Return of the Genius Player Chapter 95

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095. Unexpected situation

It’s a season where the team is in turmoil.

It is a time to negotiate new contracts with existing team members, release them, and search for and bring in new team members.

It was a truly turbulent off-season. That was the Stove League.

However, when we say off-season, we often think that there won’t even be practice games, but in reality, that wasn’t the case.

‘Because they tend to try to test each other’s qualities.’

This was a unique characteristic of the Hunters League. Even if other teams showed outstanding performance and performance, it was uncertain whether it could be maintained.

It depends a lot on the combination of your teammates’ superpowers. That’s because it’s the Hunter’s League.

‘Of course, there are a few players who are welcomed everywhere without any of that… … .’

That’s literally a very small minority. Except for the players that everyone is after, everyone else needed time to see if they fit together in that way.

That was also the reason why the practice match between TAK and PER was able to be scheduled.

“Coach Kim, you must have been very busy this time because there were so many changes to the players.”

“Yes, coach. As you know, there are still many players who are being adjusted. If we don’t test them quickly, it may be difficult to make an accurate judgment.”

TAK in particular was undergoing a large-scale rebuild with more than half of its players being replaced.

So, even just the test subjects who filtered out the applicants were quite a lot.

‘You have to play as many practice matches as possible.’

That’s why we had to play many practice matches, rotating the player combinations as much as possible to see if they fit us.

“So who will be our opponent for this practice match?”

“This is the PER that succeeded in being promoted to the second division this time.”

“Ah… … that team.”

It was quite an impressive team.

That team is probably pretty busy too. They’re probably bringing in a lot of new team members as they move into the second division.

Maybe now that they are both second division teams, they will have practice matches with that team often in the future.

“Have you finished setting up your opposing teammates?”

“Yes. We have already exchanged information. I have also prepared a strategy that I can use to coordinate.”

“Oh, so who was the guy that said he wanted to test and match me this time?”

Perhaps because quite a few players were trying out for the TAK practice and test this time, Coach Kim looked through the documents before answering.

“The new players we are seeing in this practice match are Jin Han and Kim Jin-seung, who were called up from the 3rd division. And Lee Han-ul and Na Dae-yeop from the 2nd division.”

‘Four people… … By the way, how come the person’s name is Na Dae-yeop… … .’

No, well… … that could be possible. It’s not that important.

Anyway, it’s quite a lot of people, but since I know Coach Kim’s capabilities, I think it’ll be okay.

“Have a practice match and send me the results when it’s over. Coach Kim. You know I’m going on a business trip during this practice match period, right? I’ll leave it to you.”

With those words, he left the director’s office.


Meanwhile, the team members were gathered in the practice room on the second floor of PER Home.

“Wow… … So you’re saying you’ll temporarily participate in our team’s practice match?”

“That’s what happened.”

The team members flocked to Ryu Jae-jun, who had just joined as a temporary staff member.

When I said that I was a great guy and that I could guarantee it, everyone seemed to have a good opinion of me.

Of course, that doesn’t mean everyone is friendly. They haven’t played against each other yet, and they don’t know what kind of person he is, so they’re probably half-believing and half-doubting.

In particular, Lee Yeon-ju looked quite gloomy.

‘Is it because of Jeong Hye-yeon… … .’

If you’ve been a professional for a long time, you’ll realize that parting ways and meeting new teammates are natural things.

Perhaps because he had little experience, he seemed a little sensitive.

But that doesn’t mean I have any intention of doing anything about it.

‘And that’s something that Ryu Jae-jun will have to prove himself anyway.’

His own usefulness. Well, I thought that even if you only look at the superpowers in this, you would have to admit that it was overwhelming.

And the reason I brought this guy here was not simply because he had S+ rank superpowers.

“Come to think of it, didn’t we fight once before in Part 3?”

“What is ability?”

The team members who had gathered together were chatting with each other.

“The ability to simply create waves. Think of it that way.”

I’m only giving you the bare minimum, but I know the true value of the skills that guy has.

Before the return, the memory of Ryu Jae-jun and I achieving 7 kills in an international match seemed to come back vividly.

Of course, I am not the same person I was back then, and Ryu Jae-jun is not the same person I was back then.

What was clear was that the balance of superpower abilities, skills, and experience was all outstanding.

“I think we’ve had a rough conversation by now… … Should we head to the Hunter Union Training Center?”

“Huh? Can I try it out here and leave?”

“If we do that, we’ll be late?”

Anyway, his hunter career isn’t as short as that of the PER team members, so he’ll probably be able to do it in a flash.

‘More than anything, she’s someone I know very well.’

I wondered if it was really necessary to try to match it.

“Let’s go now that we’ve packed our bags.”


The Hunter Union training camp during the off-season had a kind of festive atmosphere.

Some players left the team for a while, some briefly tried out with a new team, and some came to the Hunter Union Training Center just to have fun.

In short, it meant that it was a good time for ambitious hunters to fight among themselves without being tied down by anything.

‘I don’t have to do the boring 7v7 Hunters League that I usually play like crazy… … Anyway, it’s a good opportunity to mix it up with other hunters.’


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This is the time when most hunters who want to work hard or have some fun come.

Just seeing that kind of atmosphere for a moment.

As we entered the 7v7 Hunters League practice range, the atmosphere there was quite different.

