Rookie Employee Kim Cheolsu Chapter 110

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“Deputy Kim, let’s go take a breather.”

As soon as he got to work, Lee Jun-hak, who was in charge of a difficult case, stood up, pressing his fingers to his throbbing temples.

“Yes, Chief.”

Lee Jun-hak, who went out to Sky Park, frowned and smoked a cigarette.

“Whoa! I’m going crazy. I never thought CEO Yoo Ji-hoon would f*ck up Sales Department 3 like this.”

“He worked his way up from a rank-and-file employee to the president of Hanyoung Electronics and the president of a general trading company, so this must be basic.”

“I guess so? Any ideas?”

Kim Cheol-soo drank coffee and thought quietly, then spoke to Lee Jun-hak.

“What if?”

Lee Jun-hak flicked the cigarette between his two fingers and looked at Kim Cheol-soo.

“If you have election donations equivalent to 20 billion won and evidence that you can definitely win the election, which of the two will the election camp choose?”

“Although 20 billion won is a lot of money, it cannot be compared to the benefits that accrue when taking power. If I were a candidate, I would definitely choose evidence that would help me win the election.”

“If we have such evidence, we can negotiate a contract in a very favorable situation, right?”

Lee Jun-hak quietly looked at Kim Cheol-soo.

‘What is this guy thinking?’

“That’s obvious. So, is there any evidence of that?”

“I should look for it. There’s still time.”

“If there was such a thing, their election camp would have found it a long time ago. They are people with a fire in their eyes and trying to exploit the opponent’s weaknesses.”

“You don’t know, do you? What if? If we find something like that and make this contract more advantageous, it will be entirely our fault, right?”

“Of course.”

“Then I’ll take a look.”

When Kim Cheol-soo answered confidently, Lee Jun-hak frowned and smiled.

‘Will you be able to find it?’

“If I don’t find it, I’ll die?”

“If you find it, would you please share the results with me?”

Lee Jun-hak smiled and nodded.

“Isn’t it obvious? Between us. You too, man, if you have something good, don’t eat it alone.”

“Oh my! Of course. The manager has to get promoted quickly so I can get promoted too.”

“It’s been less than a year since I was promoted to manager. But what kind of promotion is this?”

“I was promoted to assistant manager after less than a year as an employee. Wouldn’t the manager be able to do that?”

“You bastard! This is bullshit.”

“It’s a 2 trillion won project. A single contract is equivalent to a year’s worth of performance from another team. It’s big enough to create a whole new sales headquarters.”

Lee Jun-hak took a deep breath on the cigarette he was holding, exhaled smoke, and quietly looked at Kim Cheol-soo.

Although he acted cute, if you look closely, he was very bright about the company’s workings, unlike a guy who had just joined the company.

As if I had been working for the company for ten years.

“You should become the team leader.”

“Man, what about the manager?”

“You should become the head of the division. I want to see Manager Ahn yelling at Director Park.”

“ha ha ha!!”

Lee Jun-hak laughed out loud as if he was in a good mood, and people who were smoking and talking around him glanced at Lee Jun-hak and Kim Cheol-soo.

“Yes, yes. I feel better after hearing what you said. Look for the evidence that will turn the situation around. Find it and promote the manager to an executive officer, and I will become a team leader, and you will also become a manager. We are no longer interested in anything. “Let’s give it a try so that I can work without receiving anything.”

“Of course, Chief.”



“You make me drink kimchi soup like this, but you won’t leave me alone if I don’t give you rice cake?”

“Haha. I’ll try my best to find it.”

Lee Jun-hak extinguished his cigarette by rubbing it into the ashtray.

“Let’s go in. The manager is going to get upset again for playing instead of working.”

“Yes, Chief.”


9 o’clock at night.

Jinsook Yoon welcomed Cheolsoo Kim after work.

“Did you get off work early today?”

“Yes. I have work to do at home. What about Youngsu?”

“I heard that starting in April, self-study will be held until 11 o’clock.”

“I guess the entrance exams have started in earnest?”

“That’s right.”

“He and his mom will have a hard time, too.”

