Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 397

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Episode 397 Hehehe. I have a lot of this.

Episode 397 Hehehe. I have a lot of this.

Black Tower Administrator Area.

[Contribution to eradicating flesh predators on the 4th floor of the Black Tower] 1st place

Park Se-jun (19,920,042 animals) 2nd place

Han Tae-jun (3,312 animals)

3rd place – Leon (2,134 animals)

“Heeheehee. Cheer up, guys.”

Eileen looked at Sejun’s contribution displayed on the crystal ball and cheered on those who were fighting hard on the 4th floor of the tower.

Hee hee hee. Now, if you get 10 million more, you can purchase powers that will make Sejun stronger!

Powers can be purchased with money, but what Eileen was aiming for was a special power that could only be purchased with contribution points.

[The performance of Black Tower’s middle manager and top farmer, Park Se-jun, increases by 1.]




“Heeheehee. It climbs well.”

While Eileen was playing alone, she watched Sejun’s contribution increase


Several dragons entered the administrator’s area. Their parents were dragons and hatchlings.

“Where is Eileen?!”

“Eileen Hokus is here!”

“Silvia is here too!”

As soon as the hatchlings arrived at the Black Tower, they ran and called for Eileen.

“ah. “It was fun now…”

Eileen put down the crystal ball and welcomed the guest.

“Welcome, sisters and brothers!”

“Aileen was bored alone?!”


“We’ll play!”

Eileen was taken aback by the attitude of the hatchlings who brightened their eyes and offered to play with her.

no. I’m not bored. How fun it is to see our Sejun’s contribution increase.

“I’ll make sure Hocus Yul isn’t bored!”

“What are you talking about?! “Sylvia will have fun with Eileen!”

“no! “I will play with you!” The hatchlings,

unaware of Eirin’s thoughts, argue with each other over whether they will play with the youngest.

‘How can I make my sisters and brothers stop fighting and have fun?’

Meanwhile, Eileen was thinking about ways for everyone to play together. If you play with just one hatchling, the rest of the hatchlings will get upset.

Then, the hatchlings who are angry with Eileen will not come to the Black Tower, which means a decline in Sejun’s crop sales.

That can’t be possible!

Once sales increase, they should not drop. never!

We needed a game that we could all play together.

ah! That will do!

“Sisters and brothers, let’s play hide and seek!”

Eileen said to the hatchlings who were still fighting.

“hide and seek?”

“What is it?”

“Is this your first time hearing this?”

The hatchlings showed interest in a game they had never heard of.

“What about hide and seek…”

Eileen explained the rules of hide and seek.

Of course, the reason Eileen learned hide and seek was because of Sejun.

Sejun wanted to have some alone time in the past. I decided to hide and not come out, so I played hide and seek with the tower family.

But as soon as I hid, I was caught.

Fuhehehe. I found it!

Since Theo was the tagger, it was natural that he would be caught. It was a time when we didn’t know if Theo had a Sejun detector.

Sejun immediately became a tagger.

I went around looking for the hidden kids and realized that if I didn’t find them, I could have some alone time, so I played around alone.


hey! Hey!

[You can’t move when you’re hungry!]

The hide and seek game ended with Kueng crying because Sejun didn’t look for him.

‘Hehehe. Sejun was really funny back then.’

Eileen laughed, remembering Sejun’s embarrassed expression.

“So you just have to hide without using magic?”

“yes. “Oppa Hakoon.”


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“oh! sounds fun!”

“Then Garlic wants to play tag!”

Fortunately, the hatchlings showed interest in hide and seek.

“Then hide quickly! I count! one two···.”

When Garlic blindfolded himself and started counting, he said,

“Eileen, hide with me!”

“Hakun is so big. If we go together, we’ll get caught. So come with me.”

The hatchlings started fighting each other to get to Eileen.

At that time

, “Hehehe. Sylvia is the smallest here! So Eileen is going to hide with Sylvia! Let’s go, Eileen!”