If the atmosphere was very casual and like, “Why don’t you try it once?” when coming here, the atmosphere here was clearly one of evaluating and exploring each other.

“This way.”

In the meantime, the place I led PER to was a waiting room with quite a few players in front of it.

I was quite surprised because there were more players than I expected.

‘TAK is a pretty large team… …?’

It seemed that most of them were second-team players who had come to try out the combination this time.

The funny thing was that there was a familiar face among them.

“Who is this?”

A slightly welcoming face approached me with a big smile. It was Kim Jin-seung.

The guy came over and thrust his fist at me.

If a fist comes, you have to respond.

I also put out my fist and lightly bumped fists.

“What? You’re alive?”

“Do you want to fall behind?”

It seems like the temperament hasn’t changed… …Why haven’t I seen it before? To be promoted to a 2nd division team, you need to have at least a 3rd division record.

“He looks like he’s curious about my recent activities, but I met the wrong director and was in a replacement role.”

“That’s what you’re like.”

He’s been a guy who’s been quite quick-witted since before.

While I, Yoon Han-gyeol, Kim Do-jun, and Kim Jin-seung, all from the same audition program, were having a brief conversation, another familiar face popped up.

“No!!! Isn’t this senior Lee Chang-hyun? Didn’t I know you would do well on that audition program! It seems like fate that we met again like this, but isn’t there a spot left in PER?”

‘That noisy guy again… … .’

It was none other than Jin Han who had once given me a taste of water in an audition program. His loud voice, which sounded like he had boiled a train car, and his rapid-fire spout of whatever he wanted to say. In any case, he was always the same.

“Yeah… … Nice to meet you. So, are you trying to match up with TAK?”

“That’s right. You guys are our opponents for this practice match.”

What, our match was against our own team?

“Let’s see how well the successful guys do.”

“It’s so spicy you won’t be able to come to your senses?”

After exchanging such trivial conversations for a short while, soon the appointed time arrived and we entered the practice room.


Since the match wasn’t intended to be a practice match to build teamwork or get used to organized training, the map was random.

However, since we had to focus mainly on ‘teamwork’, there was a new option added, which was to have teammates respawn and start from a location not too far away.

“Yeonju. Considering that all the team members are gathered, please mark the meeting coordinates.”

As this is a stage to check each other’s compatibility, we have included a custom option that aims to reduce individual engagements as much as possible.

Of course, it was reduced, but that element was not completely absent.

‘What the heck, the respawn area is split up into three: me, the main unit, and Ryu Jae-jun.’

The rest of them respawned relatively close to each other, but Ryu Jae-jun and I in particular were somewhat distant.

“After five people join, try to keep some distance from the opposing team. We’re going fast now, but it’ll take some time.”


But somehow I had an ominous feeling.

‘Isn’t the enemy gathering first and then rushing into our team’s main unit?’

If we couldn’t hold out and suffered great damage, it was obvious how Ryu Jae-jun would view our team members.

On the one hand, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be okay to avoid it?” But, funny enough, an urgent voice came through my earphones.

“It seems like the other party has already joined… … But… … .”


“It’s coming this way really fast?”

Even if the PER team members are not fully proficient in air anchors and airbeats, if there is such a big difference…

‘Why was there an awakened movement speed type among the TAK test takers who were trying to match the synergy this time?’

Perhaps it is that ability that allows us to move quickly as a team.

What if our 5 PER team members and 7 TAK members collide first?

I’m not on the battlefield so I won’t be able to give proper orders and I’ll just get destroyed, right?

Whether he knew my feelings or not, Ryu Jae-jun added a word through his earphones in that urgent situation.

“I don’t think you can’t hold out for that brief reunion. Just hold out for a little while. It’s not that far away.”

That was certainly true. When the numbers were small, the difference between two people was huge, but when it got to around 5 vs. 7, you could hold out for a while while running away.

The problem was that PER was missing me, the ace and main orderer, and the weight difference with my opponent was big.

In that situation, as if adding insult to injury, another accident occurred.

“I can’t run away any longer.”

“……? why.”

“What kind of… ability is this?”

Since it was not too far away to be invisible, I looked at it with the [Piercing Eyes] and its identity was revealed.

The ability to [Mutually Non-Aggressive Zone: A], where no one can interfere with the other in a specific area, was deployed.

Only then did TAK seem to know the identity of the combined superpowers he was going to test this time.

‘Is it the combination of the ability to increase the movement speed of all team members and the ability to expand a kind of absolute area?’

After quickly joining like now, rush to the side with fewer people and open your ability to block the join.

This will allow you to force a numerical advantage and open a team fight.

‘Even from my perspective, it’s a pretty good combination of abilities… … .’

Honestly, I was impressed.

But… … [Mutual Non-Aggression Zone: A] It was logically impossible for a large-scale ability like this to last long.

I don’t know if Manaton was born with nonsense like Ethan, but…

If that were the case, he would already be receiving a jaw-dropping salary as an ace supporter in an overseas league.

“We’ve arrived, but we can’t get in from this side either. But hold on a little longer. I don’t think we’ll be able to use that kind of power for long.”

As soon as those words were spoken, [Mutual Non-Aggression Zone: A] was dismantled.


“Ha. Five people were wiped out before they could endure that one moment.”

Ryu Jae-jun, who happened to join next to him, clicked his tongue.


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