“Do you know that your mom is having a hard time?”

“Well then. Studying isn’t something that test takers do alone. I was also a college entrance exam student, why are you like this?”

Yoon Jin-sook chuckled at Kim Cheol-soo’s words.

“It was easy for you, Inseok.”

“Oh? Did you?”

“…Still, Mommy feels really good because you treat her so well. Wash it quickly.”


After washing up, Kim Cheol-soo went into his room and took out the CD case he had hidden in a secret place.

The face of one of the two Ukrainian candidates was very familiar.

And a CD I got from a gypsy in Ukraine.


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I thought it was just a simple 19+ video.

Cheolsu Kim shoved the CD into his laptop.


“Come in and sit down.”

It was well past 10 p.m.

At the words of Choi Kyeong-hoon, Choi Kyeong-jun, president of Hanyoung Electronics, Choi Sang-jun, president of Han Younghwahak, Choi Oh-jun, president of Hanyoung IT, and Executive Director Choi Young-jun sat on the table sofa.

Although everyone was tired, they sat quite calmly in front of Choi Kyung-hoon, who was glaring at them with clear eyes.

After briefly sharing what was going on with the group, Choi Kyung-hoon looked at his sons and opened his mouth.

“Have you thought about the future of the Hanyoung Group?”

“Yes, father.”

Kyungjun Choi answered confidently, and Kyunghoon Choi asked.

“What were you thinking?”

“Although the sales of affiliates have slightly decreased, the growth will not stop due to the special situation in China. If we continue to do what we are doing now, there will be no problems for the Hanyoung Group in the future.”

“Like you used to?”

“Yes, father.”

“You damn bastard!”

Kyung-Hoon Choi shouted, and Kyung-Jun Choi leaned back as if he was startled.

“Is that what you were thinking about, just keep doing what you are doing? Are you stupid or are those under you stupid?”

“Father. That means there is no need to take big risks. Stabilize the affiliates now and then 10 years from now.”

Choi Kyung-hoon waved his hand once as if he didn’t want to hear any more.

“Oh my, you two. Sangjun and you?”

“Well, I’m just like my eldest brother…”

“How long do you want to copy Gyeongjun?”

“That sounds right to me, Dad.”


Kyung-Hoon Choi turned his gaze to Oh-Jun Choi and lifted his chin.


“The coming era is called the digital era.”

“Um… so?”

“I think we need to make bold investments in online shopping malls and game platform businesses.”

“Isn’t that the business that Hanyoung IT is already doing?”

“I think we need active investment from the group in order to further expand the scale. Isn’t the reality that the first place ends up eating everything?”

“So, how much more investment do you have to make before Korean-English IT, ranked 19th in the industry, can become number one?”

“More is more, Dad.”

‘These damn things. Didn’t you even look at the plan that came out of this talent center?’

When Choi Gyeong-hoon silently turned his gaze to Choi Young-jun, Choi Oh-jun became irritated.

“Youngjun, what about you?”

“What does Youngjun know? Father.”

When Choi Oh-jun answered instead, Choi Gyeong-hoon’s impression was distorted.

“When did I ask you? This bastard put you in the position of president and you think something happened!”

Choi Gyeong-hoon got angry, and Choi Oh-jun quickly lowered his head.

“I’m sorry, father.”

Choi Young-jun, who received Choi Kyung-hoon’s gaze, slowly opened his mouth with a cautious expression.

“Although the Hanyoung Group is large, if we only look at the locations of each affiliate, they are not receiving much attention except for Hanyoung Electronics.”


“However, even if we invest to increase the competitiveness of our current affiliates, it is questionable whether we will be able to achieve performance equivalent to the cost.”

“Um, so?”

“So, if we take the lead on a path that no one has walked before, I think the effect would be quite significant.”

Choi Kyung-hoon pursed his lips with a subtle expression.

Then he looked straight at Youngjun Choi and asked.

“What exactly is this field that no one goes into?”

Choi Young-jun studied all day and night, weekends, based on the stories he shared with Park Hae-seong and Lee Jun-hak.

“I would say it is an object rather than a field. Of course, it could be expanded into a field.”