Sylvia grabbed Eileen’s hand and ran.

Eileen went into hiding with Sylvia.

“Trust me, Eileen!”


I followed behind Silvia, who seemed confident.

However, Sylvia, who had never played hide and seek before, couldn’t hide well and

said, “Silvia, were you just trying to go over there? “What a great idea!”


hinted to Sylvia where to hide.

“huh?! then! Because Sylvia is my older sister! “Hehehe.”

Sylvia, who was in a good mood after hearing Eileen’s words, was able to hide in a good place as Eileen had intended.

After playing hide and seek a few times, the hatchlings became hungry.

“Let’s eat something.”


The hatchlings wanted a snack and asked,

“Can you give me some rice cakes and honey, Eileen?”

“Give us some dried roasted sweet potatoes.”

“We have roasted corn…”

Parents started buying snacks for Eileen.

Play is play and business is business. Eileen was thorough in her life.

‘Hehehe. ‘This is okay too.’

Eileen, who went from being the youngest recipient to becoming a seller again, smiled as she sold Sejun’s food.

However, the parent dragons were also very satisfied with the current situation. Because the hatchlings were able to relax comfortably by playing among themselves.

“Shall we meet at the Black Tower periodically like this from now on?”

“Is that good?”

While parents were making detailed meeting plans,

“Let’s play hide and seek!”

After eating the snack, the hatchlings started playing again.

“This time, Eileen is the tagger, so you guys, quickly hide!”

At first, Eileen thought she was playing with her older brother.

“One, two, three···.”

Eileen’s face was suddenly filled with genuine joy as she closed her eyes and counted.


Tower 70th floor.

“Where are your colleagues?!”

“I can never say it!”

“Say it!”

Despite Theo’s scolding, the skeleton did not reveal his colleague’s location.

“Vice President Te, don’t get too worked up. “Just find his thumb and you’ll get the answer.”

If you become a slave, your thoughts will inevitably change.

“Fuhuhuhu. “As expected, Chairman Park is smart!”

At Sejun’s words, Theo hurriedly picked up the contract, found the thumb bones of the skeletons, and started stamping them.

“Guys, let’s help too.”

Sejun and the others found the thumb bone and stamped the contract.

Several hours passed like that.

“oh my. It’s my waist. Let’s do it!”

Sejun, who was working hard to find the thumb bone and stamp it, stood up and stretched loudly,





“Let’s do it!”

The group stretches out after Sejun.

“This is harder than taking care of the treasure.”

Sejun said as he looked at the high piled bones that had been classified as thumb bones.

Because there were so many skeletons, finding and photographing the thumb bone was a huge task. There were still many bones left that could not be identified.

Then it


A sound came from Kueng’s stomach. It was dinner time.

It would be difficult to finish it today anyway, so I thought the rest of the work would have to be done tomorrow.

“Let’s eat first. “Vice President Te, please catch some fish.”

“I understand!”

According to Sejun’s words, Theo hunted fish living in the moat, and Sejun cleaned the fish and grilled it deliciously.

“As expected, the grilled fish made with Chairman Park’s sincerity is delicious!”


[It’s delicious!]

Whip! Whip!

‘Give me more! ‘Ask for more!’

While the group was eating grilled fish,

swish. swish.

The fish bones that the group ate and discarded were piled up in large quantities.


, suddenly, suddenly.

A strange sound was heard from the place where the fish bones were piled up.




Sejun wakes up and looks at the pile of bones.


There, a skeleton skull was chewing on a fish bone.

“Nyan? “This is the guy who didn’t tell me the location of his colleague earlier!”

Theo said, recognizing the skeleton.


Come to think of it, I haven’t found that guy’s thumb bone yet.

“You like this?”

As Sejun spoke, he removed the fish bones around to prevent the skeleton from eating them.



