know the other person, I didn’t get angry easily.

“system. “The system played a trick on me.”


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“Nyan! Was it a system?! How dare you make fun of the great Hybrid Chairman Park! “I’m impeaching the system!”

Theo was very angry at Sejun’s words. Because she was originally vengeful, her emotional involvement was good.

While Sejun and Theo are so angry


[Sejun, I will go then.]

Pozzi is ready to leave

“yes! Take care and I hope you find a good bride!”

Sejun wished Pozzi good luck.

So let Pozzi leave

“I have to work.”

Sejun also woke up.




I removed Theo and Kuengi from my body and got them ready for work.

After a while.

“Fuhuhuhu. “Chairman Park, I’m going to make a lot of money!”


[Kkuengi will also dig up a lot of good herbs!]

Let Theo and Kueng go to work on the 27th floor of the Red Tower and the herb field.

“Kamang, let’s work now.”


Sejun put Blackberry in his sling bag and started his morning routine.

First, harvest the crops from the farm on the 99th floor of the tower.

“Guys, are you ready?”


We planted pre-sprouted glutinous rice with mushroom ants in the rice field created by Toryong.

The glutinous rice we are planting today is the first golden glutinous rice that has been strengthened once with the elixir of strengthening.

The tonic effect was not strengthened by strengthening, but instead, the glutinous rice required for the tonic effect to activate was reduced from 100,000 to 70,000.

So I finished planting rice

“Summon the door.”


Sejun ate the yellow beans and turned the key to open the door to the 10th tower.

“Patrick, Hamer, I’m here.”

After saying hello to the two, Sejun

[You are the field (Master) is activated.]

[The Seed of the Pioneer of Destruction was planted in the body of the 4th Apostle of Destruction, Melpix, the Demon of Destruction.]




The seeds of the Pioneers of Destruction were planted in Melpix’s body.

It will disappear soon, right?

Looking at Melpix’s much smaller body, Sejun decided to place it in the subspace warehouse after the work was finished.

This is because if Melpix’s body disappears when you are not there, you will not be able to receive experience points.

When you keep planting seeds like that

[The 4th Apostle of Destruction, Melpix, the Demon of Destruction, has been defeated.]

[Acquired 6 trillion experience points.]

[You have leveled up.]

[Bonus stat 1 has been obtained.]

[Strength increases by 30.]

[Strength potential increases by 1%.]




A message appears in front of Sejun. Melphix’s body disappeared faster than expected.

This time, Sejun was forced to complete the job quest with a huge amount of experience and reached level 161.

As a reward for completing the job quest, I received +300 to all stats and 20 billion Top Coins.

“Hehe. good.”

You grew today too.

“This is what farming tastes like.”

Sejun planted all the remaining Pioneer of Destruction seeds with a proud expression.


Hee hee hee hee!

[Hehe. Quickly offer the seeds to the great Kamangi!]

Tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Sitting next to a blackbird that is collecting seeds for predators and waiting for the seed collection to finish.

Hee hee hee hee!

[Hehe. Butler! Great Black Manga collected all the seeds!]

“okay. great job.”

When the seed collection was over, I took the seeds and put the black family in the sling bag.


[Butler! I’m going to apologize now, so please look after me!]


Sejun pays attention to Blackbird, who is sleeping with the energy of the world in his mouth.

“I’m going.”

Say hello to Patrick and Hamer and return to the Black Sword Tower.


After playing with Ace for a while and taking a break, I crossed the portal again and headed to .

Not here today either.

Sejun is disappointed to see that there are no new Tears of Destruction.

In addition, all of the other destruction Sejuns had already turned into the tears of an immature creator god.

Thanks to this, I got five additional tears, but Sejun was the only one working in .

[Hehe. Sejun, cheer up. Something good will definitely happen soon!]

Flame comforted Sejun.

Recently, several gaps were discovered and the Tears of Destruction were looking for a way to safely reach .

“huh. “As expected, our fireworks are the best.”


After Sejun patted and praised Fireworks,

Sigh. Sigh.

I started planting Doom Predator seeds on the ground.

I want to make Sejun happy quickly!

The fireworks worked hard to move the roots and lured the tears of destruction into various crevices, carving out a path devoid of the energy of creation until .

When everyone focuses on their own work

Sigh… Sigh…

The blackbird began to whine.

The corruption appeared.

“Hush~hush~our mutt~”

Sejun stroked the black cat’s head and sang a song to it. While teasing.

Sejun and Kamang played together and teased each other whenever they had the chance.


Kamangi’s mental world.

“I forgive you.”

Let the last millionth soul forgive the Kkamangi family and return to the energy of the world.


The red energy coming out of the souls began to coalesce and turn into corruption.

Perhaps because it was the one millionth time, this corruption was three times larger than before and stronger.


-Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I see you again. Betrayed wolf. Aren’t you afraid of being betrayed again?

By looking deeper into Kamangi, we revealed its secrets.

“Crumbling. Noisy! Soon the butler will burn you!”

Kamangi roared in evil at such corruption.


A golden light fell from the sky and began to burn away the corruption.

-Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Do not think that you can continue to stop me with this feeble primordial power. You guys know this too. So you guys will end up being abandoned…

This time, it took quite some time for the corruption to dissipate.

“Crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn… I am indignant.”

Next time, I must tell the butler that I trust him!

Black Mang looked at the place where Corak had disappeared and growled in anger at not being able to reply that he trusted Sejun.


The black cat’s whining noises quieted down, and it opened its eyes.



[Butler! I’m done apologizing now!]

He handed over the energy of the world he was holding onto to Sejun.

[The energy of a world free from corruption]

The thoughts of corruption completely disappeared and the name changed.

The corruption was thorough, and he hid his thoughts in the energy of the world in case the destruction failed.

If you use the world’s energy to rebuild the world, it may take time, but you can be resurrected someday.

Of course, thanks to Sejun and the Kamangi family, the plan began to fall apart.

“Kamang, you did well.”

Hee hee hee hee!

[Hehe. Butler! Great Kkamangi, you did a good job, give me the dried sweet potatoes!]


Kamangi, who was flattered by Sejun’s praise, took a rest while eating the dried sweet potatoes that Sejun gave him, and Sejun planted seeds again.

Today, I planted the Doom Devourer seeds alone without the Doom Sejuns, so it took a long time.

“Chairman Park, I’m back!”


[Kkuengi came too!]

Theo and Kueng came home from work first and came to see Sejun.

“Guys, good job.”

Sejun strokes the heads of Theo and Kueng Ying who are hugged by him.

“Fuhuhuhu. Chairman Park, take this! “Vice President I sold out today too!”

Kuhehehe. Kueng!

[Hehehe. Kuengi also picked five roots of medicinal herbs today!]

Theo and Kkueng handed Sejun what they brought.

“okay. thank you.”

When Sejun praised the two and was planting the remaining seeds

[What should I do?!]

Flame was in an emergency situation again.


[That’s Okay! Now I’m a demigod too!]

Sweet, who absorbed Flame’s power, became a demigod.

Sweety can no longer absorb Flamey’s power.

at that time


Mushroom ants passing by the roots of fireworks.

[Hehe. Guys, should I give you some strength?]

It would be nice to have a mushroom ant god too!

Flame began to pay attention to the mushroom ants.


Seed Store Headquarters.

[Black Giant Park Se-jun’s pet demi-god and poisonous bee king Dal-mi visited to decide on a career path.]

“Muntabak’s pet stick?!”


It is said that Dalkom’s field trip was very grand due to the non-combat gods who misunderstood him.

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