“Hoo, an object? Did you have anything specific in mind?”

“Yes. That’s what I’m going to call it.”

As Choi Young-jun paused to set the mood, all the brothers looked at Choi Young-jun.

The older brothers are all bosses and have numerous subordinates.

Unlike them, it was Choi Young-jun who now only had enough supporters to count on ten fingers.

In order to close the gap, it was necessary to take a risky adventure.

High risk, high return.

“We named it Smartphone.”

That’s a pretty good picture.

“Is it possible for us, who have no experience in making mobile phones, to make such a phone?”

“It would be better to expand an existing, stable business. Investing in such a ridiculous science fiction story!”

As soon as Choi Young-jun’s remarks ended, Choi Kyung-jun and Choi Oh-jun poured out their complaints as if they had guns in their mouths.


Choi Gyeong-hoon, who had been listening quietly for a while, spoke quietly and the chairman’s office became quiet again.

“Everyone go back except Youngjun.”

“Father, this is…”

“I clearly told you to stop.”

When Kyung-Hoon Choi growled, Kyung-Jun Choi swallowed his saliva and nodded.

“Yes, father.”

“I will call you all at the beginning of every month and keep asking you the same questions. Until I come up with an answer that satisfies me. This time, Youngjun gave an answer that lived up to my expectations. I think you guys are going in early thanks to him.”

Youngjun Choi slightly lowered his head, and the rest of the brothers stood up in an awkward posture and left the conference room while glaring at Youngjun Choi.

Choi Kyung-hoon’s eyes became sharp after seeing them leave.

‘When did this crazy guy change like this?’

“Business is not simply about pursuing an ideal. As Ohjun said, we must have at least thought about how we could make something like that when we have no experience making mobile phones, right?”

“Yes, Dad. We have no experience making cell phones and we don’t have our own infrastructure, but there are numerous companies that can make cell phone parts instead.”

“Are you talking about subcontracting?”


Choi Kyung-hoon’s eyes sparkled at Choi Young-jun’s unexpected answer.


“We’re talking about the supply chain.”

“Supply chain?”

There was only one thing that made Choi Gyeong-hoon, who was immersed in Kim Cheol-soo’s plan, worry.

The question was whether the Hanyoung Group could actually realize this plan, which, as someone said, seemed like a science fiction novel.

“What is that?”

“Our system is like a car factory where all you have to do is bring in completed parts and assemble them. The remaining parts will be produced to order regardless of whether it is domestic or overseas.”

“So, does this mean that you are signing an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) contract with a company that makes parts for mobile phones?”

“If you look at it as a country, yes.”


Youngjun Choi stood up, took the whiteboard from the corner, and began explaining.

To summarize Choi Young-jun’s explanation, which continued for a while, it was as follows.

All product manufacturing is carried out through outsourcing, in order to secure flexibility in unit costs.

If you are looking for a supplier that can make a better product at a cheaper price, the strategy is to lower the product price as much as possible and increase performance as much as possible by signing a contract with that company.

It is cheaper to produce one part in large quantities than to produce several products in small quantities.

Moreover, if you outsource production by entrusting various parts to one company, there is a possibility that you will gradually be dragged down by this company.

Therefore, the method was to create a supply chain system.

Choi Young-jun explained in the most efficient way possible, using what he had studied based on what he had heard and learned from Park Hae-seong and Lee Jun-hak.

The more I listened to his explanation, the more interest Kyung-Hoon Choi had in his eyes.

“It can be difficult for existing businesses to do business this way.”

“Are you saying we need to start a new business? Isn’t it too late?”

“It’s not too late. As you can see from my brothers’ reactions, the world is dismissing this business as something from a science fiction movie. If we start now, we will probably be the first in the world. Therefore, we will launch a new business and “It won’t be too late to start.”

Youngjun Choi continued speaking with confidence, and Kyunghoon Choi concentrated on the explanation without saying anything.

The presentation ended, and Choi Kyung-hoon, who had been lost in thought for a while, opened his mouth.

“Is that your idea?”


