Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 263

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Episode 263 Hehe. Park Se-jun, the troubleshooter, will step in.

Episode 263 Hehe. Park Se-jun, the troubleshooter, will step in.

Black Tower Administrator Area.

“Can I do it like this?”

Eileen was squatting down and picking carrot flowers one by one to make a bouquet. Eileen collected the carrot flowers that were fluttering in the sky on the 55th floor of the tower.


they wither.

The carrot flowers withered quickly. The carrot flower was too fragile to withstand Eileen’s formidable energy.


In the end, the carrot flower, unable to withstand Eileen’s energy, not only withered but crumbled.

“Hike! “It’s all because of stupid poop cat Theo!”

Eileen became irritated with Theo while looking at the carrot flowers that had turned into powder.

A little while ago, when Ppyum threw the bouquet,

“Keuhihihi.” “If Sejun catches that, he’ll ask me to marry him, right?”

Eileen was also preparing, watching the scene through her crystal ball.

And as Dragon Heart grew, he used the newly opened administrator ability to cleverly send a bouquet to Sejun without being noticed.

Although I could only produce a little power with my current magical power, I calculated the exact trajectory with a high degree of concentration, and thanks to this, the bouquet moved according to Eileen’s calculation.

“Heeheehee. done!”

Eileen is happy to see the bouquet flying precisely towards Sejun.

But there was an unexpected ambush. Theo suddenly slapped away the bouquet that Eileen had worked so hard to send to Sejun.

When Eileen was blaming Theo,


A contract appeared in front of Eileen. It was a contract sent by Theo to make Mimir his subordinate.

“From now on, I won’t help you stupid poop cat Theo!”

Eileen was upset with Theo and didn’t sign the contract.


“Yom! Yom! Yom! “It’s so delicious!”

Hororok. Hororok.

Mimir continues to exclaim and inhale rice noodles. I was so angry at myself that I didn’t eat noodles until now.

‘Today, I’m going to eat all the noodle dishes I haven’t been able to eat for a while!’

When Mimir stretched out his chopsticks for the fourth bowl of rice noodles, determined to eat all the noodles he had refused to eat in his life, Kueng


[Stop eating now!]

Kueng used his telekinesis to lift the newly placed bowl of rice noodles in front of Mimir into the air.


As a result, Mimir’s chopsticks cut through the air.

“sheep?! Why are you doing this?! “I can eat more!”

Mimir belatedly realized that Kuengyi had stolen his rice noodles, so he glared at Kuengyi and shouted in an angry voice. When did you force feed him and what are you doing now?!!!

It was too harsh a treatment for Mimir, who had just entered the world of noodles.



Kueng! Kueng!

[No! The rest is up to Kueng!]

Kueng grabbed Mimir by the collar and spoke very firmly. The favor of Kuengi, the monk monk, was limited to three bowls of rice noodles.

Normally, Mimir would have allowed me to eat 5 bowls of rice noodles…but I couldn’t because of Yuren, the pink pig.

Slurp, slurp.

Even as Kuengi guided Mimir into the world of noodles, Yuren was constantly inhaling rice noodles.


Mimir, who was grabbed by Kuengyi, answered in a sullen voice and was forced to complete the initiation process.



Kuengi eagerly starts eating rice noodles.


Mimir swallowed his saliva as he looked at Kueng like that.

At that time,

“Fuhuhuhu. Mimir, do you want to eat rice noodles from now on?”

Theo quietly approached Mimir and started selling pho.

“Yep! sure! “I want to eat it every day!”

Mimir nods his head vigorously in response to Theo’s question.

“Fuhuhuhu. “Then how much can you give me?”

Our kids are doing great! Sejun looked pleased at the fantastic combination of Tasting Manager Kkueng and Sales Manager Theo.

In addition, Theo used a highly difficult commercial tactic to present the price to the other party first. Our Hogu has really improved a lot.

