Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 352

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Episode 352 Is my face really rotten?

Episode 352 Is my face really rotten?

Black Tower Administrator Area.

“Grandma Brachio, please forgive me just this once.”

“Ho ho ho. I get it. Didn’t you put a stamp here? “Remove your anger,”

Brachio replied, pointing to the contract that contained the clause that he would not harm Sejun.

“all right. “You can choose from here.”

Eileen proudly handed over a piece of paper with Sejun’s handwritten crop name and option price written on it.

“oh. “There are so many types?!”

Bracchio, who was only thinking about black beans and Samyang wine, was surprised to see dozens of types of crops and soon became excited.

“If you like sweet things, I recommend sweet potatoes or corn. If you like savory foods, peanuts…”

Eileen was next to me, recommending crops to Brachio.

“okay? “Can’t you try it?”

“That is difficult. Instead, if you buy a lot, I’ll give you some service.”

If you just listen to the conversation, it seemed like a conversation between earth ladies, but it was a conversation between dragons.

After a while,

“First of all, will you give me 1 black bean, 10,000 bottles of Samyang liquor, and 10 other crops each?”

Bracchio bought all kinds of different crops to try and judge.

“yes! wait a minute! Sejun, it’s an order!”

Eileen hurriedly delivered Brachio’s order list to Sejun.

After a while,

“Here. “100 of these honey jellies are a service.”

I received the crops from Sejun and handed them to Brachio.

“okay. Thank you. Here is 120 billion Topcoin. “Use the change to buy something delicious.”

“yes. thank you! goodbye! “Grandma, come again next time!”

“Ho ho ho. okay.”

Brachio smiled as he saw Eileen seeing him off with a bright expression. After all, there is nothing better than pocket money to become closer to children.

When Brachio left, he said,

“Hehehe. Sejun! “I sold a lot!”

Eileen boasted about her achievements to Sejun.




good night. good. Sejun, who had eaten lunch, smiled happily while drinking his own coffee.


[You ingested a bitter medicine.]

[Talent: A medicine that is good for your stamina is bitter and activates.]

[Your stamina increases by 3.]

A message appears.

“Hehe. I can handle this level of bitterness well enough. “Because I’m an adult.”

In the end, Sejun failed to make the coffee taste good and got used to the bitter taste.

While he was enjoying his coffee like that

[Top’s manager says he earned 120 billion Top Coins by selling his crops.]

Eileen refilled Sejun’s empty storage and made him feel even better.

“120 billion? “Wasn’t it 115.5 billion?”

[The tower manager says that Grandma Brachio gave him the change to buy something delicious.]

As expected, the scale of the dragons was enormous. They gave me 4.5 billion Top Coins to buy something delicious.

“okay? “Then you can keep the change.”

[The manager of the tower says that since he got it by selling your crops, it is also yours.]

Such honesty that he does not steal even 1 top coin.

That’s great. Very good.

“Aileen, do you want to eat anything?”

Feeling amazed, Sejun asked Eileen.

[The tower manager says it’s okay because if you’re happy, he’s happy too.]

He even speaks very nicely.

[The manager of the tower said that the number of customers may increase because he used magic to contact hatchlings he knows to come and visit Yongyong Market.]

In addition, the promotional power was enormous. Are you bringing hatchlings?

Of course, Hatchling has no money. Because it’s not time to go outside yet.

However, when a hatchling moves, a parent or adult has no choice but to move together to protect the hatchling.

And the parents have a lot of money.

What if the hatchling that came with its parents lies down on the floor and gets bitten?

“Hehehe. “It’s game over.”

Later, only to the hatchlings, ‘This way you can buy what you want. Should I make a book like ‘54 Ways to Open Mom and Dad’s Wallet’ and send it to me?

“Chairman Park! “My face is rotting so badly!”

When Sejun smiled sinisterly at the thought of turning his back on the hatchling parents, Theo noticed it like a ghost and massaged Sejun’s face.

This bastard!