The concept and plan for the smartphone was created by Kim Cheol-soo, and Park Hae-seong and Lee Jun-hak completed the management method to make it a reality.

Choi Youngjun paused for a moment and then slowly began to sing.

“I always feel sorry for my father, but I am a poor person.”

Choi Kyung-hoon must not have liked those words, so his mouth became straight.

“So, I always listen to the stories of people who are better and more talented than me and try to understand them to the best of my ability. The concept and idea of ​​the smartphone came from the head of Assistant Manager Cheol-soo Kim, and how to make it a reality and manage it is Hae-seong Park of the Hanyoung Electronics Planning Team. “It was completed by the manager and Lee Jun-hak, manager of Sales Department 3 of Korea-English General Trading Company. I thought their story was reasonable and told it to my father.”

Choi Gyeong-hoon just stared at Choi Young-jun, who finished his story humbly, for a while.

‘That guy’s humility was maximizing the abilities of his employees. ‘Because superiors recognize the abilities of subordinates without envy or envy, outstanding people go under that person.’

Then I closed my eyes and thought about the past for a moment.

When Choi Kyung-hoon started his business, everything had to be decided by just one wise and charismatic person.

This is because the level of education of most of the employees was poor, and it was no exaggeration to say that they were ignorant as they had not seen or learned much.

However, now the average level of knowledge of the general public has been raised to the point that most people have received higher education, and many of them have graduated from university.

In addition, we are exposed to new cultures every day through overseas travel, television, and the Internet.

Perhaps, rather than managing with charisma, shouldn’t we become a leader who can maximize the capabilities of outstanding employees?

Perhaps, such a leader could properly lead the Hanyoung Group?

Although it was a short period of time, everything about Choi Young-jun began to be re-evaluated in Choi Kyung-hoon’s mind.

Choi Kyung-hoon opened his eyes and opened his mouth.

“Park Hae-seong? The guy who said we should make more aggressive investments during the foreign exchange crisis?”

“Yes, father.”

Kyung-Hoon Choi remembered.

During the foreign exchange crisis, an important decision had to be made.

Assistant Manager Park Hae-seong is a stubborn person who tenaciously pushes ahead with his plan without giving in to attacks from executives in front of him.

“Did that guy go under you too?”

“We agreed and decided to work together.”

‘Choi Kyung-jun, did this bastard lose what was in his mouth? This is an ugly guy. ‘If I inherit the group, everything will be taken over by competitors.’

“Kim Cheol-soo, Park Hae-seong, Lee Jun-hak.”

When Choi Kyung-hoon called his name, Choi Young-jun raised his head and looked at him.

The plans submitted by these three people were all very groundbreaking.

These talented people are so outstanding that they deserve a special annotation from Jang Han-guk, who serves as the director of Injaewon.

“Can you keep them under control?”

“It’s my father’s way of taking control. I want to be with them until I step down from management.”

“This guy always talks back.”

Contrary to what he said, Choi Kyung-hoon stood up with a satisfied expression.

“What you told me today, make a business plan and post it.”

“Yes, Dad. And I have one more thing to tell you.”


“This is a story related to Hye-na.”


“Yes. He came to me not long ago and asked for counseling.”


“They say they can’t keep moving forward because they’re afraid of their father.”

“Ha! Does he notice me?”

Choi Gyeong-hoon burst into laughter as he remembered Kim Cheol-soo.

Choi Young-jun also smiled slightly when he saw Choi Kyung-hoon’s happy expression.

‘Father’s heart is firm.’

Choi Gyeong-hoon stopped laughing and looked at Choi Young-jun, who was smiling faintly.

Among the siblings, this was the only one Hyena trusted with her heart.

And did you say that a man does what a woman does?

Perhaps if the two get along well, Kim Cheol-soo will be able to become Choi Young-jun’s person forever.

‘It’s a combination of Youngjun and that Cheolsu. ‘It’s a pretty good picture.’

The corners of Choi Kyung-hoon’s mouth rose slightly.

“So what did you say?”

“I said I would use my strength.”

“Hahaha! What kind of power are you using? It was all already in my plan. I got it.”

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