Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 414

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Episode 414 Dad Kkueng solved the case!

Episode 414 Dad Kkueng solved the case!

Green Tower 99th floor.

“Grow up!”

When Ophelia used the skill to sow the mugwort seeds that Sejun had sent, the seeds quickly took root and grew into mugwort.


[I harvested the green magic mugwort.]

[Job experience increases slightly.]

[Harvest Lv. The mastery of 7 increases slightly.]

[70 experience gained.]

[1 green magical mugwort is offered to Park Se-jun, a farmer at the Black Tower.]




Ophelia is diligently digging up mugwort to send to Sejun.

“good. 20,000 mugworts harvested! “What should I do now?”

I don’t want to do more work!

Ophelia, who had harvested mugwort, straightened her back and said.

“ah. right!”

I said Sejun Park’s store opened on the first floor of our tower.

“Ehehe. “I have to take a look.”

Ophelia moved to the Green Tower administrator’s area.


“Grandma is sleeping.”

Ophelia left the room, carefully holding the crystal ball so as not to disturb the sleeping Brachio.


“Show me the first floor of the tower.”

I looked into the crystal ball and found Sejun’s store on the first floor of the green tower.

After a while.

“uh! found!”

Ophelia visits Sejun’s store. It was easy to find because there were so many hunters there.

“oh! “The store sells Park Se-jun’s crops.”

I also want to eat Park Se-jun’s crops…


Ophelia wiped away the drool that had flowed out without her knowledge.

Because of her pride, Ophelia could not ask Sejun for the crops directly, and only ate them when Brachio bought Sejun’s crops at Yongyong Market.

“Shall I go and eat too?”

Ophelia thinks for a moment.


Grandma just told me not to walk around!

Ophelia shook her head, remembering Brachio’s caution. “


I want to eat it…”

Ophelia’s gaze quickly became fixed on Sejun’s crops, which the hunters were happily eating.

“The more I keep watching, the harder it gets. But are they doing a good job?”

The more she looked at it, the more she wanted to eat it, so Ophelia diverted her attention and looked for the bosses she had sent.


“These guys!!!”

Ophelia gets angry looking at the bosses.

Agni, the boss on the 99th floor of the tower, is roasting his crops and enjoying roasted corn.

Cerberus, the boss on the 98th floor of the tower, is guarding the entrance, lying down and eating roasted sweet potatoes.

Egel, the Saint of Destruction, the boss on the 97th floor of the tower who treats hunters at the treatment center and eats cherry tomatoes.

Sejun Company basically provides three meals a day, so of course they provided meals to the bosses as well.

These guys just eat it!

“Eight! “I can’t stand it!”

I’m going to go eat too!

Ofila looked at Brachio cautiously.


good. You fell into a deep sleep!

“Go to the first floor of the green tower.”

Ophelia, who confirmed that Brachio was fast asleep, said while holding the crystal ball.

[Would you like to move to the first floor of the Green Tower?]


[Move to the first floor of the Green Tower.]

Ofelia moved to the first floor of the Green Tower.

what?! You’re Park Se-jun’s subordinate, Theo.

He blocked the attack directed at him and greeted Theo.

“Nyan! Chairman Park’s slave Ophelia, nice to meet you!”


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profit! A slave…

Theo’s words made me feel really bad, but I couldn’t reply because they were true.


now is not the time to dwell on such things!

Ophelia had a purpose for coming here.

“I want to eat that too!”

Ophelia hurriedly told Theo, pointing to the produce sold at the store.

“Fuhuhuhu. “I understand!”

At Ophelia’s words, Theo obediently took out the crops from his bag and handed them to her.

It wasn’t strange at all for Theo since he was providing meals to Sejun Company employees.


“Is there anything I can do for you?”

Ophelia, who didn’t know that, asked Theo if there was anything she could help with.

I didn’t want it to be rumored that the great green dragon didn’t pay his dues.

“Then go quickly! “I’m having a hard time!”

“huh? “I’m sorry!”

Only then did Ophelia see Theo’s tired face from absorbing her own energy.

“Then I’ll go!”

When Ophelia hurried back,

“Nyaan… It’s hard!”

Exhausted, Theo trudged home from work to the Black Tower. Chairman Park needs his knees recharged!


Black Tower 99th floor.


Sejun opened his eyes and moved his body carefully. Fortunately, there was no pain anywhere.

“Were the bones replaced properly?”

Sejun hurriedly checked the power.

Level +10

All stats +100

All stat potential +1000

All stats increase by 1 every 10 days for 10,000 days.

Learning efficiency increases.

Dragon bones increase resistance to external energy.

Whole bones with high bone density increase all stat potential by an additional 1000 and make bones less prone to breaking.



Sejun couldn’t keep his mouth shut after seeing the options of power. This power was truly incredible.

Thanks to this, my level reached 98, I gained 10 bonus stats, and my strength stat increased by 100.

All stat potentials increased by 1000+1000, a total of 2000.

Additionally, for the next 30 years, all stats will increase by 1 every 10 days just by breathing.

Then all stats are 1000.

The other contents were all good things one by one.

“Thank you so much Eileen!”

His powers were strengthened thanks to Black Man, but Sejun, who didn’t know that, thought it was all thanks to Eileen.

[The tower manager says he had a hard time.]

It’s strange. I definitely gave him the ‘frail young dragon bone’…

Eileen found it strange that Sejun’s power had been strengthened, but she thought that a good thing was a good thing.

Sejun had a conversation with Eileen like that.

“All 10 bonus stats will increase agility.”

Sejun increased his lowest stat, agility, with a bonus stat.

“But the black guy is disgusting.”

You must have seen me passed out, so just leave me alone?


Sejun got upset and looked for Kamangi.



“I thought you would be here.

