Return of the Genius Player Chapter 99

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099. The winning team this season is

After Ryu Jae-jun was contacted to join the team, they ultimately decided to select only one person from among those who took the test.

That is, the two new members joining the team were Ryu Jae-jun and Kim Yu-hyeon.

So after the selection, I sent a text message right away and now both of them have just entered the PER home.

“Nice to meet you. I saw you at the last practice match with TAK, right? We’ll be continuing to work together in the future. Let’s get along well.”

Ryu Jae-jun calmly shook hands with his team members.

On the other hand, Kim Yu-hyeon had hollow bags under his eyes and did not look in good condition.

‘I heard that a text was sent incorrectly due to a computer error… Is that why?’

Anyway, his condition didn’t look that good.

So instead, I approached him and took the lead in introducing him.

However, as I approached, Kim Yu-hyeon frowned strangely at me.

“[email protected]#?!?”


What? Oh. Did you think I was the test taker because you showed your face in the test room during the last test?

“Thank you for your help. I am Lee Chang-hyun, the leader of PER.”

“Yes… …Please take care of it.”

Only then did he seem to calm down a little, as if he had realized something.

What on earth was that expression?

“Jaejun will know since we played together last time, and this is Kim Yuhyun.”

Although Lee Yeon-ju looked at the new team member with a slightly sullen expression, she was glad that the other team members seemed to accept him without much difficulty.

‘Now all I need to do is hire more coaches to help me with tactics and detailed individual training.’

I thought I could rest assured since I had left that part to Kim Seong-jun.

Because he was a person who did things neatly.

“Okay, then. There’s a practice match next week, so don’t forget that and work hard on your individual training. We’re dismissed for today.”

“What, aren’t we having team practice today?”

“I have something to do in the afternoon.”

Because there is a media day to mark the start of the second season.


Media day.

It’s a pretty old event. And interestingly, it also has parts 2 and 3, which people don’t pay much attention to.

They say it’s to motivate lower league players and give them media exposure to boost their confidence.

Anyway, Lee Jong-gyu and I participated in this media day together.

There were cameras spread out in front, and the coaches and managers of each team were seated on the stage.

Since promotions from Division 1 to Division 2 and from Division 3 to Division 2 were not common occurrences, everyone was greeting each other as if they were familiar with each other.

“How’s the Stove League going? Have you chosen a player pool that you like?”

“This time, the team doesn’t have a budget, so… What can I do? I guess I’ll just have to grit my teeth and get through this season.”

There was a brief moment of commotion like that. Soon, when the hour struck, everyone became quiet and looked ahead.

This was because the media day began with a Q&A session with reporters.

“How do you evaluate Team TAK’s Stove League this year?”

“First of all, we focused on expanding the player pool to secure diverse strategies. In addition… … … … .”


It was just boring stories.

This time in the Stove League, was there any success in the recruiting war? What are the team’s aspirations? Those were such trivial stories.

Meanwhile, a question was also asked to Lee Chang-hyun.

“One of the teams that is receiving the most attention in this second part is PER. According to rumors from insiders, Lee Chang-hyun, who is here now, has been designated by Lee Geun-taek as the successor to the hunter. Could you explain this to me?”

“Ah. Well, that’s right. Since the previous audition program, they recognized my abilities and potential, and I think that’s what has now come to fruition.”

Are you asking me questions before the team PER?

Well, I guess it would get more views if it made headlines by linking it with the first-generation hunter Lee Geun-taek, rather than the new team PER that just made it to the second half.

The rest of the questions were not very informative or nutritious.

Because it was mostly about the team’s ambitions and things like that.

Then, a question that always comes up, but is quite interesting, came up.

“Which team do you think will win the second division this year?”

It was a question asked to every director.

“We took the same team last time, and I think PSG, which has good fundamentals, will take first place.”

“That’s right. Han Ji-hoo is there too, and unless something comes up, PSG seems like the most likely candidate.”

“Well… … PSG is a strong candidate, but I think QED, who put a lot of effort into this recruitment, is also a candidate to win the championship.”

In general, what everyone said was similar.

Last season’s winning team, PSG, or the second-placed team, QED, are predicted to have the upper hand.

Well… … Actually, since they are all teams that are well-prepared and know each other’s abilities well, I thought it was somewhat accurate.

‘Except for leaving out our team, that is.’

“This season, I think it’s our team’s PER.”

This time, unlike the third time, no one showed much of a reaction, as if they had heard or knew about my personality.

However, there was something unexpected.

“I also want to choose PER. PSG and QED are strong, but… … I played a practice match last time and it was quite fierce.”

The manager of TAK, which finished third in the second division last season, chose PER.

There was an air of considerable surprise among the directors.

“Usually, teams that are newly promoted to the upper leagues are underperforming… … The data is like that, and the environment is new, and the game itself changes a lot. But the PER is two. It’s an interesting result.

This season, the championship candidate was divided with 5 votes for PSG, 3 votes for QED, and 2 votes for PER. I will end the season with expectations for a more heated and competitive league than last season. Thank you for taking the time to interview me!”


