Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 370

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Episode 370 I am so sad…

Episode 370. I am so sad…

Black Tower Administrator Area.

“Heeheehee. it’s good.”

Eileen was taking a break from looking for destruction with the destruction detector and eating elixir-grade cherry tomatoes.



The crystal ball vibrated.


Eileen poured all the remaining cherry tomatoes into her mouth and checked the crystal ball.

[Black Tower Farmer Sejun Park has achieved the great achievement of annihilating the first Calamity Locust in the dimension protected by the tower.]

[Three Great Achievements have been completed among the three Great Achievements required for growth in the Black Tower. ]

[One of the Black Tower growth conditions has been achieved.]

“Hehehe. “Of course it’s our Sejun!”

Eileen smiled brightly after checking the alarm that appeared in the crystal ball. 6 out of 8 Black Tower conditions have been achieved.

Ever since I was with Sejun, everything was going well.

“I too will become a great and great black dragon worthy of our Sejun!”

So Eileen decided to work harder.


– Ha-kun, I told you to come see Yongyong Market, but why haven’t you come yet? It’s not like you can’t come because your parents told you not to go, right? If so, I’m really disappointed. I am so weak that even my parents can’t do what they want. Speaking of hatchlings…

Eileen began writing letters once again, provoking other hatchlings to come to Yongyong Market.

For reference, Eileen is 200 years old and is the youngest of the nine dragon clan hatchlings.

Perhaps the hatchlings who received Eileen’s letter will beg their parents to come to Yongyong Market at least once in order to regain their pride.


[As a great achievement reward, the crops grown by Black Tower Farmer Park Se-jun can absorb a very small amount of the power of destruction and turn it into nutrients.] An

additional reward message appears.

It is possible to absorb the power of destruction and turn it into nutrients. Although I could only absorb a very small amount, it was a pretty decent reward.

“You just have to plant a lot.”

When Sejun returned to the 99th floor of the tower, he decided to plant a piece of Fenrir’s core in the ground to remove the power of destruction.


“Hehehe.” “I did a great job.”

Sejun, who wiped out the first disaster, the Locust, with a huge wave, looked proud.




The farming king, who had only a skull in front of Sejun, called out to Sejun, who was talking to himself while listening to his story.

The King of Farming, who was carried along with other crying skeletons in the bag Yuren carried on his back.

As soon as the farming king came to his senses, he found Sejun and


[Sejun, I am the king of farming!]

He announced that he is the king of farming.

Thanks to this, the farming king who was rescued by Sejun was explaining why he was here.

“So, you came to see me under Leah’s instructions, but these guys stole all your money and grapeseed oil, so you’re broke?”


[It’s not them, it’s the Crying Skeletons!]


[And it wasn’t stolen, it was used as funds for the great revolution!]

Clatter! Clatter…

[Yes! [For the cause of overthrowing the bone rank system…]

Koto and other subordinates fervently protest against Sejun’s words.


“Sigh! “Don’t talk back to Chairman Park!”


The skull that had barely recovered from being hit on the head by Theo was shattered, and the crying skeletons fell silent.

“But can you make Lady Leah descend with that body?”

Clatter, rattle.

[no. This is only possible when the body fully recovers.]

“Really? “Then I guess I’ll have to wait.”

Since the bones had to be assembled in detail, Theo’s healing techniques, Kuengi’s physical magic massage, and Ajax’s recovery were of no use.

I felt like I needed 5 hours to recover.

“But where is the money and grapeseed oil? “It wasn’t in what Theo brought.”

Sejun watched the King of Farming’s bones being assembled little by little and asked about the items that King of Farming had brought.

Since grape seed oil was almost gone, Sejun’s attention was focused on grape seed oil.



A farming king told a story about his money and grape seed oil being stolen by another robber.


“Ha! Ha! Ha! How dare you touch Chairman Park’s money!”


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Theo became angry after hearing the farming king’s words.

The amount was small, 1 million Topcoins, but the amount was not important. It was important that he had his hands on Sejun’s money.