I couldn’t be angry because I thought I looked a little ugly just now.

But it’s a shame.


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I can’t believe the guy who cleaned out my treasure chest called me ugly. It’s punishment!

“The couple part.”

Sejun placed his mouth on Theo’s stomach and blew.

“Nyaaagh! Don’t do it! “I’m going to cure Chairman Park’s rotten face!”

When Sejun was playing with Theo,



Kuengi and Ajax quietly open their stomachs and wait for their turn.



‘hey! ‘You must swear allegiance only to me!’


Fenrir misunderstood the Baebanggu as an oath of loyalty.

After a while,

“Our Kkamangi is also going hungry!” Boo Boo Boo Boop.”

Sejun and Theo Kueng went through Ajax and finally did a belly fat on Fenrir’s stomach.

Kihihihi. Whip! Whip!

‘Hehe. good! Since you swore loyalty to me in the end, you are my subordinate!’

When I was doing a gash on Fenrir’s stomach like that,

“Kkkkkkkk.” Hello Sejun!”

Iona flew over and wrapped herself around Theo’s tail.

“Fuhuhuhu. “Are you here?”

“Pfft. yes “Theo, why don’t you take this?”

Iona said, taking out a small pouch a little larger than her hand.

“Nyan? “What is that?”

“Pfft. “These are the golden statues I took from the Caiman Kingdom last time.”

“Nyan? That’s right! “There was this!”

When Theo opened the small pouch he received from Iona,

he chuckled.

A huge amount of golden statues poured out from inside the pocket.

“Fuhuhuhu. Chairman Park! “It’s Chairman Park’s favorite gold!”

Thanks to this, Sejun’s subspace warehouse accumulated more wealth than before.

And Theo’s treatment also changed significantly.

“Hehehe. “Our vice president, do you want to eat anything?”

Sejun asked while massaging Theo’s legs.

“Fuhuhuhu. I’m full! “I want something else instead!”

“huh? what?”

“I want to massage Chairman Park’s rotten face!”

“Is my face that rotten?”

“Fuhuhuhu. That’s right! “It’s rotten!”

What is fresh and rotten?

“okay. Massage it.”

“I understand!”

Sejun lay down and placed his face on Theo’s front paws.

Hold. Hold.

I can’t stand a rotten face! Theo massaged Sejun’s face with a solemn expression as if he were defeating a great evil.

Theo was massaging Sejun’s face so diligently.

“Is it okay to burn President Park’s wealth?”

Perhaps because it wasn’t enough, he tried to supplement his strength by burning his wealth.



There was no way I would allow it because I saw Theo burning all his belongings just a moment ago.

“I understand…”

Theo is disappointed with Sejun’s answer.

After a while

it gets bigger.

When Sejun fell asleep, he

said, “Kkkkkkkk.” “Theo, please burn this at least.”

Iona handed Theo her money.

“Fuhuhuhu. “Thank you!”

Theo massaged Sejun’s face with his golden paw, shining with 10 billion Top Coins burned.


99th floor of Brown Tower.

“Great brown dragon. “Suddenly, the rate at which the land is rotting is accelerating!”

Brown Tower Farmer Oric shouted at the brown dragon statue made of stone.

-How many floors has it rotted?”

A strong voice came from the brown dragon statue. It was Grave Renma, the leader of the great brown dragons.

“Currently, the 61st floor of the tower is rotting.”

-what?! Already on the 61st floor of the tower?!

Grave, who had received a report a few hours ago that the 60th floor of the tower had begun to rot, was greatly surprised.

‘A whole floor rotted away in just a few hours?!’

This was too fast.

When Grave, who was so embarrassed, hurriedly watched the situation on the 61st floor of the tower through the crystal ball

– Huh?

The rate of decay on the 61st floor of the tower gradually decreased.


Basement of the tower’s land.

[Phew. Now that we have rested, let’s work again!]

Fireworks started working with great enthusiasm.