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After the last question was finished, it became crowded again. Some people left, while others stayed and wrapped up the interview.

So I’m going out too.

“Did you say Lee Chang-hyun? Nice to meet you. Last time I went on a business trip, our team and I had a practice match. It was impressive.”

TAK’s director came over to shake hands.

“Ah… … Nice to meet you.”

“I heard that he’s a hot topic among the second division directors these days, as he was chosen by Chairman Lee Geun-taek. His skills match his reputation. Well, some of the directors don’t acknowledge him though.”

It felt new because the reaction was completely different from the 3rd media day.

Although I didn’t speak as harshly as I did then.

Still, it felt like there was a certain amount of respect, and that he was properly moving towards becoming the center of the Hunters League again.

“So what? Let’s keep in touch. Later on, it would be great if we could talk about coach-coach, or player-coach. You’re always welcome.”

I thought he was a very approachable person.

When I briefly listened to what other directors were saying, there were often people who were wary of me or said that even if I was good, it would be a team fight and I wouldn’t be able to do much.

‘I wonder if there will be more people like that in the future.’

Before my return, when I was a player, there were quite a few cases like that, but it felt strange to be treated like this as a sort of team leader.

In the past, most of the stories were about ‘me’ as an excellent player rather than the team, but now, the stories are about ‘team PER’.


The day when articles about none other than Media Day are posted all at once.

Kim Jun-seo, who usually enjoyed watching Hunter’s League, opened the Sports News website as usual.

‘Is there anything that came up… … ‘

Actually, I had already confirmed all the recruitment of big players in Stove League, so I wasn’t particularly curious or anything like that.

And again… … there really wasn’t anything that would become a big issue.

‘The strong candidate to win this first division league is LTD with their guardian angel Kang Jun-hyeok… … Well. Looks like they’re in good form this season too.’

After reading it so roughly, I was looking for other articles when the second part of the media day article caught my eye.

This was because news about PER had also been posted.

‘Huh…? Aren’t these the guys I saw last time?’

Kim Jun-seo had previously watched PER’s transparent tactics and found them quite interesting, so he edited them and uploaded them to NutTube, which brought back memories.

‘That video back then… … had quite a lot of views.’

I remember being surprised by the explosive reaction, which was much more explosive than I had expected.

Actually, that match was quite exciting.

So those guys are now in the second part… … ?

It’s not common for a team to advance through relegation.

I became interested.

‘We recruited Kim Yu-hyeon and Ryu Jae-jun… … We’re done with the players we don’t know.’

In the first place, I watched it because there was no first division league at the time, and since I usually only watched the first division league, of course I didn’t know any of the players.

However, the article contained something quite eye-opening.

[Hunter chosen as Lee Geun-taek’s successor. Interview with Lee Chang-hyun]

‘Lee Geun-taek’s successor…?’

Lee Geun-taek was a hunter before the Hunter’s League was founded, but he was also a national hero, so naturally everyone knew him.

So, that Lee Geun-taek chose a hunter from this second-tier team as his successor?

I was momentarily surprised. Then I read the article in detail.

[Lee Chang-hyun]: I think they recognized my abilities and potential since the previous audition program, and the results are what they are now.

In particular, I think you must have been impressed by the direct encounter during the audition program. I think it was also a big factor that I was not the only one going from Part 3 to Part 2, but that PER, which was a team without a win, advanced.

‘Oh… … So that’s what happened.’

When I thought that the team I was interested in, Hunter Lee Geun-taek, who was revered as a national hero, was also watching, I felt like my interest was being proven.

As my interest grew, I checked the game schedule.

‘Um… … Fortunately, the first division isn’t scheduled to air at the same time as the second division.’

Plus, the first game was scheduled for a perfect evening time slot.

PER vs… QED?

To be honest, I don’t know much about these teams. If I hadn’t read that article, I probably wouldn’t have seen them.

Still, since I had just finished work that day and there wasn’t much to do, I decided to meet up.

‘I came up to the second division for the first time during Media Day, and I said my team would win. Shouldn’t I show them something?’

Hunter Lee Geun-taek also said things like that often when he was younger.

Did Ipter say that he would catch all the foreign hunters, educate them, and collect all the relics, even the pieces?

In foreign media, there was even an interview where he said that he would kill foreign hunters half to death if they bothered him.

Even though Kim Jun-seo was very young, he still remembers it because it was such a hot topic.

‘Wow… … Now that I think about it, that was the golden age of Korean hunters.’

At the top, Korean hunters are rising through the ranks and swiping all the relics.

It was completely different from now, when it was treated as a frontier nation in the hunter world.

‘If only all the first generation hunters were active at that time… … ‘

Korea would probably be where the United States is now.

No, at least now, we wouldn’t have been beaten by China, Japan, or anyone in the international league.

Feeling regretful, Kim Jun-seo went to bed with his mouth open.

Someday, I hope that Korea will become a country that dominates the World Hunters League.


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