“Only I, Vice Chairman Te, can borrow Chairman Park’s money and burn it! But how dare you rob me of that money!!!”

Theo never! never! I couldn’t forgive.

“Where was it stolen?!”

So, in order to get Sejun’s money back, he asked the farming king where it was stolen.


[In the merchant passage near the 38th floor of the tower.]

The farming king said, recalling the location where he met the robber.

Merchant passage near the 38th floor of the tower.

It was a very vague explanation, but Theo had Yuren, a slave lure. It was clear that the robbers would show up on their own, attracted by Yuren’s sweet misfortune.

All he has to do is catch the robbers, turn them into slaves, and find Sejun’s money and grape seed oil.

“I’m going to go to Chairman Park and get the money!”

Theo quickly prepared to leave. If you are on the 38th floor of the tower, you can get there in 2 hours.

“Vice President Te, please be sure to find grape seed oil.”

“I understand! Piyo Yuren, let’s go!”

Theo moved quickly with Piyo and Yuren.

3 hours later.

“Fuhuhuhu. “Chairman Park, I brought you money and grape seed oil!”

Theo, who had been delayed by meeting 10 robber teams, returned after receiving a slave contract from 100 robbers.

As expected, the performance of the slave luring machine was excellent.

“Welcome. “We were just having dinner.”

I couldn’t see anyone around except Sejun and Fenrir,

but boo!


Kuhehehe. Kueng!

[Hehehe. It’s delicious!]

“Ugh. This is really spicy! But it’s delicious!”

I could hear the black rabbit Kuengi Ajax and hundreds of blue-backed penguins happily eating the spicy sujebi that Sejun made with freshwater shrimp.

Because of the special effect hiding of freshwater shrimp.

“Fuhuhuhu. “I, Vice President Te, want to eat grilled fish!”

Theo hurriedly sat on Sejun’s lap and said,

“I knew that would happen and already prepared. ruler.”

“Fuhuhuhu. “It’s grilled fish made with Chairman Park’s sincerity!”

Sejun eagerly accepted the grilled fish and began to eat it deliciously.

“Yuren, do you want to eat shrimp stew and Piyot, do you want to eat walnuts?”

Piyo! Piyo!

[yes! I want to eat it!]

Sejun recommended sujebi to Yuren, who eats anything, and walnuts to Piyo, who likes nuts.

“okay. wait for a sec. “Let’s work hard to peel walnuts.”

When Sejun holds out the water lily nut to Fenrir, he


‘It’s about becoming stronger!’


Fenrir suddenly bit down on the walnut and woke up.



“ruler. eat.”

Sejun cracked 5 walnuts, scooped out the walnuts from the walnut shells, and gave them to Piyo


‘hey! ‘I should give you something to eat too!’

“okay. Let’s eat this, Kamangi.”

Sitting in front of Sejun, he put down his bowl and gave Fenrir, who was barking eagerly, some fish fillet and put it in the bowl.


“Hey! “I have to leave what’s mine!”

Sejun also hurriedly scooped up the sujebi from the bottomless pot and started eating it with a ladle.


“Wow. Cool.”

Sejun ate the sujebi without hesitation, sweating profusely at the spicy and cool taste.

When Sejun ate all of the sujebi

[He consumed spicy and refreshing freshwater shrimp sujebi.]

[Special effect: His appearance becomes transparent for 30 minutes due to the effect of stealth.]

Stealth activated and Sejun’s appearance disappeared.

After a while.

Kihihihi. whing. whing.

‘Hehe. full. Now I have to ask the butler to rub my tummy.’

Fenrir, happily filled with fish meat, looked around to find Sejun.



‘Where did he go?!’

Ttungtang. Ttungtang.

When I couldn’t see Sejun, I started running around looking for him.

Whip! Whip?!

‘It definitely smells! hey! Where are you?!’

Fenrir put his nose to the ground and diligently tracked Sejun’s scent.



Fenrir fainted as he collided with Kueng’s butt. As expected, it was a sunfish that Sejun acknowledged.