When Sejun smiled at himself, he said,

‘Chairman Park, do you like me that much? Fuhehehe. I can’t take my eyes off Vice President Te!’

Theo gained more confidence.

“Fuhuhuhu. Mimir, have you ever seen anything like this?”

After completing the rice noodle contract with Mimir, Theo took out the stamina corn and asked.



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“Yep. This is corn. “I’ve eaten a lot too.”

Mimir didn’t think much of the corn Theo took out.

“Fuhuhuhu. This corn is different from any corn Mimir has ever seen! “Because it was raised by the great Chairman Park!”

Theo spoke in an arrogant voice and handed the corn to Mimir.

What difference does it make if you are raised by Chairman Park? Mimir casually received the corn and examined it.

“What… Miss?! “What is this?!”

I was very surprised when I checked the corn option for physical strength.

It was amazing that your stats would increase by eating corn, but what was even more surprising was that the corn grade was A grade.

The higher the grade, the tastier the crops are, except under unusual circumstances.

And Mimir had never seen grade A corn before.


Mimir bit into a piece of raw corn to taste the natural taste of Grade A corn.

Mimir closes his eyes and savors the taste of corn, perhaps to fully enjoy it.

Even without saying a word, the raised corners of the mouth showed that the corn tasted great.


Mimir opened his eyes and said cheerfully,

“Fuhuhu. How do you like Chairman Park’s corn?!”

Theo spoke in an arrogant voice as if to say, “Look at it.”

“Awesome! “Chairman Park really must be a farming genius!”

“Fuhuhuhu. That’s right! “Chairman Park is amazing!”

“Hehehe. “Guys.”

When Sejun was happily looking at the two praising him,


The black rabbit came to visit Sejun.


[Let’s go together, uncle!]

“Huh? “Where?”


[I have to draw a family portrait!]

He came to pick up Sejun and his brothers.


Bang! Bang!

[yes! Quickly!]

The black rabbit urged, wanting to include Sejun and his brothers in the royal family portrait hanging in the lobby of White Castle.

“No way! “I haven’t received a stamp from Eileen yet!”

Theo shouted, recalling the contract he had sent to Eileen at the Black Rabbit’s words. You have to make Mimir your subordinate!


Theo began to feel anxious as he saw Mimir fascinated by Sejun’s crops in front of him.

However, Theo is too scared to urge Eileen.

‘Nyan… Eileen, why didn’t you stamp the contract?’

Theo, who didn’t know that Eileen was upset, had no choice but to wait.


Kueng! Kueng!

[Even Kkueng can’t go now! Kueng hasn’t eaten it all yet!]

Slurp, slurp.

Kuengi also said he couldn’t go while eating rice noodles


[Help me, uncle!]

Knowing that Theo and Kkueng listened to Sejun’s words, the black rabbit immediately asked Sejun to take them with him.


“Okay. Vice President Te, what’s the problem?”

Hehe. Park Se-jun, the troubleshooter, will step in. Sejun spoke in an arrogant voice and quickly began to solve Theo’s problem.

“Chairman Park! Sister Eileen…”

“contract? “Did you send the contract to Eileen?”

“That’s right!”

Theo looked at Sejun with bright eyes. Now that the great Chairman Park has stepped forward, Eileen will stamp the contract, and Mimir is my subordinate!

“wait for a sec. “Aileen Teo sent me a contract. Have you seen it?”

[The TOP manager says he saw him a little while ago and is stamping the contract.]

Eileen answered Sejun’s words as she had no choice but to stamp the contract.

“huh. thank you.”

[The manager of the tower is embarrassed that he doesn’t have to thank you for something like this between you and him.]

[The manager of the tower says that Seongseok’s education is over and he is sending him away.]

With Eileen’s words, a contract in Sejun’s hand and

– I will never say anything to Sejun. obey!

An evolved Seongseok Ice Cube with a shining military flag was placed there.

“Vice President Te here.”

“Fuhuhuhu. As expected, Chairman Park is great!”