Red Tower, Blue Tower, Green Tower, Brown Tower, Purple Tower.

The flame that transfers energy through the roots connected to the five towers.

[Hehe. Thanks to Theo, my roots have completely recovered and I feel refreshed! Transferring energy has become much easier.]

Thanks to Theo healing Sejun’s roots by burning all of his wealth, the damage that had accumulated unknowingly to the roots was completely healed.

[I can spread my roots a little further.]


Flame connected one more giant root to the five towers.



Sejun opens his eyes. When I raise my head slightly,

I hear a sigh.

Fenrir, in a sling bag on his chest, was sleeping, dreaming of eating,



I saw Theo sleeping while baking bread on his lap, and Iona sleeping with Theo’s tail wrapped around him.




On either side, Kueng and Ajax were sleeping, hugging Sejun’s side. Just by hearing the sound, the image of the two was pictured in my mind.

“I slept too soundly.”

Sejun lowered his head again and said.



Sejun felt his senses were strange. Something is so cool and vivid?

I could breathe well and see things in front of me more clearly. The sound also sounded a little clearer.


I could even hear the sounds of mushroom ants working outside. I felt like I knew how far the distance was.

I opened the status window and looked to see if anything had changed, but nothing had changed.


Is my face really rotten? So Vice President Te got better after treatment? Sejun looked at Theo, who was snoring and sleeping in puzzlement.


Sejun shook his head and denied it. I could never admit that my face was rotten.


Sejun, who had been denying denial after denial, fell asleep again.

1 hour later


Fenrir stretched out in his sling bag and came out,

chubby, chubby.

He stepped on Sejun’s chest and headed towards Sejun’s face.

Whip! Whip!

‘hey! wake up! I’m hungry!’

Fenrir climbs up Sejun’s face and demands food.


Sejun opened his eyes to the pungent smell.

Whine? Whine!

‘Woke up? ‘Give me food quickly!’

Fenrir, who opened his eyes and made eye contact with Sejun, hurriedly sat on Sejun’s face. Thanks to this, Sejun smelled an even stronger scent.

‘Now that I think about it, have I ever given a black cat a bath?’

Holding his breath, he thought about whether he had ever given Fenrir a bath and realized.

‘There is none…’

Fenrir has never had a bath.


“Kamang, let’s take a bath today.”

Sejun said as he grabbed Fenrir’s neck.


‘Let go of this!’

Fenrir, who instinctively felt that he had to avoid it, struggled to get out of Sejun’s hands.

Of course, it was no use.

“Fuhuhuhu. Chairman Park, are you taking a bath?”

“Pfft! “I love taking a bath with Theo!”


[Kueng is good at playing with water!]

Kueng was so excited that he combined bathing and playing in the water.

“I’m clean so I don’t have to take a bath, but if I’m with Sejun hyung!”

I read in a book that you become friends if you push your back while taking a bath together!

The group follows Sejun, who holds Fenrir, to the bathhouse.

“Now that I think about it, this is my first time using a bathroom.”

Sejun, who felt burdened by the dragons taking over the fountain, built a separate bathhouse.

When we arrived at the bathhouse,


Kueng was the first to enter the bathtub and soaked his body with warm water


Theo clung to Sejun’s lap. Of course, since it was 1+1, Iona was also there.


‘When will I push Sejun and others?’

Ajax looked for an opportunity to push Sejun’s back.

Of course, if Ajax pushed Sejun’s back with his strength, the skin on his back would come off, so there was no way Sejun would leave his back to Ajax.

with a splash.

Sejun went into the water first and

whined! whimpered!

‘no! ‘I don’t like it!’

He scooped up water with his hands and wet Fenrir’s body as he refused.



‘Is it warm and nice?’

Fenrir stays still.

After some time,

I guess I overcame my fear of water. Kihi hee. Phew! Phew!

‘Hehe. hey! Look! The noble swimming of this noble wolf body!’

Sweat room, sweat room.

Fenrir began dog swimming.

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