It was so disappointing that the skeleton was clearly visible. I was willing to do anything as long as I could eat fish bones.

“Hehehe. “I have a lot of this.”

Sejun said as he took out the fish bones he had collected for broth from the subspace warehouse.

The skeleton swallowed its saliva after seeing the fish bones. I didn’t actually swallow it, I just acted like I was swallowing it.

“If you sign this contract, I will give you one of these fish bones every day. how is it? “If you want to take a picture, move your thumb.”

When Sejun spoke to the skeleton,

it clattered.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of my thumb moving from all directions. It wasn’t just the skeleton in front of me that wanted fish bones.

Thanks to this, the maintenance cost of the skeleton increased from 0 won to one fish bone per day, but it was not burdensome at all.

“As expected, Chairman Park is a genius!”

“no way. To this extent…”

Sejun spoke humbly in response to Theo’s praise,

but hehe. Maybe I really am a genius?

Inside, I felt incredibly proud.

After a while.

I was able to find all the thumb bones that moved so I could stamp the contract and say,

“Fuuhuhu. “Chairman Agnes says there are a lot of slaves on the 96th floor of the tower!”

Theo learned the location of his colleagues from Agnes, the leader of the skeleton wizards.

“96th floor of the tower?”

“Pfft. The 96th floor of the tower is ruled by Regius, the Lord of Bones, who is called the Sacred Bone among the Sacred Bones!”

“okay? “But we’re still strong, right?”

Sejun asked Iona in a slightly uneasy voice at the seemingly familiar title of Lord of Bones.

“Pfft. sure! Just us is enough! If you’re anxious, should I call Uma King and Black Minotaur as well?”

“Is that so?”

Sejun, who was anxious, immediately nodded.

“Then shall we contact King Uma right away?”

“no. “I have to go to the 68th floor of the tower first, so call me later.”

“Pfft. yes!”

After finishing his conversation with Iona, Sejun fell asleep while playing with Fenrir.


99th floor of the Golden Tower.

[The third contest of the Harvest Festival, the Cherry Tomato Juice Eating Contest, will begin shortly.]

[Participants who wish to participate in the contest must gather in front of the High Elf’s giant cherry tomato altar.]


“Not alcohol, but juice?”

The elves who were looking forward to drinking were taken aback.


The same goes for Cecilia.


Instead, the young elves who were able to participate in the competition cheered.


“Ugh… I’m full…”

Cecilia came in last place again.

Still, the ‘Magic Cherry Tomato Juice with Honey’ was really delicious.

Cecilia smiled, remembering the taste of the juice she drank a moment ago. “


… the reward will be something more delicious, right? “I’m really jealous.”

Thinking about the reward, I quickly became sad.

“oh! “It’s a reward!”

Meanwhile, the winners of the competition received rewards.

“Horrible Cherry Tomato Goblin Whiskey?”

It was an S-class drink that Oric took Sejun’s cherry tomatoes to the Brown Tower and mixed with terrible goblin whiskey.

Thanks to this, Oric received great recognition from the Red Goblins, but it was a great misfortune for the Elves.

“Let’s drink it first. “Even though the name is like this, it will definitely taste good!”


The winners who drank the alcohol they received as a reward vomited up everything they ate and fainted, saying,

“Whew. Thank goodness.”

Cecilia was thankful she didn’t win.

It is said that the winners who woke up later were shocked and frightened and trembled at the mere mention of the goblin’s ‘go’ for months.


The next morning.

“You guys go to the 4th floor of the tower!”


The skeleton wizards who received instructions from Theo left for the 4th floor of the tower, carrying bundles of fish bones inside their ribs.


“Guys, they’re in the warehouse.”

Sejun puts the group in the sub-space warehouse

and shouts.

[The summoning function is activated to imprint the first owner of the farm land document on the 68th floor of the Black Tower.]

The land document on the 68th floor of the tower was opened and disappeared.

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