Kueng? Kueng!

[What is Kkamang doing here? Daddy, Kamang sleeps here!]

Kueng picked up the fainted Fenrir and handed it to Sejun,

“Why is he sleeping here?”

Sejun put Fenrir in the sling bag. No one thought Fenrir had fainted.

So Sejun ate dinner and

said, “Okay. Just add a bowl of shrimp, pick up a handful of salt, and sprinkle it on.”

When my companions and I were putting freshwater shrimp in a jar, sprinkling salt on them, and making salted shrimp

– Park Se-jun. I am so sad…

The farming king’s eyes, which had already finished assembling the bones, turned golden and Leah expressed her disappointment to Sejun.

“yes? “What did I do…?”

-Didn’t they build a temple for Peblos, the god of gravel, but not me?

“A temple?”

Sejun fell into thought for a moment after hearing Leah’s words. Ah… are you talking about the 1-pyeong Peblos road?

That would be correct since that is the only one made for Peblos.

But… seeing that the road was called a temple, it seemed like I couldn’t see this side at all from the other side.

“I also wanted to be the first to build Leia’s temple. But, as you know, it costs a lot of money to build a temple.”

So I lied a bit. You can easily build a road by just using the land raising skill.

However, Sejun had a miraculous logic: using skills consumes magical power, consuming magical energy makes you hungry, and you need money to fill your stomach.

-then! Of course, building a temple would cost a lot of money!

Leah agrees with Sejun.

“yes. But since Peblos threw away his wealth, I had no choice but to build Peblos’ temple first.”

-I see. Park Se-jun. Then I will give you 5 bottles of Harvest Elixir for the cost of building the temple.


-Yes! And… sigh. I wish my temple would be bigger than Peblos’ temple and have more visitors.

ah. Floating population is also important.

Sejun got good information thanks to Leah.

“of course! “I will build a huge temple in a better place than Peblos’ temple!”

The price of 5 bottles of the elixir of harvest is 500 billion Top Coins… so

you could just lay a 5-pyeong stone with Leah’s name engraved on the path that mushroom ants often pass by and call it Leah Road.

Sejun answered, gave an estimate, and said,

“Ah. But…isn’t there something more magical like the Golden Box of Abundance?”

I asked Leah if she had any other miracles.

-That…it’s difficult now, I’ll figure it out later. Now then…

Leah, who can’t say that she can’t make it because she doesn’t have divine power in her face, hesitates and tries to leave in a hurry,

“Huh?!” “Aren’t you going to sell the Elixir of Harvest today?”

Sejun hurriedly called Leah. I thought I would buy a lot of elixirs because I thought I would have a lot of money.


…there were just 5 elixirs.

Leah answers in a salty voice. To make an elixir, not only was divine power needed, but it also required time.

“Ah… then take this.”

Sejun, who felt uncomfortable with Leah’s answer, took out 500 billion Top Coins and handed it to Leah.

-Why this?

“I will pay the temple fee in arrears. “Pay back later.”

-oh! Thank you! Park Se-jun. You are so kind! I must repay this favor!

Leah spent all the time she could spare praising Sejun.


[the soul is filled with praise from Leah, the god of abundance.]

[Spiritual power increases by 10.]

Thanks to Leah’s praise, the mental power has increased.

“Hehehe. “I’ll have to be nice to you from next time and receive praise.”

Sejun thought that the next time he met the gods, he would receive praise as well as wealth, and after putting the elixir of harvest into the subspace warehouse, he said,

“Guys, let’s go home. “Toryong!”

I called Toryong and prepared to go home.


Home of the great golden dragon.

“profit! “I’m only 200 years old and I’m a weak hatchling to the great golden dragon Hokus?!”

Hocus, who was reading Eileen’s letter while lying in his soft golden cradle, became upset.

“joy! “I, Hokus, will show you how strong a hatchling is!”

Hocus came out of the golden cradle with determination.


“Aaaah! Mom-! I want to go to the Black Tower!”

I started crying and crying.

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