I found a black bird sleeping in the storage room with its puffy belly sticking out.

He must have fallen asleep while eating and had a half-eaten raw sweet potato in his mouth.

“Ugh. “This is really…”

It’s so small that there’s nowhere to hit it.

Sejun sighed and sat down next to Blackbird and patted his stomach.




Black Mangi brightened his mouth, smiled brightly, held Sejun’s hand with his short paws, and leaned his head against it.

“Are you laughing? huh?”

I watched it because it was cute.

Sejun grumbled and carefully picked up the black cat with both hands, put it in the sling bag, and cleaned the floor that the black dog had made a mess of.

At that time,

“Chairman Park, I’m back!”

Theo returned from the green tower and ran towards Sejun.


Of course, the first thing is the face.


Theo, who was clinging to Sejun’s face, rubbed his face on the top of Sejun’s head.

“Did you do well?”

Sejun asked Theo.

“Fuhuhuhu. That’s right! And Ophelia came to the store!”


“That’s right!”

“If Ophelia had appeared, there would have been chaos on the first floor of the tower, right?”

“Fuhuhuhu. So, I, Vice President Te, came forward and absorbed all of Ophelia’s energy!”

“Eh? What if I absorb it all? Then what if something big happens?!”

“Nyan? Fuhehehe. “Chairman Park, did you just worry about me?”


“Don’t worry! “Thanks to absorbing Ophelia’s energy, I have become much stronger!”

Theo, who was in a good mood due to Sejun’s concern, stuck out his chest and shouted in an arrogant voice.

So why did I do that? I was presumptuous again by worrying about others.

“So why did Ophelia come?”

“I asked for Chairman Park’s crops!”

“okay? Then tell me.”

Was it because your pride was hurt?

“Then Theo will continue to take care of me. “Every time Ophelia appears, Vice President Te will absorb her energy and become stronger.”

“Nyan! Good idea! After all, Chairman Park is a genius!”

“Heh. of course. “Vice Chairman Teh should also consider it an honor to be a subordinate of the genius Chairman Park.” “Fuhuhuhu. Of course, I, Vice President Te, consider it an honor to be a subordinate of the genius Chairman Park!”

what? How can you take a joke so seriously?

And why is the shame my responsibility?

“Fuhuhuhu. Meeting the genius Chairman Park was the best thing I did in my life! I respect you! “Chairman Park is great!”

Theo continues to praise Sejun without knowing his feelings.


When Sejun tried to cover Theo’s mouth,

“But your face is rotten!”


The order has changed… Why did you pour the medicine and then give the bottle at the end?!

Instead of giving a bottle and giving medicine, give medicine and give a bottle.

Instead, Sejun’s shame clearly disappeared.

“Let’s go out.”

“I understand!”

At Sejun’s words, Theo clung to Sejun’s lap and Sejun walked out of the storage room.

When Sejun came out like that,


[Daddy Kueng is here!]


[I came too!]

“I came too!”

Kuengi, who received special training from King Uma, returned with Piyot Yuren.

“Why are you guys so late?!”

Theo asked, looking at Piyot and Yuren. Apparently, it was because they decided to enslave the skeletons on the 96th floor of the tower and climb up.

“On the way up…”

Yuren explained the situation.

“So… you met a thief on the way up and chased him, but you were late?”


As expected, Yuren was the icon of misfortune.

“So did you catch it?”


[no! [I couldn’t catch him because he suddenly disappeared from the 81st floor of the tower!]

Pyogi answered in an exasperated voice.

“hmm. “It’s time for Detective Sherlock Sejun to step forward.”

The 81st floor of the tower is where Sejun can go. I thought it would be a good idea to check out the pear tree farm after a long time.

“Fuhuhuhu. “Then Detective Sherlock Sejun’s assistant Theotson is also on the scene!”


[Detective Kunan is also on the scene!]

“Then let’s leave right away!”

Sejun and his group, who decided to chase the thief, moved to the waypoint.

[Arrived at the 81st floor of the Black Tower.]




“Guys, come out.”

Sejun arrived at the 81st floor of the tower using the waypoint and called the group in the subspace warehouse.


“Pyo, guide me to the place where I missed the thief.”

Piyo! Piyo!

[yes! Just trust me!]

I moved along with Piyo.


Outskirts of Destruction.


Halfas, the 2nd Apostle of Destruction and the Crow of Death, frowned as he watched the orb slowly disappearing its red energy.

This had never happened before, but for it to happen not once, but twice…

It was clear that something was happening that I didn’t know about.

“How dare you stand against the power of destruction!”

Halpas became angry when the power of destruction began to decrease from ‘Earth’ to ‘Neta’.

“What is Fenrir doing?!”

Halfas got angry at Fenrir for being absent for no reason.

At that time

– Why do I call Halfpas?

Fenrir’s voice was heard.

“Fenrir? “Why is your voice there?”

Halfas asked, looking at the bead containing the Earth.

-Nothing to know. Rather than that, hand over control of disaster to me. I’ll take care of this place.

Fenrir’s thoughts did not mention the scattered core pieces.

Although they are the same apostles of destruction, they are wild beasts that bite even if they show weakness, even if they are on the same side.

“i get it. “I will hand over control of the disaster.”

Halfas handed over control as requested.

In this way, control of all disasters on Earth was given to Michael.


Piyot! Piyot!

[Here! It suddenly disappeared from here!]

Piyot stopped in front of a huge stone wall. Kueng



[I can smell it!]

As Kkueng closed his eyes and followed the smell of the criminal, relying on his sense of smell, he disappeared at some point.



A huge building appeared with a huge roar.

Kuhehehe. Kueng!

[Hehehe. Dad, Kuengi solved the case!]

Kuengi, who broke the core of the illusion magic circle, smiled brightly and ran towards Sejun.

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