Sejun pretends to hand Theo a contract with Eileen’s stamp


After receiving the contract, Theo hurriedly put it down next to Mimir.



“Go next to Mimir!”

I made Mimir, who was still preoccupied with looking at Sejun’s crops, move towards the contract.

“Nye. sheep?!”

Mimir moved according to Theo’s words, but felt something strange and

pressed down when he looked at the floor.

Mimir’s back foot, exactly what was stamped on the contract’s elan. Thanks to this, the contract was completed.

“Fuhuhuhu. Mimir is now my subordinate!”

“profit! “I said that kind of thing doesn’t work for me!”


Mimir, who had already anticipated Theo’s trick and was preparing in advance, sprayed the contract nullification potion on the contract that Theo was shaking.


“What?! “Why isn’t it erased?”

The contents of the contract were not deleted due to the huge difference in status.

Thump, thump, thump.

“Fuhuhuhu. “My subordinate, please take good care of me from now on!”

Theo said, patting Mimir’s shoulder, who had a devastated expression on his face.

While Theo was making his target, Mimir, his subordinate,

“Kueng, let’s eat that later and have some honey for now.”

Sejun tempted his next target, Kuengi, with honey. I was planning on moving around while feeding it honey.


kueng! kueng!

[Kueng is competing now! I can’t stop!]

Slurp, slurp.

Kuengyi said while looking at Yu Ren who was eating rice noodles diligently on the other side,

“Vice President Te…”

“I understand! “Leave it to me!”

Sejun sent Theo to Yuren to make him stop eating pho.

“Fuhuhuhu. “Let’s go!”


[Kueng says you can go now!]

When Theo and Kueng said they would follow the black rabbit,


[Follow me!]

The black rabbit led Sejun and the animals to the room where the artists were waiting.

Where we followed the black rabbit, there was a huge throne and two small thrones in front of the throne.



The black rabbit’s parents and other family members who had already arrived were gathered around.


[Uncle, you can sit in the back!]

The black rabbit guided Sejun to the huge throne.


When Sejun sat on the throne, he

said, “This is my seat!”


Naturally, Theo and Kuengi sat on Sejun’s lap

(Batbat.) and

the golden bat sat on Sejun’s right shoulder.




When Sejun and the black rabbit sat on the throne in front of the throne where Sejun was sitting,

they beeped!

Rabbits settled down around them.

After a while

, beep!

[Do not move!]

Dozens of gray painting rabbits began to diligently draw images of the royal family on a huge canvas.

Suk. Suk. Suk.

The room was filled with only the sound of the painter rabbits’ busy brushstrokes.

But that quiet time did not last long.




Barrow Long.

I don’t know who started it, but when the sound of snoring began to be heard, sleep spread like an infection, and eventually a catastrophe occurred where everyone fell asleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Unable to wake up the royal family, the artist rabbits busily continued to draw, recalling how they looked before they went to sleep.


The outskirts of destruction where red fog gathers thickly.

“It’s pathetic. “To come back carrying only one dragon…”

“Ugh! Even if that guy hadn’t swallowed something strange…”

Halpas said in an angry voice at the other person’s words.

“The dragon swallowed something strange?”

“uh. “It was a round thing… and after eating it, he instantly became stronger than me, who had broken the second level seal.”

“You said it was a black dragon, right?”

“okay. why?”

“no. “I got a little interested.”

“joy! “It won’t matter anyway as soon as we can unlock the third level seal.”

“That’s right. Got it. Just go and get well.”


Halfas concentrated his mind on recovering his body.


“What did you swallow?”

The entity that was talking to Halfas showed interest in what Kaiser had swallowed.

It doesn’t matter if they only eat one, but if all the dragons eat it, they will lose once again.

But if they get to eat it…

“It’s an overwhelming victory for us.”

Fenrir, the god-hunting wolf who ranks first among the Apostles of Destruction, licked his mouth and looked at the Black Tower.

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